Path of Exile: Atlas of Worlds

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Atlas of Worlds
Release version2.4.0
Release date2016-09-02
LinksExpansion page

Path of Exile: Atlas of Worlds is the fifth expansion for Path of Exile. It was officially announced by Grinding Gear Games on August 12, 2016[1] and released on September 2, 2016.

This expansion has a large focus on improving the end-game, in particular the mapping experience which has been left untouched by previous expansions.

New features


  • Engine improvements:
    • engine multithreading
    • particle effects system optimisation
    • new texture compression
    • other minor improvements
  • Prophecy system added to the core game
  • Added a channelled skill system
  • New supporter packs.[2]

Map overhaul

Essence league

Main page: Essence league
  • Encounter packs of monsters imprisoned by essences; the imprisoned Rare monster will drop said essences when slain.
  • Essences act as Orbs of AlchemyOrb of AlchemyStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it., while simultaneously guaranteeing a specific mod. Higher tier essences can also act as Chaos OrbsChaos OrbStack Size: 20Reforges a rare item with new random modifiersRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it..
  • 25 varieties of Essences with 7 tiers each, for a total of 105.

New items

Base items

Includes 13 new base items:

Unique items

Includes 22 new unique items:

  • Cospri's MaliceCospri's Malice
    Jewelled Foil
    One Handed Sword
    Elemental Damage: (80-100) to (160-200)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
    Attacks per Second: (1.73-1.82)
    Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
    Requires Level 68, 212 Dex, 257 Int+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierTrigger a Socketed Cold Spell on Melee Critical Strike, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
    No Physical Damage
    Adds (80-100) to (160-200) Cold Damage
    Adds (40-60) to (90-110) Cold Damage to Spells
    (8-14)% increased Attack Speed
    +257 Intelligence Requirement
    60% increased Critical Strike Chance against Chilled Enemies
    Breathe deep, my child.
    Let the frigid air engulf your soul.
    Embrace the eternal cold,
    And it will embrace you back.
  • Hallowed GroundHallowed Ground
    Cemetery Map
    Map Level: 71
    Map Tier: 4
    Guild Character: Ð
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Item Rarity: +100%
    Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
    Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
    0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 seconds
    +(-2-2) to Monster Level of Area
    Some dead have long envied the living.
    When given the chance, they take from us what they can.
    So we offer our suffrage.
    In return, they give only suffering.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Kitava's ThirstKitava's Thirst
    Zealot Helmet
    Armour: (202-246)
    Energy Shield: (42-52)
    Requires Level 44, 50 Str, 50 Int50% chance to Trigger Socketed Spells when you Spend at least 100 Mana on an
    Upfront Cost to Use or Trigger a Skill, with a 0.1 second Cooldown
    15% reduced Cast Speed
    (70-80)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
    +(30-50) to maximum Mana
    Tukohama, Tawhoa and Kitava went to the lake to fish.
    Tawhoa weaved a net to catch the fish,
    Tukohama built a fire to cook the fish,
    and Kitava swallowed the entire lake, fish and all, with a single gulp.
  • Kondo's PrideKondo's Pride
    Ezomyte Blade
    Two Hand Sword
    Physical Damage: (198.4-217) to (368-402.5)
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
    Attacks per Second: 1.40
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    Requires Level 61, 113 Str, 113 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier(220-250)% increased Physical Damage
    0.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
    50% increased Melee Damage against Bleeding Enemies
    Cannot Leech Life from Critical Strikes
    30% chance to Blind Enemies on Critical Strike
    50% chance to cause Bleeding on Critical Strike
    Faintly gleaming in the moonlit night,
    Kondo's Pride was primed to fight.
    Driven by an inner fire,
    bloodlust, spite and ill desire.
    He swiftly moved to strike them all,
    wreaking havoc like a steel squall.
  • PraxisPraxis
    Paua Ring
    Requires Level 22+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(30-60) to maximum Mana
    Regenerate (3-6) Mana per second
    -(8-4) to Total Mana Cost of Skills
    8% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
    The Thaumaturgical masters of the Eternal Empire,
    as unpredictable and varied as they were,
    all understood one thing:
    Free thinking leads to free action.
  • The Putrid CloisterThe Putrid Cloister
    Museum Map
    Map Level: 79
    Map Tier: 12
    Guild Character: Õ
    Item Quantity: +90%
    Item Rarity: +45%
    Players are Cursed with Vulnerability
    Players are Cursed with Conductivity
    Players are Cursed with Flammability
    Players are Cursed with Frostbite
    Players are Cursed with Despair
    Unique Boss drops divination cards
    Please take out your blades,
    your whips, and your spikes.
    Class is now in session.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Unending HungerUnending Hunger
    Cobalt Jewel
    Limited to: 2
    Radius: Medium
    Minions have (6-8)% increased Area of Effect
    With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Raised Spectres have a 50% chance to gain Soul Eater for 20 seconds on Kill
    They roamed, they fed, they grew,
    Killing as they went,
    Conquer though they may,
    Their hearts will never be content.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  • ValyriumValyrium
    Moonstone Ring
    Requires Level 38+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield+(30-40) to maximum Energy Shield
    +(30-40)% to Fire Resistance
    -40% to Cold Resistance
    Stun Threshold is based on Energy Shield instead of Life
