Drop rate

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Drop rate describes the chance a certain source will produce items, most commonly killed monsters.


The most basic way of acquiring loot is to kill monsters. Monsters' base drop rate is currently unknown, but from testing in Kalandra and Sanctum league, normal rarity monsters are estimated to have an 8% chance of dropping any item.[1]

Base drop rate can be modified by four multiplicative factors: the player, the area, the party, and the monster. Each category has its own item quantity modifiers. For example:

  • Player/skill: legacy equipment (e.g. GoldwyrmGoldwyrm
    Nubuck Boots
    Evasion: (113-126)Requires Level 34, 62 Dex60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    (20-40)% increased Rarity of Items found
    +(40-50)% to Fire Resistance
    10% increased Movement Speed
    The wyrm draws warmth from the fires of desire.
    , Ventor's GambleVentor's Gamble
    Gold Ring
    Requires Level 65(6-15)% increased Rarity of Items found+(0-60) to maximum Life
    (-40-40)% increased Rarity of Items found
    +(-25-50)% to Fire Resistance
    +(-25-50)% to Cold Resistance
    +(-25-50)% to Lightning Resistance
    (-15-15)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
    In a blaze of glory,
    An anomaly defying all odds
    The "unkillable" beast met the divine
    And Ventor met his latest trophy.
    ), Item Quantity SupportItem Quantity SupportSupport
    Icon: Q
    Level: (1-20)
    Requires Level 24Supports any skill that can kill enemies.(17-36)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.35-7)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , Horned Scarab of GlitteringHorned Scarab of GlitteringStack Size: 20
    Limit: 1
    Players in Area gain increased Item Rarity and Item Quantity for each Monster slain recently, up to 200% and 100% respectivelyWealth flows to those that shine brightest.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
    , Covetous Shrine (on players), some Tempests (on players), Gambler's Greed, Hunters' Cunning, Alva's Gift, Trinkets and Rogue's brooches while in Heists, Whakawairua TuahuWhakawairua Tuahu
    Strand Map
    Map Level: 70
    Map Tier: 3
    Guild Character: È
    Item Quantity: +(40-60)%
    Item Rarity: +(120-160)%
    Area contains many Totems
    Curses have 50% reduced effect on Monsters
    We all began life in darkness, we shall all end it there.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Area: map explicits, corrupted map implicits, map quality, map device crafts, map fragments, unidentified (non-unique) map bonus, Eldritch Altars, Blighted map anointments, Incursion room bonuses, some Atlas passives.
  • Partying: incremental bonus for each additional party member.
  • Monster: monster rarity, monster modifiers,[2] League association,[3] Expedition remnants, Sulphite Scarab of FumesSulphite Scarab of FumesStack Size: 20
    Limit: 1
    Sulphite found in Map Area releases Enraging Fumes
    Monsters affected by Enraging Fumes have 50% increased Item Quantity
    Sulphite in your maps is guarded by Monsters from the Azurite Mine
    When the land itself is sick, even the very ground rots and spills forth.Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
    , Covetous Shrine (on monsters), some Tempests (on monsters), Delirium, Tormented Spirits, Wildwood Wisps, some Atlas passives.

Within each category, increases and reductions are additive, more and less modifiers are multiplicative. Between categories, quantity stats are effectively multiplicative; the final value of each category is its own drop rate multiplier.

  • The player/skill category has diminishing returns; its actual drop rate multiplier is smaller than the sum of its quantity modifiers.[4] For example, a character equipped with items totalling 50% increased Quantity of Items found might receive only a 1.35x multiplier (not 1.5x), and another character with 200% increased Quantity of Items found might receive only a 1.77x multiplier (not 3.0x).[5]

As monsters can drop multiple items, drop rate has no known maximum. If a monster's chance to drop an item is scaled beyond 100%, it gains a chance of dropping a second item.[6][7] Note this is not necessarily observable from an average pile of loot: the game culls a percentage of normal and magic equipment that would realistically never be looted,[3] and common currency items may be deferred to drop in a larger stack later.[8] Additional hidden mechanics may exist.

It should be noted that quantity is not the sole factor in overall item acquisition. The number of monsters (modifiable through e.g. map pack size) is a multiplier for natural drops and several mechanics, item rarity may have an effect on the number of dropped items through monster reward modifiers, and many Atlas passives grant non-standard drop rate modifiers to specific item types.

Item types and their interaction with quantity modifiers

Natural drops (excluding maps) are affected by all four quantity categories. Non-natural drops may ignore some categories, ignore all of them, or interact with quantity modifiers or party size in alternative ways. The table below describes these interactions, based on ingame testing, patch notes, manifestos, and developer comments. It is not complete, and it is possible that subtler effects remain undiscovered.

