Thirst for Knowledge5GluttonyA ravenous mind can readily take in ideas from any source. Fortunately for the scholars, he has already learned about sustainability.
Acquisition Drop restricted Drop level: 48 Academy Map • Courthouse MapMetadata Item class: Divination Card Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardThirstForKnowledge
Thirst for Knowledge is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for GluttonyGluttony Leather BeltRequires Level 48+(25-40) to maximum Life+(60-80) to maximum Life You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies Gain (20-28) Life per Cursed Enemy Hit with Attacks Gain (10-14) Mana per Cursed Enemy Hit with Attacks Take (100-200) Physical Damage when you use a Movement Skill You have no Armour or Maximum Energy ShieldWhat started as a desire to feed became a desire to learn....
Stacked DeckStacked DeckStack Size: 20A stack of unknown divination cardsRight click to take a divination card out of the deck.
Random divination card
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
Random divination card set exchange
Usage in recipes
Thirst for Knowledge is used in the following recipes:
GluttonyGluttony Leather BeltRequires Level 48+(25-40) to maximum Life+(60-80) to maximum Life You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies Gain (20-28) Life per Cursed Enemy Hit with Attacks Gain (10-14) Mana per Cursed Enemy Hit with Attacks Take (100-200) Physical Damage when you use a Movement Skill You have no Armour or Maximum Energy ShieldWhat started as a desire to feed became a desire to learn...
Thirst for KnowledgeThirst for Knowledge5GluttonyA ravenous mind can readily take in ideas from any source. Fortunately for the scholars, he has already learned about sustainability.
Design attribution
Thirst for Knowledge was created by supporter JohnOldman.[1]
We've done a big shuffle of which Divination Cards can be found in each Map, which means most Maps drop fewer Divination Cards than before, but don't worry you can now see this information for yourself!
Drop level changed from 36 to 48. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
Thirst for Knowledge now also drops from Scriptorium. [Verified on DivcordThis information has been verified by players on Divcord, the divination card discovery Discord server. Actual undocumented changes to drop locations may have occurred in a previous patch.]
No longer drops from story areas due to drop level. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]