    They will rise and fall in fire and blood.
  • The Warden's BrandThe Warden's Brand
    Iron Ring
    Requires Level 30Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (5-15) to (25-50) Physical Damage to Attacks
    30% reduced Attack Speed
    15% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Stun an Enemy
    "I don't always have a flame handy
    when a fresh delinquent walks through our gates."
    - Brutus, Warden of Axiom
  • Witchfire BrewWitchfire Brew
    Stibnite Flask
    Lasts 8.00 Seconds
    Consumes (36-44) of 60 Charges on use
    20% more Evasion Rating
    Requires Level 48Creates a Smoke Cloud on Use(-10-10)% increased Charges per use
    Grants Level 21 Despair Curse Aura during Effect
    "Think of those that cursed us, judged us,
    and burned our sisters upon the pyre.
    Think of their names as you drink,
    and even their children will feel what we do to them today."
    -Vadinya, to her coven
    Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
  • Unique boss drops;
    • Chimera:
    • Hydra:
      • SlivertongueSlivertongue
        Harbinger Bow
        Physical Damage: (130-145) to (353-373)
        Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
        Attacks per Second: 1.20
        Requires Level 68, 212 Dex(30-50)% increased Critical Strike ChanceAdds (80-95) to (220-240) Physical Damage
        (150-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance with arrows that Fork
        Arrows Pierce all Targets after Forking
        Arrows that Pierce have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier
        A hundred blind heads, each seeking the taste of prey on the air.
      • SnakepitSnakepit
        Sapphire Ring
        Requires Level 68+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance(20-40)% increased Spell Damage
        (5-10)% increased Cast Speed
        Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Chain
        Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Fork
        Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Chain +1 times
        Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Fork
        Projectiles from Spells cannot Pierce
        They wrap around you until your blood turns as cold as theirs.
    • Minotaur:
    • Phoenix:
      • Eye of InnocenceEye of Innocence
        Citrine Amulet
        Requires Level 68+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity10% chance to Ignite
        (50-70)% increased Damage while Ignited
        Take 100 Fire Damage when you Ignite an Enemy
        2% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while Ignited
        "...and so He said: 'Let only the good meet my gaze'
        and no eye met His. So He called down the cleansing flames
        and let black smoke sweep the Sinners away."
        - Book of Innocence
      • Razor of the Seventh SunRazor of the Seventh Sun
        Midnight Blade
        One Handed Sword
        Physical Damage: (125-145) to (244-269)
        Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
        Attacks per Second: 1.30
        Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
        Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (90-110) to (145-170) Physical Damage
        30% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
        25% chance to Ignite
        100% increased Burning Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
        Recover 1% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy
        100% increased Melee Physical Damage against Ignited Enemies
        Quickly cooled the steel,
        but never could it forget
        the heat of the forge.
    • The Shaper:
      • Dying SunDying Sun
        Ruby Flask
        Lasts (3.20-4.80) Seconds
        Consumes (45-50) of 50 Charges on use
        +40% to Fire Resistance
        +5% to maximum Fire Resistance
        Requires Level 68(125-150)% increased Charges per use
        (60-40)% less Duration
        (10-20)% increased Area of Effect during Effect
        Skills fire 2 additional Projectiles during Effect
        All things must die.
        Whether you burn out or explode is up to you.
        Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
      • Shaper's TouchShaper's Touch
        Crusader Gloves
        Armour: (217-305)
        Energy Shield: (45-61)
        Requires Level 66, 51 Str, 51 Int(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
        +4 Accuracy Rating per 2 Intelligence
        +1 Life per 4 Dexterity
        +1 Mana per 4 Strength
        1% increased Energy Shield per 10 Strength
        2% increased Evasion Rating per 10 Intelligence
        2% increased Melee Physical Damage per 10 Dexterity
        By my hand, the inert is given life.
        By my hand, that which rots is reborn.
        There is nothing that cannot be changed.
      • VoidwalkerVoidwalker
        Murder Boots
        Evasion: (444-596)
        Energy Shield: (43-58)
        Requires Level 69, 82 Dex, 42 Int+(30-50) to Dexterity
        (140-180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
        30% increased Movement Speed
        20% chance to Avoid Projectiles while Phasing
        You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently
        Projectiles Pierce 5 additional Targets while you have Phasing
        Celestial Footprints
        Step into the void
        and experience true freedom.
      • StarforgeStarforge
        Infernal Sword
        Two Hand Sword
        Physical Damage: (310-341) to (645-709.5)
        Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
        Attacks per Second: (1.42-1.46)
        Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
        Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex30% increased Global Physical Damage(400-450)% increased Physical Damage
        (5-8)% increased Attack Speed
        +(90-100) to maximum Life
        Your Physical Damage can Shock
        20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
        Deal no Elemental Damage
        The end is written into the beginning.


