List of abyss jewel corruption implicit modifiers

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List of corruption implicit modifiers that can spawn on abyss jewels.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
V2ArmourPenetrationAbyssalJewelCorrupted1Hits have (10-15)% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reductiondefault 1000
V2AvoidBleedAbyssalJewelCorrupted_1(20-25)% chance to Avoid Bleedingdefault 1000
V2AvoidChillAndFreezeAbyssalJewelCorrupted_1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Frozendefault 1000
V2AvoidIgniteAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Igniteddefault 1000
V2AvoidPoisonAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Poisoneddefault 1000
V2AvoidShockAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Shockeddefault 1000
V2AvoidStunAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Stunneddefault 1000
V2ColdPenetrationAbyssalJewelCorrupted1Damage Penetrates 1% Cold Resistancedefault 1000
V2CorruptedBloodImmunityAbyssalJewelCorrupted33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on youdefault 1000
V2ElementalPenetrationAbyssalJewelCorrupted_1Damage Penetrates 1% Elemental Resistancesdefault 1000
V2FirePenetrationAbyssalJewelCorrupted1Damage Penetrates 1% Fire Resistancedefault 1000
V2HinderImmunityAbyssalJewelCorrupted40You cannot be Hindereddefault 1000
V2IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(5-7)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailmentsdefault 1000
V2IncreasedAreaOfEffectAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(4-5)% increased Area of Effectdefault 1000
V2IncreasedCriticalStrikeChanceAbyssalJewelCorrupted1(8-10)% increased Global Critical Strike Chancedefault 1000
V2IncreasedDamageAbyssJewelCorrupted_1(4-5)% increased Damagedefault 1000
V2LightningPenetrationAbyssalJewelCorrupted1Damage Penetrates 1% Lightning Resistancedefault 1000
V2MaimImmunityCorrupted_40You cannot be Maimeddefault 1000
V2MinionDamageCorrupted__1Minions deal (4-5)% increased Damagedefault 1000
V2ReducedManaReservationCorruptedEfficiency_____12% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skillsdefault 1000
V2ReducedManaReservationCorrupted_12% increased Reservation Efficiency of SkillsN/A
V2SilenceImmunityJewelCorrupted__60You cannot be Cursed with Silencedefault 1000

Legacy mods

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See also

Version history

Version Changes
  • Added new corrupted implicits which can appear on items corrupted by Vaal OrbsVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again., bringing the total to approximately 176. Many of the old implicits were buffed or moved to different items, and some were disabled. Generally, corrupted implicits are now more powerful on average.
  • Introduced to the game.

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