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All monsters, strongboxes and most of the items come in one of four different rarities. The common rarity is normal, followed by magic, rare and unique. Higher rarity means things are higher valued but occur less frequently in the game.


Many types of dropped items roll a random rarity with normal items being the most common and unique items the least common. The specific order of operations is as follows:

  1. Upon randomly dropping, the item is checked if the item is unique.[1] If a dropped item is unique, it cannot be an item without rarity (e.g. currency, divination cards, scarabs). Therefore, excessively increased item rarity (typically difficult to achieve in regular gameplay) can negatively impact non-rarity item drops.[2]
  2. If the item is not unique, it determines an item category from [DropPool]. Certain categories have a default [[weight (mechanic)|weight) of 0, but individual items have individual weights that add to DropPool.
  3. If the selected item category can have a rarity, it then will roll for rare, then magic, and any remaining items will drop normal. Stats affecting Item Rarity change the chance of success at each step.[3] If the item cannot have a rarity, the roll from rare to normal is effectively ignored.
  4. After rarity is determined, the specific item's base type is selected.

Magic, rare, and unique items found by the player are initially unidentified and a Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. must be used to discover their properties.

The number of sockets that can be found on an item is not affected by rarity; this instead relies on its item level.



Normal Goat's HornGoat's HornWand
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks

Normal items (also called base items) are the "default" state of items without any explicit modifiers/affixes. Some specific base types have implicit modifiers.

A normal item can be upgraded into a magic item using an Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation", or a rare item using an Orb of AlchemyOrb of AlchemyStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it.. Using an Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Chance" can upgrade a normal item into a magic, rare, or even unique item of the same base type.


Magic Goat's HornGoat's HornWand
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks

Magic items have the same base statistics as a normal item of the same type, but have magical modifiers on them given by affixes, up to one prefix and one suffix. The types of modifiers that can be found or added to an item depend on its item level, the base type and any additional flags on the item (such as shaped or elder).

A magic item with only either a prefix or suffix property can have a second property of the missing type added to it by using an Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Augmentation". The affixes can be rerolled with an Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Alteration".

A magic item can be upgraded into a rare item using a Regal OrbRegal OrbStack Size: 20Upgrades a magic item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a magic item to apply it. Current modifiers are retained and a new one is added.. It will retain its current affixes and one new affix will be added.

When Cloak of Tawm'r IsleyCloak of Tawm'r Isley
Savant's Robe
Energy Shield: (287-396)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 56, 152 IntSocketed Minion Gems are Supported by Level 16 Life Leech
(150-200)% increased Energy Shield
Minions cannot be Blinded
Minions have 15% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
Found Magic Items drop Identified
Renowned by those distinguished,
Exalted by the few.
He skulks in darkness,
and watches from beneath the city.
is equipped, it grants player dropped magic item identified.


Rare Goat's HornGoat's HornWand
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks

Rare items function the same as magic items, except they have at most six affixes – up to three prefixes and up to three suffixes. Found rare items or items made rare with an Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Chance" or an Orb of AlchemyOrb of AlchemyStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it. will always have at least 4 affixes, but it is possible to get a rare item with only 2 or 3 by using a Regal OrbRegal OrbStack Size: 20Upgrades a magic item to a rare itemRight click this item then left click a magic item to apply it. Current modifiers are retained and a new one is added. or Orb of AnnulmentOrb of AnnulmentStack Size: 20Removes a random modifier from an itemRight click this item then left click on a magic or rare item to apply it.. A rare item with less than 6 affixes can gain an additional mod with an Exalted OrbExalted OrbStack Size: 20Augments a rare item with a new random modifierRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers. or a crafted mod using a Crafting Bench. Chaos OrbsChaos OrbStack Size: 20Reforges a rare item with new random modifiersRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it. completely reroll a rare item's affixes, again giving between 4 and 6 mods.

Rare items are given a randomly generated name.

Flasks cannot be of rare rarity.

Jewels and Abyss Jewels can only have up to 4 explicit modifiers; however, the Corrupted Gaze Atlas Passive Skill can cause Abyss Jewels to drop corrupted with up to six explicit mods. Maps can have 8 mods as a result of corruption.


