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"Skill Duration" redirects here. For the passive skill, see Skill Duration (passive skill).

Duration is a keyword that refers to the attribute of certain effects that continue over time, and specify how long the effect remains.

Skill effect duration

Duration most commonly refers to Skill Effect Duration, a stat and modifier which can increase or reduce the duration of effects of many skills and secondary effects from support gems. Note that not all timed effects from skills are considered skill effects.

Vaal Skills have mechanic known as Soul Gain Prevention, which essentially acts similar to a cooldown. For any Vaal skills with a duration tag, modifiers to skill effect duration also modify the Soul Gain Prevention time.

Other duration types

Ailment duration

Main page: Ailment duration

All ailments have a fixed base duration, except for Freeze which scales with the ailment threshold of the hit. These durations can be modified, but are not considered skill effects and therefore cannot be modified by skill effect duration modifiers.

Viper StrikeViper StrikeAttack, Duration, Melee, Strike, Chaos
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (155-442)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (155-442)%
Hits enemies, converting some of your physical damage to chaos damage and inflicting poison which will be affected by modifiers to skill duration. If dual wielding, will strike with both weapons. Requires a claw, dagger or sword.30% less Attack Speed if Dual Wielding
Each Weapon Hits separately if Dual Wielding, dealing 20% less Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
60% chance to Poison on Hit

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base duration is (0.05-1) seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
and PuncturePunctureAttack, Projectile, Duration, Physical, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-14) Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (168-205)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (168-205)%
Requires Level 4Punctures enemies with your Bow, causing a bleeding debuff, which will be affected by modifiers to skill duration.Base duration is 8.00 seconds
(30-49)% more Damage with Bleeding
Causes Bleeding

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(1-20)% more Damage with Bleeding
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
are unique in that they have overrides for the default poison and bleed duration respectively with a skill effect, allowing poisons applied by Viper Strike and bleeds applied by Puncture to be modified by skill effect duration modifiers.

Stun duration

Main page: Stun Duration

Stuns last for a period of time depending on the relative amount and type of damage of a hit as well as Stun Duration modifiers, stun threshold, and stun recovery.

Trap duration

Main page: Trap

Traps remain armed for a limited duration, after which they expire. Most traps are triggered automatically when they expire, regardless of whether there are any enemies nearby. Trap duration does not affect the duration of skill effects of the skills used by traps and vice versa.

Mine duration

Main page: Mine

Mines remain active for a limited duration, after which they expire. If a mine is not detonated before it expires, it is destroyed without triggering. Mine duration does not affect the duration of skill effects of the skills used by mines and vice versa.

Totem duration

Main page: Totem

Totems from skills (not the monster type) remain active for a limited duration, after which they die. Totem duration does not affect the duration of skill effects of the skills used by totems and vice versa.

Buff duration

Main page: Buff

Certain buffs with a duration cannot be modified by skill duration effect even if they are obtained from a skill. However, some of these buffs can be modified by other means. Some examples include:

  • Onslaught - if not obtained from a skill (e.g. Daresso's DefianceDaresso's Defiance
    Full Dragonscale
    Armour: (1316-1731)
    Evasion: (1044-1372)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 63, 115 Str, 94 Dex(180-220)% increased Armour and Evasion
    +(60-90) to maximum Life
    2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
    You lose all Endurance Charges when Hit
    You gain an Endurance Charge on Kill
    You gain Onslaught for 5 seconds per Endurance Charge when Hit
    100% increased Effect of Onslaught on you
    "When your back is against the wall,
    And your opponent is bleeding you dry,
    There is only one appropriate response:
    Unbridled, overwhelming violence."
    - Daresso, the Sword King
  • Fortification - can be modified by Fortification Duration
  • Elusive - indirectly modified by effect of Elusive
  • BerserkBerserkSpell
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (10-16) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: Instant
    Requires Level 34Consumes Rage at an accelerating rate to increase the effects of Rage.Lose 5 Rage per second
    At least 5 Rage required to start Berserking
    Each second, 20% more Rage loss Rate
    This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effect
    (40-59)% increased Rage Effect