Item type Player quantity[a] Area quantity Party quantity Monster quantity Area level/map tier[b] and other factors
Natural drops (non-Map)[c]
Natural maps, Scarabs, Chisels, and Orbs of Horizons[9] [10][d] [11] [12] ?
Enemy/boss-specific drops[e] [f]
Atlas Memories [13] ? ? T11+ maps, likely limited to natural map monsters
Crescent Splinters from Maven Invitations N/A
Chest objects (e.g. Trunk, Barrel, Strongboxes)[g] [14] [15] [15] N/A[h]
Diviner's Strongbox[g] [16] N/A[h]
Cartographer's Strongbox[g] [17] N/A[h]
League rewards (e.g. Legion chests, Delirium stacks, Ritual Favours) [i] N/A
Tainted Currency from Beyond Bosses ? ?
Tainted Currency from non-Boss Beyond Demons ? ? ?
Essences [18] Shrieking Essences require T6+
Breach Rings ? ? ?
Breach Splinters [19] ?
Harbinger Currency Shards[j] [20] [21] ?
Captured Beasts [22] Certain beasts require a minimum map tier
Delve Voltaxic Sulphite[k] [l] N/A Scales with map tier
Veiled items from Syndicate members ? ?
Legion Splinters ? ?
Simulacrum splinters from Delirium encounters[23] ? Drop chance scales with map tier, Deliriousness.
Harvest Lifeforce [24] [m][25][26] ? Chance of higher tier plants scales with map tier (including with Crop Rotation)
Sacred Blossom ? [27] ?
Expedition Logbooks ? ?
Expedition Vendor Refresh Currency ? ?
Expedition Artifacts [27] [n] ?
Ultimatum Catalyst rewards [28] N/A[o] N/A
Ultimatum non-Catalyst rewards N/A[o] N/A
Sanctum Relics ? ? ? ?
Loot from monsters captured by your Einhar [29]
Loot from monsters killed by your Blight Towers
Loot from monsters killed by your Heist Rogues
Fishing Rods from Fairgraves' TricorneFairgraves' Tricorne
Evasion: (90-117)Requires Level 12, 27 DexAdds 15 to 25 Cold Damage to Attacks
70% increased Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
Cannot be Shocked
You can be Touched by Tormented Spirits
Fairgraves' trusty tricorne accompanied him far across
the seas, deep under the ground, and even beyond death.
Unique Monster kills


  1. Typically tested with 100% reduced Quantity of Items found (e.g. 10x CombustiblesCombustibles
    Crimson Jewel
    10% reduced Quantity of Items found
    (20-30)% increased Burning Damage
    CorruptedThe hotter something burns, the less is left at the end.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  2. Effects other than basic item level and drop level requirements.
  3. Natural drops include: Equipment, basic Currency, Gems, Flasks, Jewels, Divination Cards, Forbidden Tomes, Heist Contracts and Blueprints, Heist Rogue's equipment, Rogue's MarkerRogue's MarkerStack Size: 50000Creates a portal to the Rogue Harbour from a Town or Hideout
    Used as Currency for services in the Rogue Harbour
    Right click on this item while in a Town or Hideout to use it.
    s, Voidborn Reliquary KeyVoidborn Reliquary KeyAn heirloom of the champions of Wraeclast
    Lies forgotten in an abandoned reliquary
    Born of a starry void from which time cannot escape
    s, Kirac Scouting Reports. Items in these categories may also occur as non-natural drops. Maps, Scarabs, Chisels, and Orbs of Horizons are technically natural drops, but have special handling.
  4. Maps are unaffected by increases to player quantity, but are affected by reductions.
  5. Examples of enemy-specific loot include typical boss uniques, The RealmThe Realm5Portal
    Quality: +1-20%
    If you wish to rush into strange places, be prepared to face strange things.
    from Breach monsters, the full set of equipment from a Rogue Exile, etc.
  6. Area quantity may affect boss drops through modifiers such as those found on Conqueror maps or Invitations. Exceptions also exist for specific uniques, such as Forbidden FleshForbidden Flesh
    Cobalt Jewel
    Limited to: 1Requires Class <Random Character Class>Allocates <Random Ascendancy Notable> if you have the matching modifier on Forbidden FlameCorruptedThe bodies of those wholly subsumed by the Tangle
    continue to merge and mutate and cry out for release...
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
    and Forbidden FlameForbidden Flame
    Crimson Jewel
    Limited to: 1Requires Class <Random Character Class>Allocates <Random Ascendancy Notable> if you have the matching modifier on Forbidden FleshCorruptedThe minds of those studied utterly by the Cleansing Fire
    continue to think and dream and beg for silence...
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
    , and signature uniques from The Black Star and The Infinite Hunger.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Applicable quantity factors only apply to 'natural' contained items, not additional drops caused by e.g. strongbox suffixes or inherently by some chest types (like Vaal Vessels).
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Chests can have quantity bonuses, analogous to 'monster' quantity in that both are object-specific and multiplicative with area quantity. Bonuses can be visible (#% increased Quantity of Contained Items) or hidden (tied to chest rarity and type).
  9. Area quantity may affect rewards through specific modifiers, such as Map's Item Quantity Modifiers also affect Blight Chest count at % value found on Blighted maps.
  10. Regular Harbinger encounters, not Kirac's Memory of Survivor's Guiltof Survivor's Guilt
    Players in Areas take on the form of Harbingers
    Items found in Areas are replaced by stacks of Currency Shards
    ; shards in this memory do scale with relevant quantities.
  11. Voltaxic Sulphite may be handled as a chest object. Quantity factors likely do not affect drop of Society's RemorseSociety's Remorse110x Orb of AlterationWe live to dream of worlds we aren't in,
    a false narrative that we use to fill our souls
    with doubt;
    The world is already beautiful,
    there's no need to dream.
  12. Players that join the instance after the Sulphite Vein has been encountered will not scale the total.
  13. Increased area quantity applies to lifeforce at 50% of its value.
  14. Artifacts are divided between participants, the total amount is not scaled.
  15. 15.0 15.1 While not directly modified by partying, Ultimatum grants each individual party member their own set of rewards.