Main page: Unique item
Unique Goat's HornGoat's HornWand
Physical Damage: 7-13
Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 6, 29 IntAdds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks

Unique items have the same base stats as a normal item of the same type, but have specific names, unique artwork and set lists of modifiers instead of affixes. While the three preceding rarities are strictly better than the one before (e.g. rare items are always more powerful than magic items), this is not the case with unique items. They usually provide different and particular modifiers (sometimes thematically grouped) that can't be found on other items. Therefore they are considered to be more build-defining, granting effects that can be built around, but generally grant less pure stats than rare items.

Increased Item Rarity/Quantity

Players can boost their chances of getting powerful equipment and uniques with the statistics Increased Rarity of Items Found and Increased Quantity of Items Found. The combination of rarity and quantity stats is sometimes called Magic Find or MF, referring to the equivalent stats in Diablo.

  • The Item Rarity stat affects the rarity between normal to unique that an item generates. It does not affect items without rarity, such as currency.
  • The Item Quantity stat affects the number of items dropped. It affects all items that are not deterministic drops (e.g. boss drops) unless another stat specifically allows it to scale rewards.

Item rarity and quantity modifies stats in one of four separate "buckets" that interact multiplicatively:

  1. Player IIR/IIQ: Obtained from equipment, support gems (Item Rarity SupportItem Rarity SupportSupport
    Icon: R
    Level: (1-20)
    Requires Level 31Supports any skill that can kill enemies.(40-59)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.5-10)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , Item Quantity SupportItem Quantity SupportSupport
    Icon: Q
    Level: (1-20)
    Requires Level 24Supports any skill that can kill enemies.(17-36)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.35-7)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    ), and buffs (e.g. flasks, Alva in the Temple of Atzoatl). Player IIR/IIQ has diminishing returns.
  2. Monster IIR/IIQ: Inherent to the monster, scales with monster rarity. Monsters from league mechanics tend to have higher values. Also affected by the Touched or Grip buffs from Tormented Spirits and the strongbox enrage sextant modifier. Mechanics that empower monsters, such as wisps from Affliction league, act as a more multiplier to this stat.
  3. Area IIR/IIQ: Granted by area modifiers and map device crafts. Eldritch Altars add to this value.
  4. Party bonus: Grants increased bonuses based on the number of players in a party.

Modifiers to player and monster IIR/IIQ do not affect items dropped from chests.[4]

Player IIR does not affect scarab monster modifier conversions.[5]

Increased Item Rarity (IIR)

Increases the chances of an item being magic, rare, or unique. This stat does not directly affect items without rarity like currency or gems.[6] Magic, rare, and unique monsters have an inherent increased item rarity modifier.

When in a party, only the stats from the player who lands the killing blow on an enemy is applied - multiple characters attacking a monster will not stack their item rarity bonuses together. If one of your minions gets a kill, the summoner's IIR is used, in addition to IIR from Item Rarity SupportItem Rarity SupportSupport
Icon: R
Level: (1-20)
Requires Level 31Supports any skill that can kill enemies.(40-59)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
. IIR on gear worn by minions (through Necromantic Aegis or Animate GuardianAnimate GuardianSpell, Minion
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Requires Level 28Animates a melee weapon or armour, attaching it to an invisible Guardian that fights by your side. Animating multiple items attaches them to the same Guardian. You cannot animate unidentified items. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.Minions have (0-38)% more Maximum Life
Can use Items requiring up to Level (33-100)
Minion deals (0-38)% more Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Minion Movement Speed
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
) is never used[7].

Increased Item Quantity (IIQ)

Increases the average number of items that drop from monsters (see drop rate). This includes currency, scrolls, skill gems and divination cards.[8] It does not affect the type, quality, or rarity of the item dropped, only the chance that something will drop.[4] The base chance for an item to drop varies between monster types, and the number of drops also increases with monster rarity.

