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A variety of magic and rare strongboxes

Strongboxes are a special type of chest found throughout Wraeclast. When opened, a strongbox will release groups of monsters to surround and attack the character. Only once all of the ambushing monsters are slain will a strongbox relinquish its loot. The monsters released by a strongbox also drop loot and grant experience when killed.[1] Monsters not directly summoned by the strongbox, such as sand spitters emerging from shield crabs, or raised undead, do not need to be killed to unlock the strongbox.

This encounter is considered Extra Content and has a chance to appear in any map area or most story areas. The specific chance for strongboxes to spawn has never been officially published. This mechanic is also referred to as Ambush (derived from Ambush league).


Strongboxes come in different base types which determine the kinds of items that can normally be obtained from them.[2] Modifiers can further alter the loot contents, such as granting additional rare items or gems.

A test with a pool of 2218 strongboxes,[3] done via the Monstrous TreasureMonstrous TreasureIn a long lost dream, great foes hide in tiny boxes, but so do great rewards.You will travel to a map where the monsters lie in wait, open the boxes they guard, and slay them all.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character. prophecy in 2016, provided the following distribution. Note that these numbers may have changed. At the time of testing, Cartographer's Strongboxes were unable to spawn in Tier 13+ maps; however, as of version 3.13.0, Cartographer's Strongboxes are able to (rarely) appear in Tier 13+ maps.

Base Type Contents Count Spawn rate
Arcanist's Strongbox Currency that do not affect quality, The Heroic ShotThe Heroic Shot117x Chromatic OrbTry a thousand times, and eventually you'll have to give up. 96 4.3%
Armourer's Strongbox Armour, The BodyThe Body4Body ArmourThey say it is the head that leads, but all must flow through the body at some point., Divine JusticeDivine Justice1Grand Spectrum
Many sought the Goddess' blessing. Few survived the Labyrinth to receive it.
132 6%
Artisan's Strongbox The Master ArtisanThe Master Artisan520x Quality CurrencyPerfection is the standard, excellence will be handled on a case by case basis., currency that affect quality 155 6.9%
Blacksmith's Strongbox Weapons 125 5.7%
Cartographer's Strongbox Maps, The CartographerThe Cartographer110x Cartographer's ChiselMy son, you lost your way before you arrived.
To never lose you again,
I make a path in my heart.
, The DreamlandThe Dreamland8Poorjoy's AsylumAll dreams vanish when the dreamers wake.
Diviner's Strongbox Divination cards[a] 42 1.9%
Gemcutter's Strongbox Gems, The GemcutterThe Gemcutter3Gemcutter's PrismIn the hands of a master craftsman, a worthless pebble can adorn the crown of a king. 74 3.3%
Jeweller's Strongbox Amulets, rings, belts, jewels, HubrisHubris5Ring"This one? It is NOT for sale. You would sooner pry it from my lifeless hand."
- Jonfé Darontos, Ringmaker
167 7.5%
Large Strongbox Assorted items (increased quantity) 104 4.7%
Ornate Strongbox Assorted items (increased rarity) 62 2.8%
Strongbox Assorted items 1247 56.3%
Unique Special 14 0.6%

Vaal Vessels found in vaal side areas are considered chests, not strongboxes. Special versions of Vaal Vessels, such as Atziri's Vessel (Vaults of AtziriVaults of Atziri
Vaal Pyramid Map
Map Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: g
Chests have (2500-3500)% increased Item Rarity
Area contains no monsters
Chest drop scaling is disabled. (Hidden)
Found Items have (20-40)% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
) and Vaal Vessels spawned from Vaal Temple MapVaal Temple MapMap Level: 83
Map Tier: 16
Guild Character: >
Area contains 10 additional guarded Vaal VesselsVoices. Visions. Violence.
They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
's implicit modifier are considered strongboxes, however, and benefit from modifiers to strongboxes.

