Sister Cassia is an NPC who introduces the player to Blight encounters. She can be found in The Sewers and The Imperial Gardens, as well as randomly in maps. After encountering her for the first time, she can be invited to your hideout.
Sister Cassia provides the ability to Anoint any amulet or ring with an extra enchantment, using Oils.
Hm? What do we have here? Yet another of Oriath's cast-offs? With the problems we're facing here, I do wish they'd send someone with a little more... utility. Alas, we have useless exiles blowing in like spores on the wind.
Cassia, by the by. Pleasure.
Yes, it's true, I, like you, am an exile. I caught the High Templar's eye several years ago. I showed an interest in the mechanical arts, and he had need for someone like myself for some highly secret projects he had started. He sought ways to tap into the power contained within the virtue gems in ways that I'm not sure were in line with God's plan. I did not openly refuse his orders; I simply... interpreted them differently. The mechanisms I built were brilliant and powerful, and totally useless for his desires. I may have kept some of them.
Unfortunately, as you know, little slips past Dominus. I was exiled as a matter of secrecy. Rapidly replaced by some little whore.
What? She is a whore.
You likely know her by the name High Templar Dominus gave her -- Piety. A whore-turned-thaumaturgist-turned-inventor. Or at least, she wishes she were. I've seen some of her work. Unimpressive, considering the resources she has available to her.
Not that I'm envious. I'm not. Really, good for her. But, you know, creators have a habit of getting caught in the teeth of their own creations, and Piety seems to favour creations with many, many teeth.
I've worked on many beautiful little machines in my time. Let's see... There was the one that was originally designed to rapidly peel and pith fruit. That one is now called the Descalper.
The portable oven turned out to be less of an oven and more of a red-hot ember dispenser. Still quite popular.
And of course, the towers I have been assembling for use in protecting the portable-purifying-pumping unit. Those I am particularly proud of. Powered by the toxic fluid that runs through the fungal fibres. Surprisingly robust, and safe! Relatively safe. Almost no one has died yet who wasn't meant to.
I've not seen anything like it before. The growths show no sign of intelligent thought, no clear ambition, yet the moment the pump's needle pierces the fungal flesh, creatures of all shapes and sizes begin to emerge from the mycelium -- and they never stray away from it.
The fluid within those growths may hold the key to controlling the minds of creatures... And hopefully, something to protect us from such a power. Too many already vie for control of our wills, but that is the domain of the divine.
The Templar
You've no doubt heard me singing some of the Templar hymns. One of the many habits that stuck with me, other than the one I still wear. Though the Templar have their... 'issues', they are not without merit. They are, after all, doing God's work. And by Innocence, their hymns are truly catchy little earworms. Singing them helps me focus.
Piety and Dominus
Strange as it may sound, I'm somewhat sad. I know in my heart of hearts that they were not good people, but they were still people. I knew Dominus well. We worked together. Ate together. There was a time when I would have called him my friend. And Piety was fighting her own demons.
I hope God sees fit to forgive their souls... And mine.
The Innocence you slew was not the God I know. My God is selfless. Humble. Yes, he is prone to burning sinners, but who among us isn't?
You just wait, Exile. Eternity will prove me right.
Blighted Maps
I'm starting to believe that these growths have some sort of central... well, brain isn't exactly the right word, but it isn't far off.
These larger growths, these "blighted maps" you've found, they may lead us to the original source of the Blight.
Not long ago, I believed they were a symptom of Wraeclast's death. Fungal growths feeding on a rotting carcass. Now? I'm certain they're a parasite. Wraeclast isn't dead, but it is dying, weakened by its violent history, and being overpowered and smothered by the blight.
God has laid out all the puzzle pieces. All we need to do now is put them together. I hope you're good at puzzles.
Fixed a bug where Cassia could appear in the The Twilight TempleThe Twilight Temple Moon Temple MapMap Level: 71 Map Tier: 4 Guild Character: ^ Item Quantity: +(75-100)% Item Rarity: +(125-175)% Monster Pack Size: +(25-50)%Area has increased monster variety Players are Cursed with Flammability Players are Cursed with Frostbite Area is inhabited by Lunaris fanatics Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics (25-50)% increased Pack sizeIn the shadow of war, all are eclipsed.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.unique map.
