Brutus, Lord Incarcerator

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Brutus, Lord Incarcerator
Brutus, Lord Incarcerator
Brutus, Lord Incarcerator
Level(s) 9
Location(s) The Upper Prison
Quest(s) The Caged Brute
Resistance(s) Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Skill(s) Ground Slam
Chain Pull Attack
Spiked Ground

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator (also simply referred to as Brutus) is a unique monster in the Upper Prison in Act 1 and serves as the player's first real boss fight.

Defeating him is the objective of the quest The Caged Brute.

Several stronger monsters are based off of him, including Kole in The Lunaris Temple Level 1 (Act 3) and Reassembled Brutus in Act 6.


Brutus uses a few skills:

  • Chain HookChain HookAttack, AoE, Movement, Melee
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (5-8) Mana
    Attack Speed: 120% of base
    Attack Damage: (171-393)% of base
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (171-393)%
    Requires Level 12When used at range, throws out a chain, pulling you to the enemy hit dealing damage in an area behind them. When close to the enemy, just causes the area damage directly. Requires a One Handed Mace, Sceptre, Sword or Axe.+0.1 metres to Radius per 5 Rage
    Gain 2 Rage on Attack Hit

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Gain (0.05-1) Rage on Attack Hit
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    variant that pulls players towards him, applying a short duration bleed
  • Three repeated area of effect slams
  • A stunning slam that fires a delayed Ground SlamGround SlamAttack, AoE, Slam, Melee
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (6-11) Mana
    Attack Speed: 90% of base
    Attack Damage: (132-356)% of base
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (132-356)%
    AoE Radius: 35
    Slams the ground in front of you, creating a wave that travels forward and damages enemies with an increased chance to stun. The wave deals more damage to closer enemies. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
    +(0-1) metre to radius
    Deals up to (40-49)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Deals up to +(1-20)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Despite his size, Brutus is able to go through doorways, destroying part of the wall frame. Brutus maintains aggro from a long distance and can be kited all the way to the stairs to the Upper Prison; this can be used to abuse grace period after going in and out of the stairs which may be helpful for Ruthless mode or difficult races.



High above the crashing surf of Wraeclast, shrouded in the fog and ceaseless driving rain, stands an imposing structure. No one remembers who built it, and it is known among the island's inhabitants simply as "The Prison". Throughout the ages, as various tribes and societies have risen to power on Wraeclast, they have always locked their criminals deep inside The Prison's formidable stone walls. The ancient fortress keeps its prisoners and countless secrets locked far away. Sometimes, on cold, still nights, you can hear the tortured wailing of the doomed souls still trapped within its confines.

Every jail needs a warden, and The Prison is no exception. Though the job has been held by countless men over the ages, anyone living today can only recall one name: Brutus. He was the overseer of The Prison when Wraeclast's old men were just children, and he is the overseer to this day. Mothers get their children to behave by telling them that Brutus will come to see them. He is Wraeclast's Boogeyman.

Brutus ran The Prison with a legendary cruel streak. Under his stewardship, not a single soul escaped its soaring walls, and men were terrified at the prospect of a term inside. Alas, even great, terrible men cannot conquer the ravages of time, and as Brutus' years drew to a close, he became steadily more deranged and dangerous. He began to invite practitioners of dark, fel arts to The Prison to experiment on his captives, and eventually, in a desperate bid to extend his own waning life, he allowed them to experiment on him.

For days the halls of The Prison echoed with Brutus' awful shrieking, and when it was over, he was transformed into a hideous, hulking mutant. As the Necromancers crowded around to witness the results of their twisted endeavor, Brutus burst free from his bonds and descended on them with savagery. Their aged, frail bodies offered little resistance to his assault, and within moments the chamber was drenched in Necromancer blood. Brutus then tore through the entire level of the prison, leaving none alive in his merciless rampage.