Other Strongboxes

  • The Upper Prison in Act 1 contains a Chemist's Strongbox, which contains flasks. This Strongbox is not found anywhere else in the game.
  • Vaal Vessels are innately corrupted and Rare and contain a Vaal side area boss. They can contain Vaal skill gems, corrupted jewels, double corrupted Uniques, corrupted maps, Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.s, and Remnant of CorruptionRemnant of CorruptionStack Size: 9Corrupts the Essences trapping a monster, modifying them unpredictably
    Right click this item then left click a monster trapped by Essences to corrupt them. Corrupted Essences cannot be modified again.
    s. Vaal Vessels can be found in the following:
    • Vaal Temple MapVaal Temple MapMap Level: 83
      Map Tier: 16
      Guild Character: >
      Area contains 10 additional guarded Vaal VesselsVoices. Visions. Violence.
      They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.
      Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
      has an implicit modifier that adds 10 Vaal Vessels to the map.
    • Exquisite Vaal Vessels can be found in maps with the Area contains an additional guarded Exquisite Vaal Vessel corrupted implicit or Valdo's Puzzle BoxValdo's Puzzle BoxStack Size: 10Contains a Mysterious Map with a Foil Unique RewardI can find no method of destroying the dangerous contents within...
      perhaps, someday, you will find a way.
      Right click to open.
      maps with the Area contains 10 additional guarded Exquisite Vaal Vessels explicit mod; these can roll prefixes that cast a random Vaal skill when opened.


Like items and monsters, strongboxes come in different rarities with various modifiers. Non-normal rarity strongboxes inherently have increased item quantity and item rarity bonuses based on the strongbox's rarity, irrespective of the specific bonuses granted by modifiers.[4] Unidentified strongboxes can be revealed using a Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. to show its modifiers. It is also possible to craft strongboxes using currency items. Corrupting a strongbox with a Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again. will corrupt some of the loot's contents.[5]

Like chests, increased Item Quantity from gear do not affect the number of items dropped from a strongbox. However, Item Quantity bonuses from area modifiers and the number of players in a party do increase the number of items dropped from most strongboxes.[6] Diviner's and Cartographer's Strongboxes do not drop extra items for additional party members, however.


Prefixes can make the encounter more dangerous by releasing additional monsters or triggering certain spells. Note that area modifiers that affect monsters (such as of Giants - 15% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area, 8% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area, Monsters have 70% increased Area of Effect (Suffix)) apply to skills used by strongboxes, making modifiers like FrigidFrigid
Casts Ice Nova
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
or PutrifyingPutrifying
Detonates nearby corpses
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
are deadly if underprepared.[7] Some prefixes add a warning sound to a strongbox as well.

Vaalsmithed prefixes can only be found in Valdo's mapsValdo's Puzzle BoxStack Size: 10Contains a Mysterious Map with a Foil Unique RewardI can find no method of destroying the dangerous contents within...
perhaps, someday, you will find a way.
Right click to open.
that contain "Exquisite Vaal Vessels"; these modifiers cannot be encountered elsewhere.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.Stats
Arctic8Freezes you when activated
Contaminated8Spreads Caustic Ground
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Contested12Guarded by a Rogue Exile
Frigid1Casts Ice Nova
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Incandescent1Ignites you when activated
Intimidating10Guarded by a pack of Magic Monsters
Items will not drop until all Bloodline Daemons are killed. (Hidden)
Menacing35Guarded by 3 Rare Monsters
Items will not drop until all Bloodline Daemons are killed. (Hidden)
Ossified2Summons Skeletons
Items will not drop until all Bloodline Daemons are killed. (Hidden)
Putrifying4Detonates nearby corpses
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Rallying35Guarded by a stream of Monsters
Reaper's1Revives nearby dead Monsters with Onslaught
Scorched10Casts Firestorm
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vaalsmithed1Triggers Vaal Caustic Arrow
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vaalsmithed1Triggers Vaal Firestorm
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vaalsmithed1Triggers Vaal Flameblast
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vaalsmithed1Triggers Vaal Volcanic Fissure
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vaalsmithed1Triggers Vaal Spectral Throw
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vaalsmithed1Triggers Vaal Spark
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Vibrating25Casts Lightning Storm
Chest plays warning sound (Hidden)
Whispering15Casts a random Hex Curse Spell when activated


For a datamined list of suffixes, see List of strongbox suffix mods.

