Arcanist Brand

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Arcanist BrandTrigger, Spell, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (18-32) Mana
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Requires Level 38Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, triggering linked spells. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.Activates every second while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 5.00 seconds
Can be Attached for a total Duration of 3.00 seconds
Supported Skills have 40% reduced Chaining range
Projectiles from Supported Skills have 4.8 metres maximum range
Supported Skills have 40% less Area of Effect
Supported Skills deal (69-63)% less Damage
Supported Skills Deal (40-59)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Supported Skills are Triggered by Arcanist Brand, from the Brand's location

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0.5-10)% increased Activation frequency
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Drop level: 38
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemArcanistBrand

Arcanist Brand is a skill gem that turns a linked spell into a trigger skill. The brand periodically triggers all linked spells in a sequence while being attached to an enemy.

Skill functions and interactions

The following restrictions apply from the description of the support gem part of Arcanist Brand: Supports spell skills that have no reservation. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • The gem consists of two components: a skill part Arcanist Brand and a support part Arcanist Brand Support. However, it does not have the Support gem tag. It is one of the few skill/support hybrid gems.
  • Skills triggered by Arcanist Brand do not count as 'Brand Skills', but do count as dealing Brand Damage and Brand Critical Strikes for modifiers like #% increased Brand Damage and +#% to Brand Critical Strike Chance/Multiplier.[1]
  • Arcanist Brand's cast speed determines how long it takes to cast the brand itself. The activation frequency is how often the brand triggers linked spells. Both of these are increased by cast speed modifiers.
  • Targeting - Arcanist Brand auto-targets enemies with precision. For skills that can be hard to aim close to enemies like DesecrateDesecrateSpell, AoE, Duration, Chaos
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (11-26) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.60 sec
    Requires Level 16Desecrates the ground, summoning corpses and dealing chaos damage to all enemies in the area. The corpses will be chosen from the monsters in the current area and any Spectres that have existed in this instance.Deals (8.2-294) Base Chaos Damage per second
    Base duration is 4.00 seconds
    Spawns 5 corpses
    Spawns corpses up to Level (20-100)
    Maximum of 10 corpses allowed

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased Cast Speed
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , this will get corpses close to enemies.
  • While attached to an enemy, Arcanist Brand will cast all linked spells in a sequence, until its duration runs out. This can allow the character to apply multiple spells with one cast, assuming the brand has enough duration.
  • Brand RecallBrand RecallBrand, Spell
    Level: (1-6)
    Cost: (7-16) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: Instant
    Requires Level 16Recall your brands to you, detaching them from enemies and increasing attachment range until they next attach to an enemy. Spends a portion of each recalled brand's cost to cause it to activate.(0-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    Spends 20% of Brand's Cost
    Brands gain (25-45)% increased Attachment Range

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    will activate all brands, triggering one of the linked spells, even for brands that were not attached to a target.
  • Trigger: Arcanist Brand cannot gain a trigger from either support gems or items. Skills it supports follow general trigger mechanics, becoming disabled if they gain a trigger in addition to Arcanist Brand.
  • The Supported Skills deal (69-63)% less Damage and Supported Skills Deal (40-59)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy modifiers are multiplicative, resulting in a final modifier of 57% less damage dealt with hits against the branded enemy at level 1, scaling up to 41% less at level 20.
  • Projectiles from Supported Skills have 4.8 metres maximum range: This modifier limits the maximum travel distance of projectiles, and may be advantageous for projectiles with a limited lifetime like Eye of WinterEye of WinterSpell, Projectile, Cold
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (14-26) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.80 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: 55%
    Requires Level 28Fires a single eye projectile which constantly releases shard projectiles in a spiral. The shards will damage enemies they impact, dealing cold damage. The eye cannot damage enemies. When the eye dissipates or collides with terrain, it releases a faster spiral of extra shards.Deals (16-245) to (25-367) Cold Damage
    Fires 8 Shard Projectiles in a Spiral when Projectile ends
    Modifiers to number of Projectiles only apply to the final Spiral
    Projectiles continuously gain Damage, up to 200% more Damage by the time they dissipate

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Fires +(0.1-2) Shard Projectiles in a Spiral when Projectile ends
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , allowing them to return to the branded enemy sooner or with less investment in projectile speed.
  • Skills that summon minions can be triggered, but Arcanist Brand Support's Cannot modify the skills of minions means it cannot add stats to minions or their skills. Minions are unaffected by Arcanist Brand Support's penalties or bonuses, and they will not cast their own brands.[2][3]
    • Projectiles from Supported Skills have 4.8 metres maximum range does modify minions' projectiles skills however, though this may be a bug.[4]

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelRequired IntelligenceMana
via Brand
Exp.Total Exp.

Item acquisition

Arcanist Brand can drop anywhere.


Arcanist Brand can be created from the following recipes:

13The CataclysmThe Cataclysm13Level 21 Spell Gem
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Random corrupted level 21 Spell gemA
6The FoxThe Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Random level 20 gemA
3Gemcutter's PromiseGemcutter's Promise3Gem
Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus, Imperial Gemcutter
Random gem with 20% qualityA
1Gemcutter's IncubatorGemcutter's IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Quality Gem item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random gem with 1–20% qualityA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Quest reward

This item is given as a quest reward for the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Eternal Nightmare
Act 4

Vendor reward

This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Eternal Nightmare
Act 4
Petarus and Vanja
Fallen from Grace
Act 6
Lilly Roth

Related helmet enchantments

The following helmet enchantments affect Arcanist Brand.

Note that helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable since version 3.23.0 and can only be obtained in permanent leagues as already enchanted items from before this patch.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.LabyrinthStatsSpawn Weighting
Enchantment Arcanist Brand Cast Speed 166Merciless LabyrinthArcanist Brand has 8% increased Cast Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Arcanist Brand Cast Speed 275Eternal LabyrinthArcanist Brand has 12% increased Cast Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Arcanist Brand Unnerve 175Eternal LabyrinthSpells Triggered by Arcanist Brand Unnerve enemies on Hit for 4 secondshelmet 100

Alternate skill effects

Arcanist Brand has the following alternate skill effects:

Celestial Brand EffectCelestial Brand EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Brand becomes a Celestial Effect.Your Brand becomes a Celestial Effect.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Arcanist Brand now deal 69% less Damage at gem level 1 (previously 55%), and 63% less at gem level 20 (previously 46%).
  • Fixed a bug where Arcanist Brand would incorrectly check the player's line of sight to use Firestorm, and then target the player's location if it didn't have line of sight.
  • Fixed a bug where Wave of ConvictionWave of ConvictionFire, Lightning, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (9-23) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.70 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: 330%
    Requires Level 16An expanding wave of energy surges forward, damaging enemies in a cone-shaped area over a duration. Each enemy hit is inflicted with Exposure matching the element of which they took the highest damage. Only one Wave of Conviction can be active at a timeDeals (35-1476) to (52-2214) Physical Damage
    25% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
    Base duration is (0.50-0.69) seconds
    Base secondary duration is 4.00 seconds
    25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
    Exposure applies -15% to Elemental Resistance matching highest Damage taken

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Damage Penetrates (0.75-15)% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    , when supported by Arcanist Brand, was hitting more often than intended against stationary monsters.
  • Arcanist Brand has been added to the game.


ru:Клеймо чаротворца