The Imperial Fields

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The Imperial Fields
No Waypoint
Area level58
BossesEffigy of Fear
Area type tagscity2
Tagsarea_with_water, einharsandleaper, crossroad_area, fields_area, has_road_area
ConnectionsThe Grain Gate
The Solaris Temple Level 1
Vaal Side AreasNeglected Cellar
Hidden Patch
The savagery of war stains both muck and mire.

The Imperial Fields is an area in Act 8. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Grain Gate and The Solaris Temple.


In the fields:

Outside of the Solaris temple:

Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Rain of ChaosRain of Chaos8Chaos OrbFire filled the sky that night
Chaos reigned
Where the shards fell
All was destroyed
-Jozen Kasigi, retelling an urban legend of the Cataclysm
The HarvesterThe Harvester11The HarvestTaste not of their
forbidden fruit.
Theirs is a harvest of
the darkest kind,
twisted, rotten and
damned for eternity.
The Scarred MeadowThe Scarred Meadow9Wake of DestructionThe earth offers nourishment, growth and healing. Unless, of course, the sky has other plans.23

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.