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This article describes new Path of Exile content released in version 3.25.0. Information may be missing or incorrect.

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A tincture is an item that can be equipped in a flask slot and activated to enhance the user's melee weapons with special bonuses. While active, they inflict Mana Burn on the user, causing mana loss over time at an accelerating rate, and will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana. By default, you can only have one tincture active at a time.


Upon using a tincture, it activates the tincture, granting its effects. While a tincture is active, you receive a stack of Mana Burn. Mana Burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum Mana per stack per second. Tinctures deactivate when manually deactivated or when you reach 0 mana. Once a tincture is deactivated, it procs a cooldown on all tinctures, preventing you from activating any tincture for the duration. The rate at which you gain Mana Burn and the duration of the cooldown depends on the tincture base type and associated stats and modifiers.

Tincture effects only apply to attacks with your weapons, including from proxies like Blade TrapBlade TrapTrap, Attack, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-20) Mana
Attack Damage: (76-96)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (76-96)%
Requires Level 12Throws a trap which, once triggered, swings two copies of your equipped Dagger, Claw or One Handed Sword around it in circles, each repeatedly damaging enemies it spins through.Trap lasts 4 seconds
Rotates 4 times
25% increased rotation speed if Dual Wielding
Rotates +1 times if Dual Wielding
Base radius is (1.6-2.2) metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Trap lasts +(0.05-1) seconds
Rotates +(0.05-1) times
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
or ballistas. The stats from Tinctures are not local to weapons, but are specifically restricted to only apply to weapon attacks. Tinctures apply to both weapons while dual-wielding. Tinctures do not work with Unarmed skills, shield skills, and minions using your weapons like The Dancing DervishThe Dancing Dervish
Reaver Sword
Two Hand Sword
Physical Damage: (142.6-161.2) to (239.2-270.4)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.88-1.95)
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 59, 82 Str, 119 Dex60% increased Global Accuracy Rating(130-160)% increased Physical Damage
(25-30)% increased Attack Speed
5% increased Movement Speed
Triggers Level 15 Manifest Dancing Dervishes on Rampage
Manifested Dancing Dervishes disables both weapon slots
Manifested Dancing Dervishes die when Rampage ends
Melee Hits count as Rampage Kills
Take your partner by the hand,
Keep your steps in time.
Swing together, spin apart,
And dance with death sublime.
or The Iron MassThe Iron Mass
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (148.5-162) to (214.5-234)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.48-1.53)
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 60, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy Rating(175-200)% increased Physical Damage
(14-18)% increased Attack Speed
Unholy Might
Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers wield this Weapon while in your Main Hand
Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers deal Triple Damage with this
Weapon if you've Hit with this Weapon Recently
Lead by example.
.[1] Tinctures only affect melee weapons by default, and do not apply to wands or bows unless the Warden's Seasoned Hunter passive skill has been allocated. Tinctures can never affect spells or non-weapon hits.

By default, only a single tincture effect can be active at a time, though multiple tinctures can be equipped. The Warden's Experienced Herbalist and the Ascendant's Warden Ascendancy passive skills allows the use of two tinctures at the same time.

Tinctures can only be normal, magic, or unique. There are no rare tinctures. Tinctures can be given quality with a Glassblower's BaubleGlassblower's BaubleStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a flask or tinctureRight click this item then left click a flask or tincture to apply it. Has greater effect on lower item level, non-unique flasks. The maximum quality is 20%., granting 1% more Tincture Effect per quality.[2]

All modifiers from tinctures that have effects when killing an enemy only apply to killing blows (hits) from weapons while a tincture is active. It does not apply to kills from damage over time.

Tinctures are not considered flasks and can be used in the fifth flask slot while having a Micro-Distillery BeltMicro-Distillery BeltRequires Level 24Can't use Flask in Fifth Slot
Flasks applied to you have 30% increased Effect
equipped without any downsides.[3] Tinctures are considered as occupying a flask slot for the purposes of The Traitor or Intensifying Suffusion.

