Untainted Paradise

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Untainted Paradise
Tropical Island Map
Map Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
(300-400)% increased Experience gain
Area has increased monster variety
Area is inhabited by wild Animals
Monsters drop no Items
For this beauty,
beauty without strength,
chokes out life.
Activate a Map to begin Kirac's Mission.
Drop disabled
Only accessible as an atlas mission for Commander Kirac. The map tier is based on the player's atlas
Vendor Offer
6x Alchemy Shard
Item class: Map
Untainted Paradise
Map area, Unique Map area
No Waypoint
Area level75
BossesPrime Ape
Great Maw
Clutch Queen
The First Rhoa
Elder Devourer
Colossal Spitter
Area type tagsforest
Tagsunique_map, map, limited_tempests, no_strongboxes, anarchy_leaguestone, torment_leaguestone, invasion_leaguestone, warbands_leaguestone, ambush_leaguestone, domination_leaguestone, talisman_leaguestone, perandus_leaguestone, prophecy_leaguestone, essence_leaguestone, breach_leaguestone
Area does not contain Rogue Exiles (Hidden)

Untainted Paradise is a unique Tropical Island MapTropical Island MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: Û
The temptations of paradise
draw forth the good
and the bad alike.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
. It is only accessible as a master mission of Commander Kirac. It can be any map tier.

Untainted Paradise is not part of the Atlas of Worlds. There is no bonus objective for this map.


This map contains an island inhabited only by animal type monsters. This includes Rhoas, Monkeys, Chimerals, gargantuans, along with other animal type monsters. This map has the condition that no items are dropped by monsters, however there is a greatly increased amount of experience gained.



Name Type Properties
Aboriginal Chieftain Ape Chieftain Extra Life, Summons Apes from Trees, Frenzies Allies, Resists Fire
Ancient Devourer Devourer Extra Life, Resists Cold
Bestial Maw Maw Extra Life, Leaps, Resists Lightning
Fossil Eater Spitter Extra Life, Resists Lightning
Primal Beast Gargantuan Extra Life
Primitive Ape Ape Extra Life, Resists Fire
Primordial Rhoa Rhoa Extra Life, Charges, Resists Cold
Wild Chimeral Chimeral Extra Life, Suppressing Fire, Resists Fire, Resists Cold


Untainted Paradise has 6 bosses together in a cave at the centre of the island. They have no additional abilities above their base type, including the "Extra Life" property shared by all inhabitants of the map.

Name Type
Clutch Queen Wild Chimeral
Colossal Spitter Fossil Eater
Elder Devourer Devourer
Great Maw Fetid Maw
Prime Ape Aboriginal Chieftain
The First Rhoa Primordial Rhoa

Item acquisition

Untainted Paradise is drop disabled.

This map cannot be dropped as an itemized unique map. It always offered by Kirac in hideout as part of the master mission.

Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions. The map mod Monsters drop no items prevent the monster to drop anything. The map does not have any loot container either. The main purpose of this map is receiving a huge amount of xp for the character and gems.


The flavour text is a quote from American poet Hilda Doolittle's poem Sheltered Garden.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Added Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's DenCaer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den
    Underground River Map
    Map Level: 82
    Map Tier: 15
    Guild Character: æ
    Item Quantity: +150%
    Item Rarity: +150%
    Unique Boss drops 4 additional Maps
    (20-50)% more Magic Monsters
    (20-50)% increased number of Rare Monsters
    25% more Monster Life
    30% increased Monster Damage
    Howls and laughter
    They hide in the day
    They smell you, they watch you
    They track their new prey
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    as a possible Unique Map type for Zana Missions. This has not reduced the odds of Untainted Paradise occurring as a Zana map.
  • The experience bonus for Zana's Untainted Paradise mission map has been reduced from 1000-1200% to 300-400%.
  • Introduced to the game.

ru:Нетронутый рай