When word of the slaughter reached the lower levels, the remaining guards made the only choice left to them. They barred the gates, locking the monster in the topmost level of The Prison. It did not take long for Brutus to realize he was trapped, and in his mad rage to escape, he pounded his mighty fists into a raw meaty pulp on the jail walls. So far, the gates have held, and Brutus remains sealed away, unable to inflict further carnage. Time has not diminished his anguish, and woe be unto anyone foolish enough to engage him in combat.


- Official Path of Exile website before the release of the closed beta (original webpage now offline)

There is additional lore regarding Brutus in the form of NPC dialogue and environmental lore:


Still the Karui barbarians advance upon us. Lioneye is dead, his legion slaughtered, along with every Eternal man, woman and child from Lioneye's Watch to the foot of our Axiom. Should the need arise we shall retreat through Prisoners Gate, raising my barricade behind us. Yet our salvation is at hand. Foul times demand heroic deeds, and through my arts our Lord Brutus will arise anew to defend us. May the dry sands quench their thirst with Karui blood when our mighty Warden delivers his judgement upon them.


- Shavronne's Journal

Based on the current in-game lore, undead Brutus is a creation of Shavronne.


3.15.0+ Brutus: Brutus now spawns in the area before the Warden's arena and can chase the player through the entire area.

1.2.0 to 3.14.3c Brutus: Brutus spawns in a rectangular arena and can use spike traps and skeletons.

Pre 1.2.0 Brutus:


Related items

  • Brothers in ArmsBrothers in ArmsTwo men, transformed into monsters, fight together to hold the gate.You will encounter Brutus and Kole deep in Axiom Prison, and slay them both.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.

Related unique items

ItemStatsFlavour text
Brutus' Lead SprinklerBrutus' Lead Sprinkler
Ritual Sceptre
Physical Damage: (34.8-40.8) to (91.2-97.2)
Critical Strike Chance: (9.10-9.80)%
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.44)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 28, 51 Str, 51 Int16% increased Elemental Damage20% increased Physical Damage
Adds (8-13) to (26-31) Physical Damage
30% increased Fire Damage
(15-20)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 4 to 7 Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength
"A sprinkle of liquid encouragement is often required
to garnish the perfect confession."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
16% increased Elemental Damage20% increased Physical Damage
Adds (8-13) to (26-31) Physical Damage
30% increased Fire Damage
(15-20)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 4 to 7 Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength
"A sprinkle of liquid encouragement is often required
to garnish the perfect confession."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
Shavronne's RevelationShavronne's Revelation
Moonstone Ring
Requires Level 30+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield+(60-75) to Intelligence
Right ring slot: You cannot Regenerate Mana
Right ring slot: Regenerate 6% of Energy Shield per second
Right ring slot: +250 to maximum Mana
Left ring slot: You cannot Recharge or Regenerate Energy Shield
Left ring slot: Regenerate 40 Mana per Second
Left ring slot: +250 to maximum Energy Shield
"Shavronne held Sanity in her right
hand and Revelation in her left.
Brutus chose the left hand."
- Kadavrus, Surgeon to the Umbra
+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield+(60-75) to Intelligence
Right ring slot: You cannot Regenerate Mana
Right ring slot: Regenerate 6% of Energy Shield per second
Right ring slot: +250 to maximum Mana
Left ring slot: You cannot Recharge or Regenerate Energy Shield
Left ring slot: Regenerate 40 Mana per Second
Left ring slot: +250 to maximum Energy Shield
"Shavronne held Sanity in her right
hand and Revelation in her left.
Brutus chose the left hand."
- Kadavrus, Surgeon to the Umbra
The Warden's BrandThe Warden's Brand
Iron Ring
Requires Level 30Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (5-15) to (25-50) Physical Damage to Attacks
30% reduced Attack Speed
15% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Stun an Enemy
"I don't always have a flame handy
when a fresh delinquent walks through our gates."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (5-15) to (25-50) Physical Damage to Attacks
30% reduced Attack Speed
15% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Stun an Enemy
"I don't always have a flame handy
when a fresh delinquent walks through our gates."
- Brutus, Warden of Axiom
Shavronne's PaceShavronne's Pace
Scholar Boots
Energy Shield: (46-60)Requires Level 32, 59 Int+(20-30) to Intelligence
(100-140)% increased Energy Shield
(150-200)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
15% increased Movement Speed
20% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life
Shavronne raced to Brutus' side,
her last hope against the Karui tide.
+(20-30) to Intelligence
(100-140)% increased Energy Shield
(150-200)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
15% increased Movement Speed
20% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life
Shavronne raced to Brutus' side,
her last hope against the Karui tide.

