Atziri (lore)

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Portrait of Atziri Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri, Queen of the Vaal

Atziri is a historical figure of Wraeclast, the former queen of the Vaal civilization. She and Doryani were the direct cause of the Vaal Cataclysm that ended her civilization. Atziri is the subject of the Path of Exile: Sacrifice of the Vaal Version 1.1.0 "mini-expansion". In promotional material and in-game, Atziri is depicted as being monstrously tall, with red skin, four arms, and a horned golden helmet. However, some items depict her as a normal-looking woman with fair skin and red hair.[a]

In-game she is encountered as a boss in The Apex of Sacrifice, The Alluring Abyss, and the Throne of Atziri area of Chronicles of AtzoatlChronicle of Atzoatl"Grand plans were laid for a place called Atzoatl, though fierce bickering between its Architects is said to have stifled its development." - Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Research ReportRight click this item to view the Temple of Atzoatl.
Can be used in a personal Map Device to open portals to the Temple of Atzoatl in the present day.
. She is also known as "Queen Atziri", "Atziri, Queen of the Vaal", "The Red Queen"[b], "Queen of Endless Beauty"[c], "Atziri, Queen of Sacrifice"[d] or simply "Queen" by the Vaal.[e]

In-game encounters

Atziri is always encountered as either a boss or apparition.

The Apex of Sacrifice

Atziri, Queen of the Vaal can be encountered in the final area of the Apex of Sacrifice as its boss. The Apex of Sacrifice is created through assembling the Sacrifice fragments (Sacrifice at DuskSacrifice at DuskStack Size: 10The Vaal shall never fear the setting of our sun.Can be used in a personal Map Device., Sacrifice at NoonSacrifice at NoonStack Size: 10The light without pales in comparison to the light within.Can be used in a personal Map Device., Sacrifice at DawnSacrifice at DawnStack Size: 10Only those who aspire can dare to hope.Can be used in a personal Map Device., Sacrifice at MidnightSacrifice at MidnightStack Size: 10Look to our Queen, for she will lead us into the light.Can be used in a personal Map Device.) in a map device.

The Alluring Abyss

Atziri, Queen of the Vaal can be encountered in the final area of the Alluring Abyss as its boss. This variation of Atziri is mechanically identical that of the Apex of Sacrifice; The Alluring Abyss's area modifiers make its encounter far more challenging. For this reason, she is known as Uber Atziri. The Alluring Abyss is assembled by assembling the Mortal fragments (Mortal GriefMortal GriefStack Size: 10When we prostrate ourselves to the night, we worship mortality.Can be used in a personal Map Device., Mortal IgnoranceMortal IgnoranceStack Size: 10It is only the blind who can live in darkness.Can be used in a personal Map Device., Mortal HopeMortal HopeStack Size: 10Look to our Queen, for she will lead us from the darkness.Can be used in a personal Map Device., Mortal RageMortal RageStack Size: 10We are but dogs, howling at an uncaring moon.Can be used in a personal Map Device.) in a map device.

Throne of Atziri

Main page: Throne of Atziri

Atziri, Queen of the Vaal can be encountered in the Throne of Atziri, the tier 3 incursion room of Xipocado, Royal Architect. It is accessed through Chronicles of AtzoatlChronicle of Atzoatl"Grand plans were laid for a place called Atzoatl, though fierce bickering between its Architects is said to have stifled its development." - Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Research ReportRight click this item to view the Temple of Atzoatl.
Can be used in a personal Map Device to open portals to the Temple of Atzoatl in the present day.
with Throne of Atziri inscribed.

Maven's Invitation: The Feared

The Maven can witness the Uber Atziri encounter in The Alluring Abyss, counting towards progress for Maven's Invitation: The FearedMaven's Invitation: The FearedModifiers to Item Quantity will affect the number of encounter rewards dropped
The Maven must Witness:
Chayula's Domain,
The Alluring Abyss,
The Shaper's Realm,
Absence of Value and Meaning
For those who must not endure it,
there may be found a perverse joy
in watching the struggle for survival.
Open portals to The Maven's Crucible by using this item in a personal Map Device.
. Once the invitation's witnesses are completed, the player may use the invitation in a map device to enter The Maven's Crucible to fight Atziri, Queen of the Vaal along with the other witnessed bosses.

Vaal Ritual Altar

Main page: Ritual#Types

Encountered Ritual Altars have types, each one granting specific modifiers to the encounter. The Vaal Ritual Altar's Atziri's apparition protects the altar. modifier causes an "Atziri's Apparition"[1] to appear. Atziri's Apparition cannot be damaged or killed, but it will use skills to attack the player.

Blood Priest Hateforge

The Kirac's Vault Pass that released alongside the Sanctum challenge league included Blood Priest HateforgeBlood Priest HateforgeGloves SkinBlood Priest Hateforge summons an apparition of Atziri whenever you use a Vaal skill. - an item skin that only applies to HateforgeHateforge
Ancient Gauntlets
Armour: (338-432)Requires Level 72, 68 StrSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Rage
(120-150)% increased Armour
(25-10)% reduced Rage Cost of Skills
Vaal Attack Skills you Use yourself Cost Rage instead of requiring Souls
You cannot gain Rage during Soul Gain Prevention
The first Karui born on the fringes of the Vaal empire developed a blood fever born of corruption.
. It summons an apparition of Atziri whenever you use a vaal skill. This effect is purely cosmetic and has no mechanical significance.

Promotional material

Being the subject of the expansion, Atziri is heavily featured in the promotional material for Path of Exile: Sacrifice of the Vaal.

