The Torched Courts (Act 5)

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The Torched Courts
No Waypoint
Area level44
BossesCato, Scholar of Light
Area type tagsbarracks
Tagsindoors_area, delve_chest, fire_area, kitava_cultist_area
ConnectionsThe Chamber of Innocence
The Ruined Square
Vaal Side AreasCremated Archives
Fuelled by blood and chaos, a dark inferno engulfs the halls of justice.

The Torched Courts is an area in Act 5. This area does not have a waypoint and is connected to The Chamber of Innocence and The Ruined Square.

The Torched Courts replaces The Templar Courts after the player defeats High Templar Avarius. The layout is practically identical; the exile reverses their course, heading counterclockwise through the winding offices and archives. Kitava's influence has immediately turned the location to riot and ruin and started a number of small fires.


Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

The StandoffThe Standoff3Rustic SashSometimes your greatest enemy is the only one keeping you breathing.23

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.