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Victario Nevalius, also known as the People's Poet or just Victario, is a historical figure of the Wraeclast. Killed during the Cataclysm, he was an instrumental supporter of the Purity Rebellion. He has no in-game depictions.


Victario was a Sarn poet, a key supporter of the Purity Rebellion and killed in Sarn during The Cataclysm. Staying true to his title ("the People's Poet), Victario encouraged the Sarn masses to rise up and take action against the questionable actions of their emperor Chitus and his thaumaturge Malachai.

The Ancient Graffiti scattered around Sarn were presumably written by Victario before the Purity Rebellion. He dubs Emperor Chitus the "Monkey King". Victario calls the gemling legionaries and virtue "an infestation" and "treacherous", calling upon the citizens of Sarn to rise up to kill the legionaries and abolish the gems.

In 1333 IC, Victario supported the Purity Rebellion led by High Templar Voll, along with Kastov, Lord Mayor Ondar, Archbishop Geofri and Commander Adus. Victario wrote letters to Thane Rigwald of Ezomyr, seeking assistance for the the Purity Rebellion. This led to the Ezomytes, in 1333 IC, rising up against Governor Gaius Sentari in the fields of Glarryn in an event known as the "Bloody Flowers' Rebellion". Despite heavy Ezomyr casualties, Gaius Sentari was forced to flee to Sarn for reinforcements.

In 1334 IC, Victario led uprisings in the Slums, Docks, and Warehouse districts as Voll laid seige to Sarn. Cadiro Perandus was forced to surrender Sarn to Voll's forces.

At an unknown period, Victario stole the Bust of Gaius Sentari, Bust of Hector Titucius, and Bust of Marceus Lioneye and stashed them in the Sewers. The exile is tasked by Hargan to retrieve them and return them to him for a reward in the quest Victario's Secrets.

After the Purity Rebellion, he had a child with Queen Hyrri Ngamaku, a girl named Ahuana. Ahuana claims she never met Victario and that he remained in Sarn during the Cataclysm, and believes he died there.

In present in-game timeline, unlike Voll, Ondar, Geofri and Adus, neither Victario nor Kastov turned into the undead or a ghost.

Origins Comic Books

Victario is the subject of the Path of Exile: Origins, issues 1-4 (all in Vol. 1 collection). They detail his journey through accompanying Voll to Ngamakanui to his eventual death at the hands of the Cataclysm.

Origins: The Karui Way (Book 1)

4 years before the Cataclysm, Vicario accompanied Voll on a visit to Ngamakanui, the homeland of the Karui. Voll observed Kaom, king of the Karui defeat Akayo in ritualistic battle while Victario exchanged glances with Hyrri, Kaom's niece. The purpose of their trip was to beg of Kaom's assistance in the Purity Rebellion - they wanted Kaom to lay siege to Marceus Lioneye at Lioneye's Watch.

Victario meet and introduced himself to Hyrri. At this point in his life, Victario is already a world-renowned poet whose words have travelled across the globe. They spoke of Karui tradition and the upcoming battle.

At the dinner table, Voll warned Kaom of Lioneye's exceptional archery abilities. He advised Kaom to use archers of his own, only for Kaom to soundly reject him, citing that Karui tradition that forbade men from using bows.

On the night of the battle, Kaom and his canoes rowed under the cover of night to avoid detection. However, Lioneye and his men were prepared, and met the attack with a barrage of flaming arrows. The arrows destroted Kaom's canoes, removing the option of a retreat. Cognizant of the Karui traditions forbidding men from using bows, Lioneye and his men rushed forwards, casting aside their shields to catch the Karui before their escape.

Suddenly, Hyrri and a group of woman appeared from the crest of a hill. The wielded bows and unleashed a barrage of arrows upon Lioneye's men, decimating the shieldless soldiers. Enraged, Kaom seized Victario's throat, blaming him for dishonouring "the Way". Victario explained that the tradition that forbade men from killing "another man at a distance" did not include women, so Hyrri's actions technically did not break tradition. At Lavianga's advice, Kaom spared Victario's life.

Kaom went on to slaughter every member of the Eternal outpost. As he did so, Hyrri gave Victario a kiss - "not passionately, but a kiss goodbye".

Origins: Sons of Virtue (Book 2)

3 years before the Cataclysm, in Phrecia, Victario rode a carriage with Lady Dialla and Malachai, the emperor's thaumaturgist. Dialla refered to a published story of his, "The Blackest Monkey". When asked about his inspiration for his storytelling, he told Dialla that he wrote what he saw. He said this while looking at Malachai, suggesting that Malachai was the true subject of his story.