List of tinctures

Base types

ItemRequired levelStats
Oakbranch TinctureOakbranch TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every # Seconds
# Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 60Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon HitRight click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
60Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon Hit
Ironwood TinctureIronwood TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every # Seconds
# Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 18(100–150)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Melee WeaponsRight click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
18(100–150)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Melee Weapons
Poisonberry TincturePoisonberry TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every 0.70 Seconds
6 Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 4520% Chance to Poison with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Poison from Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
4520% Chance to Poison with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Poison from Melee Weapons
Ashbark TinctureAshbark TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every 0.6 Seconds
7 Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 3225% chance to Ignite with Melee Weapons
(60-90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
3225% chance to Ignite with Melee Weapons
(60-90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons
Fulgurite TinctureFulgurite TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every 0.60 Seconds
7 Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 3225% chance to Shock with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Shock from Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
3225% chance to Shock with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Shock from Melee Weapons
Rosethorn TinctureRosethorn TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every 0.70 Seconds
8 Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 18(100–150)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Melee WeaponsRight click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
18(100–150)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Melee Weapons
Borealwood TinctureBorealwood TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every # Seconds
# Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 3225% chance to Freeze with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Chill from Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
3225% chance to Freeze with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Chill from Melee Weapons
Blood Sap TinctureBlood Sap TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every 0.70 Seconds
6 Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 4520% chance to cause Bleeding with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Bleeding from Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
4520% chance to cause Bleeding with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Bleeding from Melee Weapons
Prismatic TinctureFile:Prismatic Tincture inventory icon.pngPrismatic TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every 0.70 Seconds
8 Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 18(70–100)% increased Elemental Damage with Melee WeaponsRight click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:Prismatic Tincture inventory icon.png
18(70–100)% increased Elemental Damage with Melee Weapons
Sporebloom TinctureFile:Sporebloom Tincture inventory icon.pngSporebloom TinctureInflicts Mana Burn Every # Seconds
# Second Cooldown When Deactivated
Requires Level 5225% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Blind from Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:Sporebloom Tincture inventory icon.png
5225% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Melee Weapons
(25–35)% increased Effect of Blind from Melee Weapons

Unique tinctures

ItemRequired levelStats
Grasping NightshadeFile:Grasping Nightshade inventory icon.pngGrasping Nightshade
Sporebloom Tincture
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:Grasping Nightshade inventory icon.png
Wildfire PhloemFile:Wildfire Phloem inventory icon.pngWildfire Phloem
Ashbark Tincture
25% chance to Ignite with Melee Weapons
(60-90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons
-1 Fire Damage taken from Hits per Mana Burn
(15-25)% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Melee Weapon Hit
Cover Full Life Enemies in Ash for (4-10) seconds on Melee Weapon Hit
New life will follow, but first come the flames.Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:Wildfire Phloem inventory icon.png
125% chance to Ignite with Melee Weapons
(60-90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons-1 Fire Damage taken from Hits per Mana Burn
(15-25)% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Melee Weapon Hit
Cover Full Life Enemies in Ash for (4-10) seconds on Melee Weapon Hit
Sap of the SeasonsFile:Sap of the Seasons inventory icon.pngSap of the Seasons
Prismatic Tincture
Requires Level 18(87-100)% Increased Elemental Damage With Melee WeaponsRight click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:Sap of the Seasons inventory icon.png
18(87-100)% Increased Elemental Damage With Melee Weapons
The Battle WithinFile:The Battle Within inventory icon.pngThe Battle Within
Rosethorn Tincture
Requires Level 18(100-127)% Increased Critical Strike Chance With Melee WeaponsRight click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:The Battle Within inventory icon.png
18(100-127)% Increased Critical Strike Chance With Melee Weapons
Mightblood IreFile:Mightblood Ire inventory icon.pngMightblood Ire
Blood Sap Tincture
Requires Level 4520% Chance To Cause Bleeding With Melee Weapons
80% Increased Damage With Bleeding From Melee Weapons
Right click to activate. Only one Tincture in your belt can be activated at a time. Mana burn causes you to lose 1% of your maximum mana per stack per second. Can be deactivated manually, or will automatically deactivate when you reach 0 mana.
File:Mightblood Ire inventory icon.png
4520% Chance To Cause Bleeding With Melee Weapons
80% Increased Damage With Bleeding From Melee Weapons

List of tincture mods

This section needs to be updated.

