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Exerting is a mechanic that allows skills to enhance subsequent attacks performed by the character. It is primarily associated with Warcries, though not exclusive to them.


Skill bar icons showing the number of Exerted attacks

Skills that exert other attacks cause the next attack(s) to be enhanced in certain ways, depending on the exerting skill. An exerting skill may be able to exert a number of attacks, and one attack can be exerted by multiple skills, if the type of attack is valid for each. The number of exerted attacks remaining is displayed on the Skill bar icons. Exerting has no duration.[1]

Exerting applies to entire attacks, not to individual hits: exerting a skill like Rage VortexRage VortexAttack, AoE, Duration, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (25-46) Life
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: (40-62)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (40-62)%
Requires Level 28Spin with a sword or axe to deal damage in an area around you. Sacrifices some rage to send a ragestorm forward. While enemies are inside it, the ragestorm will slow its movement and repeatedly deal attack damage based on your attack speed.Base duration is 3.00 seconds
Base radius is 1.8 metres
Sacrifices 20% of Rage to create a Ragestorm, if you have at least 10 Rage
Ragestorm deals 5% more Damage per 1 Rage Sacrificed
Ragestorm has +0.1 metres to radius per 2 Rage sacrificed
Ragestorm Hits 250% more Frequently
Maximum 1 Ragestorm

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Sacrifices +(0.25-5)% of Rage when creating a Ragestorm
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
will enhance all hits from that attack for its entire duration.[2]

The following types of attacks cannot be exerted:

  • Channelling skills
  • Retaliation skills
  • Vaal skills, except Vaal Ground SlamVaal Ground SlamAttack, AoE, Vaal, Slam, Melee
    Level: (1-20)
    Souls Per Use: 15
    Can Store 4 Use(s)
    Soul Gain Prevention: 1 sec
    Attack Speed: 90% of base
    Attack Damage: (190-375)% of base
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (190-375)%
    Slams the ground in front of you, creating a wave that travels in all directions that damages enemies with an increased chance to stun. The wave deals more damage to closer enemies. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
    +(0-0.9) metres to radius
    200% increased Stun Duration on enemies
    Can't be Evaded
    Deals up to (40-49)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
    This Attack can be Exerted as though it was not a Vaal Skill

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Deals up to +(1-20)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
    CorruptedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
  • Attacks that trigger such as Shockwave
  • Attacks that repeat such as skills supported by Multistrike SupportMultistrike SupportAttack, Melee, Support
    Icon: 3
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%
    Requires Level 38Supports melee attack skills, making them repeat twice when used, targeting a random enemy each time. Cannot support Vaal skills, channelling skills, travel skills, retaliation skills or triggered skills.Supported Skills Repeat 2 additional times
    Supported Skills have (35-44)% more Melee Attack Speed
    Supported Skills deal (30-20)% less Attack Damage
    First Repeat of Supported Skills deals 22% more Damage
    Second Repeat of Supported Skills deals 44% more Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Melee Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    (including their first animation)[3]
  • Attacks used by proxies such as Frozen LegionFrozen LegionSpell, Cold, Attack, AoE, Melee
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (12-23) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 0.80 sec
    Can Store 6 Use(s)
    Cast Time: 0.70 sec
    Requires Level 34This spell consumes multiple cooldown uses to summon icy Statues in a ring. Each Statue uses your Frozen Sweep attack once before vanishing. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, or Staff. This skill cannot be triggered, supported by Spell Echo or Unleash, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.Consumes one Cooldown Use per Statue Summoned
    You cannot use this Skill yourself, your Statues will use this Skill for you
    100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    or Tawhoa's Chosen[4]

Note that attacks by Mirage Warriors count as exerted by General's CryGeneral's CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user, and summoning Mirage Warriors from nearby corpses. The Mirage Warriors each use a linked attack skill once before dissipating.Base duration is (4.00-4.90) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Maximum 5 Summoned Mirage Warriors
Counts total Power of Enemies and Corpses in Range
Summons Mirage Warriors from 2 corpses per 5 Power, minimum 1 corpse
Supported Strike Skills cannot target additional Enemies
Attacks with Supported Skills count as Exerted
Supported Skills deal (45-36)% less Damage
Supported Skills are used by Mirage Warriors Summoned by General's Cry
Supported Skills count as Triggered