They arrived at The Chamber of Sins and were greeted by the thaumaturgist Inquisitor Maligaro and his assistant Raulo. Maligaro showed Victario a poison concocted with the combination of Black Death's venoms and the Baleful GemBaleful GemThe withering glare of corruption, made
corporeal and pellucid in crystal.
, claiming it to be powerful enough to kill "the most powerful Gemling".

In front of Victario and Dialla, Maligaro injected Raulo with the "extracted essence" of a virtue gem, transforming him into Fidelitas. Later on, Victario listened to Maligaro talk of Chitus' plan of creating a "gemling thaumatocracy".

Later that night, Victario snuck out to Phrecia Cathedral, using the code phrase "Death to Sin" and the sign of a templar descry on his palm to enter. He told Archbishop Geofri of Maligaro's experiments and Chitus' plans. Victario and a group of templars travelled to the Chamber of Sins to destroy Maligaro's research and materials, making sure to stash away the Black Venom for future use. However, they were ambushed by Malachai, who revealed that Victario had been under "thaumaturgical observation" since he had arrived. After taking Victario prisoner and killing the templars, Malachai and Maligaro's monstrosities traveled to Phrecia Citadel and killed Geofri.

In the chaos of the attack, Victario pled to Dialla to free him, in whom he had seen sympathy. Dialla unbound him, telling him to slash her face with a shard of glass to fake his escape. Victario escaped to the sea.

Origins: Death to Sin (Book 3)

3 years before the Cataclysm, in Sarn, Victario was caught by imperial guardsmen while in the act of writing graffiti. They (correctly) interpreted the poem as a criticism of Emperor Chitus, referring to him as the "Blackest Monkey" and urging the citizens of Sarn to rise up and overthrow him. The guardsmen readied to bring Victario to the noose, but were ambushed by Marylene, leading a gang of rebels. Marylene and Victario entered an underground rebel hideout hidden within Sarn's sewers to attend to "personal affairs". (romantic affiairs.)

At the Warehouse District with Victario, Mayor Ondar recounted a story of a Gemling singlehandedly defeating four Ezomyte in the Sarn Arena. After learning from Ondar of Chitus' plan to create an entire army of said Gemling legionnaires, Victario resolved to lead an uprising and dethrone Chitus. Ondar begged Victario to promise to spare Chitus' life, but Victario was unable to give him his word.

Victario's rebellion began. First, they spread information about secret storehouses of food that Chitus had been stashing away for his legionnaires. Starving families started riots and caused Chitus to send his legionnaires to defend the storehouses, diverting troops away from the rebels' true target - the Grain Gate Garrion, a place Victario had identified as the most weakened by the diversions. The forces of Voll, Thane Rigwald, Sekhema Deshret, and Hyrri marched upon the Grain Gate.

Upon blasting open the Grain Gate, Victario's forces were met by a squadron of Gemling legionnaires, led by Emperor Chitus. Newly adorned with gems, Lady Dialla grabbed Victario and threw him against a wall, preparing to fire a blast and kill him. Marylene jumped inbetween them, saving Victario but sacrificing her life in the process.

Origins: The Black Heart (Book 4)

3 years before the Cataclysm, in the Sarn Slums, Victario stood over Marylene's grave, grieving and pondering. Ondar approached him, offering condolences and discussed Chitus's role in abetting Malachai. Victario became convinced that Chitus had to be killed for the rebellion to be successful. He led Ondar into the rebel sewers and showed him a poison he had brewed from the Black Venom he took from The Chamber of Sins.

During the celebration of the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, Victario ambushed the event, crying out "Death to Sin!". The waiters tore off their masks, revealing themselves to be undercover rebels and drew arms. Ondar betrayed Chitus and killed him, impaling him with a claw infused with Victario's deadly poison. With the death of Chitus, the Gemling legionnaires fell and the Purity Rebellion was successful.

One year and two months before the Cataclysm, in front of Emperor Voll, Malachai made a final offer. He revealed the "Black Heart of Impurity", the "origin of all thaumaturgical power". In exchange for sparing him and Dialla, he promised Voll that he would destroy it, putting an end to all thaumaturgy. Victario objected and tried to kill Malachai, but was stopped by Hyrri.

