
This article describes historical game content.
Charms were removed from the game in Version 3.23.2c.
A charm is an item obtainable from Affliction encounters. Charms act functionally like jewels and must be socketed into a Charm Socket to activate its effects. To use a charm, a player must first choose the "Wildwood Primalist" Wildwood ascendancy class and allocate a Charm Socket ascendancy passive.
Charms are unmodifiable and are always found at magic rarity and have one or two random modifiers based on a notable/major node from regular ascendancy classes. These random modifiers can have multiple tiers like most item attributes. Tier 1 modifiers (the most powerful tier) are approximately one-third as strong as the respective ascendancy notable that they are based on. Each charm base type corresponds to a specific attribute and can only roll ascendancy modifiers from classes that possess that attribute. It is possible for a single charm to have two modifiers from the same ascendancy.
Charms can be obtained by purchasing them from the Primal Huntress in exchange for Primal Wisps you've found within the same Affliction encounter or from killing a Wildwood Abomination. Charms are tradeable.
Ursine CharmUrsine CharmUnmodifiablePlace into an allocated Charm Socket on the Wildwood Primalist Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
- Strength - Marauder, Duelist, Templar
Lupine CharmLupine CharmUnmodifiablePlace into an allocated Charm Socket on the Wildwood Primalist Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
- Dexterity - Ranger, Duelist, Shadow
Corvine CharmCorvine CharmUnmodifiablePlace into an allocated Charm Socket on the Wildwood Primalist Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
- Intelligence - Witch, Templar, Shadow
- Shocks from your Hits always increase Damage taken by at least #%: Unlike the chill version of this modifier, this modifier (on charms) stacks additively with each other.
List of charm mods
Ursine charms
Name | Groups | ![]() | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmAddedPhysicalDamageIfCritRecently | 1 | Adds (5-7) to (14-17) Physical Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmAddedPhysicalDamageIfCritRecently | 60 | Adds (8-12) to (18-22) Physical Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently | str_animal_charm 500 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmCorpseExplodeOnWarcry | 70 | Nearby corpses Explode when you Warcry, dealing (3-4)% of their Life as Physical Damage | str_animal_charm 100 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmCorpseExplodeOnWarcry | 81 | Nearby corpses Explode when you Warcry, dealing (5-6)% of their Life as Physical Damage | str_animal_charm 50 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmMaximumRage | 1 | +(2-3) to Maximum Rage | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmMaximumRage | 60 | +(4-5) to Maximum Rage | str_animal_charm 500 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmWarcriesGrantRage | 1 | Warcries grant (2-3) Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Berserker's | AnimalCharmWarcriesGrantRage | 60 | Warcries grant (4-5) Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage | str_animal_charm 500 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmBannersNoReservation | 45 | Banner Skills have no Reservation | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmGainAdrenalineOnReachingLowLife | 70 | Gain Adrenaline for 4 seconds when you reach Low Life | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmImpaleLastsForExtraHits | 81 | Impales you inflict last 1 additional Hit | dex_animal_charm 10 str_animal_charm 10 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmTauntOnHitChance | 1 | (10-19)% chance to Taunt on Hit | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmTauntOnHitChance | 60 | (20-30)% chance to Taunt on Hit | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Chieftain's | AnimalCharmAshOnHittingRareUniqueEnemy | 45 | (5-10)% chance to Cover Rare or Unique Enemies in Ash for 10 Seconds on Hit | str_animal_charm 500 |
Chieftain's | AnimalCharmAshOnHittingRareUniqueEnemy | 72 | (11-20)% chance to Cover Rare or Unique Enemies in Ash for 10 Seconds on Hit | str_animal_charm 250 |
Chieftain's | AnimalCharmFireExplode | 70 | Enemies you or your Totems Kill have 1% chance to Explode, dealing 500% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage | str_animal_charm 100 |
Chieftain's | AnimalCharmStrengthPercent | 1 | (3-5)% increased Strength | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Chieftain's | AnimalCharmStrengthPercent | 60 | (6-8)% increased Strength | str_animal_charm 500 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBleedExplode | 70 | Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (2-3)% of their Maximum Life as Physical Damage | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBleedExplode | 81 | Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (4-5)% of their Maximum Life as Physical Damage | dex_animal_charm 25 str_animal_charm 25 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitVsBleedingEnemies | 1 | Attack Hits against Bleeding Enemies have (10-19)% chance to Blind | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitVsBleedingEnemies | 60 | Attack Hits against Bleeding Enemies have (20-30)% chance to Blind | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmMaimOnHitVsBlindedEnemies | 1 | Attack Hits against Blinded Enemies have (10-19)% chance to Maim | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmMaimOnHitVsBlindedEnemies | 60 | Attack Hits against Blinded Enemies have (20-30)% chance to Maim | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmOverwhelmIfBlockedinPast20Seconds | 1 | Hits ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction if you've Blocked in the past 20 seconds | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmLifeRegenerationForASecondEvery10Seconds | 1 | Every 4 seconds, Regenerate 10% of Life over one second | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmLifeRegenerationForASecondEvery10Seconds | 60 | Every 4 seconds, Regenerate 20% of Life over one second | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmNearbyAlliesHaveOnslaughtIfYouHaveAtLeast5Nearby | 45 | While there are at least five nearby Allies, you and nearby Allies have Onslaught | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmNearbyEnemiesCannotGainCharges | 45 | Nearby Enemies cannot gain Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmReservedManaGrantedAsArmour | 45 | Grants Armour equal to (3-4)% of your Reserved Mana to you and nearby Allies | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmReservedManaGrantedAsArmour | 72 | Grants Armour equal to (5-6)% of your Reserved Mana to you and nearby Allies | int_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmArcaneSurgeOnHit | 70 | Gain Arcane Surge when you or your Totems Hit an Enemy with a Spell | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmChanceToSummonTwoTotems | 1 | Skills that would Summon a Totem have (20-30)% chance to Summon two Totems instead | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmChanceToSummonTwoTotems | 60 | Skills that would Summon a Totem have (31-50)% chance to Summon two Totems instead | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmManaReservationEfficiency | 45 | (4-7)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmManaReservationEfficiency | 72 | (8-12)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills | int_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmNonDamagingAilmentEffectOnSelfWithArcaneSurge | 1 | Non-Damaging Ailments have (30-20)% reduced Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmNonDamagingAilmentEffectOnSelfWithArcaneSurge | 60 | Non-Damaging Ailments have (40-31)% reduced Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundDamageTaken | 45 | Consecrated Ground you create applies (5-6)% increased Damage taken to Enemies | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundDamageTaken | 72 | Consecrated Ground you create applies (7-10)% increased Damage taken to Enemies | int_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceIfNotCritRecently | 1 | (50-70)% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceIfNotCritRecently | 60 | (71-100)% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikesNonDamagingAilmentEffect | 1 | (20-30)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikesNonDamagingAilmentEffect | 60 | (31-40)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmElementalPenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (3-4)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmElementalPenetration | 60 | Damage Penetrates (5-6)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmAreaOfEffectPerEnduranceCharge | 1 | (3-4)% increased Area of Effect per Endurance Charge | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmAreaOfEffectPerEnduranceCharge | 60 | (5-6)% increased Area of Effect per Endurance Charge | str_animal_charm 500 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmEnchangeChargeWhenHit | 1 | (10-19)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you are Hit | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmEnchangeChargeWhenHit | 60 | (20-30)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you are Hit | str_animal_charm 500 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmEnduranceChargeOnStun | 1 | (10-19)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Stun an Enemy | str_animal_charm 1000 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmEnduranceChargeOnStun | 60 | (20-30)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Stun an Enemy | str_animal_charm 500 |
Juggernaut's | AnimalCharmMovementSpeedCannotBeBelowBase | 70 | Movement Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value | str_animal_charm 100 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently | 1 | (4-7)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently | 60 | (8-12)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAttackSpeedOnKillingRareUnique | 1 | Gain (4-7)% increased Attack Speed for 20 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAttackSpeedOnKillingRareUnique | 60 | Gain (8-12)% increased Attack Speed for 20 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmCullingStrike | 45 | Culling Strike | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmMaximumAmountPerLifeLeech | 45 | (10-20)% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmMaximumAmountPerLifeLeech | 72 | (21-30)% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech | dex_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
of the Berserker | AnimalCharmLeechIfKilledRecently | 1 | 1% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently | str_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Berserker | AnimalCharmLeechIfKilledRecently | 60 | 2% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Berserker | AnimalCharmLeechPercentIsInstant | 45 | (3-5)% of Leech is Instant | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Berserker | AnimalCharmLeechPercentIsInstant | 72 | (6-8)% of Leech is Instant | str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Berserker | AnimalCharmStunImmuneWith25Rage | 45 | Cannot be Stunned while you have at least 25 Rage | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmFortifyOnMeleeHitChance | 45 | Melee Hits have (5-10)% chance to Fortify | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmFortifyOnMeleeHitChance | 72 | Melee Hits have (11-20)% chance to Fortify | dex_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmRecoverBannerStagesOnPlacingBanner | 1 | When you leave your Banner's Area, recover (10-15)% of the Valour consumed for that Banner | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmRecoverBannerStagesOnPlacingBanner | 60 | When you leave your Banner's Area, recover (16-25)% of the Valour consumed for that Banner | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmStunImmuneWhileFortified | 70 | Cannot be Stunned while Fortified | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmIgniteDurationOnSelf | 1 | (20-30)% reduced Ignite Duration on you | str_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmIgniteDurationOnSelf | 60 | (31-50)% reduced Ignite Duration on you | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmMaximumFireDamageResistance | 45 | +1% to maximum Fire Resistance | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmMaximumFireDamageResistance | 72 | +2% to maximum Fire Resistance | str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmTotemRecoup | 1 | Recoup (5-7)% of Damage Taken by your Totems as Life | str_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmTotemRecoup | 60 | Recoup (8-12)% of Damage Taken by your Totems as Life | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Chieftain | AnimalCharmTotemTauntEnemiesWhenSummoned | 45 | Totems Taunt Enemies around them for 2 seconds when Summoned | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmArmourAndEvasionPerBlock | 1 | +(3-4) to Armour and Evasion Rating per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmArmourAndEvasionPerBlock | 60 | +(5-6) to Armour and Evasion Rating per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmAttackBlock | 1 | +(3-4)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmAttackBlock | 60 | +(5-6)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmMaximumBlock | 45 | +(1-2)% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmMaximumBlock | 72 | +3% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmStunImmuneAgainstBlockedHits | 45 | Cannot be Stunned by Hits you Block | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmBlockChanceIfAttackedRecently | 1 | If you've Attacked Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(4-5)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmBlockChanceIfAttackedRecently | 60 | If you've Attacked Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(6-8)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmEnemiesInLinkBeamCannotInflictElementalAilments | 45 | Enemies in your Link Beams cannot apply Elemental Ailments | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmRemoveCursesAndAilmentsEvery10seconds | 45 | Every 4 seconds, remove Curses and Elemental Ailments from you | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmSpellBlockChanceIfCastSpellRecently | 1 | If you've Cast a Spell Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(4-5)% Chance to Block Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmSpellBlockChanceIfCastSpellRecently | 60 | If you've Cast a Spell Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(6-8)% Chance to Block Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromManaBeforeLife | 70 | (1-2)% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromManaBeforeLife | 81 | 3% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life | int_animal_charm 25 str_animal_charm 25 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromTotemLifeBeforeSelf | 1 | (1-2)% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromTotemLifeBeforeSelf | 60 | 3% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmManaToAddAsExtraEnergyShield | 1 | Gain (2-3)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmManaToAddAsExtraEnergyShield | 60 | Gain (4-5)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmMinimumEnduranceAndPowerCharges | 70 | +1 to Minimum Endurance Charges +1 to Minimum Power Charges | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundLingerDuration | 70 | Effects of Consecrated Ground you create Linger for 2 seconds | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundVsRareUnique | 1 | (10-19)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundVsRareUnique | 60 | (20-30)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmStrengthAndIntelligence | 1 | +(20-30) to Strength and Intelligence | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmStrengthAndIntelligence | 60 | +(31-40) to Strength and Intelligence | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Juggernaut | AnimalCharmArmourAppliesToElementalDamage | 81 | 2% of Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits | str_animal_charm 20 |
of the Juggernaut | AnimalCharmArmourAppliesToElementalDamage | 83 | 3% of Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits | str_animal_charm 10 |
of the Juggernaut | AnimalCharmChaosResistancePerEnduranceCharge | 1 | +(2-3)% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge | str_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Juggernaut | AnimalCharmChaosResistancePerEnduranceCharge | 60 | +(4-5)% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Juggernaut | AnimalCharmLIfeRegenerationRate | 45 | (10-15)% increased Life Regeneration rate | str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Juggernaut | AnimalCharmLIfeRegenerationRate | 72 | (16-20)% increased Life Regeneration rate | str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmOverkillLeech | 1 | (4-7)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmOverkillLeech | 60 | (8-12)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmPhysicalReflectImmune | 45 | Cannot take Reflected Physical Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmStunImmuneWhileLeeching | 70 | Cannot be Stunned while Leeching | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmUnaffectedbyBleedingWhileLeeching | 70 | You are Unaffected by Bleeding while Leeching | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Lupine charms
Name | Groups | ![]() | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmAdditionalCriticalStrikeChanceAtMaximumPowerCharges | 1 | +(0.4-0.6)% Critical Strike Chance while at maximum Power Charges | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmAdditionalCriticalStrikeChanceAtMaximumPowerCharges | 60 | +(0.61-1)% Critical Strike Chance while at maximum Power Charges | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceAgainstFullLifeEnemies | 1 | (80-120)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceAgainstFullLifeEnemies | 60 | (130-160)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeMultiplierPerPowerCharge | 1 | +(2-3)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeMultiplierPerPowerCharge | 60 | +(4-5)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikesHaveCullingStrike | 45 | Critical Strikes have Culling Strike | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPoisonDurationPerPoisonAppliedRecently | 1 | (1-2)% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100% | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPoisonDurationPerPoisonAppliedRecently | 60 | 3% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100% | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPowerChargeOnCriticalStrike | 1 | (10-15)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPowerChargeOnCriticalStrike | 60 | (16-25)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmBannersNoReservation | 45 | Banner Skills have no Reservation | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmGainAdrenalineOnReachingLowLife | 70 | Gain Adrenaline for 4 seconds when you reach Low Life | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmImpaleLastsForExtraHits | 81 | Impales you inflict last 1 additional Hit | dex_animal_charm 10 str_animal_charm 10 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmTauntOnHitChance | 1 | (10-19)% chance to Taunt on Hit | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Champion's | AnimalCharmTauntOnHitChance | 60 | (20-30)% chance to Taunt on Hit | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmAccuracyIfCritInLast8Seconds | 1 | (7-13)% increased Accuracy Rating if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmAccuracyIfCritInLast8Seconds | 60 | (14-20)% increased Accuracy Rating if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmAdditionalProjectiles | 81 | Skills fire an additional Projectile | dex_animal_charm 20 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmMarkEffect | 1 | (10-15)% increased Effect of your Marks | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmMarkEffect | 60 | (16-25)% increased Effect of your Marks | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmNoBarrageSpread | 45 | Projectile Barrages have no spread | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmProjectileChainFromTerrainChance | 45 | Projectiles have (7-13)% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terrain | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmProjectileChainFromTerrainChance | 72 | Projectiles have (14-20)% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terrain | dex_animal_charm 250 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmProjectileDamageWithDistanceTravelled | 1 | Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up to (25-40)% increased Damage with Hits to targets | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Deadeye's | AnimalCharmProjectileDamageWithDistanceTravelled | 60 | Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up to (41-60)% increased Damage with Hits to targets | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBleedExplode | 70 | Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (2-3)% of their Maximum Life as Physical Damage | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBleedExplode | 81 | Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (4-5)% of their Maximum Life as Physical Damage | dex_animal_charm 25 str_animal_charm 25 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitVsBleedingEnemies | 1 | Attack Hits against Bleeding Enemies have (10-19)% chance to Blind | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitVsBleedingEnemies | 60 | Attack Hits against Bleeding Enemies have (20-30)% chance to Blind | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmMaimOnHitVsBlindedEnemies | 1 | Attack Hits against Blinded Enemies have (10-19)% chance to Maim | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmMaimOnHitVsBlindedEnemies | 60 | Attack Hits against Blinded Enemies have (20-30)% chance to Maim | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Gladiator's | AnimalCharmOverwhelmIfBlockedinPast20Seconds | 1 | Hits ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction if you've Blocked in the past 20 seconds | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmMagicUtilityFlaskEffect | 70 | Magic Utility Flasks applied to you have (6-10)% increased Effect | dex_animal_charm 100 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmMagicUtilityFlaskEffect | 81 | Magic Utility Flasks applied to you have (11-15)% increased Effect | dex_animal_charm 50 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmPhysicalDamageAsRandomElement | 1 | Gain (5-8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmPhysicalDamageAsRandomElement | 60 | Gain (9-12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmWitheredEffect | 1 | (7-13)% increased Effect of Withered | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmWitheredEffect | 60 | (14-20)% increased Effect of Withered | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmWitheredOnHitChance | 45 | (6-10)% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Pathfinder's | AnimalCharmWitheredOnHitChance | 72 | (11-15)% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit | dex_animal_charm 250 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmFrenzyOnHItChance | 45 | (3-5)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmFrenzyOnHItChance | 72 | (6-8)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit | dex_animal_charm 250 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmMovementSpeedPerFrenzyCharge | 70 | 2% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge | dex_animal_charm 100 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmOnslaughtEffect | 1 | (15-25)% increased Effect of Onslaught on you | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmOnslaughtEffect | 60 | (26-40)% increased Effect of Onslaught on you | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmOnslaughtOnKillChance | 1 | (10-15)% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
Raider's | AnimalCharmOnslaughtOnKillChance | 60 | (16-25)% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill | dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceFor150%AreaDamage | 1 | Hits have (5-6)% chance to deal 50% more Area Damage | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceFor150%AreaDamage | 60 | Hits have (7-10)% chance to deal 50% more Area Damage | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceToThrow4AdditionalTraps | 1 | (2-3)% chance to throw up to 4 additional Traps | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceToThrow4AdditionalTraps | 60 | (4-5)% chance to throw up to 4 additional Traps | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCooldownRecoveryRate | 70 | (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | int_animal_charm 50 dex_animal_charm 50 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCooldownRecoveryRate | 81 | (9-12)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | int_animal_charm 25 dex_animal_charm 25 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCritVsBurningAndShockedEnemies | 1 | +(10-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Burning Enemies (20-30)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCritVsBurningAndShockedEnemies | 60 | +(16-25)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Burning Enemies (31-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmMineAuraEffect | 1 | (20-30)% increased Effect of Auras from Mines | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmMineAuraEffect | 60 | (31-50)% increased Effect of Auras from Mines | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently | 1 | (4-7)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAreaOfEffectIfKilledRecently | 60 | (8-12)% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAttackSpeedOnKillingRareUnique | 1 | Gain (4-7)% increased Attack Speed for 20 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmAttackSpeedOnKillingRareUnique | 60 | Gain (8-12)% increased Attack Speed for 20 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmCullingStrike | 45 | Culling Strike | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmMaximumAmountPerLifeLeech | 45 | (10-20)% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Slayer's | AnimalCharmMaximumAmountPerLifeLeech | 72 | (21-30)% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech | dex_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChanceFor25%NonChaosToAddAsChaosDamage | 45 | (7-13)% chance to gain 25% of Non-Chaos Damage with Hits as Extra Chaos Damage | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChanceFor25%NonChaosToAddAsChaosDamage | 72 | (17-23)% chance