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Sin is an NPC, who first appears in the Chamber of Innocence in Act 5, after High Templar Avarius has been defeated. Sin plays a major role in part two and can be found in every part two town. Sin also introduces the Pantheon to the players. Pantheon souls can be brought to him to upgrade a Pantheon power via Divine Vessel.


A woman gave birth to two boys, Innocence and Sin. Innocence had an honest and pure heart. Sin was disobedient and he lied. When their mother broke the bread, she allowed Innocence to eat his fill, as a reward of his honest nature. Sin was cast the scraps to remind him of his bad behaviour. One day, Sin stole a fish, and beat his brother until he promised not to tell it to anyone. But Innocence could not keep his promise, and bore witness to the Mother of Two. It was decided that only the purification can cleanse Sin's corruption. So their village burned Sin, to purify him. While Sin became ash and smoke, he moved into the watching people. Sin forced the people turn on each other, and destroy themselves. "As town and titan burned, the sky turned dark with the ash of Sin. There, amongst the raging ruins of his home, Innocence swore an oath. No matter where the ashes of Sin fell, his purifying flames would rise to meet them."[1]

After Sin became a God, he created the Beast, to free humanity from the tyranny of the Gods.

Sin was wed to Garukhan, and the two had a daughter, Shakari.

The Pantheon

The fresco of the Pantheon.
Kitava, on the top side. And Sin on the bottom side.
See also: The Pantheon

The player kills Gods during the part two. With Sin, the character can use their power after defeating them.


Sin tells many stories about other Gods, and the history of Wraeclast.


Voice lines Sin says when the player speaks to him.

  • "Yes?"
  • "May humanity flourish." (With multiple varying voice clips.)
  • "Hello."
  • "Greetings!"


Voice lines Sin says when the player closes the dialogue box.

  • "Farewell."
  • "Goodbye."
  • "Remember, humanity needs us."

Act 5


I am Sin, the Forgotten One. Would that humanity could forget all of my kind. Perhaps with your help, that might still come to pass.

For now the blinding light has been dimmed, and darkness floods in to fill the void. The desperate and depraved set a feast for their lord incumbent, Kitava, the Ravenous One.

Should Kitava accept their invitation, there is but one thin sliver of hope for us all. My bother's Sign of Purity.

Look to it in the choking passages of Templar reverence. It shall be your torch when night falls at last.

The Sign of Purity

Deep in the Templar's Ossuary, in the company of the dead, there lies the Sign of Purity.

Innocence bled himself for the creation of that cruel and desperate weapon. Tempered in his own ruby ichor, it was forged to be a transcendent tool of punishment and purification. The Sign is a living agent of righteousness, or at least, the dubious kind of righteousness that my brother subscribes to.

Innocence found, in the first High Templar, a most faithful servant and gifted the Sign to him, so that it might be used in times of great need. The great need of Innocence believers, that is. Humanity's general well-being has never been of particular concern to my brother.

The Fall of Oriath

Though I am a god, I have not forgotten my humanity. I care for that which I once was. Kitava remembers nothing and cares for nothing but his own hunger and greed. He is an endless pit of gnashing teeth and churning guts.

While other gods rise on the mainland and fight for the meagre scraps of what it was, Kitava has the most fecund and formidable civilisation of this age at his disposal. He can feed when he likes and he grows even stronger with each morsel. All of Oriath shall soon belong to Kitava, and if that happens, he will rise even beyond our reach.


He lives, after a fashion. That pretentious little vessel of his served only to encourage his divine follies. I have procured him a more.. sensible host, one that should contain his excesses and temper that fragile ego of his.

Hear this, Brother! "From mind of lead to heart of gold, your soul shall be bound, your wrath shall grow cold."

Obtaining the Sign of Purity

An empire is nothing more than a standard pitched in the naked earth. The time has come for you to raise this standard upon the peak o false faith, the apex of Chitus Cathedral.

Drive it deep into that sacred stone. Mark the death of a faithless empire and slay the slavering kingdom that seeks to consume it.