The day of the Cataclsym, Victario wrote an epic in a bar, creating the storyline that would become the basis for the Origins comic. He was greatly troubled by Malachai's efforts, suffering through foreknowledge of Sarn's impending doom. As he finished his epic, the city erupted into flames - the Rapture Device had been activated and the Cataclysm begun. As a final effort, he tried to kiss a waitress next to him, only for her to burst into flames, leaving behind only a skeleton. As Victario himself caught fire and slowly burned alive, Malachai appeared and thanked him for his efforts, for it was only through Victario that Malachai had "transcended even [his] dreams".

Unique items

Unique items named after Victario or unique items with flavour text mentioning Victario:

ItemRequired levelStatsFlavour text
Tear of PurityTear of Purity
Lapis Amulet
Requires Level 5+(20-30) to IntelligenceGrants Level 10 Purity of Elements Skill
+(10-20) to all Attributes
+(20-40) to maximum Life
+(5-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
A shimmering symbol of Purity, clear as water,
but I know better than most how quickly
Purity can succumb to Corruption.
How quickly water turns to blood.
- Victario, the People's Poet
5+(20-30) to IntelligenceGrants Level 10 Purity of Elements Skill
+(10-20) to all Attributes
+(20-40) to maximum Life
+(5-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
A shimmering symbol of Purity, clear as water,
but I know better than most how quickly
Purity can succumb to Corruption.
How quickly water turns to blood.
- Victario, the People's Poet
Victario's FlightVictario's Flight
Goathide Boots
Evasion: (84-135)Requires Level 12, 26 Dex+15 to Dexterity
+15 to Intelligence
(100-150)% increased Evasion Rating
(10-20)% increased Movement Speed
(10-20)% increased Movement Speed when on Low Life
Quicksilver Flasks you Use also apply to nearby Allies
Alive but not unscathed, Victario fled
as slaughter blossomed at the gates.
12+15 to Dexterity
+15 to Intelligence
(100-150)% increased Evasion Rating
(10-20)% increased Movement Speed
(10-20)% increased Movement Speed when on Low Life
Quicksilver Flasks you Use also apply to nearby Allies
Alive but not unscathed, Victario fled
as slaughter blossomed at the gates.
Nevalius InheritanceNevalius Inheritance
Cloth Belt
Requires Level 16(15-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery+(20-30) to Dexterity
150% increased Flask Effect Duration
Flasks applied to you have 60% reduced Effect
2% reduced Flask Effect Duration per Level
Flasks applied to you have 1% increased Effect per Level
"I come from a long line of scholars, poets, and artists.
You can imagine how little we leave our children...
My father only gifted me one thing: for good or ill,
I don't know when to quit."
- Victario Nevalius, the People's Poet
16(15-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery+(20-30) to Dexterity
150% increased Flask Effect Duration
Flasks applied to you have 60% reduced Effect
2% reduced Flask Effect Duration per Level
Flasks applied to you have 1% increased Effect per Level
"I come from a long line of scholars, poets, and artists.
You can imagine how little we leave our children...
My father only gifted me one thing: for good or ill,
I don't know when to quit."
- Victario Nevalius, the People's Poet
Victario's AcuityVictario's Acuity
Turquoise Amulet
Requires Level 16+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence+(30-40)% to Lightning Resistance
+(8-10)% to Chaos Resistance
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
5% increased Projectile Speed per Frenzy Charge
5% increased Projectile Damage per Power Charge
"Grind your words into sharp thoughts.
Grind your thoughts into the sharpest of deeds."
- Victario, the People's Poet
16+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence+(30-40)% to Lightning Resistance
+(8-10)% to Chaos Resistance
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
5% increased Projectile Speed per Frenzy Charge
5% increased Projectile Damage per Power Charge
"Grind your words into sharp thoughts.
Grind your thoughts into the sharpest of deeds."
- Victario, the People's Poet
The Three DragonsThe Three Dragons
Golden Mask
Evasion: (96-103)
Energy Shield: (20-22)
Requires Level 35, 40 Dex, 40 Int+(26-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Your Fire Damage can Shock but not Ignite
Your Cold Damage can Ignite but not Freeze or Chill
Your Lightning Damage can Freeze but not Shock
"The ice seared his naked feet
As the lightning stilled his heart,
But it was the flames upon his lover's face
That roused him to vengeance."
- From 'The Three Dragons' by Victario of Sarn
35+(26-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Your Fire Damage can Shock but not Ignite
Your Cold Damage can Ignite but not Freeze or Chill
Your Lightning Damage can Freeze but not Shock
"The ice seared his naked feet
As the lightning stilled his heart,
But it was the flames upon his lover's face
That roused him to vengeance."
- From 'The Three Dragons' by Victario of Sarn
Marylene's FallacyMarylene's Fallacy
Lapis Amulet
Requires Level 40+(20-30) to Intelligence+(80-120) to Accuracy Rating
+(210-240)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(80-100) to Evasion Rating
(10-15)% increased Light Radius
40% less Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strikes have Culling Strike
"Marylene stroked the medallion at her breast before every duel and every cast of the die."
- Victario, the People's Poet
40+(20-30) to Intelligence+(80-120) to Accuracy Rating
+(210-240)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(80-100) to Evasion Rating
(10-15)% increased Light Radius
40% less Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strikes have Culling Strike
"Marylene stroked the medallion at her breast before every duel and every cast of the die."
- Victario, the People's Poet
Replica Victario's CharityReplica Victario's Charity
Laminated Kite Shield
Chance to Block: 24%
Armour: (113-133)
Energy Shield: (23-27)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 50, 65 Str, 65 Int+8% to all Elemental Resistances+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
+11% to Chaos Resistance
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
5% chance to grant an Endurance Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
10% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Kill
"Close to the original, and perhaps even more useful. However,
close is not what we are looking for. Keep trying."
- Administrator Qotra
50+8% to all Elemental Resistances+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
+11% to Chaos Resistance
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
5% chance to grant an Endurance Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
10% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Kill
"Close to the original, and perhaps even more useful. However,
close is not what we are looking for. Keep trying."
- Administrator Qotra
Victario's CharityVictario's Charity
Laminated Kite Shield
Chance to Block: 24%
Armour: (113-133)
Energy Shield: (23-27)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 50, 65 Str, 65 Int+8% to all Elemental Resistances+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
+11% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
10% chance to grant a Power Charge to nearby Allies on Kill
5% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
A man's life is the greatest gift he can give.
50+8% to all Elemental Resistances+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
+11% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
10% chance to grant a Power Charge to nearby Allies on Kill
5% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
A man's life is the greatest gift he can give.
Victario's InfluenceVictario's Influence
Lacquered Garb
Evasion: (629-822)
Energy Shield: (129-170)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 52, 76 Dex, 76 Int+1 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Generosity
Socketed Gems have 45% increased Reservation Efficiency
(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
"Every life is a story.
If you're not writing your own,
you'd better know who's writing it for you!"
- Victario, the People's Poet
52+1 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Generosity
Socketed Gems have 45% increased Reservation Efficiency
(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
"Every life is a story.
If you're not writing your own,
you'd better know who's writing it for you!"
- Victario, the People's Poet