Suffixes can improve dropped rewards, such as granting additional items or increasing the number of sockets found on items. Certain modifiers can only be found on specific types of strongboxes.

Suffix Lvl. Effect Strongbox, Large Strongbox, Ornate Strongbox, Armourer's Strongbox, Blacksmith's Strongbox Jeweller's Strongbox Arcanist's Strongbox, Artisan's Strongbox Gemcutter's Strongbox Cartographer's Strongbox Diviner's Strongbox
of Abundance 1 Contains (3 to 8) additional Items (1) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
of Affluence 8 Contains (1 to 3) additional Rare Items (2) Yes Yes No No Yes No
of Ascendance 1 +1 Chest level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
of Augmentation 12 Only contains Support Gems No No No Yes No No
of Bounty 1 (30 to 60)% increased Quantity of Contained Items (3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
of Complexity 20 Contained Items have (1 to 2) additional Sockets Yes No No No No No
of Corruption 1 Contains an extra Vaal Gem No No No Yes No No
of Curiosities 4 Contains (1 to 5) additional Magic Items (4) Yes Yes No No Yes No
of Facets 40 Contained Gems have Experience No No No Yes No No
of Kalandra 40 Contains Mirrored Items Yes Yes No No No No
of Quality 1 Contained Items have (1 to 20)% Quality Yes No No Yes Yes No
of Singularity 45 Contains an additional Unique Item Yes Yes No No Yes No
of Treasures 4 (100 to 250)% more Rarity of Contained Items Yes Yes No No Yes No
of Unity 40 Contained Items are fully Linked Yes No No No No No
of Wisdom 1 Contains Identified Items Yes Yes No No Yes No
of the Vaal 1 Contains additional Divination Cards that give Corrupted Items No No No No No Yes
of Reward 1 Contains additional Divination Cards that give Currency No No No No No Yes
of Renown 1 Contains additional Divination Cards that give Unique Items No No No No No Yes
of Scarabs 1 Contains (1-3) additional (type) Scarabs Yes No No No No No

(1) Contains (1 to 2) additional Items on Cartographer's Strongboxes
(2) Contains 1 additional Rare Item on Cartographer's Strongboxes
(3) (30 to 40)% increased Quantity of Contained Items on Cartographer's Strongboxes
(4) Contains 1 additional Magic Item on Cartographer's Strongboxes

Contained Items are fully Linked and Contained Items have (1 to 2) additional Sockets cannot roll together on the same strongbox.[8]

Contains (1-3) additional (type) Scarabs only rolls on regular, Large, and Ornate Strongboxes, and cannot be rolled in Ruthless mode.[9]

Unique strongboxes

Like most other unique items, it is possible to craft a unique strongbox using an Orb of ChanceOrb of ChanceStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a random rarityRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it. on a normal strongbox with the corresponding base type.

Name Type
Ashes of the Condemned Strongbox
Brinerot Cache Strongbox
Mutewind Cache Strongbox
Redblade Cache Strongbox
Renegades Cache Strongbox
Strange Barrel Strongbox
Weylam's War Chest Arcanist's Strongbox
Kaom's Cache Armourer's Strongbox
Deshret's Storm Blacksmith's Strongbox
Empyrean Apparatus Cartographer's Strongbox
The Maelström Cell Diviner's Strongbox
Perandus Bank Jeweller's Strongbox

Unique Map-only strongboxes

There are also unique strongboxes that can only be found at the end of certain unique maps.

Vaults of Atziri

  • Atziri's Vessel: Contains 8 Sacrifice Map Fragments and/or Vaal Skill Gems.