Promotional image from the first SotV announcement depicting Atziri.

Atziri narrates the official trailer for the Sacrifice of the Vaal "mini-expansion".

Sacrifice. It is the most noble, most beautiful act a mortal may perform. It is an act of divinity! To sacrifice is to give yourself to something greater. To sacrifice is to transform the world.

I see it in your eyes. Your blood. You do not feel my words. You are selfish. Afraid. Do not let fear stand between you and your destiny.

Give me your heart and I will give you beauty beyond your darkest dreams.

- Atziri, "Path of Exile: Sacrifice of the Vaal Official Trailer"


Atziri was the last queen of the Vaal civilization before it was brought to ruin by the Vaal Cataclysm. She was a vain, narcissistic, and beautiful ruler, obsessed with achieving immortality both for herself and her beauty.[2][3] Although dissenters in her court were usually sacrificed, she sometimes took matters into her own hands.[f][g]

Atziri is often depicted holding her mirror (Atziri's MirrorAtziri's Mirror
Golden Buckler
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: (991-1221)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 54, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
50% reduced Duration of Curses on you
Hex Reflection
+10% Chance to Block Attack Damage while not Cursed
+20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Cursed
"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
), usually signalling the presence of reflect mechanics. It is a longstanding symbol of her vanity.

Early reign

Atziri held court naked in a "throne room of mirrors", demanding the same of anyone wishing an audience with her.[4] Scholars believe that she used her "striking physical appearance" to solicit "courtly engagements in her favour", especially from men.[5] This follows her stated philosophy in Atziri's Splendour.

"When you have nothing to hide,

you have nothing to fear."

— Atziri[h]

Atziri was reported to having had many "lovers" during her reign. However, not all of them came to her willingly. In those cases, the Elixir of AllureElixir of AllureFamous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
was used.[6]


Main page: Zerphi

During Atziri's reign, a Vaalish noble named Zerphi caught her attention for having lived to 168. He was a serial killer; over a period of 128 years, Zerphi abducted, tortured, and murdered thirteen victims, all Gemlings of noble descent at their twentieth year of life. Post-mortem revealed that each victim had been tortured and mutilated slowly, all while they were still alive. When Zerphi himself was found dead next to his thirteenth victim, (whose body appeared untouched) instead of that of a centenarian, it was discovered that his body resembled that of a twenty year-old.[7]

Atziri tasked her premier thaumaturgist Doryani with the task of researching Zerphi's methods of achieving his longevity and vitality, ordering him to "make any effort within the realms of possibility, and to act without fear of question or consequence". Doryani's methods were brutal - countless Vaal between the ages of 16-26 were sent to him, yet none survived and his experiments proved unsuccessful.[8]

Atziri's reign

Despite the failures with exactly replicating Zerphi's success, Atziri never lost her desire for immortal life. Under her reign, she began demanding sacrifice from the Vaal - of life and blood. As Atziri grew more desperate and the blood of the empire began to run dry, more and more Vaal were sent to the altar every day - from the common thief to the most devoted thaumaturge or most trusted advisor, none were exempt. However, it was the lower classes that suffered the most.[9][10][11] The Vaal used these souls of those sacrifice to power their Vaal gems.[12][13][14]

For their sacrifice, Atziri promised immortality not just for herself, but for the entire Vaal population.[15] However, due to her history of vanity and narcissism, it is questionable whether she had ever intended to save the other Vaal as opposed to keeping immortality only to herself.[16]

Some of the Vaal were fully accepting of Atziri's sacrifices and rituals,[17] but others expressed disillusionment and dissent[18]. Any such protestors were quickly arrested and at her altars.[19]

Atziri became obsessed with gems as well as sacrifice. Soon, they were too ubiquitous in Vaal society. Historical recountings of the Vaal describe their bodies as were glittering, adorned with gems all over.[20][21]

Signs of the Vaal civilization's decline began showing even before The Fall. [22][23] This may have been caused by the excessive sacrifice.


Main page: Kishara's Star

Kishara, a Vaal explorer from Atziri's time, fell out of Atziri's favour for an unknown reason. Atziri took Kishara's ship and made sacrifices out of her crew, forcing Kishara to escape and go into hiding.[24][25]

The Temple of Atzoatl

The Temple of Atzoatl's construction is said to have began in the final years of Atziri's reign, with it being completed shortly before The Fall. Its exact location has been lost to time and, for the denizens of Wraeclast, its existence and purpose now lie within the realm of mythology. With the help of Alva, the player exile is able to travel back in time to affect its construction by killing specific Architects.

At the peak of Atzoatl's influence, evidence suggests that Atziri herself moved her seat of power to there. This may be why she can be encountered in the Throne of Atziri area of The Temple of Atzoatl.[26]

Those at Atzoatl "played host" to the "Cult of the Purple Flame" - worshipping the Breachlords. Atziri's exact role in this "cult" is unknown.[27]

At The Temple of Atzoatl, the Vaal were repeatedly attacked by a certain "horrifying murderous entity". To defend, the Vaal stationed a "great many warriors" and bred "a great many creatures" to defend against the attacks.[28][29]

The Fall

Under Atziri, Doryani's experiments grew in size and scope, until he began work on his final project. At the time of or in preparation for this project, Atziri took her treasures and moved them to Vaults of AtziriVaults of Atziri
Vaal Pyramid Map
Map Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: g
Chests have (2500-3500)% increased Item Rarity
Area contains no monsters
Chest drop scaling is disabled. (Hidden)
Found Items have (20-40)% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

The result of the catalytic reaction would be either immortality for all,

or death for all. It was a risk Doryani was willing to take.