After Kitava

There is no shame in falling to a god. Shame lies only in refusing to rise again. You shall soar, that much I'm permitted to foresee. You shall ascend to the peak of your loftiest mistake and from there you shall pluck a single, surviving hope from the jaws of immortal despair.

A shil sails for Lioneye's Watch not far from here. Be on it.

Act 7

The Origins of the Gods

There was a time before the Beast, bathed in the shadows of lost memory, when men and women like you could ascend. Through rareness of quality and the adoration of their people, these few could reach out into the quickening mists of immortality and grasp the power of godhood.

Mind you, transcendence is never easy. Like the pains of childbirth, it reeks of agony, tragedy and sacrifice. The sacrifice most often being of one's humanity. That is simply the way of it. Those of us who seek the immortal throne live long enough to see ourselves become truly monstrous.

The Master of the Million Faces

Ralakesh, the illustrious "Master of a Million Faces". I call him the God of Hide and Seek.

While other deities waged wars, spread their seed, and laid waste to whole empires, Ralakesh perched on his throne in a dark palace of ebony, choked with incense blinded by obdedience and deafened by a senseless cacophony of brass gongs.

Thankfully, he never had the courage to peek over the high walls he'd built, else the world might have been in trouble.

The Mother of Despair

I wonder if Gruthkul would still grieve for her children if she knew the truth.

The Spinner of Shadows had no aspirations until Gruthkul's daughters plotted against her. They saw her power over the people, her miraculous potions, her intoxicating lusts.

They feared Arakaali, thought she might threaten their legacy. Yet that's the curious thing about spiders. They only leave their web when you force them to.

The Spinner of Shadows

Answering the call of a royal invitation, I visited the Spinner of Shadows as a emissary for a small fragile alliance of gods. Mostly weak deities huddling together in terror of being consumed by their greaters. At this time, Queen Arakaali ruled an empire, and so invited me to gaze upon her mighty works with appropriate wonder.

If I'd looked past this pretense, I may have chanced to see her hidden desire to have me share her bed. For years I lay trapped in her webbed sheets. Some days she enjoyed my prowess, other days we enjoyed each other.

Yet, this illusion of love and leisure simply veiled the morbid reality that I was not free to leave. I languished under her bewitching spell until the day the spider was betrayed by her own flies, and sealed within that temple of her own fevered making.

Act 8


Self-loving Solaris. All the light in the world, yet blinded by her own pride.

Not once did she pause to question the truth of her sister's betrayal. Instead she gloated over her sister's transgressions, proclaiming herself greater and more honourable than Lunaris could ever be.

I suppose one shouldn't be surprised when a sun deity takes the higher ground.


One of two sisters who ruled the most populous and powerful of the ancient Azmerian tribes. Solaris, was thought to guide the sun across the sky with threads of shimmering gold, whilst Lunaris saw to the wax and wane of moon with a sickle of purest silver.

It was a peaceful partnership, until the trickster Tangmazu, happened upon their domain. In turning sister against sister he saw to the massacre of thousands whilst concealing the source of their futile feud beyond all reckoning.

Feel no pity for the moon. She is a cold and distant fool, far less radiant than she would suppose.

Act 9

Queen of Winds

I weep for my poor Garukhan. Together we experienced the loftiest moments that this world could offer.

Alas, it was my heavy heart that she could no longer bear. I knew her pride would one day be the storm that would ravage my precious humanity. In truth, it was for Garukhan that I sowed the Dark Ember within the depths of Highgate.

When love cannot be slain it must be laid down to sleep.

Queen of Sands

It is not something i deign to speak of often, but this goddess, this creature, she was once the flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. I rose into the clouds and fell into the arms of their queen, the beautiful Garukhan.

Now if you think that mortal marriages are difficult to navigate, try an immortal one. We parted ways, yet not before my young Queen of the Sands was born into his world of filth and horror.

Now you see how I must suffer for the sake of humanity, to lay mine own daughter upon the sacrificial altar.


  1. Descriptions of stained windows in the Chamber of Innocence. (Full quotes here)