Reason: Currently shows Affliction-era tincture mods. new modifiers need to be datamined

Please update this article to reflect newly available information.

NameGroupsFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
FrostedColdResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates (4-5)% Cold Resistancetincture 1000
ChilledColdResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates (6-8)% Cold Resistancetincture 1000
IcyColdResistancePenetration60Damage Penetrates (9-12)% Cold Resistancetincture 500
HolyConsecratedGroundVsRareUniqueOnWeaponHit45(3-5)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 secondstincture 500
PiousConsecratedGroundVsRareUniqueOnWeaponHit45(6-8)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 secondstincture 500
ConsecratedConsecratedGroundVsRareUniqueOnWeaponHit72(9-11)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 secondstincture 250
SearingFireResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates (4-5)% Fire Resistancetincture 1000
SizzlingFireResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates (6-8)% Fire Resistancetincture 1000
BlisteringFireResistancePenetration60Damage Penetrates (9-12)% Fire Resistancetincture 500
GraspingGraspingVineOnWeaponHit70(6-8)% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Hittincture 100
ClutchingGraspingVineOnWeaponHit70(9-11)% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Hittincture 100
EnsnaringGraspingVineOnWeaponHit81(12-14)% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Hittincture 50
SnappingLightningResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates (4-5)% Lightning Resistancetincture 1000
CracklingLightningResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates (6-8)% Lightning Resistancetincture 1000
SparkingLightningResistancePenetration60Damage Penetrates (9-12)% Lightning Resistancetincture 500
RipplingMeleeSplashOnWeaponHit70Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets, with (50-35)% reduced Area of Effecttincture 100
EchoingMeleeSplashOnWeaponHit70Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets, with (34-20)% reduced Area of Effecttincture 100
ResonatingMeleeSplashOnWeaponHit81Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets, with (19-0)% reduced Area of Effecttincture 50
HexingRandomCurseOnWeaponHit45(6-8)% chance to Curse Enemies with a random Hex on Hittincture 500
ProfaneRandomCurseOnWeaponHit45(9-11)% chance to Curse Enemies with a random Hex on Hittincture 500
VileRandomCurseOnWeaponHit72(12-14)% chance to Curse Enemies with a random Hex on Hittincture 250
NeedlingRefreshBleedDurationOnWeaponHit70(9-13)% chance to refresh Bleeding Duration on Hittincture 100
SkeweringRefreshBleedDurationOnWeaponHit70(14-18)% chance to refresh Bleeding Duration on Hittincture 100
LaceratingRefreshBleedDurationOnWeaponHit81(19-25)% chance to refresh Bleeding Duration on Hittincture 50
CharringRefreshIgniteDurationOnWeaponHit70(14-18)% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Hittincture 100
SingeingRefreshIgniteDurationOnWeaponHit70(9-13)% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Hittincture 100
RoastingRefreshIgniteDurationOnWeaponHit81(19-25)% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Hittincture 50
WiltingWeaponApplyWitherStacksOnHit45Hits Inflict (2-3) Withered Debuffs for 2 seconds on Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
DroopingWeaponApplyWitherStacksOnHit45Hits Inflict (4-5) Withered Debuffs for 2 seconds on Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
WitheringWeaponApplyWitherStacksOnHit72Hits Inflict (6-7) Withered Debuffs for 2 seconds on Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 250
ProfaneWeaponChaosPenetration1Damage Penetrates (4-5)% Chaos Resistancetincture 1000
TaintedWeaponChaosPenetration1Damage Penetrates (6-8)% Chaos Resistancetincture 1000
DebasedWeaponChaosPenetration60Damage Penetrates (9-12)% Chaos Resistancetincture 500