to gain 25% of Non-Chaos Damage with Hits as Extra Chaos Damage | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChargeDuration | 1 | (40-60)% increased Charge Duration | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChargeDuration | 60 | (61-100)% increased Charge Duration | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmEnergyShieldLeech | 1 | (0.5-1)% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmEnergyShieldLeech | 60 | (1.1-2)% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeDamageCannotBeReflected | 45 | Damage from your Critical Strikes cannot be Reflected | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmElusiveEffect | 45 | (10-15)% increased Elusive Effect | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmElusiveEffect | 72 | (16-25)% increased Elusive Effect | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmNoExtraDamageFromCriticalStrikesIfElusive | 70 | You take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while Elusive | int_animal_charm 50 dex_animal_charm 50 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmFortifyOnMeleeHitChance | 45 | Melee Hits have (5-10)% chance to Fortify | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmFortifyOnMeleeHitChance | 72 | Melee Hits have (11-20)% chance to Fortify | dex_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmRecoverBannerStagesOnPlacingBanner | 1 | When you leave your Banner's Area, recover (10-15)% of the Valour consumed for that Banner | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmRecoverBannerStagesOnPlacingBanner | 60 | When you leave your Banner's Area, recover (16-25)% of the Valour consumed for that Banner | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Champion | AnimalCharmStunImmuneWhileFortified | 70 | Cannot be Stunned while Fortified | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Deadeye | AnimalCharmLifeOnHitVsBleedingEnemies | 1 | Gain (6-10) Life per Bleeding Enemy Hit | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Deadeye | AnimalCharmLifeOnHitVsBleedingEnemies | 60 | Gain (11-20) Life per Bleeding Enemy Hit | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Deadeye | AnimalCharmMirageArcherDuration | 1 | (30-50)% increased Mirage Archer Duration | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Deadeye | AnimalCharmMirageArcherDuration | 60 | (51-100)% increased Mirage Archer Duration | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmArmourAndEvasionPerBlock | 1 | +(3-4) to Armour and Evasion Rating per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmArmourAndEvasionPerBlock | 60 | +(5-6) to Armour and Evasion Rating per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmAttackBlock | 1 | +(3-4)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmAttackBlock | 60 | +(5-6)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmMaximumBlock | 45 | +(1-2)% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmMaximumBlock | 72 | +3% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage | dex_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
of the Gladiator | AnimalCharmStunImmuneAgainstBlockedHits | 45 | Cannot be Stunned by Hits you Block | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Pathfinder | AnimalCharmFlaskChargesEvery3Seconds | 81 | Flasks gain a Charge every 3 seconds | dex_animal_charm 20 |
of the Pathfinder | AnimalCharmFlaskChargesGainedFromEnemiesWithAilments | 1 | Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Ailments grant (15-25)% increased Flask Charges | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Pathfinder | AnimalCharmFlaskChargesGainedFromEnemiesWithAilments | 60 | Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Ailments grant (26-40)% increased Flask Charges | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Pathfinder | AnimalCharmRecoverLifeOnFlaskUse | 45 | Recover (2-3)% of Life when you use a Flask | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Pathfinder | AnimalCharmRecoverLifeOnFlaskUse | 72 | Recover (4-5)% of Life when you use a Flask | dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Pathfinder | AnimalCharmRemoveBleedOnFlaskUse | 45 | Removes Bleeding when you use a Flask | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmAvoidElementalAilmentsChanceWhilePhasing | 1 | (10-15)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while Phasing | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmAvoidElementalAilmentsChanceWhilePhasing | 60 | (16-25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while Phasing | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmEvasionRatingPerFrenzyCharge | 1 | (3-5)% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmEvasionRatingPerFrenzyCharge | 60 | (6-9)% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmPhasingOnKillChance | 1 | (10-15)% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Kill | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmPhasingOnKillChance | 60 | (16-25)% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Kill | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmSpellSuppressionChance | 1 | +(5-9)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage | dex_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Raider | AnimalCharmSpellSuppressionChance | 60 | +(10-15)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage | dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitChance | 1 | (5-10)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitChance | 60 | (11-15)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmCannotBeBlinded | 45 | Cannot be Blinded | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmTakeHalfAreaDamageChance | 45 | (5-6)% chance to take 50% less Area Damage from Hits | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmTakeHalfAreaDamageChance | 72 | (7-10)% chance to take 50% less Area Damage from Hits | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmOverkillLeech | 1 | (4-7)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life | dex_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmOverkillLeech | 60 | (8-12)% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmPhysicalReflectImmune | 45 | Cannot take Reflected Physical Damage | dex_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmStunImmuneWhileLeeching | 70 | Cannot be Stunned while Leeching | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Slayer | AnimalCharmUnaffectedbyBleedingWhileLeeching | 70 | You are Unaffected by Bleeding while Leeching | dex_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmChanceForEnergyShieldRechargeOnSuppress | 45 | (5-8)% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Suppress Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmChanceForEnergyShieldRechargeOnSuppress | 72 | (9-12)% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Suppress Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmEvasionPerEnergyShieldOnHelmet | 1 | +(1-2) to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmEvasionPerEnergyShieldOnHelmet | 60 | +(3-4) to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmLifeManaESOnKill | 1 | Recover 1% of Life on Kill Recover 1% of Mana on Kill Recover 1% of Energy Shield on Kill | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmLifeManaESOnKill | 60 | Recover 2% of Life on Kill Recover 2% of Mana on Kill Recover 2% of Energy Shield on Kill | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmRecover10PercentManaOnSkillUseChance | 1 | (4-6)% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmRecover10PercentManaOnSkillUseChance | 60 | (7-10)% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmSpellDamageSuppressedOnFullEnergyShield | 70 | Prevent +(3-4)% of Suppressed Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 50 dex_animal_charm 50 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmSpellDamageSuppressedOnFullEnergyShield | 81 | Prevent +(5-6)% of Suppressed Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 25 dex_animal_charm 25 |
Corvine charms
Name | Groups | ![]() | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmAdditionalCriticalStrikeChanceAtMaximumPowerCharges | 1 | +(0.4-0.6)% Critical Strike Chance while at maximum Power Charges | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmAdditionalCriticalStrikeChanceAtMaximumPowerCharges | 60 | +(0.61-1)% Critical Strike Chance while at maximum Power Charges | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceAgainstFullLifeEnemies | 1 | (80-120)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceAgainstFullLifeEnemies | 60 | (130-160)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeMultiplierPerPowerCharge | 1 | +(2-3)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeMultiplierPerPowerCharge | 60 | +(4-5)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikesHaveCullingStrike | 45 | Critical Strikes have Culling Strike | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPoisonDurationPerPoisonAppliedRecently | 1 | (1-2)% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100% | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPoisonDurationPerPoisonAppliedRecently | 60 | 3% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100% | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPowerChargeOnCriticalStrike | 1 | (10-15)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Assassin's | AnimalCharmPowerChargeOnCriticalStrike | 60 | (16-25)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmAllDamageCanIgnite | 81 | All Damage can Ignite | int_animal_charm 20 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmExposureExtraResistance | 1 | Exposure you inflict applies an extra -(5-4)% to the affected Resistance | int_animal_charm 1000 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmExposureExtraResistance | 60 | Exposure you inflict applies an extra -(7-6)% to the affected Resistance | int_animal_charm 500 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmIgniteFreezeShockChance | 1 | (10-15)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite | int_animal_charm 1000 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmIgniteFreezeShockChance | 60 | (16-25)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite | int_animal_charm 500 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmShockMinimumDamageIncrease | 45 | Shocks from your Hits always increase Damage taken by at least (5-7)% | int_animal_charm 500 |
Elementalist's | AnimalCharmShockMinimumDamageIncrease | 72 | Shocks from your Hits always increase Damage taken by at least (8-10)% | int_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmLifeRegenerationForASecondEvery10Seconds | 1 | Every 4 seconds, Regenerate 10% of Life over one second | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmLifeRegenerationForASecondEvery10Seconds | 60 | Every 4 seconds, Regenerate 20% of Life over one second | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmNearbyAlliesHaveOnslaughtIfYouHaveAtLeast5Nearby | 45 | While there are at least five nearby Allies, you and nearby Allies have Onslaught | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmNearbyEnemiesCannotGainCharges | 45 | Nearby Enemies cannot gain Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmReservedManaGrantedAsArmour | 45 | Grants Armour equal to (3-4)% of your Reserved Mana to you and nearby Allies | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Guardian's | AnimalCharmReservedManaGrantedAsArmour | 72 | Grants Armour equal to (5-6)% of your Reserved Mana to you and nearby Allies | int_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmArcaneSurgeOnHit | 70 | Gain Arcane Surge when you or your Totems Hit an Enemy with a Spell | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmChanceToSummonTwoTotems | 1 | Skills that would Summon a Totem have (20-30)% chance to Summon two Totems instead | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmChanceToSummonTwoTotems | 60 | Skills that would Summon a Totem have (31-50)% chance to Summon two Totems instead | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmManaReservationEfficiency | 45 | (4-7)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmManaReservationEfficiency | 72 | (8-12)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills | int_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmNonDamagingAilmentEffectOnSelfWithArcaneSurge | 1 | Non-Damaging Ailments have (30-20)% reduced Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Hierophant's | AnimalCharmNonDamagingAilmentEffectOnSelfWithArcaneSurge | 60 | Non-Damaging Ailments have (40-31)% reduced Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundDamageTaken | 45 | Consecrated Ground you create applies (5-6)% increased Damage taken to Enemies | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundDamageTaken | 72 | Consecrated Ground you create applies (7-10)% increased Damage taken to Enemies | int_animal_charm 125 str_animal_charm 125 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceIfNotCritRecently | 1 | (50-70)% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeChanceIfNotCritRecently | 60 | (71-100)% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikesNonDamagingAilmentEffect | 1 | (20-30)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikesNonDamagingAilmentEffect | 60 | (31-40)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmElementalPenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (3-4)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