Includes 30 new maps:

  • Acid Lakes MapAcid Caverns MapMap Level: 71
    Map Tier: 4
    Guild Character: e
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (reworked as Acid Caverns Map)
  • Beach MapBeach MapMap Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    Guild Character: a
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Burial Chambers MapBurial Chambers MapMap Level: 72
    Map Tier: 5
    Guild Character: f
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Factory MapFactory MapMap Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    Guild Character: b
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Marshes MapMarshes MapMap Level: 70
    Map Tier: 3
    Guild Character: d
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Mesa MapMesa MapMap Level: 72
    Map Tier: 5
    Guild Character: h
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Oasis MapDesert Spring MapMap Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    Guild Character: c
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (reworked as Desert Spring Map)
  • Primordial Pool MapPrimordial Pool MapMap Level: 72
    Map Tier: 5
    Guild Character: i
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Tower MapTower MapMap Level: 72
    Map Tier: 5
    Guild Character: j
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Arachnid Tomb MapArachnid Tomb MapMap Level: 74
    Map Tier: 7
    Guild Character: n
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Armoury MapArmoury MapMap Level: 74
    Map Tier: 7
    Guild Character: o
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Barrows MapBarrows MapMap Level: 75
    Map Tier: 8
    Guild Character: q
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Quay MapPort MapMap Level: 77
    Map Tier: 10
    Guild Character: r
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (renamed into Port Map)
  • Racecourse MapRacecourse MapMap Level: 73
    Map Tier: 6
    Guild Character: k
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Ramparts MapRamparts MapMap Level: 73
    Map Tier: 6
    Guild Character: l
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Vaal City MapAncient City MapMap Level: 73
    Map Tier: 6
    Guild Character: m
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (renamed into Ancient City Map)
  • Beacon MapLighthouse MapMap Level: 80
    Map Tier: 13
    Guild Character: w
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (renamed into Lighthouse Map)
  • Estuary MapEstuary MapMap Level: 79
    Map Tier: 12
    Guild Character: s
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • High Gardens MapTerrace MapMap Level: 80
    Map Tier: 13
    Guild Character: x
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (renamed into Terrace Map)
  • Ivory Temple MapIvory Temple MapMap Level: 79
    Map Tier: 12
    Guild Character: t
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Lair MapLair MapMap Level: 80
    Map Tier: 13
    Guild Character: v
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Mineral Pools MapMineral Pools MapMap Level: 81
    Map Tier: 14
    Guild Character: ®
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Scriptorium MapScriptorium MapMap Level: 80
    Map Tier: 13
    Guild Character: y
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Sulphur Wastes MapLeyline MapMap Level: 80
    Map Tier: 13
    Guild Character: z
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    (renamed into Leyline Map)
  • Vault MapVault MapMap Level: 79
    Map Tier: 12
    Guild Character: u
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Forge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Lair of the Hydra MapLair of the Hydra MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¢
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Maze of the Minotaur MapMaze of the Minotaur MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: £
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Pit of the Chimera MapPit of the Chimera MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: Â
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • The Shaper's Realm (using fragments to access only)

