Blessing of Uul-NetolStack Size: 10Upgrades a breach unique item or breachstone to a more powerful versionRight click this item then left click an applicable breach unique item to upgrade it.
Acquisition Drop restricted Drop level: 1 Has a chance to drop from Uul-Netol in the regular version of her Breachstone.Metadata Item class: Currency Item Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Currency/CurrencyBreachUpgradeUniquePhysical
A Blessing of Uul-Netol is a currency item that can be used to upgrade certain Breach unique items.
For more information, see Blessing.
Blessing of Uul-Netol is used in the following recipes:
The Red TrailThe Red Trail Titan GreavesArmour: (385-556)Requires Level 68, 120 Str(60-100)% increased Armour +(60-100) to maximum Life 30% increased Movement Speed 10% additional Physical Damage Reduction while stationary Gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit while Bleeding 50% chance to be inflicted with Bleeding when Hit by an Attack Gore FootprintsWe leave a trail, that we may know where never we will return.
Blessing of Uul-NetolBlessing of Uul-NetolStack Size: 10Upgrades a breach unique item or breachstone to a more powerful versionRight click this item then left click an applicable breach unique item to upgrade it.
The Infinite PursuitThe Infinite Pursuit Titan GreavesArmour: (241-278)Requires Level 68, 120 Str20% increased Movement Speed Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take extra Damage 20% increased Movement Speed while Bleeding 50% chance to be inflicted with Bleeding when Hit by an Attack Bleeding on you expires 75% slower while Moving Cannot be Stunned while Bleeding Cannot be Poisoned while BleedingWe move to be closer to her, but the distance yet grows.
Uul-Netol's Flawless BreachstoneUul-Netol's Flawless BreachstoneRare Monsters drop 2 additional Reward Types Area has 4 additional random Modifiers 200% increased Experience Gain 250% more Monster Life 60% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 60% increased Pack Size Monster Level: 84Travel to Uul-Netol's Domain by using this item in a personal Map Device. Can only be used once.
Uul-Netol's BreachstoneUul-Netol's BreachstoneRare Monsters drop an additional Reward Type Area has 2 additional random Modifiers 150% increased Experience Gain Monster Level: 82Travel to Uul-Netol's Domain by using this item in a personal Map Device. Can only be used once.
Blessing of Uul-NetolBlessing of Uul-NetolStack Size: 10Upgrades a breach unique item or breachstone to a more powerful versionRight click this item then left click an applicable breach unique item to upgrade it.
The SurrenderThe Surrender Ezomyte Tower ShieldChance to Block: 30% Armour: (1091-1445) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 64, 159 Str+(30-40) to maximum Life(165-205)% increased Armour +(65-80) to maximum Life Recover (250-500) Life when you Block +6% Chance to BlockOur hearts cry out but are silenced by our flesh and so we give up our flesh.
Blessing of Uul-NetolBlessing of Uul-NetolStack Size: 10Upgrades a breach unique item or breachstone to a more powerful versionRight click this item then left click an applicable breach unique item to upgrade it.
The AnticipationThe Anticipation Ezomyte Tower ShieldChance to Block: 30% Armour: (824-948) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 64, 159 Str+(30-40) to maximum Life100% increased Armour +(50-70) to maximum Life +6% Chance to Block +(1500-3000) Armour if you've Blocked Recently Permanently Intimidate Enemies on BlockWe are within her reach, and when the time is right, she will reach into us.
Uul-Netol's EmbraceUul-Netol's Embrace Vaal AxeTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (395.2-436.8) to (661.2-730.8) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: (0.80-0.86) Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 64, 158 Str, 76 Dex25% chance to Maim on HitTrigger Level 20 Bone Nova when you Hit a Bleeding Enemy (280-320)% increased Physical Damage (30-25)% reduced Attack Speed 25% chance to cause Bleeding on HitAt last she holds us, and so we turn to dust.
Blessing of Uul-NetolBlessing of Uul-NetolStack Size: 10Upgrades a breach unique item or breachstone to a more powerful versionRight click this item then left click an applicable breach unique item to upgrade it.
Uul-Netol's KissUul-Netol's Kiss Vaal AxeTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (343.2-384.8) to (574.2-643.8) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 0.98 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 64, 158 Str, 76 Dex25% chance to Maim on Hit(230-270)% increased Physical Damage 15% reduced Attack Speed Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit Exerted Attacks deal 200% increased Damage Exerted Attacks Knock Enemies Back on HitWe feel the mother's love And beg to return to her womb.