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Maximum +(0.05-1) Summoned Mirage Warriors
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
, including skills that could not be exerted by the player, like Blade FlurryBlade FlurryAttack, AoE, Channelling, Physical, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: 4 Mana
Attack Speed: 160% of base
Attack Damage: (32-49)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (32-49)%
AoE Radius: 14 / 17 / 19
Requires Level 28Repeatedly hit enemies in a circle in front of you while channelling, dealing damage to and around the enemy. The damage is continually boosted while channelling. You unleash an additional hit for each stage reached once the channelling ends. Requires a Dagger, Claw or One-Handed Sword.(14-75) to (20-113) Added Attack Physical Damage
20% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
Maximum 6 Stages

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Skill gems

GemRequired levelGem has strength requirementGem has dexterity requirementGem has intelligence requirement
AmbushAmbushCritical, Spell, Movement, Duration, Travel
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: 0.30 sec
Requires Level 34Teleports you to a nearby enemy, applying a buff to you for a short duration and blinding the enemy for a secondary duration. Performing a melee attack with a One-Handed Weapon removes the buff to exert that attack.Base duration is 1.50 seconds
Base secondary duration is 3.00 seconds
Buff is removed to Exert the next Melee Attack you perform
Attacks Exerted by this Skill cannot be Exerted by other Skills
Exerted Attacks have +25% to Critical Strike Chance
Exerted Attacks have +(100-138)% to Critical Strike Multiplier

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Exerted Attacks have +(0.5-10)% to Critical Strike Chance
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Ancestral CryAncestral CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (14-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 16Performs a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent strike attacks. Grants a buff which gives you and nearby allies elemental resistances.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Buff grants +5% to all Elemental Resistances per 5 Power, up to a maximum of +30%
Buff grants +1% to all Maximum Elemental Resistance per 10 Power, up to a maximum of +3
Exerts the next 8 Melee Strike Attacks you perform
Exerted Strikes target 2 additional Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Infernal CryInfernal CryWarcry, AoE, Duration, Fire, Attack, Trigger, Melee
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. The user and nearby allies gain a buff that grants a portion of their physical damage as extra fire damage. Affected enemies explode when they die, dealing fire damage in an area.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Damage cannot be Reflected
Explosion deals Fire Damage equal to 8% of the Monster's maximum Life
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Covers Enemies in Ash, causing 3% increased Fire Damage taken per 5 Power, up to 20%
Exerts the next 6 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks Trigger Combust the first time they deal a Melee Hit
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
This Skill is Triggered by Attacks Exerted by Infernal Cry

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Intimidating CryIntimidating CryWarcry, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (13-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 10Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. Grants a buff which grants movement speed.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Enemies Taunted by this Warcry are Intimidated
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Buff grants 3% increased Movement Speed per 5 Power, up to 18%
Exerts the next 2 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks deal Double Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Rallying CryRallying CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. Gives nearby Allies a buff based on the damage of your weapon.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Counts total Power of Enemies and Allies in Range
Buff grants Added Attack Damage equal to 3% of the Damage of your Main
Hand Weapon per 5 Power, up to a maximum of 30 Power
Buff has 100% more Effect on your Minions
Exerts the next 5 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks deal 5% more Damage per affected Ally, to a maximum of 25%

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Seismic CrySeismic CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (14-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 16Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent slam attacks. Grants a buff which makes it easier for you to stun enemies.200% increased Knockback Distance
Base duration is (4.00-4.90) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Knocks back and Interrupts Enemies in a smaller Area
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Buff grants 5% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold per 5 Power, up to a maximum of 30%
Exerts the next 4 Melee Slam Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks have 30% increased Area of Effect
Exerted Attacks have 30% increased Area of Effect per previous Attack Exerted by this Warcry

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Battlemage's CryBattlemage's CryWarcry, Critical, Trigger, AoE, Duration
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-19) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Use Time: 0.80 sec
AoE Radius: 60
Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. Grants a buff which boosts critical strike chance.Base duration is (2.50-3.40) seconds
(0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Buff grants +0.5% to Critical Strike Chance per 5 power, up to a maximum of +2.5%
Exerts the next 5 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks Trigger a Supported Spell with their first Melee Hit
Supported Skills deal (44-38)% less Damage
Supported Spells are Triggered by Attacks Exerted by Battlemage's Cry