Inquisitor's | AnimalCharmElementalPenetration | 60 | Damage Penetrates (5-6)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmCorpseLife | 45 | Corpses you Spawn have (5-10)% increased Maximum Life | int_animal_charm 500 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmCorpseLife | 72 | Corpses you Spawn have (11-20)% increased Maximum Life | int_animal_charm 250 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmMinionPhysicalDamageBasedOffHelmetEnergyShield | 45 | Minions gain Added Physical Damage equal to (3-5)% of Maximum Energy Shield on your Equipped Helmet | int_animal_charm 500 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmMinionPhysicalDamageBasedOffHelmetEnergyShield | 72 | Minions gain Added Physical Damage equal to (6-10)% of Maximum Energy Shield on your Equipped Helmet | int_animal_charm 250 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmMinionUnholyMightChance | 1 | Minions have (10-19)% chance to gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Kill | int_animal_charm 1000 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmMinionUnholyMightChance | 60 | Minions have (20-30)% chance to gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Kill | int_animal_charm 500 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmOfferingEffect | 1 | Your Offerings have (15-20)% increased Effect on you | int_animal_charm 1000 |
Necromancer's | AnimalCharmOfferingEffect | 60 | Your Offerings have (21-30)% increased Effect on you | int_animal_charm 500 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmAreaofEffectPerPowerCharge | 1 | (2-3)% increased Area of Effect per Power Charge | int_animal_charm 1000 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmAreaofEffectPerPowerCharge | 60 | 4% increased Area of Effect per Power Charge | int_animal_charm 500 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmChaosExplode | 70 | Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a (6-10)% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage | int_animal_charm 100 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmChaosExplode | 81 | Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a (11-15)% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage | int_animal_charm 50 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmCurseEffect | 1 | (3-5)% increased Effect of your Curses | int_animal_charm 1000 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmCurseEffect | 60 | (6-8)% increased Effect of your Curses | int_animal_charm 500 |
Occultist's | AnimalCharmIgnoreHexproofEnemies | 45 | Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies | int_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceFor150%AreaDamage | 1 | Hits have (5-6)% chance to deal 50% more Area Damage | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceFor150%AreaDamage | 60 | Hits have (7-10)% chance to deal 50% more Area Damage | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceToThrow4AdditionalTraps | 1 | (2-3)% chance to throw up to 4 additional Traps | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmChanceToThrow4AdditionalTraps | 60 | (4-5)% chance to throw up to 4 additional Traps | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCooldownRecoveryRate | 70 | (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | int_animal_charm 50 dex_animal_charm 50 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCooldownRecoveryRate | 81 | (9-12)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | int_animal_charm 25 dex_animal_charm 25 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCritVsBurningAndShockedEnemies | 1 | +(10-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Burning Enemies (20-30)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmCritVsBurningAndShockedEnemies | 60 | +(16-25)% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Burning Enemies (31-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmMineAuraEffect | 1 | (20-30)% increased Effect of Auras from Mines | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Saboteur's | AnimalCharmMineAuraEffect | 60 | (31-50)% increased Effect of Auras from Mines | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChanceFor25%NonChaosToAddAsChaosDamage | 45 | (7-13)% chance to gain 25% of Non-Chaos Damage with Hits as Extra Chaos Damage | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChanceFor25%NonChaosToAddAsChaosDamage | 72 | (17-23)% chance to gain 25% of Non-Chaos Damage with Hits as Extra Chaos Damage | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChargeDuration | 1 | (40-60)% increased Charge Duration | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmChargeDuration | 60 | (61-100)% increased Charge Duration | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmEnergyShieldLeech | 1 | (0.5-1)% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
Trickster's | AnimalCharmEnergyShieldLeech | 60 | (1.1-2)% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmCriticalStrikeDamageCannotBeReflected | 45 | Damage from your Critical Strikes cannot be Reflected | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmElusiveEffect | 45 | (10-15)% increased Elusive Effect | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmElusiveEffect | 72 | (16-25)% increased Elusive Effect | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
of the Assassin | AnimalCharmNoExtraDamageFromCriticalStrikesIfElusive | 70 | You take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while Elusive | int_animal_charm 50 dex_animal_charm 50 |
of the Elementalist | AnimalCharmChillMinimumSlow | 45 | Chills from your Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least (3-4)% | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Elementalist | AnimalCharmChillMinimumSlow | 72 | Chills from your Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least (5-6)% | int_animal_charm 250 |
