The Ruined Square

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The Ruined Square
No Waypoint
Area level44
BossesUtula, Stone and Steel
The Risen Matriarch
Area type tagscity1
Tagsarea_with_water, fire_area, kitava_cultist_area
Utula: Cup your hands, children of Kitava.

Drink of the hot, sweet wine of Oriath. And let us stay ourselves from the feast no longer.

For our king is ravenous!
ConnectionsThe Torched Courts
The Ossuary
The Cathedral Rooftop
The Reliquary
Vaal Side AreasSealed Basement
Secluded Canal
Oriath's bleeding heart is the main course in a terrible feast.

The Ruined Square is an area in Act 5. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Torched Courts, The Reliquary, The Ossuary, and The Cathedral Rooftop.

Recent events have inflicted far greater chaos on the streets of Oriath compared to the Courts. While the landmarks and geography are similar to the unblemished Oriath Square, rubble has toppled off rooves and now lays blocking the streets. As a result, the section north of the river is linear. The Torched Courts exit still spawns on the top right side of the map, and leads to the waypoint, which spawns next to the Ossuary exit.

South of the river, the Square itself is in the grip of pandemonium. The barricade shirks have been knocked down and the barren fountain has been refilled, albeit with a far more sickly fluid than water. The Cathedral Rooftop exit spawns on the left side of the map up some steps, and the Reliquary exit spawns at the bottom of the map. However the prior southern waypoint and connection to the Control Blocks has been removed, blocked by corpses and human remains.

The hideout remains in its previous position within the street to the southeast off the square.

In Act 10, The Ruined Square is replaced by The Ravaged Square.

Map of the Ruined Square



Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

RebirthRebirth27Charan's SwordHe shattered Her smile
Scattered the fragments like ash
All she did was laugh
The StandoffThe Standoff3Rustic SashSometimes your greatest enemy is the only one keeping you breathing.23


Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.

ru:Разрушенная площадь