Pale Cherubim

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Pale Cherubim
Pale Cherubim
Pale Cherubim
Location(s) areas that have modifiers to allow beyond to spawn

Pale Cherubim is a monster introduced in Scourge league. It can be found as a beyond demon.


List of variants

Pale Cherubim has the following internal variants

name internal ids skill ids
Pale Cherubim Metadata/Monsters/LeagueHellscape/PaleFaction/HellscapePaleFodder1 MeleeAtAnimationSpeed MPSHellscapePaleHammerhead
Pale Cherubim Metadata/Monsters/LeagueHellscape/PaleFaction/HellscapePaleFodder1Spectre MeleeAtAnimationSpeed MPSHellscapePaleHammerhead

Items found from this monster

Required level
The CallingThe Calling6Beyond ItemBlood flows not just through veins, but through worlds.231
The PuzzleThe Puzzle55x Breachstone SplinterAs countless fractures weaken the divide, nightmares seep through from the other side.681
Tainted Chromatic OrbTainted Chromatic OrbStack Size: 20Unpredictably reforges the colour of sockets on a corrupted itemRight click this item then left click a corrupted socketed item to apply it.21
Tainted Jeweller's OrbTainted Jeweller's OrbStack Size: 20Unpredictably adds or removes a socket on a corrupted itemRight click this item then left click a corrupted socketed item to apply it.81
Tainted Orb of FusingTainted Orb of FusingStack Size: 20Unpredictably adds or removes a link to the largest group of linked sockets on a corrupted itemRight click this item then left click a corrupted socketed item to apply it.501
Tainted Exalted OrbTainted Exalted OrbStack Size: 20Unpredictably adds or removes a modifier on a corrupted rare itemRight click this item then left click a corrupted rare item to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers.351
Tainted Mythic OrbTainted Mythic OrbStack Size: 20Unpredictably either upgrades a corrupted item to unique rarity or destroys itRight click this item then left click a corrupted item to apply it. Cannot apply to Maps.21
Tainted Armourer's ScrapTainted Armourer's ScrapStack Size: 40Randomises the quality of a corrupted armourRight click this item then left click a corrupted armour to apply it. The maximum random quality is 29%.11
Tainted Blacksmith's WhetstoneTainted Blacksmith's WhetstoneStack Size: 20Randomises the quality of a corrupted weaponRight click this item then left click a corrupted weapon to apply it. The maximum random quality is 29%.11
Tainted Chaos OrbTainted Chaos OrbStack Size: 20Unpredictably either reforges a corrupted rare item with new random modifiers or removes all of its modifiersRight click this item then left click a corrupted rare item to apply it.121
Tainted Divine TeardropTainted Divine TeardropStack Size: 10Unpredictably raises or lowers the tier of each modifier on a corrupted rare itemRight click this item then left click a corrupted rare item to apply it.681


Cherubim is a plural of cherub, a type of supernatural being in the Abrahamic religions.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Beyond portals now spawn Scourge demons instead of the old Beyond bandits. Demons are still divided into three factions, and only one faction will spawn in any single instance.

See also