AshfallWeaponCoverInAshVsFullLife45Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit for (4-5) seconds against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
EmberWeaponCoverInAshVsFullLife45Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit for (6-7) seconds against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
CinderedWeaponCoverInAshVsFullLife72Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit for (8-12) seconds against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 250
FrostfallWeaponCoverInFrostVsFullLife45Cover Enemies in Frost on Hit for (4-5) seconds against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
SnowdriftWeaponCoverInFrostVsFullLife45Cover Enemies in Frost on Hit for (6-7) seconds against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
BlizzardWeaponCoverInFrostVsFullLife72Cover Enemies in Frost on Hit for (8-12) seconds against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 250
CrushingWeaponCrushOnHitVsFullLife45Crush Enemies for (4-5) seconds when you Hit them while they are on Full Lifetincture 500
SmashingWeaponCrushOnHitVsFullLife45Crush Enemies for (6-7) seconds when you Hit them while they are on Full Lifetincture 500
PulverisingWeaponCrushOnHitVsFullLife72Crush Enemies for (8-12) seconds when you Hit them while they are on Full Lifetincture 250
InfusedWeaponDamagePerSpellCast8Seconds45(10-12)% increased Damage for each Non-Instant Spell you've Cast in the past 8 secondstincture 500
EnsorcelledWeaponDamagePerSpellCast8Seconds45(13-15)% increased Damage for each Non-Instant Spell you've Cast in the past 8 secondstincture 500
OverloadedWeaponDamagePerSpellCast8Seconds72(16-18)% increased Damage for each Non-Instant Spell you've Cast in the past 8 secondstincture 250
SubduingWeaponDamageVsLowLifeEnemies1(30-40)% increased Damage against Enemies that are on Low Lifetincture 1000
OverpoweringWeaponDamageVsLowLifeEnemies1(50-60)% increased Damage against Enemies that are on Low Lifetincture 1000
ConqueringWeaponDamageVsLowLifeEnemies60(75-90)% increased Damage against Enemies that are on Low Lifetincture 500
FrigidWeaponMinimumChill70Chills from your Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least (10-12)%tincture 100
SubzeroWeaponMinimumChill81Chills from your Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least (13-15)%tincture 50
OverwhelmingWeaponOverwhelm1Overwhelm (9-12)% of Physical Damage Reductiontincture 1000
BatteringWeaponOverwhelm1Overwhelm (13-16)% of Physical Damage Reductiontincture 1000
PummelingWeaponOverwhelm60Overwhelm (17-25)% of Physical Damage Reductiontincture 500
PotentWeaponPoisonDamagevsNonPoisonedEnemies45Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal (50-100)% increased Damagetincture 500
VirulentWeaponPoisonDamagevsNonPoisonedEnemies45Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal (101-200)% increased Damagetincture 500
PestilentWeaponPoisonDamagevsNonPoisonedEnemies72Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal (201-300)% increased Damagetincture 250
AngryWeaponRageOnHitVsRareUnique70(5-10)% chance to gain 1 Rage when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemytincture 100
OutragedWeaponRageOnHitVsRareUnique70(11-15)% chance to gain 1 Rage when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemytincture 100
ApoplecticWeaponRageOnHitVsRareUnique81(16-20)% chance to gain 1 Rage when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemytincture 50
of RainAdditionalWeaponProjectilesIfHitRecently81Weapon Attacks fire an additional Projectile if you've been Hit Recentlytincture 20
of HailAdditionalWeaponProjectilesIfHitRecently83Weapon Attacks fire 2 additional Projectiles if you've been Hit Recentlytincture 10
of StaggeringBlockChanceIfStunnedEnemyRecently45+(6-9)% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you've Stunned an Enemy Recentlytincture 500
