Icicle Mine

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Icicle MineIcicle Mine of FanningIcicle Mine of Sabotage
Icicle MineMine, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Cold, Aura, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (3-6) Mana
Reservation: (3-6) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%
Requires Level 12Throws a mine that fires projectiles around it when detonated. These projectiles quickly dissipate as they travel, before disappearing.Deals (16-514) to (24-771) Cold Damage
Mine lasts 5 seconds
Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.30 seconds
Fires 5 Projectiles
Fires Projectiles in a circle
Fires an additional Projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
Each Mine applies 10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Drop level: 12
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemFreezeMine

Icicle Mine throws a mine that when detonated fires several long-range icicle projectiles in random directions that deal cold damage, launching more icicles with more consecutive mine detonated. The mines have an aura which grants increased critical strike chance against enemies in the aura.

Skill Functions and Interactions

  • The innate aura effect of this skill (Each Mine applies 10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%) has a base radius distance of 3.5 metre and are scaled by modifiers to area, including those specific to auras.[1] Increased aura effect will improve the bonus per mine near an enemy, but will not affect the maximum bonus.
    • This modifier applies globally, and can be used to add crit chance to other skills by maximizing the mine duration without detonating it.

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelRequired DexterityRequired IntelligenceMana
Exp.Total Exp.
11214213316 to 2400
21517253320 to 311524915249
31921303328 to 414151756766
42324353336 to 5581983138749
52728414447 to 71147968286717
63132464461 to 92250557537274
73536514478 to 117405086942360
83838554493 to 1394477181390078
941415944111 to 1666153182005396
1044446344131 to 1968346392840035
1147476744155 to 23215707604410795
1250497155182 to 27316339876044782
1353527555214 to 32121510308195812
1456557955251 to 376281218911008001
1559588355294 to 440509936016107361
1662608755343 to 514940073125508092
1764629055380 to 5691527336640781458
1866649266420 to 6302628658267068040
1968669566465 to 69762890590129958630
2070689866514 to 771212046017342004647
21727010066568 to 851
227466627 to 940
237666691 to 1037
247866762 to 1144
258077840 to 1260
268277926 to 1389
2784771019 to 1529
2886771122 to 1683
2988771234 to 1851
3090771357 to 2036
3191771423 to 2135
3292771492 to 2238
3393771564 to 2346
3494881639 to 2459
3595881718 to 2577
3696881801 to 2701
3797881887 to 2831
3898881977 to 2966
3999882072 to 3108
40100882170 to 3256

Item acquisition

Icicle Mine can drop anywhere.


Icicle Mine can be created from the following recipes:

7The Wilted RoseThe Wilted Rose7Level 21 Aura Gem
Though the path to divinity is fraught with peril, hope may bloom from within.
Random corrupted level 21 Aura gemA
13The CataclysmThe Cataclysm13Level 21 Spell Gem
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Random corrupted level 21 Spell gemA
6The FoxThe Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Random level 20 gemA
3Gemcutter's PromiseGemcutter's Promise3Gem
Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus, Imperial Gemcutter
Random gem with 20% qualityA
1Gemcutter's IncubatorGemcutter's IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Quality Gem item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random gem with 1–20% qualityA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Quest reward

This item is given as a quest reward for the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Siren's Cadence
Act 1

Vendor reward

This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Siren's Cadence
Act 1
A Fixture of Fate
Act 3
Fallen from Grace
Act 6
Lilly Roth

Related helmet enchantments

The following helmet enchantments affect Icicle Mine.

Note that helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable since version 3.23.0 and can only be obtained in permanent leagues as already enchanted items from before this patch.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.LabyrinthStatsSpawn Weighting
Enchantment Icicle Mine Critical Multiplier 166Merciless LabyrinthIcicle Mine has +20% to Critical Strike Multiplierhelmet 100
Enchantment Icicle Mine Critical Multiplier 275Eternal LabyrinthIcicle Mine has +30% to Critical Strike Multiplierhelmet 100
Enchantment Icicle Mine Damage 166Merciless LabyrinthIcicle Mine deals 25% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Icicle Mine Damage 275Eternal LabyrinthIcicle Mine deals 40% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 166Merciless LabyrinthIcicle Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Icicle MineThrowing Speed 275Eternal LabyrinthIcicle Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 166Merciless Labyrinth8% increased Icicle Mine Throwing Speedhelmet 0
Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 275Eternal Labyrinth12% increased Icicle Mine Throwing Speedhelmet 0
Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 166Merciless LabyrinthIcicle Mine has 8% increased Throwing Speedhelmet 0
Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 275Eternal LabyrinthIcicle Mine has 12% increased Throwing Speedhelmet 0

Legacy artwork

Icicle Mine gems dropped before version 3.8.0 retain their legacy artwork in permanent leagues.