Drop rate penalty

A drop rate penalty exists for currency and divination cards[30] in areas more than two levels below your character. Each additional level beyond area level +2 reduces the drop rate of these items by 2.5%.[31]


For the purposes of this penalty, your character level is never considered to be higher than 68;[32] a level 75 character receives no penalty in a level 66 area. Drop rate is unaffected in areas with a higher level than your character.


Using equation 1, if you are level 30 in a level 20 area you will see 20% less currency and Divination card item drops on average:

A level 30 character in a level 28 area will see no drop penalty:

A level 68+ character will be unable to drop currency or divination cards in areas lower than area level 27.

Items with player quantity modifiers


Legacy versions of Ventor's GambleVentor's Gamble
Gold Ring
Requires Level 65(6-15)% increased Rarity of Items found+(0-60) to maximum Life
(-40-40)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(-25-50)% to Fire Resistance
+(-25-50)% to Cold Resistance
+(-25-50)% to Lightning Resistance
(-15-15)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
In a blaze of glory,
An anomaly defying all odds
The "unkillable" beast met the divine
And Ventor met his latest trophy.
, The PariahThe Pariah
Unset Ring
Requires Level 5Has 1 Socket+2 to Level of Socketed Gems
(5-10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
+100 to Maximum Life per Red Socket
+100 to Maximum Mana per Green Socket
+100 to Maximum Energy Shield per Blue Socket
60% increased Rarity of Items found per White Socket
A man who changes his loyalties often,
soon finds he has none.
, Thief's TormentThief's Torment
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances(20-30)% increased Rarity of Items Found
Can't use other Rings
+(25-40)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain (40-60) Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks
Gain 30 Mana per Enemy Hit with Attacks
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
The ring I stole,
My finger they took,
A shrouded mind,
Cut their curses short,
As I drained their spirit
And stole their soul.
A blessing is often a curse.
, Sadima's TouchSadima's Touch
Wool Gloves
Energy Shield: (23-25)Adds 4 to 8 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 1 to 13 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+18 to maximum Energy Shield
(5-15)% increased Rarity of Items found
Wealth unspent is wealth wasted.
, GoldwyrmGoldwyrm
Nubuck Boots
Evasion: (113-126)Requires Level 34, 62 Dex60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(20-40)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(40-50)% to Fire Resistance
10% increased Movement Speed
The wyrm draws warmth from the fires of desire.
, Greed's EmbraceGreed's Embrace
Golden Plate
Armour: (559-643)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 56, 106 Str100% increased Rarity of Items found
-10% to Fire Resistance
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
-(20-10)% to Lightning Resistance
20% reduced Movement Speed
30% reduced Strength Requirement
Some would question if the risk was worth it.
The rest were already dead.
, WindripperWindripper
Imperial Bow
Physical Damage: 29-117
Elemental Damage: (48-60) to (72-90), 1 to (120-150)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.00)%
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.67)
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsAdds (48-60) to (72-90) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (120-150) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
30% increased Rarity of Items dropped by Frozen Enemies
30% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Shocked Enemies
It hunts; as silent as falling snow, as deadly as the tempest.
, and Sentari's AnswerSentari's Answer
Brass Spirit Shield
Chance to Block: 30%
Energy Shield: (35-40)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 33, 83 Int10% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+5% Chance to Block
Curse Enemies with Punishment when you Block their Melee Damage, ignoring Curse Limit
Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains when you Block their Projectile Attack Damage, ignoring Curse Limit
Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness when you Block their Spell Damage, ignoring Curse Limit
Open your eyes and you will see the cracks in your enemy's walls.
Open your mind and you will see the cracks in your enemy's plans.
have player Item Quantity modifiers.