Map fragments

  • Fragment of the ChimeraFragment of the ChimeraStack Size: 10Enter the crucible. The nexus of
    nothingness and equilibrium of eternity.
    Can be used in a personal Map Device.
  • Fragment of the HydraFragment of the HydraStack Size: 10Enter the crucible. The nexus of
    nothingness and equilibrium of eternity.
    Can be used in a personal Map Device.
  • Fragment of the MinotaurFragment of the MinotaurStack Size: 10Enter the crucible. The nexus of
    nothingness and equilibrium of eternity.
    Can be used in a personal Map Device.
  • Fragment of the PhoenixFragment of the PhoenixStack Size: 10Enter the crucible. The nexus of
    nothingness and equilibrium of eternity.
    Can be used in a personal Map Device.

Quest items


  • Cartographer's Sextants
    • Apprentice Cartographer's SextantSimple SextantStack Size: 10Adds or rerolls a modifier on a VoidstoneRight click this item then left click a Voidstone to apply it.
    • Journeyman Cartographer's SextantPrime SextantStack Size: 10Adds or rerolls a modifier on a VoidstoneRight click this item then left click a Voidstone to apply it.
    • Master Cartographer's SextantAwakened SextantStack Size: 10Adds or rerolls a modifier on a VoidstoneRight click this item then left click a Voidstone to apply it.
  • Cartographer's Seals
    • Apprentice Cartographer's SealApprentice Cartographer's SealStack Size: 10Uncompletes a white map on the AtlasRight click this item then left click a white map on the Atlas to apply it.
    • Journeyman Cartographer's SealJourneyman Cartographer's SealStack Size: 10Uncompletes a yellow or white map on the AtlasRight click this item then left click a yellow or white map on the Atlas to apply it.
    • Master Cartographer's SealMaster Cartographer's SealStack Size: 10Uncompletes any map on the AtlasRight click this item then left click any map on the Atlas to apply it.
  • Unshaping OrbUnshaping OrbStack Size: 10Downgrades a map on the AtlasRight click this item then left click a shaped map on the atlas to downgrade it. You can then earn the Shaper's Orb again to reshape another map afterwards.
  • Essences

Divination cards

  • Mawr BlaiddMawr Blaidd16Eyes of the GreatwolfRigwald believed he'd seized great power, but it was the great power that had seized Rigwald
  • The OathThe Oath6Death's OathAn oath once made is an oath never broken. Do not delay in keeping it, for I take no pleasure in fools.
  • The ScavengerThe Scavenger8Carcass JackTake small pieces of things and then assemble them together
  • The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.

New monsters


General Changes

  • Balance changes to:
    • Triggered skills
    • skill and support gems
    • several unique items
    • few ascendancy skills
    • monsters
    • experience gain at very high levels
    • poison
    • "vacuum farming"


  1. Bex_GGG (August 12, 2016). "We're Proud to Announce Our Upcoming Expansion: Atlas of Worlds!". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved August 12, 2016.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 (August 12, 2016). "Atlas of Worlds promo page". Official Path of Exile Website. Retrieved August 12, 2016.