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.5-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    - indirectly modified by reduced Rage loss per second and +# to Maximum Rage

Buff/debuff expiration rate indirectly affects buff/debuff duration, causing the total duration to complete at an increased or decreased rate. The numerical duration of the effect is unchanged.[1]

Flask duration

Main page: Flask

Flasks last for a fixed period of time when used or triggered. Utility flasks can have their durations modified by adding quality or using an Enkindling OrbEnkindling OrbStack Size: 20Adds an enchantment to a utility flask that will improve it
but prevent it from gaining charges during its effect
Replaces any existing enchantment
Right click this item then left click a flask to apply it.
. Additionally, various modifiers can affect flask duration. While most effects from flasks last for the duration of the flask effect, certain modifiers (e.g. magic flask suffixes that grant immunity to certain ailments or effects if removed from the character or the Onslaught from RotgutRotgut
Quicksilver Flask
Lasts (7.80-9.00) Seconds
Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
40% increased Movement Speed
Requires Level 4050% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
(30-50)% increased Duration
Consumes Frenzy Charges on use
Gain Onslaught for 3 seconds per Frenzy Charge consumed on use
Rancid, rotten, and wicked are those that dare to taste my serum.Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
) have effect durations independent of flask duration.

Charge duration

Charges last for a set duration, and all stacks of a given Charge are lost upon the duration hitting zero. Various items and passive skills can modify charge duration.

Inspiration Charges from Inspiration SupportInspiration SupportCritical, Support
Icon: r
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level 31Supports any skill. Minions, Totems, Traps and Mines cannot gain Inspiration Charges.Supported Skills have (25-34)% less Mana Cost
Gain an Inspiration Charge when you Spend Mana on Upfront
Costs or Effects of Supported Skills
Supported Skills have (6-8)% increased Critical Strike Chance per Inspiration Charge
Supported Skills deal (3-5)% more Elemental Damage per Inspiration Charge
Lose all Inspiration Charges after Spending a total of (122-800) Mana on Upfront Costs and Effects of Supported Skills

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills have (0.25-5)% less Mana Cost
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
can also be modified by alternate quality effects and skill effect duration modifiers.


Main page: Cooldown

Cooldown is the lockout time between skill uses with a cooldown, and can only be modified by Cooldown Recovery Rate modifiers.


The duration of a skill effect can be altered with modifiers such as #% increased/reduced [effect] Duration where all increased/reduced modifiers are summed together and #% more/less [effect] Duration where the product of all more/less modifiers are calculated.

The total duration value can be calculated as the sum of any added duration, multiplied by the sum of all increases and reductions to duration, multiplied by all more and less duration modifiers.

For more information about the symbols, see sum and product notation.


Main page: Linger

Linger is a keyword that refers to buffs and debuffs that can constantly affect a character, ally, or enemy, and can also persist for a duration once they are no longer constantly affected.

