List of jewel corruption implicit modifiers

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For jewel implicit from harvest crafting, see List of jewel implicit mods.

List of corruption implicit modifiers that can spawn on Jewels (base jewel, timeless jewel and cluster jewel). Modifiers from the same group can not spawn together.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
V2IncreasedAreaOfEffectCorrupted1(4-5)% increased Area of Effectjewel 1000
V2ArmourPenetrationJewelCorrupted1Overwhelm 2% Physical Damage Reductionjewel 1000
V2MaimImmunityCorrupted40You cannot be Maimedjewel 1000
V2ChillEffectOnYouJewelCorrupted1(25-20)% reduced Effect of Chill on youjewel 1000
V2ColdPenetrationJewelCorrupted1Damage Penetrates 1% Cold Resistancejewel 1000
V2CorruptedBloodImmunityCorrupted33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on youjewel 1000
V2IncreasedCriticalStrikeChanceCorrupted_1(8-10)% increased Global Critical Strike Chancejewel 1000
V2ElementalPenetrationJewelCorrupted_1Damage Penetrates 1% Elemental Resistancesjewel 1000
V2FirePenetrationJewelCorrupted1Damage Penetrates 1% Fire Resistancejewel 1000
V2IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesCorrupted1(5-7)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailmentsjewel 1000
V2IncreasedDamageJewelCorrupted___1(4-5)% increased Damagejewel 1000
V2LightningPenetrationJewelCorrupted__1Damage Penetrates 1% Lightning Resistancejewel 1000
V2MinionDamageCorrupted1Minions deal (4-5)% increased Damagejewel 1000
V2SilenceImmunityJewelCorrupted60You cannot be Cursed with Silencejewel 1000
V2BleedDurationOnYouJewelCorrupted1(25-20)% reduced Bleed Duration on youjewel 1000
V2CurseEffectOnYouJewelCorrupted1(25-20)% reduced Effect of Curses on youjewel 1000
V2ReducedManaReservationCorruptedEfficiency__12% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skillsjewel 1000
V2PoisonDurationOnYouJewelCorrupted1(25-20)% reduced Poison Duration on youjewel 1000
V2IgniteDurationOnYouJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% reduced Ignite Duration on youjewel 1000
V2ShockEffectOnYouJewelCorrupted1(25-20)% reduced Effect of Shock on youjewel 1000
V2HinderImmunityCorrupted40You cannot be Hinderedjewel 1000

Legacy mods

The lists below displays jewel corruption implicit modifiers where all spawn weights have been set to zero.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.Stats
AddedChaosDamageJewelCorrupted1Adds 1 to (2-3) Chaos Damage to Attacks
ChanceToBeCritJewelCorrupted1Hits have (60-100)% increased Critical Strike Chance against you
ChaosDamagePerCorruptedItemJewelCorrupted11% increased Chaos Damage for each Corrupted Item Equipped
ChaosResistJewelCorrupted1+(1-3)% to Chaos Resistance
DamageWhileDeadJewelCorrupted1(20-30)% increased Damage while Dead
IncreasedChargeDurationJewelCorrupted_1(3-7)% increased Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration
LifeLeechRatePerCorruptedItemJewelCorrupted11% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech for each Corrupted Item Equipped
ManaLeechRatePerCorruptedItemJewelCorrupted11% increased total Recovery per second from Mana Leech for each Corrupted Item Equipped
ReducedCharacterSizeJewelCorrupted11% reduced Character Size
ReducedChillDurationJewelCorrupted1(3-5)% reduced Chill Duration on you
ReducedFreezeDurationJewelCorrupted1(3-5)% reduced Freeze Duration on you
ReducedIgniteDurationJewelCorrupted1(3-5)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
ReducedShockDurationJewelCorrupted1(3-5)% reduced Shock Duration on you
SilenceImmunityJewelCorrupted1You cannot be Cursed with Silence
V2ReducedManaReservationCorrupted12% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills
VaalSkillDamageJewelCorrupted1(5-10)% increased Damage with Vaal Skills
V2AvoidIgniteJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Ignited
V2AvoidChillAndFreezeJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Chilled
(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Frozen
V2AvoidPoisonJewelCorrupted1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
V2AvoidShockJewelCorrupted_1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Shocked
V2AvoidBleedJewelCorrupted__1(20-25)% chance to Avoid Bleeding
V2AvoidStunJewelCorrupted_1(20-25)% chance to Avoid being Stunned

Note: 2% increased Reservation Efficiency of SkillsV2ReducedManaReservationCorrupted
2% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills
no longer be obtained just due to the reservation rework in version 3.16.0; it is replaced by another mod with different backend code, but same mod text

See also

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Corruption Jewel implicit modifier that previously provided 2% Overwhelm now provides 10-15% chance for Hits to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction.
  • Chance to Avoid being Ignited, Chilled, Frozen, Shocked, Poisoned, Bleeding and Stunned Jewel Corruption modifiers can no longer roll. These have been replaced with the following Jewel Corruption modifiers:
    • 20-25% reduced Ignite Duration on you.
    • 20-25% reduced Effect of Chill on you.
    • 20-25% reduced Effect of Shock on you.
    • 20-25% reduced Poison Duration on you.
    • 20-25% reduced Bleed Duration on you.
    • 20-25% reduced Effect of Curses on you.
  • The mod "Enemies have -2% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits" is rewording as "Overwhelm 2% Physical Damage Reduction", affects all items. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Corrupting jewels can now grant "Enemies have -2% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits" as an implicit.
  • Added new corrupted implicits which can appear on items corrupted by Vaal OrbsVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again., bringing the total to approximately 176. Many of the old implicits were buffed or moved to different items, and some were disabled. Generally, corrupted implicits are now more powerful on average.
  • Introduced to the game.

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