  • Only the IIQ of the area and the party bonus affect chests or strongboxes[9]
  • Player IIQ does not affect the number of maps that drop from enemies.[10] However, area quantity does affect the number of map drops.[11]

In a party, each player in the party after the first gives the equivalent of +50% item quantity to currency and gem drops as well as a +10% item quantity and +40% item rarity on other drops[12]. This bonus does not affect map drops. The party bonus as well as any bonus the monster gives are additive with each other and are multiplicative with player quantity of the player that killed the monster.[13]


Higher rarity on a monster means it drops more items and is more likely to drop items of high rarity. Additionally, a character can gain more items of higher rarity by increasing the increased item rarity and increased item quantity statistics with their equipment or with certain skill gems.

Monsters of higher rarity drop items of higher item level. Magic mobs drop items one ilevel higher than the area's monster level, and rare/unique mobs' items are two ilevels higher.



The most common, and spawn in large groups.


Increased statistics, and given one monster modifier. They appear in smaller groups. Magic monsters may also have Torment and/or Delirium modifiers.

All magic monsters receive the following mods:

MonsterMagic1Monsters grant 250% increased Experience (Hidden)
MonsterMagic10Monster drops gear 1 level above its own level (Hidden)
MonsterMagic2148% more maximum Life (Hidden)
MonsterMagic3600% increased Quantity of Items Dropped (Hidden)
MonsterMagic4200% increased Rarity of Items Dropped (Hidden)
MonsterMagic5Monster deals 30% more Damage (Hidden)
MonsterMagic6Monster gives 250% increased Flask Charges on death (Hidden)
MonsterMagic7Monster has a 50% chance not to flee. (Hidden)
MonsterMagic810% increased Movement Speed (Hidden)
MonsterMagic9Monster has 20% more Attack Speed, 20% more Cast Speed and 20% less Damage (Hidden)

Additionally magic monsters receive a life multiplier based on their level:

Level Life
1 +50%
2 +50%
3 +51%
4 +51%
5 +51%
6 +52%
7 +52%
8 +53%
9 +53%
10 +53%
11 +54%
12 +54%
13 +54%
14 +55%
15 +55%
16 +56%
17 +56%
18 +56%
19 +57%
20 +57%
21 +57%
22 +58%
23 +58%
24 +59%
25 +59%
26 +59%
27 +60%
28 +60%
29 +60%
30 +61%
31 +61%
32 +61%
33 +62%
34 +62%
35 +63%
36 +63%
37 +63%
38 +64%
39 +64%
40 +64%
41 +65%
42 +65%
43 +66%
44 +66%
45 +66%
46 +67%
47 +67%
48 +67%
49 +68%
50 +68%
51 +68%
52 +69%
53 +69%
54 +70%
55 +70%
56 +70%
57 +71%
58 +71%
59 +71%
60 +72%
61 +72%
62 +73%
63 +73%
64 +73%
65 +74%
66 +74%
67 +74%
68 +75%
69 +75%
70 +75%
71 +75%
72 +75%
73 +75%
74 +75%
75 +75%
76 +75%
77 +75%
78 +75%
79 +75%
80 +75%
81 +75%
82 +75%
83 +75%
84 +75%


Greatly increased statistics, and given two to four monster modifiers. They spawn by themselves, but multiple rares may still be close together. Rare monsters may also have Torment, Essence, Bestiary, and/or Delirium modifiers.

All rare monsters receive the following mods:

MonsterRare1Monsters grant 750% increased Experience (Hidden)
MonsterRare1010% increased Character Size (Hidden)
MonsterRare11Monster drops gear 2 levels above its own level (Hidden)
MonsterRare2390% more maximum Life (Hidden)
MonsterRare31400% increased Quantity of Items Dropped (Hidden)
MonsterRare41000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped (Hidden)
MonsterRare5Monster deals 50% more Damage (Hidden)
MonsterRare6Monster gives 500% increased Flask Charges on death (Hidden)
MonsterRare7Monster does not flee. (Hidden)
MonsterRare825% increased Movement Speed (Hidden)
MonsterRare9Monster has 33% more Attack Speed, 33% more Cast Speed and 33% less Damage (Hidden)

Additionally rare monsters receive a life multiplier based on their level:

