Three Voices

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Three Voices33x EssenceThe village elders had a curious rule: If you hear three voices scream for aid, flee as fast as you can.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 23
City Square MapRacecourse MapVaal Temple Map
Drops from any area with the "triple_boss_map" tag.
Item class: Divination Card
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardThreeVoices

Three Voices is a divination card. A set of three can be exchanged for a stack of 3 essences of the same tier and type, chosen in a weighted random fashion.

Note that the tier of essences returned are gated by character level vs drop level; a level 1 character will only obtain Whispering Essences from turn-ins.[1]

Item acquisition

Three Voices has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Drops from any area with the "triple_boss_map" tag.

Area restrictions

This item can be acquired in the following areas:


Three Voices can be created from the following recipes:

5The GamblerRandom divination cardA
1Stacked DeckRandom divination cardA
1The VoidRandom divination card set exchangeA

Usage in recipes

Three Voices is used in the following recipes:

Remnant of Corruption3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Whispering Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Whispering Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Whispering Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Whispering Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Woe3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Contempt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Greed3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Hatred3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Suffering3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Spite3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Zeal3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Rage3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Wrath3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Torment3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Sorrow3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Anguish3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Scorn3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Dread3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Misery3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Envy3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Fear3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Loathing3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Muttering Essence of Anger3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Doubt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Spite3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Doubt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Sorrow3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Torment3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Wrath3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Zeal3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Sorrow3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Anger3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Anger3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Fear3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Suffering3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Fear3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Rage3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Wrath3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Doubt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Fear3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Torment3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Rage3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Anger3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Suffering3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Anguish3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Wailing Essence of Torment3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Screaming Essence of Loathing3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Weeping Essence of Sorrow3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Sorrow3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Misery3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Anguish3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Anguish3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Envy3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Zeal3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Doubt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Rage3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Misery3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Fear3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Torment3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Loathing3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Dread3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Suffering3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Rage3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Suffering3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Spite3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Scorn3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Loathing3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Envy3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Sorrow3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Spite3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Torment3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Zeal3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Scorn3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Dread3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Anger3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Doubt3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Fear3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Shrieking Essence of Wrath3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Wrath3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Deafening Essence of Anger3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Essence of Horror3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Essence of Hysteria3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Essence of Insanity3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A
Essence of Delirium3Three VoicesRandom essence x3A

Version history

Version Changes
  • We've done a big shuffle of which Divination Cards can be found in each Map, which means most Maps drop fewer Divination Cards than before, but don't worry you can now see this information for yourself!
  • Introduced to the game.