The legacy jewel CombustiblesCombustibles
Crimson Jewel
10% reduced Quantity of Items found
(20-30)% increased Burning Damage
CorruptedThe hotter something burns, the less is left at the end.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
has a reduced Item Quantity modifier; it is possible to reach -100% item quantity by stacking this jewel.


Item quantity modifiers can no longer be found on equipment.

Legacy item quantity modifiers could be found on amulets with Shaper influence, or rings and belts with a Vaal implicit prior to these modifiers becoming legacy in Version 3.25.0.

Additionally, item quantity was able to roll as a regular explicit modifier prior to becoming legacy in Version 0.9.11.

Version history

Version Changes
  • The way that the Quantity and Rarity of items dropped from extra content has been changed. Generally we have added item Quantity or Rarity bonuses to a number of mechanics, such as Essences, or Delirium. On top of that we have added drops back to some leagues where it wasn't present before, like Ultimatum. In general the philosophy here is that if you are killing monsters you get loot, and if they are more difficult, you should get more and better loot.
  • A major change we have made alongside the above is that we have changed a lot of the quantity and rarity bonuses on monsters to prevent things multiplying out of control at the very top end.
  • Item Quantity bonuses on all Character items have been removed, though this will not affect existing items in Standard Leagues.
  • Influenced and Corrupted Modifiers that provide Increased Item Quantity can no longer roll.
  • Increased Rarity of Items found can no longer roll on jewels, or appear as an Implicit Modifier on Synthesised Jewels.
  • The Item Quantity SupportItem Quantity SupportSupport
    Icon: Q
    Level: (1-20)
    Requires Level 24Supports any skill that can kill enemies.(17-36)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.35-7)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    gem can no longer drop.
  • Increased item quantity prefixes have been removed from the game. Items that already have them are unaffected.
  • Diminishing returns now applies to the rate that Increased Item Rarity affects magic, rare and unique items (it affects the less common ones more).
  • Increased Item Quantity stats now also have diminishing returns. This allows us to have higher initial values and lets us balance the extreme cases so that their rate of item gain is high but not abusive.
  • Bonuses to item rarity and quantity from bosses or from additional players in the game now stack multiplicatively with the player's bonuses (rather than additively). Diminishing returns only apply to the player's bonuses.
  • Added a set of Increased Item Rarity and Increased Item Quantity prefix mods.
  • Reduced values of Item Quantity and Item Rarity mods and support gems.
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Testing documented on the Prohibited Library Discord https://discord.com/channels/991073626721763429/991093091916218428/1071371956592586802
  2. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3322408
  3. 3.0 3.1 Chris (August 26, 2022). "What Happened with Items". Reddit. Retrieved June 12, 2024.
  4. Version 0.9.9
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wsi0j8/complete_divination_card_dropweight_tables_drop/iky98mc/
  6. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/5837#p99808
  7. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707/page/208#p3533040
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfVz_Nd45nw&t=1557s
  9. Version 3.25.0
  10. Version 0.9.12c
  11. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1588453/page/4#p12847507
  12. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/55194
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgTthFSQHso&t=126s
  14. https://imgur.com/bwBw2vY
  15. 15.0 15.1 Rhys (August 28, 2012). "Vaults of Atziri feedback". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved June 12, 2024.
  16. Version 2.4.1
  17. Version 1.2.3
  18. Version 2.4.0
  19. Version 3.21.0
  20. Testing documented on the Prohibited Library Discord https://discord.com/channels/991073626721763429/991092200957952152/1050366539443998720
  21. Testing documented on the Prohibited Library Discord https://discord.com/channels/991073626721763429/991092701837525052/1059717695999840336
  22. Version 3.20.0
  23. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2817318/page/5#p23097138
  24. Testing documented on the Prohibited Library Discord https://discord.com/channels/991073626721763429/991092200957952152/1012362753542991892
  25. Testing documented on the Prohibited Library Discord https://discord.com/channels/991073626721763429/991092701837525052/1023411088097824768
  26. https://github.com/ForgottenArbiter/forgottenarbiter.github.io/blob/dev/_posts/2022-12-03-Poe-Harvest-Mechanics.md
  27. 27.0 27.1 Version 3.15.0d
  28. Version 3.23.0
  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRC8Xg1vS9E
  30. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1315088#p10947363
  31. Mark_GGG (August 2, 2013 4:05 AM). "Are Orbs Drops effected by Item Quantity". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved August 2, 2013.
  32. Chris (January 23, 2013 1:31 AM). "0.10.0 Patch Notes". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved April 09, 2013.