Oba's Cursed Trove

Hall of Grandmasters


  • It is not generally recommended to spend currency crafting on strongboxes with a few exceptions of Diviners, Cartographers, and Arcanists modifiers.[10]


Related items

Engineer's OrbEngineer's OrbStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a StrongboxRight click this item then left click a Strongbox to apply it. Has greater effect on lower rarity Strongboxes. The maximum quality is 20%.Improves the quality of a Strongbox

Related Atlas passive skills

Arcanist's Strongbox Chance
Strongboxes in your Maps have 30% increased chance to be an Arcanist's Strongbox [1] [2]
Cartographer's Strongbox Chance
Strongboxes in your Maps have 30% increased chance to be a Cartographer's Strongbox [1] [2]
Diviner's Strongbox Chance
Strongboxes in your Maps have 30% increased chance to be a Diviner's Strongbox [1] [2]
Strongbox Additional Pack Chance
Strongboxes in your Maps have 15% chance to be guarded by an additional Pack of Monsters [1] [2] [3] [4]
Strongbox Chance to be Reopenable
Strongboxes opened in your Maps have 2% chance to be openable again [1] [2] [3]
Strongbox Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items contained in Strongboxes in your Maps [1]
Backup Cache
Currency Items from Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated [1]
Concealed Logistics
Maps from Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated [1]
Secret Compartments
Strongboxes opened in your Maps have 10% chance to be openable again [1]
Strongboxes in your Maps are at least Rare
Strongboxes in your Maps are Corrupted [1]
Twice Tempted
Your Maps contain an additional Strongbox [1]
Vault of Mysteries
Divination Cards from Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated [1]

Related scarabs

Ambush ScarabAmbush ScarabStack Size: 20
Limit: 3
Area contains 5 additional StrongboxesIs it still an ambush if you're expecting it?Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
3Area contains 5 additional Strongboxes
Ambush Scarab of ContainmentAmbush Scarab of ContainmentStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Area contains many additional Strongboxes
Area's inhabitants are lying in ambush
The silence belies lurking doom.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
1Area contains many additional Strongboxes
Area's inhabitants are lying in ambush
Ambush Scarab of DiscernmentAmbush Scarab of DiscernmentStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
Strongboxes in Area are more likely to be rarer varietiesA keen eye sorts the worthy from the chaff.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
1Strongboxes in Area are more likely to be rarer varieties
Ambush Scarab of Hidden CompartmentsAmbush Scarab of Hidden CompartmentsStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
15% Chance for Strongboxes in Area to be openable againBeneath the obvious lies the real treasure...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
115% Chance for Strongboxes in Area to be openable again
Ambush Scarab of PotencyAmbush Scarab of PotencyStack Size: 20
Limit: 1
75% Increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in AreaThe locksmith dreams of building a better box.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
175% Increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in Area

