Energy Blade

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For the one-handed version of this pseudo-weapon granted by this skill, see Energy Blade (One Handed Sword).
For the two-handed version of this pseudo-weapon granted by this skill, see Energy Blade (Two Handed Sword).
Energy BladeSpell, Lightning
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (136-624) Energy Shield
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 24Grants a buff which significantly lowers your maximum Energy Shield to transform your equipped weapons into Swords formed from that energy. Casting the spell again removes the buff. Requires a Non-Bow weapon. This skill cannot be triggered.Energy Blades have minimum Lightning Damage equal to 2% of Energy Shield, plus (2-12)
Energy Blades have maximum Lightning Damage equal to 40% of Energy Shield, plus (40-235)
Two Handed Energy Blades have 70% more Lightning Damage
Buff grants 50% less Maximum Energy Shield

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Buff grants (0.25-5)% more Maximum Energy Shield
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Drop level: 24
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemEnergyBlade

Energy Blade is a lightning spell that grants a buff which significantly lowers your maximum Energy Shield to transform your equipped weapons into Swords formed from that energy. Casting the spell again removes the buff. Requires a Non-Bow weapon.


Energy Blades stats

Energy BladeEnergy BladeOne Handed Sword
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.70
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Energy BladeEnergy BladeTwo Hand Sword
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
  • Energy Blades have (minimum/maximum) Lightning Damage equal to #% of Energy Shield: Using Energy Blade grants a buff that completely replaces your existing weapon(s), creating one handed Energy Blade(s)Energy BladeOne Handed Sword
    Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
    Attacks per Second: 1.70
    Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
    or a two handed Energy BladeEnergy BladeTwo Hand Sword
    Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
    Attacks per Second: 1.60
    Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
    based on your equipped weapon, at the cost of half your total Energy Shield. Note that the Lightning Damage granted is based on your current Maximum Energy Shield, which takes the Buff grants 50% less Maximum Energy Shield modifier into account, essentially giving you 50% of the Energy Shield you would have had with the buff off. Lightning Damage gained this way is added to the Energy Blades weapon as local weapon damage, and thus can be used with Battlemage or (in the one handed case) Spellblade SupportSpellblade SupportSupport, Spell
    Icon: |
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
    Requires Level 38Supports spells that hit enemies. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills have Added Spell Damage equal to (40-135)% of
    Damage of Equipped One Handed Melee Weapons
    If two Weapons are Equipped, each contributes 60% as much Added Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    • The replacement Energy Blade(s) use the same number of hands as the replaced weapon, except in special cases like Oni-GoroshiOni-Goroshi
      Charan's Sword
      One Handed Sword
      Physical Damage: 5-11
      Critical Strike Chance: (8.50-9.50)%
      Attacks per Second: 1.45
      Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
      40% increased Global Accuracy RatingUses both hand slots
      (70-90)% increased Critical Strike Chance
      Adds 2 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per Level
      Gain Her Embrace for 3 seconds when you Ignite an Enemy
      While in Her Embrace, take 0.5% of your total Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Fire Damage per second per Level
      Has 6 Linked Sockets (Hidden)
      Uses goddess player audio (Hidden)
      "Your name is Demon Slayer? Really? Good name for rotgut, that."
      She said: I prefer "The Goddess Of Swords". Much more dignified. And accurate.
      "Demon Slayer The Cheap And Nasty it is then. Burns going down, burns coming up?"
      She said: Every single time, Charan. And'll bathe me, and you'll drink my love. Until you can't.
      (a one handed sword that is replaced by a two handed Energy Blade).
  • By default, a one-handed Energy Blade has 7% base Critical Strike Chance, 1.7 Attacks per Second, and 11 Weapon Range. Dual-wielding while activating this buff will replace both weapons.
    • A two-handed Energy Blade has 7% base Critical Strike Chance, 1.6 Attacks per Second, and 13 Weapon Range; it also inherently has 70% more Local Lightning Damage which is already factored in the weapon damage range when activated.


