Atziri's Reflection Golden BucklerChance to Block: 25% Evasion: (991-1221) Energy Shield: (180-200) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 68, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence (180-200)% increased Evasion Rating +(180-200) to maximum Energy Shield +(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances Hex Reflection Unaffected by Curses (15-20)% increased Effect of your Curses"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach." - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Reflection is a uniqueGolden BucklerGolden BucklerChance to Block: 25% Evasion: (354-407) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 54, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed.
Unaffected by Curses: The mod is not equal to curse immunity. This shield can interact with item such as Coward's ChainsCoward's Chains Chain BeltRequires Level 22+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(15-20) to all Attributes (5-10)% increased Movement Speed Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are Cursed with Vulnerability You count as on Full Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability You are Cursed with VulnerabilityAs a gift or as punishment, the Empire will have your blood.
This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Consequence / Coward's LegacyCoward's Legacy Chain BeltRequires Level 52+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(15-20) to all Attributes (5-10)% increased Movement Speed 50% increased Effect of Curses on you You count as on Low Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability You are Cursed with VulnerabilityDeath is your most important duty. Face it, or curse your bloodline for all eternity., since you still have the curse on you, despite the curse does not have any debuff effect applied. The help text is Debuffs you are Unaffected by can still be placed on you, but will not actually apply their effect.
When an enemy inflicts a Hex curse on a character equipped with Atziri's Mirror, Hex Reflection causes that Hex curse to be inflicted on that enemy as well.
Item acquisition
Atziri's Reflection has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.
Only drops from Uber Atziri.
Monster restrictions
This item can be acquired from the following monsters:
The AdmirerThe Admirer9Atziri ItemLucian lost himself in ancient scrolls and found in those scrolls a love whose power bridged a millennium.
Random Atziri item
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
Random divination card set exchange
Legacy variants
Atziri's Reflection has a quasi-legacy variant. Legacy modifiers and base items were retained when upgrading unique to their fated counterparts. So because Atziri's MirrorAtziri's Mirror Golden BucklerChance to Block: 25% Evasion: (991-1221) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 54, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence (180-200)% increased Evasion Rating +(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances 50% reduced Duration of Curses on you Hex Reflection +10% Chance to BlockAttack Damage while not Cursed +20% Chance to BlockSpell Damage while Cursed"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast." - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal had legacy variants, Atziri's Reflection effectively did as well. Since version 3.17.0, however, due to the removal of prophecy system, Atziri's Mirror cannot be upgraded to Atziri's Reflection. There is no reason to do so by using legacy Atziri's Mirror anyway, since the mods were inferior than the post-3.0 variant. Note that since Atziri's Reflection is a boss drop, it cannot be an influenced item anymore.
The current version of Atziri's Reflection is not considered fated and drops generically.
Version discontinued
Stats Compare each legacy variant to the current variant.
Before the removal of the prophecy system in version 3.17.0, Atziri's Reflection was the fated version of Atziri's MirrorAtziri's Mirror Golden BucklerChance to Block: 25% Evasion: (991-1221) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 54, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence (180-200)% increased Evasion Rating +(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances 50% reduced Duration of Curses on you Hex Reflection +10% Chance to BlockAttack Damage while not Cursed +20% Chance to BlockSpell Damage while Cursed"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast." - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal. It could be obtained by fulfilling the prophecy, The Queen's SacrificeThe Queen's SacrificeThe ancient queen casts her gaze upon her reflection, and at last the curse is broken.You will defeat Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in the Alluring Abyss while holding Atziri's Mirror.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character..[1]
Turning in a full stack of Beauty Through DeathBeauty Through Death5Atziri's ReflectionHer beauty did not fade her humanity did not survive. now awards Atziri's Reflection.
Now has the mod Hex Reflection (instead of curse), affects all versions. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]