Doryani's CatalystDoryani's Catalyst
Vaal Sceptre
Physical Damage: (102-122) to (170-230)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.55-1.61)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 75, 113 Str, 113 Int32% increased Elemental DamageSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Elemental Proliferation
Adds (65-85) to (100-160) Physical Damage
(11-15)% increased Attack Speed
(6-10)% increased Cast Speed
(30-40)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
0.2% of Elemental Damage Leeched as Life
(80-100)% increased Elemental Damage
The result of the catalytic reaction would be either immortality for all,
or death for all. It was a risk Doryani was willing to take.

The exact details of his experiments and its fallout are extremely nebulous due to lack of documentation. However, it involved manipulating the powers of the Beast, its thaumaturgy, corruption, gems, sacrifice, "communion", the "harvest moon", "sleep", "nightmare", maps, and possibly The Elder.[30][19][31][32][33]

Doryani did not appear to be successful. His actions led to the end of the Vaal civilization - "The Fall", a cataclysmic event that led to the deaths of all but 3126 survivors, who sought refuge with the nearby Azmeri. When asked about the Fall, none of the survivors could say what had happened. Over time, they assimilated into the Azmeri population until no Vaal remained. Despite the ubiquity of gems in the Vaal civilization, none of these survivors had any; when the Kalguur showed them an image of one, a "great panic arose" and the Kalguur were banished from the Azmerian mountains.[20]

"... tattered, shambling survivors, bereft of their families, their wealth, and in many cases, their sanity."

— Trinian, "The Ancients", Book 5: The Fall

As for Atziri, she managed to preserve her beauty into as the cost of sacrificing her humanity,[34] relegated to a "nightmare realm" and unable to return to Wraeclast. Doryani's fate is unclear. In Atziri's "crimson nightmare" realm, she is joined by other Vaal who continue to sacrifice themselves to her over and over, only to rise again each time.[35] The Trialmaster describes Atziri's realm of "crimson madness and nightmare" as being beyond the reach of Chaos.

Post Fall

Milleniums have passed since Atziri left the mortal plane. However, her influence has begun creeping back into Wraeclast. This is presumably the source of Vaal side areas, Vaal skill gems, Vaal OrbVaal OrbStack Size: 20Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.s, and corruption appearing.[36][37]

According to The Trialmaster, Atziri's actions and the collapse of the Vaal were inevitable, occurring in every possible world. This is a direct contradiction to The Trialmaster and Chaos's stated philosophy, which states that every possible outcome leads to different worlds existing where each one contains a different outcome occuring. This implies that Atziri's actions were not of choice or chance, as there exists no world where her actions did not take place.[38]

Davaro of Theopolis

Main page: Research Journal

Templar thaumaturgist Davaro of Theopolis discovered a "hidden frequency of corruption" emanating from certain Vaal relics brought to Oriath by Dominus, being able to hear them "sing" to him and describing them "as mirrors, dimly reflecting shadows and echoings of the past".

He traveled to an ancient Vaal ruin, possibly led by the "singing" of his relics. With his thaumaturgy, he was granted a "special sight" of the ancient Vaal city that used to exist there.

I saw the ancient Vaal city that once stood in this place. All around me were signs of the legendary Queen Atziri ruling from afar. I saw, as I stood at the base of a great pyramid, the sacrifice of new harvest unfold. The steps ran red with a river of blood, a crimson tide, cascading towards me and washing over my skin.

— Davaro, "Research Journal" II

After this vision, Davaro was plagued by a sickness, described as a "blood marking". The relics that previously sang to him of power turned to screaming of hunger. He purchased three young Karui slaves and brought them back to the same ancient ruin, slitting their throats and sacrificing them to "Atziri's altar". As he did so, he was granted a vision of Queen Atziri herself, bathing in a "pool of blood".

Following this event, Davaro kidnapped two Oriathan children - one boy and one girl and sacrificed them to Atziri. As he did so, he dreamt of being united with Atziri as "Husband, Wife, Daughter, Son" in "eternity".[39]

Davaro was not the only one to have developed an obsession with Atziri after The Fall.[40]

On Atziri

NPCs on Atziri

NPC Text
"The Queen represents an odd island of stability that Chaos cannot comprehend. Almost all events come laden with possibility, but the history of her existence is a single unbroken course. There is no world, real or imagined, where Atziri did not lead our people to ruin.

She gazes into a mirror still, somewhere beyond the reach of my master, in a place of crimson madness and nightmare... my master adores the uncertainty of chance outcomes, but he abhors cosmic enigmas with no clear answer, especially when such enigmas seem to possess the power to impress determinism upon the fabric of existence."

The Trialmaster, "Atziri"

Splendid. Let's see what this page has to offer us... It talks of Queen Atziri. Now here's a portentous line:

She drenches her altars with the blood of those deranged enough to question her vision.

The next piece is a real eye-crosser, but I believe it refers to a 'communion', something to do with the harvest moon? Again, Doryani seems at the heart of it.

Good, this line I can read without issue:

This will be our final night of fear, our final night of suffering.

Sacrifice, communion, the harvest moon... an unsettling combination.

Siosa, "Page Two Translation"

Oh my, this first line is frighteningly clear:

Our Queen is dead. Doryani is dead. So many have fallen. So many have changed.