Alternate skill effects

Icicle Mine has the following alternate skill effects:

Stygian Icicle Mine EffectStygian Icicle Mine EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Icicle Mine becomes a Stygian Effect.Your Icicle Mine becomes a Stygian Effect.
Void Emperor Icicle Mine EffectVoid Emperor Icicle Mine EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Icicle Mine becomes a Void Emperor Effect.Your Icicle Mine becomes a Void Emperor Effect.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Alternate quality gems, labyrinth helmet enchantments and unique threshold jewels are all systems that were trying to subtly modify the behaviour of skills. With this expansion these have been combined into a new system called Transfigured Gems that allows us to fully achieve the goal of these three systems, and then some.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
  • Anomalous, Divergent and Phantasmal Quality Gems have been removed from the game. Existing alternate Quality Gems now have the base Quality effect found on the respective Gem.
  • Helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable from the Divine Font. At the same time, new variants of the Icicle Mine: Icicle Mine of FanningIcicle Mine of FanningMine, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Cold, Aura, AoE
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (3-6) Mana
    Reservation: (3-6) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.75 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: 130%
    Requires Level 12Throws a mine that fires projectiles at enemies when detonated. These projectiles quickly dissipate as they travel, before disappearing.Deals (18-591) to (28-886) Cold Damage
    Mine lasts 5 seconds
    Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.30 seconds
    Fires 3 Projectiles
    Fires an additional Projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
    Each Mine applies 10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Fires +(0.1-2) Projectiles
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    and Icicle Mine of SabotageIcicle Mine of SabotageMine, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Cold, Aura, AoE
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (3-6) Mana
    Reservation: 15 Mana
    Cast Time: 0.75 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 4.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90%
    Requires Level 12Throws a mine that fires projectiles around it when detonated. These projectiles quickly dissipate as they travel, before disappearing.Deals (12-388) to (18-583) Cold Damage
    Mine lasts 5 seconds
    Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.30 seconds
    Fires 5 Projectiles
    Fires Projectiles in a circle
    Fires an additional Projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
    Each Mine applies 40% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased effect of Aura
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , are obtainable from the font.
  • Now has alternate quality:
    • Anomalous Icicle Mine: Fires 0.1 additional Projectiles (per 1% gem quality; break points are 10% and 20% and so on)
    • Divergent Icicle Mine: 1% increased Critical Strike Chance (per 1% gem quality)
  • Icicle Mine was providing enormous area coverage and damage at very little cost, and was also causing performance problems. These changes are intended to bring Icicle Mine in line with other mines, as well as alleviate the performance issues it was causing.
  • The projectiles now fade over time, similar to Freezing Pulse, but without the gradual damage drop-off. In other words, the mines will have a shorter range by default, but can be increased by increasing the skill's Projectile Speed.
  • Now has 4 additional projectiles at all levels (from 6 at gem level 20).
  • Now gains 1% increased Projectile Speed per 1% gem quality (from 1% increased Projectile Damage per 1% gem quality).
  • Freeze Mine (now named Icicle Mine)
  • Has been completely reworked, and is now a blue gem with minimum level 12.
  • Deals 16 to 24 Cold Damage at gem level 1, up to 514 to 771 at gem level 20.
  • Base mine detonation time is 0.3 seconds.
  • Fires 4 additional projectiles at gem level 1, up to 6 at gem level 20.
  • Each mine applies 10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%.
  • Fires an additional projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence.
  • Added Icicle Mine as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Witch, Templar and Scion, for completing The Siren's Cadence.
  • Existing helmet enchantments that grant 8/12% increased Freeze Mine Area of Effect or Freeze Mine causes Enemies to lose an additional 8/12% Cold Resistance while Frozen have been converted to Icicle Mine has 8/12% increased Throwing Speed. Both versions are unobtainable in Divine Font. The obtainable version in the Divine Font grants 10% or 15% increased Throwing Speed instead. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Mana Cost at gem level 1 is now 7 (was 6).
  • Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 20 (was 22).
  • All trap and mine skills have had their trap and mine duration reduced to 16 seconds. This includes the support gems Trap and Remote Mine.
  • Mana cost reduced at all levels.
  • Freeze Mine now deals damage, increasing as it goes up in levels.
  • It always freezes and the freeze duration is longer than the damage would normally cause.
  • Freeze Mine now gives enemies it freezes a 15% penalty to Cold Resistance.
  • The imaginary freeze damage used to calculate the freeze duration for Freeze Mine has been increased at higher levels. It is 15% more effective by level 15.
  • Added Cold Damage SupportAdded Cold Damage SupportCold, Support
    Icon: C
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
    Requires Level 8Supports any skill that hits enemies.Supported Skills have (4-152) to (6-228) added Cold Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Cold Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    now affects Freeze Mine's freeze effect.
  • Curse cast speed no longer affects Freeze Mine cast time.
  • Freeze mine can now be supported by Cold Penetration SupportCold Penetration SupportCold, Support
    Icon: V
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
    Requires Level 31Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy cold resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate (20-34)% Cold Resistance

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Cold Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
  • Freeze Mine has had its cast time for laying the mine decreased to 500ms from 1 second.
  • Improved by 37.5%
  • Fixed a bug where Elemental Proliferation SupportElemental Proliferation SupportCold, Fire, Lightning, Support, AoE
    Icon: S
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, or could otherwise apply elemental ailments.(0-19)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
    Elemental Ailments inflicted by Supported Skills spread to other enemies within (1.2-1.5) metres
    Supported Skills have 20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.5-10)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    would not work with Freeze Mine.
  • Freeze Mine has been added to the game.


  1. Bex_GGG (December 5, 2022). "Re: On the High Impact Mine Support Gem, what radius does nearby have and will it scale with modifiers?". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved June 10, 2024.