Offering to the Serpent Legion GlovesArmour: (257-363) Energy Shield: (52-75)Requires Level 57, 44 Str, 44 Int<One to three random Synthesis implicit modifiers>+(15-25) to all Attributes (150-200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield 50% reduced Maximum Recovery per LifeLeech (6-10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed (15-25)% increased Damage while Leeching LifeLeech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled"You covet the strength of your peers, mortal? Perhaps it can be yours, if you are willing to make an offering of their blood..." - Vaal Myth of the Third Snake
Offering to the Serpent is a pair of uniquesynthesisedLegion GlovesLegion GlovesArmour: (103-121) Energy Shield: (21-25)Requires Level 57, 44 Str, 44 Int. The fractured version is Offering to the SerpentOffering to the Serpent Legion GlovesArmour: (257-363) Energy Shield: (52-75)Requires Level 57, 44 Str, 44 Int+(15-25) to all Attributes (150-200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield 50% reduced Maximum Recovery per LifeLeech (6-10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed (15-25)% increased Damage while Leeching LifeLeech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled"You covet the strength of your peers, mortal? Perhaps it can be yours, if you are willing to make an offering of their blood..." - Vaal Myth of the Third Snake.
Offering to the Serpent can be created from the following recipes:
Chasing RiskChasing Risk4Synthesis ItemA fond memory fills me with nostalgia; some men would have felt guilt, but I felt no regret over the anguish and fear my ambitions caused.
Random Synthesis item
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
It was temporarily possible to obtain foil non-synthesised versions of Offering to the Serpent due to a bug that caused it to generate with synthesised implicits.
Synthesised unique items now return a synthesised copy with a random synthesised implicit instead of a non-synthesised version when vendored using the 3-to-1 vendor recipe. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
If you're lucky, Zana will now offer 5 new unique maps as part of her missions. Each map contains a boss encounter originally from the Synthesis league, and each can drop unique items originally exclusive to that league. Note, you cannot obtain Fractured items, nor will you have any access to the Synthesiser.
Offering to the Serpent now drops as a pre-synthesised item. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]