The latter text is almost indecipherable. It practically hums with agitation. Let me see... I can make out the words "sleep", "nightmare" and... "the Beast", whatever that may be. Our historian finishes with:

We have succeeded where our forebears did not. We have failed ourselves.

I need not imagine the fall of the Vaal. I saw the nightmare with my own eyes.

Siosa, "Page Three Translation"

Legend has it, Kishara got herself in some hot water with a certain Queen Atziri. Details are vague as to exactly how, but by all accounts, Atziri weren't the most understanding of lasses. Kishara, being the free spirited sort probably just pricked the royal arse with some spiky facts from the outside world. Almost lost her head for her trouble, Kishara. Atziri took her ship and made sacrifices of her crew. Forced the poor girlie into hiding.

Still, Kishara being of a wily inclination like meself, she slipped through Atziri's talons and right out of the empire. But before she left, Kishara hid the Star somewhere near the Causeway that leads into the old Vaal city up north, just in case she got caught, I suppose. Something like that in the hands of a tyrant like Atziri... who knows what trouble she might've found with it.

Weylam Roth, "Kishara"

The lost Temple of Atzoatl is said to be the most famed in all Vaal history and myth. Best I can tell, the Temple began its construction in the final years of the Vaal Empire. The exact date of its completion has been hard to ascertain as it occurred shortly before the events which brought about the civilisation's extinction.

Perhaps it is the fragility of the timeline that has made Atzoatl such a staple of Vaal mythology. Some say it was a place of darkness, home to the most vile of sacrifices. But there are others who claim the temple to be the birthplace of technology - even our own is said to pale in comparison to what was being forged within those walls.

Scholars today have even suggested that it was the treasure house for Queen Atziri herself. Whichever is true, it was bound to have been fiercely protected by fanatics and royalty alike. And if something's worth protecting, well, then it's worth bloody taking!

Alva, "Atzoatl"

Einhar would have fit into Atziri's empire quite nicely. The man's no stranger to ritual sacrifice, though thankfully he limits his bloodletting to beasts. He doesn't seem to have much of an interest in opulence, which is great news for me. As long as Einhar sticks to what he's best at, we'll get along fine.

Alva, "Einhar"

The Beast (lore) was never a cruel master. It didn't want to destroy, to corrupt, to terrorise. It simply existed to exist. I made it that way.

Unfortunately, in neglecting to provide it with ambition, I made it vulnerable to the ambitions of others. Queen Atziri and Doryani. Emperor Chitus and Malachai. Others even before them.

I created a Beast that would free humanity from the tyranny of the gods. Yet all I really did was provide the perfect tool with which humanity could tyrannise itself.

Sin, "The Beast"

Environmental Lore on Atziri

Environmental Lore Text
Book 1: Last of the Vaal Queens

"It has been written of Queen Atziri that her throne room was lined with mirrors and that she held court naked, demanding the same of those wishing her audience. The theory was that a naked man had nothing to hide, but one might easily venture that Atziri utilised her striking physical presence to influence courtly engagements in her favour."

A woman like Atziri, beautiful and naked, would be very difficult to refuse. The few statuettes and reliefs that remain depict her as a rare beauty, a young woman with exquisitely delicate features, large, mesmerizing eyes, and a full figure of intoxicating sensuality. Whether the depictions are realist or interpretive is unfortunately impossible to corroborate.

But who was the woman behind the title? The few surviving accounts on this matter contain two schools of thought on the matter. Some speak of Atziri with adoration, touting her as a visionary, the woman who would lead the Vaal into a brighter future. Others are less kind, suggesting that Atziri's love for herself overshadowed any love for her people. If her court of mirrors truly existed, however, then the latter seems more likely. Vanity, after all, is the most insidious of all Sins.

Only one thing can be said for certain of Atziri: she was the last Queen of the Vaal. The trail of history ends during her reign, some four hundred years preceding the Imperialus Conceptus."

— Trinian - Intellectus Prime, "The Ancients", Book 1: Last of the Vaal Queens

Book 3: The Queen's Thaumaturgist

"In a culture festooned with gems and steeped in thaumaturgy, Doryani must have had quite the exceptional mind to rise to such preeminence as he did. Or perhaps he was simply more ruthless than his counterparts. Such is the impression one tends to garner from the accounts written of events following Zerphi's death.

Atziri's orders are quoted in a number of different texts. Doryani was "to make any effort within the realms of possibility, and to act without fear of question or consequence". And to what was Doryani expected to apply this supreme effort? The investigation of Zerphi's longevity and youthful vitality.

There is a particularly chilling manifest, containing endless lists of names, page upon page. The names of young men and women, ranging in age from sixteen to twenty-six, sent to Doryani for "processing". Only those of "full and recent maturity" were deemed capable of accommodating the "necessary procedures" required without succumbing to "premature expiration".

Yes, Queen Atziri was prepared to slaughter her own people in the desperate pursuit of perpetual youth and beauty. Vanity, indeed, is the most insidious of all Sins."

— Trinian - Intellectus Prime, "The Ancients", Book 6: Imperialus Conceptus

"Tarcus Veruso descended from the mountains and his eighty thousand tribesmen and women through the doomlands to Azala Vaal. There he planted his banner upon Atziri's grave and with these words founded our great and eternal empire."

— Trinian - Intellectus Prime, "The Ancients", Book 3: The Queen's Thaumaturgist

"I had nothing. I was nothing. I sold my flesh to survive. Today, my flesh belongs to my Queen."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter I

"What did I say? What did I do? I flattered, I promised, I bared my skin and soul to my beloved Atziri. I did everything but offer to die for her. Is that where I went wrong?"

