Oriath Square

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Oriath Square
No Waypoint
Area level42
BossesThe Matriarch
Area type tagscity1
Tagsarea_with_water, military_area
ConnectionsThe Control Blocks
The Templar Courts
Vaal Side AreasSealed Basement
Secluded Canal
What was once the heart of the city is now the heart of the battle.

Oriath Square is an area in Act 5. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Control Blocks and The Templar Courts.

The area consists of a grid of streets around a large plaza containing many Blackguards and strewn with defensive barricades. At its centre lies the remains of some trees surrounding a drained fountain. To the east lies a Hideout. North of the plaza is a river and the entrance to the Templar Courts.

After the player defeats High Templar Avarius, Oriath Square is replaced by The Ruined Square. In Act 10, The Ruined Square is replaced by The Ravaged Square.

Map of Oriath Square


Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

The Carrion CrowThe Carrion Crow4Life ArmourFrom death, life.
From life, death.
The wheel turns,
and the corbies wheel overhead.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.