Level Life
1 +33%
2 +34%
3 +35%
4 +36%
5 +37%
6 +38%
7 +39%
8 +40%
9 +41%
10 +42%
11 +43%
12 +44%
13 +45%
14 +46%
15 +47%
16 +48%
17 +49%
18 +50%
19 +51%
20 +52%
21 +53%
22 +54%
23 +55%
24 +56%
25 +57%
26 +58%
27 +59%
28 +60%
29 +61%
30 +62%
31 +63%
32 +64%
33 +65%
34 +66%
35 +67%
36 +68%
37 +69%
38 +70%
39 +71%
40 +72%
41 +73%
42 +74%
43 +75%
44 +76%
45 +77%
46 +78%
47 +79%
48 +80%
49 +81%
50 +82%
51 +83%
52 +84%
53 +85%
54 +86%
55 +87%
56 +88%
57 +89%
58 +90%
59 +91%
60 +92%
61 +93%
62 +94%
63 +95%
64 +96%
65 +97%
66 +98%
67 +99%
68 +100%
69 +100%
70 +100%
71 +100%
72 +100%
73 +100%
74 +100%
75 +100%
76 +100%
77 +100%
78 +100%
79 +100%
80 +100%
81 +100%
82 +100%
83 +100%
84 +100%


Custom monsters that appear in certain areas, including bosses. Some unique monsters like Tormented Spirits and Rogue Exiles can spawn in most areas as well.

All unique monsters receive the following mods:

MonsterUnique1Monsters grant 450% increased Experience (Hidden)
MonsterUnique2698% more maximum Life (Hidden)
MonsterUnique32850% increased Quantity of Items Dropped (Hidden)
MonsterUnique41000% increased Rarity of Items Dropped (Hidden)
MonsterUnique5Monster deals 70% more Damage (Hidden)
MonsterUnique6Monster gives 1000% increased Flask Charges on death (Hidden)
MonsterUnique7Monster does not flee. (Hidden)
MonsterUnique8Monster has 33% more Attack Speed, 33% more Cast Speed and 33% less Damage (Hidden)
MonsterUnique9Monster drops gear 2 levels above its own level (Hidden)

Interactions with other mechanics

The statistics increased by monster rarity are life, damage, experience gained on death, item drop rarity and quantity, and flask charges gained on death. Monster rarity also reduces the chance to flee.[14]

Version history

Version Changes
  • Fixed an extremely rare bug where too many unique items could drop from a monster outside of the Albino Rhoa Event.
  • Fixed item rarity calculations. "Increased item rarity" now works properly.
  • Nerfed item quantity mods.
  • Nerfed "increased item quantity" stat by 50%.


  1. Rhys (October 2, 2013). "Help Determine Increasesd Item Rarity Mechanics!". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved July 26, 2014.
  2. Discovered by Prohibited Library (community) - Link to Discord forum thread
  3. Rhys (October 2, 2013). "Help Determine Increasesd Item Rarity Mechanics!". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved July 26, 2014.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mark_GGG (April 5, 2013). "Mechanics Thread". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved October 21, 2013.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQcLAlJvs8
  6. WhiteBoy (April 19, 2012). "Does Increase Quantity of Items Dropped Help Find More Orbs?". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved October 21, 2013.
  7. https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xn0vk0/magic_find_with_an_animate_guardian_ez_extra_43/iq1zocu/?context=1
  8. Mark_GGG (August 02, 2013). "Are Orbs Drops effected by Item Quantity". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved September 29, 2022.
  9. inoha (May 21, 2014). "Emailed support after seeing people insult each other in Pulp's stream, about whether or not more people affects the amount of maps that drop. Here's your answer!". Reddit. Retrieved May 21, 2014.
  10. Chris (September 11, 2012). "0.9.12c Patch Notes". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved August 02, 2015.
  11. Chris (February 17, 2016). "Research Map increased item quantity and its role in map sustainability". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved April 15, 2016.
  12. Chris (October 22, 2013). "1.0.0 Release Patch Notes". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved July 09, 2017.
  13. Malice (February 16, 2013). "Mechanics Thread - Drop Rates". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved September 12, 2013.
  14. Mark_GGG (February 16, 2012). "For the love of god, please, rework DEXTERITY. (Updated)". Path of Exile Forum. Retrieved October 21, 2013.

ru:Редкость de:Seltenheit