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter II

"I am but a crude reflection of our Queen of Endless Beauty. I die today so that all of Vaal may bask in her Radiance tomorrow."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter III

"I was to wither away in darkness. My queen has brought me into the light. I would have lived in ugliness. Now I may die in Beauty."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter VI

"Our Queen has demanded we look into the gems for our salvation. We see ourselves reflected in those facets, twisted beyond recognition."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter VII

"There was no escape for me. Should our Queen and her thaumaturge succeed, there will be no escape for anyone."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter VIII

"For seven years I advised. For seven years she listened. Today, she would not. Now my blood will be but another drop in an ocean that will drown this land."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter IX

"Queen Atziri forfeited her sovereignty the day that she chose to murder her people."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter X

"Atziri is my love and my life. I give one so that I might have the other for all eternity."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter XI

"Atziri promises us eternal life. The only eternity we shall have is in the memories of the barbarians that shall plant their crops on our graves."

— Unnamed Vaal, Vaal Letter XII

"Evidence suggests that Atzoatl's influence grew great enough that Atziri herself moved her seat of power to within its walls."

— Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Royal Decree cast in Bronze

File:Research Journal screenshot.png "Through my thaumaturgy, I was granted special sight, I saw the ancient Vaal city that once stood in this place. All around me were signs of the legendary Queen Atziri ruling from afar. I saw, as I stood at the base of a great pyramid, the sacrifice of new harvest unfold. The steps ran red with a river of blood, a crimson tide, cascading towards me and washing over my skin. In it, I felt my being shake, as if lightning was reverberating through my body. I felt the strength of that blood ritual, and then returning to my senses, I found myself once more standing in ancient ruins. I thought it to be all a dream, only, when I reached up to touch my face, I found it both horrifyingly and marvelously, pelted with that same salted vermillion."

— Templar Davaro of Theopolis, "Research Journal" II

"I purchased three Karui slaves from the marketplace the other morning. Strapping young lads of seventeen. At the blood site in the ancient ruins, they pleaded with me. Something about the place, the corruption engrained in the stonework... it spoke to them, and they knew. The powers demand blood, so I gave it to them. I opened the throats of those Karui lads and poured out their essence onto Atziri's altar. As the sanguine liquid was sucked up by the stone, my mind frayed and I saw the Queen herself, naked and aroused, bathing in a pool of blood while her hand reached between her thighs.

I... I can't shake her image from my mind, even now as I lay on my bed, I shiver with fear and anticipation. I have never felt lust for a woman in this magnitude. I fear the Queen shall be the death of me. When I close my eyes I see her, reaching out to embrace me."

— Templar Davaro of Theopolis, "Research Journal" III

"My beautiful Queen is all I see. She dwells in another world, I know this now. Our worlds are separate realities, but not entirely ones without doors and bridges to offer transport. In our dreams we make love amidst the coagulation of our victims blood. The red is our passion and the gore has become our wedding bed. ..."

"...They are both silent now. Unmoving. And shortly I will join them, and together we shall unite with my queen - a happy family. Husband, Wife, Daughter, Son. My knife still drips beside me. I leave this final account in hopes that those who may find us will yearn for the same pleasures I have found, and join us in eternity."