of SlammingBlockChanceIfStunnedEnemyRecently45+(10-12)% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you've Stunned an Enemy Recentlytincture 500
of PummellingBlockChanceIfStunnedEnemyRecently72+(13-15)% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you've Stunned an Enemy Recentlytincture 250
of RestockingFlaskChargesFromWeaponKills1(10-20)% increased Flask Charges gained from Killstincture 1000
of ReplenishingFlaskChargesFromWeaponKills1(21-30)% increased Flask Charges gained from Killstincture 1000
of PouringFlaskChargesFromWeaponKills60(31-40)% increased Flask Charges gained from Killstincture 500
of PlunderItemRarityFromWeaponKills1(10-20)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Enemiestincture 1000
of RaidingItemRarityFromWeaponKills1(21-30)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Enemiestincture 1000
of ArchaeologyItemRarityFromWeaponKills60(31-40)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Enemiestincture 500
of CannibalismLifeLeechOnWeaponOverkillDamage1(9-13)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Lifetincture 1000
of SacrificeLifeLeechOnWeaponOverkillDamage1(14-18)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Lifetincture 1000
of GorgingLifeLeechOnWeaponOverkillDamage60(19-25)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Lifetincture 500
of VictoryLifeOnWeaponKillVsRareUnique1Recover (5-10)% of Life on Killing a Rare or Unique Enemytincture 1000
of ConquestLifeOnWeaponKillVsRareUnique1Recover (11-15)% of Life on Killing a Rare or Unique Enemytincture 1000
of TriumphLifeOnWeaponKillVsRareUnique60Recover (16-20)% of Life on Killing a Rare or Unique Enemytincture 500
of RecyclingManaGainedOnWeaponKill1Gain (10-20) Mana per Enemy Killedtincture 1000
of DrainingManaGainedOnWeaponKill1Gain (21-30) Mana per Enemy Killedtincture 1000
of SiphoningManaGainedOnWeaponKill60Gain (31-40) Mana per Enemy Killedtincture 500
of ChargeManaRegenerationOnWeaponShock1(31-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Shocked an Enemy Recentlytincture 1000
of VoltageManaRegenerationOnWeaponShock1(41-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Shocked an Enemy Recentlytincture 1000
of DynamismManaRegenerationOnWeaponShock60(51-70)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Shocked an Enemy Recentlytincture 500
of PhasingPhasingOnWeaponKill1(10-20)% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Killtincture 1000
of StealthPhasingOnWeaponKill1(21-30)% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Killtincture 1000
of ShadowsPhasingOnWeaponKill60(31-40)% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Killtincture 500
of CleavingWeaponAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently1(9-13)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recentlytincture 1000
of SlaughterWeaponAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently1(14-18)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recentlytincture 1000
of MassacreWeaponAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently60(19-25)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recentlytincture 500
of RipostingWeaponAttackSpeedIfBlockedRecently45(9-13)% increased Attack Speed if you have Blocked Recentlytincture 500
of MomentumWeaponAttackSpeedIfBlockedRecently45(14-18)% increased Attack Speed if you have Blocked Recentlytincture 500
of RetributionWeaponAttackSpeedIfBlockedRecently72(19-25)% increased Attack Speed if you have Blocked Recentlytincture 250
of RageWeaponCriticalStrikeMultiplierVsFullLife45+(50-80)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
of FuryWeaponCriticalStrikeMultiplierVsFullLife45+(81-105)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 500
of FerocityWeaponCriticalStrikeMultiplierVsFullLife72+(106-140)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Lifetincture 250