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Support gems

GemRequired levelGem has strength requirementGem has dexterity requirementGem has intelligence requirement
File:Overexertion Support inventory icon.pngOverexertion SupportOverexertion SupportWarcry, Support, Melee, Attack
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 38Supports Melee Attack Skills which can be Exerted. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Vaal skills and channelling skills cannot be exerted.Supported Attacks deal (12-18)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them
Supported Attacks deal 10% more Damage if Exerted

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Attacks deal (1-20)% increased Damage if Exerted
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
File:Overexertion Support inventory icon.png

Related items

Related base items

The following base items are related to Exerting:

ItemRequired levelStats
Preserving GauntletsPreserving GauntletsArmour: (35-41)Requires Level 10, 18 StrExerted Attacks deal (25-30)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
10Exerted Attacks deal (25-30)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
Guarding GauntletsGuarding GauntletsArmour: (132-152)Requires Level 40, 59 StrExerted Attacks deal (30-40)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
40Exerted Attacks deal (30-40)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
Crushing Force MagnifierCrushing Force MagnifierTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 62-103
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.15
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 50, 161 StrWarcries Exert 1 additional Attack
50Warcries Exert 1 additional Attack
Impact Force PropagatorImpact Force PropagatorTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 81-135
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.15
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 70, 220 StrWarcries Exert 2 additional Attacks
70Warcries Exert 2 additional Attacks

Related unique items

The following unique items are related to Exerting:

ItemBase ItemRequired levelStats
Gilded Sallet
Armour: (290-397)
Evasion: (90-97)
Requires Level 33, 38 Str, 38 Dex+(20-30) to Strength
+(20-30) to Dexterity
Skills which Exert an Attack have (20-40)% chance to not count that Attack
+(200-300) to Armour
Cannot Leech when on Low Life
May you never hear it toll.
Gilded Sallet33+(20-30) to Strength
+(20-30) to Dexterity
Skills which Exert an Attack have (20-40)% chance to not count that Attack
+(200-300) to Armour
Cannot Leech when on Low Life
Akoya's GazeAkoya's Gaze
Regicide Mask
Evasion: (141-158)
Energy Shield: (29-32)
Requires Level 52, 100 Str, 58 Dex, 58 Int+100 Strength Requirement
(20-25)% increased Warcry Speed
Life Leech from Exerted Attacks is instant
Non-Exerted Attacks deal no Damage
Fight in the traditional Way, or not at all!
Regicide Mask52+100 Strength Requirement
(20-25)% increased Warcry Speed
Life Leech from Exerted Attacks is instant
Non-Exerted Attacks deal no Damage
Uul-Netol's KissUul-Netol's Kiss
Vaal Axe
Two Handed Axe
Physical Damage: (343.2-384.8) to (574.2-643.8)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 0.98
Weapon Range: 1.3 metres
Requires Level 64, 158 Str, 76 Dex25% chance to Maim on Hit(230-270)% increased Physical Damage
15% reduced Attack Speed
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit
Exerted Attacks deal 200% increased Damage
Exerted Attacks Knock Enemies Back on Hit
We feel the mother's love
And beg to return to her womb.

This item can be transformed with a Blessing of Uul-Netol
Vaal Axe6425% chance to Maim on Hit(230-270)% increased Physical Damage
15% reduced Attack Speed
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit
Exerted Attacks deal 200% increased Damage
Exerted Attacks Knock Enemies Back on Hit
Echoes of CreationEchoes of Creation
Royal Burgonet
Armour: (678-954)Requires Level 65, 148 StrSocketed Warcry Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
(80-120)% increased Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
When you Attack, take (15-20)% of Life as Physical Damage for
each Warcry Exerting the Attack
Skills deal (10-15)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them
A cacophony of battle cries
Reverberate through time and space
Inflicting pain beyond measure
Royal Burgonet65Socketed Warcry Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
(80-120)% increased Armour
+(50-70) to maximum Life
When you Attack, take (15-20)% of Life as Physical Damage for
each Warcry Exerting the Attack
Skills deal (10-15)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them