— Templar Davaro of Theopolis, "Research Journal" IV


See also

ItemFlavour Text
Atziri's AcuityAtziri's Acuity
Vaal Gauntlets
Armour: (696-851)Requires Level 63, 100 Str+(60-80) to Intelligence
(40-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(200-220)% increased Armour
+(60-75) to maximum Life
You have Vaal Pact if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently
"The heart is the herald.
It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"The heart is the herald.
It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's ArsenalAtziri's Arsenal4Weapon
In the prison of all sins, will you grasp godhood or sorrow? Only hope lies under the shadows.
In the prison of all sins, will you grasp godhood or sorrow? Only hope lies under the shadows.
Atziri's DisfavourAtziri's Disfavour
Vaal Axe
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (414-434) to (544-564)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.29-1.33)
Weapon Range: 2.3 metres
Requires Level 64, 158 Str, 76 Dex25% chance to Maim on Hit+30% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems
Adds (310-330) to (370-390) Physical Damage
(12-16)% increased Attack Speed
25% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
+1 metres to Weapon Range
"I do not believe in disguising my disappointment."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"I do not believe in disguising my disappointment."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's FoibleAtziri's Foible
Paua Amulet
Requires Level 16(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate+100 to maximum Mana
(16-24)% increased maximum Mana
(80-100)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements
The world is but a piece of parchment, blank and symmetric.
We label each side: one Good, one Evil; one Black, one White.
The divine truth, however, is that both are one and the same.
-Jaetai, Vaal Advisor
The world is but a piece of parchment, blank and symmetric.
We label each side: one Good, one Evil; one Black, one White.
The divine truth, however, is that both are one and the same.
-Jaetai, Vaal Advisor
Atziri's MirrorAtziri's Mirror
Golden Buckler
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: (991-1221)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 54, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
50% reduced Duration of Curses on you
Hex Reflection
+10% Chance to Block Attack Damage while not Cursed
+20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Cursed
"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's PromiseAtziri's Promise
Amethyst Flask
Lasts 6.50 Seconds
Consumes 35 of 65 Charges on use
+35% to Chaos Resistance
Requires Level 68Gain (5-8)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life during Effect
Gain (5-8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
"Death needs not your understanding. It needs only your loyalty."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
"Death needs not your understanding. It needs only your loyalty."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's ReflectionAtziri's Reflection
Golden Buckler
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: (991-1221)
Energy Shield: (180-200)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(180-200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Hex Reflection
Unaffected by Curses
(15-20)% increased Effect of your Curses
"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's ReignAtziri's Reign
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1(15-20)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration
Vaal Skills have (15-20)% chance to regain consumed Souls when used
CorruptedAtziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
but nothing is eternal.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Atziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
but nothing is eternal.
Atziri's RuleAtziri's Rule
Judgement Staff
Physical Damage: 73-136
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Int+25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffGrants Level 20 Queen's Demand Skill
Queen's Demand can Trigger Level 20 Flames of Judgement
Queen's Demand can Trigger Level 20 Storm of Judgement
Cannot be Stunned
Damage cannot be Reflected
Bow before her... or suffer the most gruelling death imaginable.
Bow before her... or suffer the most gruelling death imaginable.
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (987-1209)
Evasion: (329-378)
Energy Shield: (201-246)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(200-220)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(90-100) to maximum Life
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (1217-1663)
Evasion: (1217-1663)
Energy Shield: (247-338)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(270-340)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (987-1209)
Evasion: (987-1209)
Energy Shield: (67-77)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(200-220)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(90-100) to maximum Life
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (987-1209)
Evasion: (329-378)
Energy Shield: (411-502)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(200-220)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(70-80) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (1579-1965)
Evasion: (329-378)
Energy Shield: (67-77)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(380-420)% increased Armour
+(90-100) to maximum Life
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (329-378)
Evasion: (329-378)
Energy Shield: (506-628)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems+(70-80) to maximum Energy Shield
(270-300)% increased Energy Shield
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (329-378)
Evasion: (987-1209)
Energy Shield: (201-246)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(200-220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(90-100) to maximum Life
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (329-378)
Evasion: (987-1209)
Energy Shield: (411-502)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(200-220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(70-80) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's SplendourAtziri's Splendour
Sacrificial Garb
Armour: (329-378)
Evasion: (1579-1965)
Energy Shield: (67-77)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 75, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int+1 to Level of all Vaal Skill Gems(380-420)% increased Evasion Rating
+(90-100) to maximum Life
+(20-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
Gain 100 Life per Enemy Killed
Gain 100 Mana per Enemy Killed
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's StepAtziri's Step
Slink Boots
Evasion: (688-792)Requires Level 69, 120 Dex+(20-26)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
180% increased Evasion Rating
+(55-75) to maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
"Those who dance are considered insane
by those who cannot hear the music."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"Those who dance are considered insane
by those who cannot hear the music."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Beauty Through DeathBeauty Through Death5Atziri's ReflectionHer beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
Chill of CorruptionChill of Corruption
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 150% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per Enemy ShatteredCorruptedEven a millennium later, Atziri's presence
casts a shroud over Wraeclast.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Even a millennium later, Atziri's presence
casts a shroud over Wraeclast.
Elixir of AllureElixir of AllureFamous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
Famous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
Her MaskHer Mask4Sacrifice FragmentTo her beauty you submit,
lest your neck the great Queen slit.
To her beauty you submit,
lest your neck the great Queen slit.
Last HopeLast Hope3Mortal HopeAs their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from.As their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from.
Mortal GriefMortal GriefStack Size: 10When we prostrate ourselves to the night, we worship mortality.Can be used in a personal Map Device.When we prostrate ourselves to the night, we worship mortality.
Mortal HopeMortal HopeStack Size: 10Look to our Queen, for she will lead us from the darkness.Can be used in a personal Map Device.Look to our Queen, for she will lead us from the darkness.
Mortal IgnoranceMortal IgnoranceStack Size: 10It is only the blind who can live in darkness.Can be used in a personal Map Device.It is only the blind who can live in darkness.
Mortal RageMortal RageStack Size: 10We are but dogs, howling at an uncaring moon.Can be used in a personal Map Device.We are but dogs, howling at an uncaring moon.
Replica Atziri's AcuityReplica Atziri's Acuity
Vaal Gauntlets
Armour: (696-851)Requires Level 63, 100 Str+(60-80) to Intelligence
(40-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(200-220)% increased Armour
+(60-75) to maximum Life
You have Perfect Agony if you've dealt a Critical Strike recently
"One of our researchers cut himself on Prototype #2,
and he has not stopped screaming for months..."
"One of our researchers cut himself on Prototype #2,
and he has not stopped screaming for months..."
Replica Atziri's FoibleReplica Atziri's Foible
Paua Amulet
Requires Level 16Regenerate (1-2)% of Life per second+100 to maximum Life
(20-25)% increased Life Regeneration rate
Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements
"A rare unequivocal success, Prototype #11 causes wounds to heal so quickly
the type Delta test subject actually survived the entire testing regimen."
"A rare unequivocal success, Prototype #11 causes wounds to heal so quickly
the type Delta test subject actually survived the entire testing regimen."
Sacrifice at DawnSacrifice at DawnStack Size: 10Only those who aspire can dare to hope.Can be used in a personal Map Device.Only those who aspire can dare to hope.
Sacrifice at DuskSacrifice at DuskStack Size: 10The Vaal shall never fear the setting of our sun.Can be used in a personal Map Device.The Vaal shall never fear the setting of our sun.
Sacrifice at MidnightSacrifice at MidnightStack Size: 10Look to our Queen, for she will lead us into the light.Can be used in a personal Map Device.Look to our Queen, for she will lead us into the light.
Sacrifice at NoonSacrifice at NoonStack Size: 10The light without pales in comparison to the light within.Can be used in a personal Map Device.The light without pales in comparison to the light within.
The AdmirerThe Admirer9Atziri ItemLucian lost himself in ancient scrolls and found in those scrolls a love whose power bridged a millennium.Lucian lost himself in ancient scrolls and found in those scrolls a love whose power bridged a millennium.
The QueenThe Queen16Atziri's AcuityThe power of the world,
lies upon your hands.
The power of the world,
lies upon your hands.
The Queen's HungerThe Queen's Hunger
Vaal Regalia
Energy Shield: (342-453)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 194 IntTrigger Level 20 Bone Offering, Flesh Offering or Spirit Offering every 5 seconds
Offering Skills Triggered this way also affect you
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
(100-130)% increased Energy Shield
(6-10)% increased maximum Life
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<veiled mod pool>
In their crimson nightmare, the Vaal are still sacrificing themselves to her glory and beauty.
They stab their own hearts and cry out in ecstasy, only to rise again.
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
In their crimson nightmare, the Vaal are still sacrificing themselves to her glory and beauty.
They stab their own hearts and cry out in ecstasy, only to rise again.
The Queen's SacrificeThe Queen's SacrificeThe ancient queen casts her gaze upon her reflection, and at last the curse is broken.You will defeat Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in the Alluring Abyss while holding Atziri's Mirror.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.The ancient queen casts her gaze upon her reflection, and at last the curse is broken.
The Queen's VaultsThe Queen's VaultsThe Red Queen holds the key to her vaults, and only death will loosen her grip.You will slay Atziri, Queen of the Vaal, and gain access to her Vaults.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.The Red Queen holds the key to her vaults, and only death will loosen her grip.
The Soulless BeastThe Soulless BeastPowered by twin wings, the mechanical monster roams the ruins.You will track down a powerful Ancient Construct who will drop a unique item when slain.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.Powered by twin wings, the mechanical monster roams the ruins.
The VertexThe Vertex
Vaal Mask
Evasion: (714-908)
Energy Shield: (231-315)
Requires Level 62, 79 Dex, 72 Int+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 50% reduced Mana Cost
(245-280)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(30-40) to maximum Energy Shield
+(24-30)% to Chaos Resistance
Enemies Cannot Leech Mana From you
"A queen should be seen, admired, but never touched."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
"A queen should be seen, admired, but never touched."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Vaal SentencingVaal Sentencing
Cobalt Jewel
(80-120)% increased Vaal Skill Critical Strike ChanceCorruptedIn their final days, every crime was punishable by death.
Atziri's empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
In their final days, every crime was punishable by death.
Atziri's empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.
Vaults of AtziriVaults of Atziri
Vaal Pyramid Map
Map Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: g
Chests have (2500-3500)% increased Item Rarity
Area contains no monsters
Chest drop scaling is disabled. (Hidden)
Found Items have (20-40)% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
The Price of DevotionThe Price of Devotion7Mageblood
Quality: +20%
Unbeknown to Atziri's finest thaumaturgists, their loyalty would require far greater devotion than mere research.
Unbeknown to Atziri's finest thaumaturgists, their loyalty would require far greater devotion than mere research.
Bloodsoaked MedallionBloodsoaked Medallion
Amber Amulet
Requires Level 49+(20-30) to Strength(30-50)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
Every 10 seconds:
Gain 2% of Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks for 5 seconds
Gain 5% of Life per Enemy Killed for 5 seconds
"Atziri ordained that we exploit the weaknesses inherent in our slaves.
With relish, we did exactly as she instructed."
- Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh
"Atziri ordained that we exploit the weaknesses inherent in our slaves.
With relish, we did exactly as she instructed."
- Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh
Alternate Art Atziri's MirrorFile:Alternate Art Atziri's Mirror inventory icon.pngAlternate Art Atziri's MirrorFile:Alternate Art Atziri's Mirror inventory icon.pngN/A
Alternate Art Atziris FoibleAlternate Art Atziris FoibleN/A
Alternate Art Atziris Foible2Alternate Art Atziris Foible2N/A