Related items

Skill effect duration

ItemBase itemRequired levelStats
Atziri's ReignAtziri's Reign
Crimson Jewel
Limited to: 1(15-20)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration
Vaal Skills have (15-20)% chance to regain consumed Souls when used
CorruptedAtziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
but nothing is eternal.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Crimson Jewel1(15-20)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration
Vaal Skills have (15-20)% chance to regain consumed Souls when usedCorrupted
Moonstone Ring
Requires Level 25+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(6-12)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
(6-12)% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
(-20-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Unaffected by Temporal Chains
"To us mere mortals, time is slippery.
I'm just evening things out."
- Doryani, Queen's Thaumaturgist
Moonstone Ring25+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(6-12)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
(6-12)% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
(-20-20)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Unaffected by Temporal Chains
Doedre's ScornDoedre's Scorn
Lunaris Circlet
Energy Shield: (141-168)Requires Level 39, 83 Int+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(100-120) to maximum Energy Shield
Adds 37 to 71 Chaos Damage for each Curse on the Enemy
Curse Skills have (30-50)% increased Skill Effect Duration
A scar of the flesh you'll never forget,
A scar of the mind you'll never remember.
Lunaris Circlet39+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(100-120) to maximum Energy Shield
Adds 37 to 71 Chaos Damage for each Curse on the Enemy
Curse Skills have (30-50)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Chober ChaberChober Chaber
Great Mallet
Two Hand Mace
Physical Damage: (129-137.6) to (264-281.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 40, 104 Str30% increased Stun Duration on Enemies+1 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
20% reduced Strength Requirement
(200-220)% increased Physical Damage
25% increased maximum Mana
Minions have (20-40)% increased maximum Life
15% increased Skill Effect Duration
The faithful may continue to serve, even after death.
Great Mallet4030% increased Stun Duration on Enemies+1 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
20% reduced Strength Requirement
(200-220)% increased Physical Damage
25% increased maximum Mana
Minions have (20-40)% increased maximum Life
15% increased Skill Effect Duration
Satin Gloves
Energy Shield: (56-72)Requires Level 41, 60 IntGrants Level 22 Blight Skill
(100-120)% increased Energy Shield
10% increased Area of Effect
Blight has (20-30)% increased Hinder Duration
You cannot be Hindered
"Nothing is more natural than competition.
One feasts, another starves.
One blossoms, another withers.
And one cannot catch the golden sunlight
without casting a bitter shadow."
- Cadiro Perandus
Satin Gloves41Grants Level 22 Blight Skill
(100-120)% increased Energy Shield
10% increased Area of Effect
Blight has (20-30)% increased Hinder Duration
You cannot be Hindered
Warped TimepieceWarped Timepiece
Turquoise Amulet
Requires Level 50+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence(10-25)% increased Attack Speed
(10-25)% increased Cast Speed
(10-15)% increased Movement Speed
(20-10)% reduced Skill Effect Duration
Debuffs on you expire 100% faster
As you have lived, so you shall die
forever trying to keep up with me.
Your blood on these hands of mine
forever makes me the public enemy.
Turquoise Amulet50+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence(10-25)% increased Attack Speed
(10-25)% increased Cast Speed
(10-15)% increased Movement Speed
(20-10)% reduced Skill Effect Duration
Debuffs on you expire 100% faster
Glimpse of ChaosGlimpse of Chaos
Vaal Mask
Evasion: (207-239)
Energy Shield: (37-43)
Requires Level 62, 79 Dex, 72 Int<Can roll a special implicit when corrupted>Can be modified while Corrupted
(30-40)% increased maximum Life and reduced Fire Resistance
(30-40)% increased maximum Mana and reduced Cold Resistance
(30-40)% increased Global maximum Energy Shield and reduced Lightning Resistance
Chaos Resistance is Zero
CorruptedMan retains sanity and strives toward civilisation
only under the blessed veil of ignorance.
Vaal Mask62
<Can roll a special implicit when corrupted>
Skills fire an additional Projectile
+1 to Minimum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges
(15-25)% increased Area of Effect
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
(8-12)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
(10-15)% increased Effect of your Curses
Nearby Enemies are Blinded
Nearby Enemies are Crushed
Nearby Enemies have Malediction
(15-25)% increased Skill Effect Duration
+2 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Skill Gems get a 80% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
Can be modified while Corrupted
(30-40)% increased maximum Life and reduced Fire Resistance
(30-40)% increased maximum Mana and reduced Cold Resistance
(30-40)% increased Global maximum Energy Shield and reduced Lightning Resistance
Chaos Resistance is ZeroCorrupted
Speaker's WreathSpeaker's Wreath
Prophet Crown
Armour: (224-258)
Energy Shield: (32-37)
Requires Level 63, 85 Str, 62 Int+(20-40) to Dexterity
(10-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
2% increased Minion Attack Speed per 50 Dexterity
2% increased Minion Movement Speed per 50 Dexterity
Minions' Hits can only Kill Ignited Enemies
A strong pair of legs may carry you far,
but a silver tongue and a few brutes
can take you to the edge of the world.
Prophet Crown63+(20-40) to Dexterity
(10-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
2% increased Minion Attack Speed per 50 Dexterity
2% increased Minion Movement Speed per 50 Dexterity
Minions' Hits can only Kill Ignited Enemies
Breath of the CouncilBreath of the Council
Carnal Sceptre
Physical Damage: (147.6-168.1) to (342-389.5)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 66, 113 Str, 113 Int32% increased Elemental Damage(260-310)% increased Physical Damage
(80-100)% increased Chaos Damage
10% increased Area of Effect
Chaos Skills have 40% increased Skill Effect Duration
Breathe deep, and give yourself over to eternity.
Carnal Sceptre6632% increased Elemental Damage(260-310)% increased Physical Damage
(80-100)% increased Chaos Damage
10% increased Area of Effect
Chaos Skills have 40% increased Skill Effect Duration
Vaal Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierAttacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<veiled mod pool>
What has no siblings but is always a twin?Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Vaal Rapier66+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierAttacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<veiled mod pool>
(12-15)% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
(18-22)% increased Cast Speed
15% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
(18-20)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
(60-69)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (13-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