Clear OilClear OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 1Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Sepia OilSepia OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 2Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Amber OilAmber OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 3Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Verdant OilVerdant OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 4Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Teal OilTeal OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 5Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Azure OilAzure OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 6Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Indigo OilIndigo OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 7Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Violet OilViolet OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 8Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Crimson OilCrimson OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 9Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Black OilBlack OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 10Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Opalescent OilOpalescent OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 11Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Silver OilSilver OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 12Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Golden OilGolden OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 13Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
Tainted OilTainted OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 0Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to enchant corrupted Rings, Amulets or Blighted Maps.
Reflective OilReflective OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 0Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to enchant mirrored Rings, Amulets or Blighted Maps.
Prismatic OilPrismatic OilStack Size: 10 Oil Tier: 0Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to enchant Amulets.
BreathstealerBreathstealer Hydrascale GauntletsArmour: (212-305) Evasion: (212-305)Requires Level 59, 45 Str, 45 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion +(30-50) to maximum Mana +(10-16)% to all Elemental Resistances (5-10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed Create a Blighted Spore when your Skills or MinionsKill a Rare MonsterThe last gasp is not always one's final act.This item can be anointed by Cassia
Cowl of the CeraunophileCowl of the Ceraunophile Solaris CircletEnergy Shield: (96-122)Requires Level 59, 122 IntCan have a second Enchantment Modifier +(20-30) to all Attributes (60-80)% increased Energy Shield (55-50)% reduced Fire Resistance (55-50)% reduced Cold Resistance Lightning Resistance is 75%The villagers seared the blight with lightning, but it only forked into countless tendrils.This item can be anointed by Cassia
Cowl of the CryophileCowl of the Cryophile Silken HoodEvasion: (553-685)Requires Level 60, 138 DexCan have a second Enchantment Modifier +(20-30) to all Attributes (60-80)% increased Evasion Rating (55-50)% reduced Fire Resistance Cold Resistance is 75% (55-50)% reduced Lightning ResistanceThe villagers seared the blight with cold, but it only bloomed countless spears.This item can be anointed by Cassia
Cowl of the ThermophileCowl of the Thermophile Ezomyte BurgonetArmour: (553-685)Requires Level 60, 138 StrCan have a second Enchantment Modifier +(20-30) to all Attributes (60-80)% increased Armour Fire Resistance is 75% (55-50)% reduced Cold Resistance (55-50)% reduced Lightning ResistanceThe villagers seared the blight with fire, but it only spread like dancing flames.This item can be anointed by Cassia
SporeguardSporeguard Saint's HauberkArmour: (1329-1736) Energy Shield: (228-297) Movement Speed: -5%Requires Level 67, 109 Str, 94 IntTrigger Level 10 Contaminate when you Kill an Enemy (200-250)% increased Armour and Energy Shield (7-10)% increased maximum Life +(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance Enemies on Fungal Ground you Kill Explode, dealing 5% of their Life as Chaos Damage You have Fungal Ground around you while stationaryShrouded in seed, a conduit of contagion, yet the source of septicity remains unknown.This item can be anointed by Cassia
StranglegaspStranglegasp Onyx AmuletRequires Level 52+(10-16) to all AttributesCan have 3 additional Enchantment ModifiersDeath's approach brings clarity.
The StampedeThe Stampede Assassin's BootsEvasion: (242-347) Energy Shield: (50-70)Requires Level 63, 62 Dex, 62 Int(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield (30-40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery (50-80)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills (30-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while moving Your Movement Speed is 150% of its base valueRelentlessness. Nothing more, nothing less.This item can be anointed by Cassia
Blight ScarabBlight ScarabStack Size: 20 Limit: 1Area contains a Blight EncounterThe tendrils creep and grow...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Scarab of the BlightheartBlight Scarab of the BlightheartStack Size: 20 Limit: 1Blight Encounters in Area have one Blighted Chest Blight Encounters in Area spawn many more waves of Enemies Blighted Chests in Area grow larger and more rewarding the more Blighted Enemies are slainThe core grows larger with each cycle, doomed to spill forth...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Scarab of BloomingBlight Scarab of BloomingStack Size: 20 Limit: 1Blight Encounters in Area have up to 3 additional Unique Bosses Unique enemies in Blight Encounters have 100% increased life Tier 14+ Blighted Maps found in Area drop as Blight-Ravaged Maps insteadOnce a century, the Blight spills forth...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.
Blight Scarab of InvigorationBlight Scarab of InvigorationStack Size: 20 Limit: 1Each Empowering Tower in Areas grants Blighted Monsters in range increased Difficulty and RewardReversing the polarity of the compression modulator seems to have intriguing effects...Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.