The Old Fields

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The Old Fields
No Waypoint
Area level14
Area type tagssouthernforest
Tagsarea_with_water, einharbeast, einharmonkey, fields_area, has_road_area, old_fields_area
ConnectionsThe Forest Encampment
The Den
The Crossroads
Vaal Side AreasHidden Patch
Sick pastures, feverish to the touch.

The Old Fields is an area in Act 2. This area has no waypoint and is connected to The Forest Encampment, The Den, and The Crossroads.

Waist-high stone walls and crumbling arches are all that remain of Azmeri settlers. A winding road leads east from the town to the Crossroads exit, with Gneiss blocking the path at one point. The Den is placed randomly on either side of the road, closer to the crossroads than the encampment.

The area returns in Act 7 as The Ashen Fields.


Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Removed the Cruel and Merciless difficulty levels. Path of Exile is now a single ten-act playthrough.
  • Zone levels changed from 16/41/57 to 14/45/60 due to 2.0 progression balancing.
Before 0.10.0
  • Introduced to the game.