Cosmetic items

Cosmetic items named after Victario:

ItemRequired level
Alternate Art Victarios AcuityFile:Alternate Art Victarios Acuity inventory icon.pngAlternate Art Victarios AcuityFile:Alternate Art Victarios Acuity inventory icon.png1
Victario MaskVictario MaskHelmet SkinChanges the appearance of any equipped headdress to a mask of Victario.1

See also

  • "O' Eternal""O' Eternal""A symbolic piece of history,
    from a time when people of all backgrounds
    united against a common enemy."
    - Gifted to Victario by Hyrri
  • Bust of Gaius SentariBust of Gaius SentariThe Emperor honours Gaius Sentari as Supreme Servant.
    "A man's thoughts are his shackles. A man's thoughts are his wings."
    , Bust of Hector TituciusBust of Hector TituciusThe Emperor honours Hector Titucius as Supreme Servant.
    "Strength in purpose is strength in deed."
    and Bust of Marceus LioneyeBust of Marceus LioneyeThe Emperor honours Marceus Lioneye as Supreme Servant.
    "The road to Glory is paved with Sacrifice."
    - Busts stolen by Victario and stashed in The Sewers
  • Elegant HubrisElegant Hubris
    Timeless Jewel
    Limited to: 1 Historic
    Radius: Large
    Commissioned (2000-160000) coins to commemorate (Cadiro-Caspiro-Victario)
    Passives in radius are Conquered by the Eternal Empire
    They believed themselves better than the past, but that confidence brought about nightmare.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
  • Contract: Hyrri's GiftContract: Hyrri's GiftClient: Kurai
    Heist Target: "O' Eternal"
    Area Level: (68-?)
    Requires Lockpicking (Level 2)
    "A symbolic piece of history,
    from a time when people of all backgrounds
    united against a common enemy."
  • Victario's Secrets

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.