See also

Map Variants

  • Penitentiary Incarcerator - (Dungeon MapDungeon MapMap Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    Guild Character: 3
    A penitentiary for those who are not penitent
    is nothing more than an inn for the evil.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    ), can also cause skeletons to drop into the arena and use a spike trap skill, based on an older version of Brutus.
  • Bazur - (Tower MapTower MapMap Level: 73
    Map Tier: 6
    Guild Character: 0
    We ascend to great heights to commit low acts.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    ), based on the Reassembled Brutus fight
  • Maker of Mires - (Hallowed GroundHallowed Ground
    Cemetery Map
    Map Level: 71
    Map Tier: 4
    Guild Character: Ð
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Item Rarity: +100%
    Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
    Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
    0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 seconds
    +(-2-2) to Monster Level of Area
    Some dead have long envied the living.
    When given the chance, they take from us what they can.
    So we offer our suffrage.
    In return, they give only suffering.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.


Killing Brutus grants you an achievement:

Name Description
Mercy Killing
Kill Brutus, Warden of Axiom Prison.

Voice actor

Brutus is voiced by New Zealand actor, Damien Caine.

Version history

Brutus was previously known as "the Brute".

Version Changes
  • Fixed a bug where Brutus, Lord Incarcerator could sometimes get stuck on terrain in Upper Prison.
  • We have rebalanced various monsters found throughout Act One to make them more dangerous. Note, the balance changes made to Act One Bosses and monsters also apply to their Endgame Map versions.
  • Monster life has been increased by roughly 46% at level 1, tapering down to the same amount of life at level 84. Some bosses and monsters in Act 1, such as Hillock and Oozeback have had their life reduced to partially counteract this change.
  • Brutus has taken the time to renovate his arena.
  • Improved the early-game experience. Fights in the first three Acts will be tougher but more responsive, involved and dynamic. This includes fights against basic monsters!
  • The Brutus and Merveil boss fights have been redesigned. These changes also affect their end-game Map equivalents.
  • Brutus' hook now only pulls the target that he was aiming at.
  • Item drops from Merveil, Brutus, Vaal Oversoul, Piety and Dominus have been substantially increased in Cruel and Merciless difficulties.
  • Brutus and Kole have had their damage reduced.
  • Fixed a server crash that could occur when killing Brutus or Merveil.
  • The Merveil, Brutus and Vaal Oversoul fights now lock the door behind you for the duration of the fight, so that players aren't able to retreat to the linked area. Portals are still allowed.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when fighting Brutus.
  • Added a hook attack to Brutus.
  • Increased the experience that Brutus yields when killed.
  • Brutus now explodes shortly after being slain.
  • Increased the damage of Brutus' Ground Slam.
  • Increased the Life and damage of various bosses: Brutus, Merveil (both forms), the Deep Dweller (both forms) and the Hideous Abomination
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to Brutus spawning on other prison levels.
  • Brutus is now harder in the first difficulty, slightly harder in the others.
  • Made Brutus larger and harder.
  • Increased difficulty of the Brute.
  • Added sounds for the Brute.
  • Made the Brute's Upper Prison level smaller.
  • The Brute now drops better items.
  • Moved the Brute to its own special room.
  • Added the Brute to the final prison level.