+(24-28)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Chaos Resistance
(70-79)% increased Cold Damage
(21-23)% chance to Freeze
+(24-28)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
+(36-40)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
(5-6)% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
(5-6)% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
(5-6)% increased Damage per Power Charge
(6-7)% chance to deal Double Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Elemental Resistances
(70-79)% increased Fire Damage
(21-23)% chance to Ignite
+(24-28)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
(70-79)% increased Lightning Damage
(21-23)% chance to Shock
+(311-350) to Accuracy Rating
+(25-28) to Strength and Dexterity
(18-22)% increased Attack Speed
15% chance to Trigger Level 1 Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
(18-22)% increased Attack Speed
+(25-28) to Dexterity and Intelligence
(28-32)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(25-28) to Strength and Intelligence
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Poison on Hit
Minions have (18-20)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (18-20)% increased Cast Speed
Minions deal (34-38)% increased Damage
Minions have (34-38)% increased maximum Life
+(24-28)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
(70-79)% increased Spell Damage
(18-20)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(60-69)% increased Spell Damage
Gain 5% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Replica ParadoxicaReplica Paradoxica
Vaal Rapier
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 22-87
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 1.4 metres
Requires Level 66, 212 Dex+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierVeiled Prefix
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Prefix
<veiled mod pool>
"This is one riddle I can't solve."
- Researcher Graven
Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Vaal Rapier66+25% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierVeiled Prefix
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Suffix
Veiled Prefix
<veiled mod pool>
Hits can't be Evaded
(12-15)% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
Adds (12-14) to (18-20) Physical Damage
40% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(18-22)% increased Cast Speed
15% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
(18-20)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
(60-69)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (13-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
+(24-28)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Chaos Resistance
Gain (9-10)% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
(70-79)% increased Cold Damage
(21-23)% chance to Freeze
+(24-28)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
+(36-40)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
(5-6)% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
(5-6)% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
(5-6)% increased Damage per Power Charge
(6-7)% chance to deal Double Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Elemental Resistances
Gain (9-10)% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
(70-79)% increased Fire Damage
(21-23)% chance to Ignite
+(24-28)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
Gain (9-10)% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
(70-79)% increased Lightning Damage
(21-23)% chance to Shock
+(311-350) to Accuracy Rating
+(25-28) to Strength and Dexterity
(18-22)% increased Attack Speed
15% chance to Trigger Level 1 Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
(18-22)% increased Attack Speed
+(25-28) to Dexterity and Intelligence
(28-32)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(25-28) to Strength and Intelligence
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Poison on Hit
+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+(5-8)% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems
Minions have (18-20)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (18-20)% increased Cast Speed
Minions deal (34-38)% increased Damage
Minions have (34-38)% increased maximum Life
Gain (9-10)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
+(24-28)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
+(9-10)% to Quality of Socketed Gems
(70-79)% increased Spell Damage
(18-20)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(60-69)% increased Spell Damage
Gain 5% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Cane of KulemakCane of Kulemak
Serpentine Staff
Physical Damage: 56-117
Critical Strike Chance: 7.80%
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 68, 85 Str, 85 Int+22% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(60-90)% increased Unveiled Modifier magnitudes
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<Veiled Prefix or Veiled Suffix>
<veiled mod pool>
Stolen power is still power.Take this item to Jun Ortoi to have her Unveil it.
Serpentine Staff68+22% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff(60-90)% increased Unveiled Modifier magnitudes
Veiled Prefix
Veiled Suffix
<Veiled Prefix or Veiled Suffix>
<veiled mod pool>
(27-30)% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
(26-31)% increased Cast Speed
15% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy
(36-40)% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused
(90-99)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (26-30)% increased Skill Effect Duration
+(44-48)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Chaos Resistance
(100-109)% increased Cold Damage
(35-40)% chance to Freeze
+(44-48)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
+(54-60)% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
(7-8)% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
(7-8)% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
(7-8)% increased Damage per Power Charge
(12-14)% chance to deal Double Damage
Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Elemental Resistances
(100-109)% increased Fire Damage
(35-40)% chance to Ignite
+(44-48)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
(100-109)% increased Lightning Damage
(35-40)% chance to Shock
+(311-350) to Accuracy Rating
+(25-28) to Strength and Dexterity
(18-22)% increased Attack Speed
15% chance to Trigger Level 1 Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy
(18-22)% increased Attack Speed
+(25-28) to Dexterity and Intelligence
(28-32)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(25-28) to Strength and Intelligence
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
(120-139)% increased Physical Damage
(21-25)% chance to Poison on Hit
+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+(5-8)% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems
Minions have (34-38)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (34-38)% increased Cast Speed
Minions deal (50-59)% increased Damage
Minions have (50-59)% increased maximum Life
+(44-48)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
(100-109)% increased Spell Damage
(36-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(90-99)% increased Spell Damage
Gain (9-10)% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage


NameGeneration TypeFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
of the ElderSuffix68(10-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 More Duration
boots_elder 800
V2IncreasedDurationCorruptedCorrupted1(12-15)% increased Skill Effect Durationbelt 1000
SkillEffectDurationEldritchImplicit1Eater of Worlds75(7-8)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 500
SkillEffectDurationEldritchImplicit2Eater of Worlds75(9-10)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 500
SkillEffectDurationEldritchImplicit3Eater of Worlds75(11-12)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 500
SkillEffectDurationEldritchImplicit4Eater of Worlds75(13-14)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 500
SkillEffectDurationEldritchImplicit5Eater of Worlds75(15-16)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 500
SkillEffectDurationEldritchImplicit6Eater of Worlds75(17-18)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 500
SkillEffectDurationPinnaclePresence3Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (23-24)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 100
SkillEffectDurationPinnaclePresence4Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (25-26)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 100
SkillEffectDurationPinnaclePresence5Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (27-28)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 100
SkillEffectDurationPinnaclePresence6Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 100
SkillEffectDurationUniquePresence2Eater of Worlds75While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (15-16)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 250
SkillEffectDurationUniquePresence3Eater of Worlds75While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (17-18)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 250
SkillEffectDurationUniquePresence4Eater of Worlds75While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (19-20)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 250
SkillEffectDurationUniquePresence5Eater of Worlds75While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 250
SkillEffectDurationUniquePresence6Eater of Worlds75While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% increased Skill Effect Durationno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
amulet 250
WeaponTreeDamageOverTimeLowSkillEffectDuration1Crucible Passive Skill Tree57% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 125
WeaponTreeDamageOverTime2hLowSkillEffectDuration1Crucible Passive Skill Tree511% increased Damage over Time
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 125
WeaponTreeDamageOverTimeLowSkillEffectDuration2Crucible Passive Skill Tree2310% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 125
WeaponTreeDamageOverTime2hLowSkillEffectDuration2Crucible Passive Skill Tree2316% increased Damage over Time
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 125
WeaponTreeDamageOverTimeLowSkillEffectDuration3Crucible Passive Skill Tree5113% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 125
WeaponTreeDamageOverTime2hLowSkillEffectDuration3Crucible Passive Skill Tree5121% increased Damage over Time
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 125
WeaponTreeDamageOverTimeLowSkillEffectDuration4Crucible Passive Skill Tree6917% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 63
WeaponTreeDamageOverTime2hLowSkillEffectDuration4Crucible Passive Skill Tree6926% increased Damage over Time
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 63
WeaponTreeDamageOverTimeLowSkillEffectDuration5Crucible Passive Skill Tree8020% increased Damage over Time
5% increased Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 31
WeaponTreeDamageOverTime2hLowSkillEffectDuration5Crucible Passive Skill Tree8032% increased Damage over Time
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 31
WeaponTreeCooldownRecoveryReducedSkillEffectDuration1Crucible Passive Skill Tree2010% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
10% reduced Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeCooldownRecoveryReducedSkillEffectDuration2h1Crucible Passive Skill Tree2020% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
10% reduced Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeCooldownRecoveryReducedSkillEffectDuration2Crucible Passive Skill Tree8415% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
10% reduced Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeCooldownRecoveryReducedSkillEffectDuration2h2Crucible Passive Skill Tree8425% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
10% reduced Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeGuardSkillCooldownRecoveryGuardDuration1Crucible Passive Skill Tree15Guard Skills have 60% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Guard Skills have 50% reduced Duration
shield 400
WeaponTreeGuardSkillCooldownRecoveryGuardDuration2Crucible Passive Skill Tree65Guard Skills have 80% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Guard Skills have 50% reduced Duration
shield 400
WeaponTreeSkillEffectDurationReducedCooldownRecovery1Crucible Passive Skill Tree2015% increased Skill Effect Duration
10% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
one_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeSkillEffectDurationReducedCooldownRecovery2h1Crucible Passive Skill Tree2030% increased Skill Effect Duration
20% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
two_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeSkillEffectDurationReducedCooldownRecovery2Crucible Passive Skill Tree8420% increased Skill Effect Duration
10% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
one_hand_weapon 300
WeaponTreeSkillEffectDurationReducedCooldownRecovery2h2Crucible Passive Skill Tree8440% increased Skill Effect Duration
20% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
two_hand_weapon 300
of the UndergroundSuffix1(15-25)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Durationabyss_jewel 0
jewel 0
amulet 2000
ChosenPrefix60(60-69)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (13-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
two_hand_weapon 0
wand 1000
dagger 1000
sceptre 1000
weapon 100
ChosenPrefix60(90-99)% increased Chaos Damage
Chaos Skills have (26-30)% increased Skill Effect Duration
one_hand_weapon 0
bow 0
staff 1000
weapon 100
of the ExpertSuffix75(10-15)% increased Skill Effect Durationdex_special_relic 600
default 150