Version history

Version Changes
  • Fixed a bug where Operative's Strongboxes could still be found in Alva's MemoryAlva's MemoryUnmodifiableRight-click on this, then left click on a completed Map on your Atlas to apply this Memory. of Cascading Fortunes.
  • Added minimap icons for Strongboxes.
  • Stacked Decks, Diviner's Strongboxes, and Divination Cards obtained as rewards from various content can no longer drop Divination Cards for Boss-exclusive Items.
  • Added a set of modifiers that cause Strongboxes to contain additional Scarabs of a particular type. These modifiers can be found on Strongboxes, Ornate Strongboxes and Large Strongboxes. These modifiers cannot appear in Ruthless.
  • Strongbox modifiers that provide +2-3 and +4-5 Chest Level can no longer roll.
  • Mutewind, Brinerot, Redblade and Renegades Cache Unique Strongboxes now have +1 Chest Level (previously +3-5).
  • Operative's Strongboxes can no longer drop Polished Scarabs in White Maps, or Gilded and Winged Scarabs in White or Yellow Maps.
  • Cartographer's Strongboxes can now rarely appear in Tier 13 and higher maps.
  • Diviner's Strongboxes no longer drop extra items for additional party members in the area.
  • Removed the mod "Contains additional Divination Cards from the current Area" from the Diviner's Strongbox.
  • Added a new type of Strongbox: Diviner's Strongbox.
  • Jeweller's Strongboxes can now drop Jewels.
  • Fixed a bug where chests and strongboxes were not spawning in The Apex of Sacrifice and The Alluring Abyss.
  • Strange Barrel has been added.
  • The chance of finding a strongbox has been decreased.
  • The chance of a finding a unique strongbox has been greatly increased.
  • Chemist's Strongboxes can no longer spawn.
  • Quantity Mod Bonuses on Strongboxes are now 30-40% (down from 50-60%)
  • The Additional Magic Items mod on Cartographer's Strongboxes is now always 1 (instead of 1-2).
  • The Additional Normal Items mod on Cartographer's Strongboxes is now 1-2 (instead of 2-3).
  • Cartographer's Strongboxes can no longer mirror items.
  • Cartographer's Strongboxes have become less frequent as you progress up the map tiers. They have not been added to the new level 80+ maps.
  • Strongboxes now spawn packs of monsters in quick succession, instead of all at once.
  • Fixed a bug where exploding Strongboxes would not explode correctly.
  • We have rebalanced Cartographer's Strongboxes. These chests were incorrectly double-dipping on map bonuses and party bonuses. The number of people in your party no longer increases map drops from these chests. We have also reduced how often they appear, but have significantly boosted their drops. Solo players will notice a substantial boost to drops from these Strongboxes, while parties will no longer receive too many maps.
  • Strongboxes can now spawn in all leagues, starting from the Submerged Passage in Normal difficulty. The weightings of each Strongbox type has been adjusted with ordinary Strongboxes being much more common than other variants. Mods for these Strongboxes have been adjusted. Cartographer's Boxes now have lower values of some Strongbox mods.
  • We have increased the spawn speed of the Stream of Monsters mod on ambush chests.
  • Added three new unique chests that can appear in the Ambush league.
  • Fixed a bug where the Strongbox mod that drops additional magic or rare items would have no effect on Maps.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause monsters spawned by the Strongbox stream-of-monsters mod to behave strangely.
  • Fixed a bug where Jeweller's Orb would not prevent you rerolling an item that had more sockets than it naturally could have at that itemlevel, due to dropping from a Strongbox with the increased sockets mod.
  • Fixed a bug where the Strongbox mod that dropped additional magic or rare items would not always drop the correct number.
  • Fixed a bug where some mod restrictions on Strongboxes would not work (for example, quality mods could erroneously spawn on Jeweler's Strongboxes).
  • Fixed some cases where atypically few or many Strongboxes could spawn in some areas.
  • Reduced the number of Maps dropped from Cartographer's Strongboxes.
  • Made further improvements to the spawning of Strongboxes in narrow areas like caves.
  • Halved the spawn rate of Gemcutter's Strongboxes in the Ambush league.
  • Monsters and Rogue Exiles spawned by Strongboxes in the Ambush league now drop items and grant experience when killed.
  • Fixed several of the cases where Strongboxes could block physical passage through a level.
  • Strongboxes have been introduced along with the Ambush League.


  1. A Diviner's Strongbox cannot drop divination cards that can be exchanged for items that only drop from bosses.


  1. Chris (March 6, 2014). "1.1.0c Patch Notes (hotfix)". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved March 7, 2014.
  2. harrytrumanprimate (March 9, 2014). "Strategies for Strongboxes [Discussion][Ambush]". Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved April 4, 2014.
  3. Isarill (November 17, 2016). "Strongbox Data from 60 Monstrous Treasure runs". Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved November 17, 2016.
  4. Mark (June 9, 2016). "Mechanical Question Thread". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved June 9, 2016.
  5. Seerix (March 6, 2014). "[Ambush] Vaal Orb on strongboxes will corrupt all items inside". Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved April 4, 2014.
  6. jddogg (March 10, 2014). "[1MHC] Path of Cartographers...". Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved March 10, 2014.
  7. Mark_GGG (May 18, 2017). "Mechanical Questions Thread". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved June 12, 2017.
  8. Mark_GGG (June 10, 2016). "Mechanical Questions Thread". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  9. Version 3.24.0
  10. Furty (September 7, 2019). "Guide to Strongboxes in Path of Exile (Blight 3.8)". PoE Vault.

External links