of KindlingWeaponFireExplodeChance70Killing Blows have a (8-12)% chance for Enemies to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damagetincture 100
of FirewoodWeaponFireExplodeChance70Killing Blows have a (13-16)% chance for Enemies to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damagetincture 100
of TinderWeaponFireExplodeChance81Killing Blows have a (17-25)% chance for Enemies to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damagetincture 50
of PursuitWeaponGainRareModOnKillingBlowFor60SecondsChance70Killing Blows against Rare Monsters have a (9-12)% chance
to grant one of their Modifiers for 60 seconds
tincture 100
of the ChaseWeaponGainRareModOnKillingBlowFor60SecondsChance70Killing Blows against Rare Monsters have a (13-18)% chance
to grant one of their Modifiers for 60 seconds
tincture 100
of the HuntWeaponGainRareModOnKillingBlowFor60SecondsChance81Killing Blows against Rare Monsters have a (20-30)% chance
to grant one of their Modifiers for 60 seconds
tincture 50
of DesperationWeaponHitsCannotBeEvadedOnLowLife81Your hits can't be Evaded while you are on Low Lifetincture 20
of the LampreyWeaponInstantLeechVsLowLife70(8-12)% of Leech is Instant against Low Life Enemiestincture 100
of the LeechWeaponInstantLeechVsLowLife70(13-16)% of Leech is Instant against Low Life Enemiestincture 100
of the BloodsuckerWeaponInstantLeechVsLowLife81(17-25)% of Leech is Instant against Low Life Enemiestincture 50
of the HareWeaponOnslaughtOnKill1(6-9)% chance to gain Onslaught for 10 seconds on Killing Blowtincture 1000
of the RabbitWeaponOnslaughtOnKill1(10-15)% chance to gain Onslaught for 10 seconds on Killing Blowtincture 1000
of the FoxWeaponOnslaughtOnKill60(16-25)% chance to gain Onslaught for 10 seconds on Killing Blowtincture 500
of GlancingWeaponProjectilesChainFromTerrain70Projectiles have (11-15)% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terraintincture 100
of ReboundingWeaponProjectilesChainFromTerrain70Projectiles have (16-20)% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terraintincture 100
of RicochetWeaponProjectilesChainFromTerrain81Projectiles have (21-30)% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terraintincture 50
of ReachWeaponRange1+(0.1-0.2) metres to Melee Strike Rangetincture 1000
of SkiesWeaponRange1+(0.3-0.4) metres to Melee Strike Rangetincture 1000
of WorldsWeaponRange60+(0.5-0.6) metres to Melee Strike Rangetincture 500
of the TundraWeaponShatterOnKill45Killing Blows have (26-35)% chance to Shatter Enemies as though Frozentincture 500
of the Snow ForestWeaponShatterOnKill45Killing Blows have (36-45)% chance to Shatter Enemies as though Frozentincture 500
of the Alpine WoodWeaponShatterOnKill72Killing Blows have (46-60)% chance to Shatter Enemies as though Frozentincture 250
of SabotageWeaponStealChargeOnHit1Hits Steal Endurance Chargestincture 1000
of PoachingWeaponStealChargeOnHit1Hits Steal Frenzy Chargestincture 1000
of EnervationWeaponStealChargeOnHit1Hits Steal Power Chargestincture 1000

Version history

Version Changes
  • Tinctures have been added to the core game, with adjusted mechanics. You can place a Tincture in one of your Belt slots instead of a Flask. While a Tincture is active it grants you a powerful buff to your melee attacks, but inflicts Mana Burn on you, draining your mana at an increasing rate the longer the Tincture has been active. The Tincture can be manually deactivated, or will automatically deactivate when you run out of mana.
  • You can inherently only have one Tincture active at a time. Tinctures also have a cooldown, so once you have deactivated one, no Tincture can be activated for a time. Like Flasks, Tinctures can be Magic or Unique but not Rare.
  • NPCs in towns may now have Tinctures available to purchase.
  • Charms and Tinctures will be deleted upon logging in.
  • Updated the description on Tinctures to clarify they need to be equipped to a Flask equipment slot to be used.