Skill gems with duration related stats

Support gems with duration related stats

Passive skills

Skill effect duration

Reduced Skill Duration
5% reduced Skill Effect Duration [1] [2]
Skill Duration
10% increased Skill Effect Duration [1] [2] [3] [4]
27% increased Chaos Damage
12% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
Enduring Bond
20% increased Minion Duration
Minions deal 30% increased Damage if you've used a Minion Skill Recently
20% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
23% increased Damage over Time
10% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
Exceptional Performance
25% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
Hunter's Gambit
25% increased Damage Over Time with Bow Skills
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
+10% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier [1]
Potency of Will
25% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
Window of Opportunity
15% reduced Skill Effect Duration
Debuffs on you expire 15% faster [1]

Ascendancy passives

Minion Damage, Skill Duration
Minions deal 10% increased Damage
10% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
Mistress of Sacrifice
40% increased Skill Effect Duration
Your Offering Skills also affect you
Your Offerings have 50% reduced Effect on you [1]

Mastery Effects

Mastery Effects
Damage Over Time Mastery
  • 15% increased Skill Effect Duration
    15% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
Duration Mastery
  • 10% more Skill Effect Duration
  • 10% less Skill Effect Duration

Cluster Jewel Passives

No results found for the given query.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Modifiers to skill duration no longer modify the duration of traps, totems or mines, but will continue to modify the duration of skills cast by traps, totems and mines if those skills have a duration.


  1. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3123794 - Game mechanics question and answer thread - author GGG staff -Access and releases dates may 18, 2021.