  • Support Gems: Because Energy Blades is a buff, and does not inherently do damage, this skill cannot be directly supported by Support Gems that require Hits or dealing damage. Currently, the only synergistic Support Gems include Empower SupportEmpower SupportExceptional, Support
    Icon: +
    Level: (1-3)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
    Supports any skill gem. Once this gem reaches level 2 or above, will raise the level of supported gems. Cannot support skills that don't come from gems.+(0-2) to Level of Supported Skill Gems

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    This Gem gains (5-100)% increased Experience
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    and Enhance SupportEnhance SupportExceptional, Support
    Icon: +
    Level: (1-3)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
    Supports any skill gem. Once this gem reaches level 2 or above, will raise the quality of supported gems. Cannot support skills that don't come from gems.+(0-16)% to Quality of Supported Skill Gems

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    This Gem gains (5-100)% increased Experience
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    (or their Awakened variations). Faster Casting SupportFaster Casting SupportSupport, Spell
    Icon: f
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
    Requires Level 18Supports non-instant spell skills.Supported Skills have (20-39)% increased Cast Speed

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% increased Cast Speed
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , Enlighten SupportEnlighten SupportExceptional, Support
    Icon: +
    Level: (1-3)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: (100-92)%
    Supports any skill gem. Once this gem reaches level 2 or above, will apply a cost & reservation multiplier to supported gems. Cannot support skills that don't come from gems.
    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    This Gem gains (5-100)% increased Experience
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , and Second Wind SupportSecond Wind SupportSupport
    Icon: 8
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 200%
    Requires Level 31Supports skills with cooldowns.
    Cannot support triggered skills.
    Supported Skills have (24-5)% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
    Supported Non-Instant Skills have +1 Cooldown Use

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills have (0.25-5)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    can also be used; however, they serve no real purpose other than when first casting the skill. Deactivating Energy Blade is instant.
  • Modifiers to the Level or Quality of the Gem from weapons will automatically be negated when Energy Blade is activated, as the weapon becomes replaced.
  • Energy Blade is considered a normal weapon, potentially relevant for The AsceticThe Ascetic
    Gold Amulet
    Requires Level 8(12-20)% increased Rarity of Items found(80-100)% increased Rarity of Items found with a Normal Item Equipped
    (10-15)% increased Quantity of Items found with a Magic Item Equipped
    Many things come to one who has nothing.
  • The sword preserves the sockets and links of the weapon it replaces, including abyssal sockets.
  • Energy Blades cannot have a Crucible Passive Tree and do not inherit one from the character's base weapons.

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelRequired IntelligenceES CostMin Lightning
Max Lightning
Exp.Total Exp.

Item acquisition

Energy Blade can drop anywhere.


Energy Blade can be created from the following recipes:

13The CataclysmThe Cataclysm13Level 21 Spell Gem
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Random corrupted level 21 Spell gemA
6The FoxThe Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Random level 20 gemA
3Gemcutter's PromiseGemcutter's Promise3Gem
Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus, Imperial Gemcutter
Random gem with 20% qualityA
1Gemcutter's IncubatorGemcutter's IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Quality Gem item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random gem with 1–20% qualityA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Vendor reward

This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
Lost in Love
Act 3
A Fixture of Fate
Act 3
Fallen from Grace
Act 6
Lilly Roth

Related helmet enchantments

The following helmet enchantments affect Energy Blades.

Note that helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable since version 3.23.0 and can only be obtained in permanent leagues as already enchanted items from before this patch.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.LabyrinthStatsSpawn Weighting
Enchantment Energy Blade Attack Speed 166Merciless LabyrinthEnergy Blades have 10% increased Attack Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Energy Blade Attack Speed 275Eternal LabyrinthEnergy Blades have 15% increased Attack Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Energy Blade Lightning Penetration 166Merciless LabyrinthAttacks with Energy Blades Penetrate 8% Lightning Resistancehelmet 100
Enchantment Energy Blade Lightning Penetration 275Eternal LabyrinthAttacks with Energy Blades Penetrate 12% Lightning Resistancehelmet 100

Helmet enchantments apply as enchantments on the equipped Energy Blades and are local mods; the Penetration enchantment on the weapon instead reads Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Lightning Resistance.

Alternate skill effects

Energy Blade has the following alternate skill effects:

Celestial Energy Blade EffectCelestial Energy Blade EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Energy Blade becomes a Celestial Effect.Your Energy Blade becomes a Celestial Effect.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Quality now causes the Buff to grant 0-5% more Maximum Energy Shield, instead of causing Energy Blades to have 0-10% increased Critical Strike Chance.
  • Energy Blade now has "Two Handed Energy Blades have 70% more Lightning Damage" (previously 50%).
  • Energy Blade has been added to the game.
  • Fixed a bug with Energy Blade where it could delete the player's weapon if they logged out in town after activating it.