Related modifiers

The following modifiers are related to Exerting:

NameGeneration TypeFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.StatsSpawn Weighting
of ControlSuffix1Warcries cannot Exert Travel SkillsN/A
Enchantment Ancestral Cry Exerted Attack Damage 1Enchantment66Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal 35% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Ancestral Cry Exerted Attack Damage 2Enchantment75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal 50% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Rallying Cry Additional Exert 1Enchantment75Rallying Cry Exerts 1 additional Attackhelmet 100
Enchantment Seismic Cry Exerted Attack Damage 1Enchantment66Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 35% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Seismic Cry Exerted Attack Damage 2Enchantment75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 50% increased Damagehelmet 100
Hunter'sPrefix68Exerted Attacks deal (25-27)% increased Damagering_basilisk 500
Hunter'sPrefix75Exerted Attacks deal (28-31)% increased Damagering_basilisk 500
Hunter'sPrefix80Exerted Attacks deal (32-35)% increased Damagering_basilisk 500
WarcriesExertAnAdditionalAttackImplicitE1_Intrinsic1Warcries Exert 1 additional AttackN/A
Enchantment Battlemage's Cry Additional ExertEnchantment75Battlemage's Cry Exerts 1 additional Attackhelmet 100
Enchantment Ambush Critical Strike Multiplier 1Enchantment66Attacks Exerted by Ambush have +25% to Critical Strike Multiplierhelmet 100
Enchantment Ambush Critical Strike Multiplier 2Enchantment75Attacks Exerted by Ambush have +40% to Critical Strike Multiplierhelmet 100
ExertedDamageWarcryCooldown1Intrinsic10Exerted Attacks deal (25-30)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
ExertedDamageWarcryCooldown2Intrinsic40Exerted Attacks deal (30-40)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
ExertedDamageWarcryCooldown3Intrinsic70Exerted Attacks deal (40-50)% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have +2 seconds to Cooldown
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicit1Eater of Worlds75Exerted Attacks deal (20-22)% increased Damageno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 700
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicit2Eater of Worlds75Exerted Attacks deal (23-25)% increased Damageno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 700
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicit3Eater of Worlds75Exerted Attacks deal (26-28)% increased Damageno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 700
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicit4Eater of Worlds75Exerted Attacks deal (29-31)% increased Damageno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 700
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicit5Eater of Worlds75Exerted Attacks deal (32-33)% increased Damageno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 700
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicit6Eater of Worlds75Exerted Attacks deal (34-35)% increased Damageno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 700
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence2Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Exerted Attacks deal (35-37)% increased Damageno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 0
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence1Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Exerted Attacks deal (32-34)% increased Damageno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 0
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence3Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Exerted Attacks deal (38-40)% increased Damageno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 140
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence4Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Exerted Attacks deal (41-43)% increased Damageno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 140
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence5Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Exerted Attacks deal (44-45)% increased Damageno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 140
ExertedAttackDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence6Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Exerted Attacks deal (46-47)% increased Damageno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
gloves 140
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit1Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (20-22)% increased Damageno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit2Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (23-25)% increased Damageno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit3Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (26-28)% increased Damageno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit4Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (29-31)% increased Damageno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit5Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (32-33)% increased Damageno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit6Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (34-35)% increased Damageno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence1Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (32-34)% increased Damageno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 0
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence2Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (35-37)% increased Damageno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 0
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence3Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (38-40)% increased Damageno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence4Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (41-43)% increased Damageno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence5Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (44-45)% increased Damageno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
SeismicCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence6Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal (46-47)% increased Damageno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit1Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (20-22)% increased Damageno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit2Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (23-25)% increased Damageno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit6Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (34-35)% increased Damageno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit4Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (29-31)% increased Damageno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit3Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (26-28)% increased Damageno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicit5Eater of Worlds75Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (32-33)% increased Damageno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 300
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence1Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (32-34)% increased Damageno_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 0
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence2Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (35-37)% increased Damageno_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 0
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence3Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (38-40)% increased Damageno_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence4Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (41-43)% increased Damageno_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence6Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (46-47)% increased Damageno_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
AncestralCryExertedDamageEldritchImplicitPinnaclePresence5Eater of Worlds75While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal (44-45)% increased Damageno_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0
boots 60
InfernalCryThresholdJewelIntrinsic1With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Attacks Exerted by Infernal Cry deal (40-60)% more Damage with Ignite
With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Combust is Disabled
ColossalPrefix75Exerted Attacks deal (30-40)% increased Damagestr_special_relic 600
default 150
WarcriesExertAnAdditionalAttackImplicitE2Intrinsic1Warcries Exert 2 additional AttacksN/A