  1. See Last HopeLast Hope3Mortal HopeAs their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from. & Beauty Through DeathBeauty Through Death5Atziri's ReflectionHer beauty did not fade
    her humanity did not survive.
    , art
  2. See The Queen's VaultsThe Queen's VaultsThe Red Queen holds the key to her vaults, and only death will loosen her grip.You will slay Atziri, Queen of the Vaal, and gain access to her Vaults.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character., flavour text
  3. See Vaal Letter#Vaal Letter IV
  4. See Version 1.1.1#Atziri's Influence Grows Stronger
  5. See Vaal Letter#Vaal Letter VIII
  6. Atziri's DisfavourAtziri's Disfavour
    Vaal Axe
    Two Handed Axe
    Physical Damage: (414-434) to (544-564)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: (1.29-1.33)
    Weapon Range: 2.3 metres
    Requires Level 64, 158 Str, 76 Dex25% chance to Maim on Hit+30% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems
    Adds (310-330) to (370-390) Physical Damage
    (12-16)% increased Attack Speed
    25% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
    +1 metres to Weapon Range
    "I do not believe in disguising my disappointment."
    - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
  7. Atziri's AcuityAtziri's Acuity
    Vaal Gauntlets
    Armour: (696-851)Requires Level 63, 100 Str+(60-80) to Intelligence
    (40-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
    (200-220)% increased Armour
    +(60-75) to maximum Life
    You have Vaal Pact if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently
    "The heart is the herald.
    It will tell me when it is best to strike."
    - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
  8. Atziri's Splendour