of the Elementalist | AnimalCharmElementalReflectImmune | 45 | Cannot take Reflected Elemental Damage | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Elementalist | AnimalCharmGolemBuffEffect | 1 | (15-20)% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Elementalist | AnimalCharmGolemBuffEffect | 60 | (21-35)% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmBlockChanceIfAttackedRecently | 1 | If you've Attacked Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(4-5)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmBlockChanceIfAttackedRecently | 60 | If you've Attacked Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(6-8)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmEnemiesInLinkBeamCannotInflictElementalAilments | 45 | Enemies in your Link Beams cannot apply Elemental Ailments | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmRemoveCursesAndAilmentsEvery10seconds | 45 | Every 4 seconds, remove Curses and Elemental Ailments from you | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmSpellBlockChanceIfCastSpellRecently | 1 | If you've Cast a Spell Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(4-5)% Chance to Block Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Guardian | AnimalCharmSpellBlockChanceIfCastSpellRecently | 60 | If you've Cast a Spell Recently, you and nearby Allies have +(6-8)% Chance to Block Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromManaBeforeLife | 70 | (1-2)% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromManaBeforeLife | 81 | 3% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life | int_animal_charm 25 str_animal_charm 25 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromTotemLifeBeforeSelf | 1 | (1-2)% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmDamageRemovedFromTotemLifeBeforeSelf | 60 | 3% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmManaToAddAsExtraEnergyShield | 1 | Gain (2-3)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmManaToAddAsExtraEnergyShield | 60 | Gain (4-5)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Hierophant | AnimalCharmMinimumEnduranceAndPowerCharges | 70 | +1 to Minimum Endurance Charges +1 to Minimum Power Charges | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundLingerDuration | 70 | Effects of Consecrated Ground you create Linger for 2 seconds | int_animal_charm 50 str_animal_charm 50 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundVsRareUnique | 1 | (10-19)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmConsecratedGroundVsRareUnique | 60 | (20-30)% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmStrengthAndIntelligence | 1 | +(20-30) to Strength and Intelligence | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 |
of the Inquisitor | AnimalCharmStrengthAndIntelligence | 60 | +(31-40) to Strength and Intelligence | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmElementalResistancesForAuraAffectedAllies | 1 | You and nearby Allies have +(10-14)% to Elemental Resistances | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmElementalResistancesForAuraAffectedAllies | 60 | You and nearby Allies have +(15-20)% to Elemental Resistances | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmMinionPhysicalDamageReduction | 1 | Minions have (5-8)% additional Physical Damage Reduction | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmMinionPhysicalDamageReduction | 60 | Minions have (9-12)% additional Physical Damage Reduction | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmRegenerateEnergyShieldOnConsumeCorpse | 1 | Regenerate (2-3)% of Energy Shield over 2 seconds when you Consume a corpse | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmRegenerateEnergyShieldOnConsumeCorpse | 60 | Regenerate (4-5)% of Energy Shield over 2 seconds when you Consume a corpse | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmRegenerateManaOnConsumeCorpse | 1 | Regenerate (2-3)% of Mana over 2 seconds when you Consume a corpse | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Necromancer | AnimalCharmRegenerateManaOnConsumeCorpse | 60 | Regenerate (4-5)% of Mana over 2 seconds when you Consume a corpse | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Occultist | AnimalCharmEnergyShieldRegeneration | 1 | Regenerate (1-1.5)% of Energy Shield per second | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Occultist | AnimalCharmEnergyShieldRegeneration | 60 | Regenerate (2-3)% of Energy Shield per second | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Occultist | AnimalCharmNearbyEnemiesAreChilled | 70 | Nearby Enemies are Chilled | int_animal_charm 100 |
of the Occultist | AnimalCharmSpellHinderOnHitChance | 1 | (10-19)% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit with Spells | int_animal_charm 1000 |
of the Occultist | AnimalCharmSpellHinderOnHitChance | 60 | (20-30)% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit with Spells | int_animal_charm 500 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitChance | 1 | (5-10)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmBlindOnHitChance | 60 | (11-15)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmCannotBeBlinded | 45 | Cannot be Blinded | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmTakeHalfAreaDamageChance | 45 | (5-6)% chance to take 50% less Area Damage from Hits | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Saboteur | AnimalCharmTakeHalfAreaDamageChance | 72 | (7-10)% chance to take 50% less Area Damage from Hits | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmChanceForEnergyShieldRechargeOnSuppress | 45 | (5-8)% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Suppress Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmChanceForEnergyShieldRechargeOnSuppress | 72 | (9-12)% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Suppress Spell Damage | int_animal_charm 125 dex_animal_charm 125 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmEvasionPerEnergyShieldOnHelmet | 1 | +(1-2) to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmEvasionPerEnergyShieldOnHelmet | 60 | +(3-4) to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmLifeManaESOnKill | 1 | Recover 1% of Life on Kill Recover 1% of Mana on Kill Recover 1% of Energy Shield on Kill | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmLifeManaESOnKill | 60 | Recover 2% of Life on Kill Recover 2% of Mana on Kill Recover 2% of Energy Shield on Kill | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmRecover10PercentManaOnSkillUseChance | 1 | (4-6)% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill | int_animal_charm 500 dex_animal_charm 500 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmRecover10PercentManaOnSkillUseChance | 60 | (7-10)% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill | int_animal_charm 250 dex_animal_charm 250 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmSpellDamageSuppressedOnFullEnergyShield | 70 | Prevent +(3-4)% of Suppressed Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 50 dex_animal_charm 50 |
of the Trickster | AnimalCharmSpellDamageSuppressedOnFullEnergyShield | 81 | Prevent +(5-6)% of Suppressed Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield | int_animal_charm 25 dex_animal_charm 25 |
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.23.2c |
3.23.0 |
See also
That Which Was TakenThat Which Was Taken
Crimson JewelLimited to: 1<4 random Charm modifiers>Faith given under false pretenses still carries the same power.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket., a jewel with 4 charm modifiers