Related passive skills

Passive skills

The following passive skills are related to Exerting: No results found for the given query.

Cluster Jewel passive skills

The following Cluster Jewel passives are related to Exerting:

Cry Wolf
Exerted Attacks deal 30% increased Damage
20% increased total Power counted by Warcries [1]
Exerted Attack Damage
Exerted Attacks deal 20% increased Damage [1]
Mob Mentality
Exerted Attacks deal 25% increased Damage
Warcries have 5% Chance to grant an Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge per Power [1]
Rattling Bellow
+20 to Strength
Exerted Attacks have 8% chance to deal Double Damage [1]

Ascendancy passive skills

The following Ascendancy passive skills are related to Exerting:

War Bringer
Warcries grant 10 Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage
Warcries Sacrifice 10 Rage if you have at least 25 Rage
Exerted Attacks deal 50% more Attack Damage if a Warcry Sacrificed Rage Recently [1]

Keystone passive skills

The following Keystone passive skills are related to Exerting: No results found for the given query.



Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.
  • Warcries all now cause a certain number of attacks to become Exerted after the Warcry is used (except Enduring CryEnduring CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (13-19) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Use Time: 0.80 sec
    AoE Radius: 60
    Requires Level 10Performs a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user and granting endurance charges. Gives a brief burst of life regeneration, as well as a buff which grants resistances and physical damage reduction based on your endurance charges.Base duration is 2.00 seconds
    Regenerate (120-1976) Life over 1 second
    (0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
    Buff grants 2% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge
    Buff grants +2% to all Elemental Resistances per Endurance Charge
    Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
    Gain 1 Endurance Charge per 5 Power

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (2-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    and General's CryGeneral's CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (15-19) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Use Time: 0.80 sec
    AoE Radius: 60
    Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user, and summoning Mirage Warriors from nearby corpses. The Mirage Warriors each use a linked attack skill once before dissipating.Base duration is (4.00-4.90) seconds
    (0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
    Maximum 5 Summoned Mirage Warriors
    Counts total Power of Enemies and Corpses in Range
    Summons Mirage Warriors from 2 corpses per 5 Power, minimum 1 corpse
    Supported Strike Skills cannot target additional Enemies
    Attacks with Supported Skills count as Exerted
    Supported Skills deal (45-36)% less Damage
    Supported Skills are used by Mirage Warriors Summoned by General's Cry
    Supported Skills count as Triggered

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Maximum +(0.05-1) Summoned Mirage Warriors
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , however the attacks done by the General's CryGeneral's CryWarcry, AoE, Duration
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (15-19) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Use Time: 0.80 sec
    AoE Radius: 60
    Requires Level 24Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user, and summoning Mirage Warriors from nearby corpses. The Mirage Warriors each use a linked attack skill once before dissipating.Base duration is (4.00-4.90) seconds
    (0-38)% increased Warcry Speed
    Maximum 5 Summoned Mirage Warriors
    Counts total Power of Enemies and Corpses in Range
    Summons Mirage Warriors from 2 corpses per 5 Power, minimum 1 corpse
    Supported Strike Skills cannot target additional Enemies
    Attacks with Supported Skills count as Exerted
    Supported Skills deal (45-36)% less Damage
    Supported Skills are used by Mirage Warriors Summoned by General's Cry
    Supported Skills count as Triggered

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Maximum +(0.05-1) Summoned Mirage Warriors
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Mirage Warriors are Exerted). Exerted attacks are enhanced in different ways depending on the Warcry. Your Exerted Attacks can benefit from the effects of multiple Warcries, if the type of attack is valid.