  1. See Version 3.18.1#Bug Fixes
  2. See Atziri's ReflectionAtziri's Reflection
    Golden Buckler
    Chance to Block: 25%
    Evasion: (991-1221)
    Energy Shield: (180-200)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 68, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
    (180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
    +(180-200) to maximum Energy Shield
    +(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
    Hex Reflection
    Unaffected by Curses
    (15-20)% increased Effect of your Curses
    "At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
    - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
  3. See Atziri's ReignAtziri's Reign
    Crimson Jewel
    Limited to: 1(15-20)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration
    Vaal Skills have (15-20)% chance to regain consumed Souls when used
    CorruptedAtziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
    but nothing is eternal.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  4. See the first Sacrifice of the Vaal announcement
  5. See Trinian, "The Ancients", Book 1: Last of the Vaal Queens
  6. See Weylam Roth, "Elixir of Allure"
  7. See Trinian, "The Ancients", Book 2: Zerphi the Murderer
  8. See Trinian, "The Ancients", Book 3: The Queen's Thaumaturgist
  9. See Vaal SentencingVaal Sentencing
    Cobalt Jewel
    (80-120)% increased Vaal Skill Critical Strike ChanceCorruptedIn their final days, every crime was punishable by death.
    Atziri's empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  10. See Vaal Letter III, IX
  11. See The Price of DevotionThe Price of Devotion7Mageblood
    Quality: +20%
    Unbeknown to Atziri's finest thaumaturgists, their loyalty would require far greater devotion than mere research.
  12. See Soul CatcherSoul Catcher
    Quartz Flask
    Lasts 6.00 Seconds
    Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
    +10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
    Requires Level 27Cannot gain Mana during effect
    (60-80)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Vaal Skills during effect
    (60-80)% increased Damage with Vaal Skills during effect
    Vaal Skills used during effect have 10% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration
    Freedom is for the privileged, even in death.

    This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of the Ghost
    Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
  13. See Soul RipperSoul Ripper
    Quartz Flask
    Lasts 6.00 Seconds
    Consumes 30 of (20-150) Charges on use
    +10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
    Requires Level 27+(-40-90) to Maximum Charges
    Loses all Charges when you enter a new area
    Consumes Maximum Charges to use
    Gain Vaal Souls equal to Charges Consumed when used
    "What care have I for their pain? They're already dead."
    - Atalui, Vaal Priestess
    Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
  14. See the Sacrifice of the Vaal Full Information post.
  15. See Vaal Letters III, XI, XII
  16. See Last HopeLast Hope3Mortal HopeAs their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from.
  17. See Vaal Letters III, IV, XI
  18. See Vaal Letters II, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII
  19. 19.0 19.1 See Siosa, "Page Two Translation"
  20. 20.0 20.1 See Dannig, "Arrival III"
  21. See Trinian, "The Ancients", Book 4: Raising the Azmeri
  22. See Last HopeLast Hope3Mortal HopeAs their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from.
  23. See Vaal SentencingVaal Sentencing
    Cobalt Jewel
    (80-120)% increased Vaal Skill Critical Strike ChanceCorruptedIn their final days, every crime was punishable by death.
    Atziri's empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  24. See Kishara's StarKishara's StarTo the wily Kishara's eye, a star brighter than the sun.
  25. See Weylam Roth, "Kishara"
  26. See Chronicle of Atzoatl#Flavour text
  27. See Icius Perandus, "Chronicle of Atzoatl", with House of the Others present
  28. See Icius Perandus, "Chronicle of Atzoatl", with Hall of War present
  29. See Icius Perandus, "Chronicle of Atzoatl", with Hybridisation Chamber present
  30. See Sin, "The Beast"
  31. See Dream FragmentsDream Fragments
    Sapphire Ring
    Requires Level 24+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance20% increased maximum Mana
    50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    +(30-40)% to Cold Resistance
    Cannot be Chilled
    Cannot be Frozen
    Doryani stumbled into a realm of madness
    And awoke its Master.
  32. See Doryani's Institute
  33. See Siosa, "Page Three Translation"
  34. See Beauty Through DeathBeauty Through Death5Atziri's ReflectionHer beauty did not fade
    her humanity did not survive.
  35. See The Queen's HungerThe Queen's Hunger
    Vaal Regalia
    Energy Shield: (342-453)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 68, 194 IntTrigger Level 20 Bone Offering, Flesh Offering or Spirit Offering every 5 seconds
    Offering Skills Triggered this way also affect you
    (5-10)% increased Cast Speed
    (100-130)% increased Energy Shield
    (6-10)% increased maximum Life
    Veiled Prefix
    Veiled Suffix
    <veiled mod pool>
    In their crimson nightmare, the Vaal are still sacrificing themselves to her glory and beauty.
    They stab their own hearts and cry out in ecstasy, only to rise again.
    Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
  36. See Chill of CorruptionChill of Corruption
    Viridian Jewel
    Limited to: 150% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per Enemy ShatteredCorruptedEven a millennium later, Atziri's presence
    casts a shroud over Wraeclast.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  37. See Version 3.1.1#Atziri's Influence Grows Stronger
  38. See The Trialmaster, "Atziri"
  39. See Research Journal
  40. See The AdmirerThe Admirer9Atziri ItemLucian lost himself in ancient scrolls and found in those scrolls a love whose power bridged a millennium.