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Yeena is an NPC that can be found in The Forest Encampment in Act 2 and in The Bridge encampment in Act 7. She functions as a vendor of magic/caster items as well as flasks, and has a significant role in several quests.

She is a very kind-hearted and somewhat eccentric person, appearing even slightly child-like in her personality. She firmly believes that she can communicate with nature and "the spirits", to which some residents of the Encampment react with scepticism or amusement, but it turns out that at least sometimes, her visions are not out of touch with reality.


Yeena is a wild soul in touch with nature. She seems to be able to foresee things and offers a unique perspective on the world to the exiles who pass through the Encampment. She appears to be very compassionate and willingly helps anyone in need - for example, she takes care of Helena when she appears in the Encampment, even though it is not initially certain whether she can be trusted.

Silk appreciates Yeena's unusual character and that she focuses on the more spiritual side of life, rather than only on the mundane, physical reality. Some others are more sceptical, however - Greust seems convinced there is no truth to her visions and that thinking she talks to the spirits, "she talks to herself", whereas Eramir also appears quite sceptical and worried she may be meddling with powers she should avoid. In the end he does admit, however, that her more vivid visions often prove true and can be very helpful (as is the case in the final quest, Shadow of the Vaal).


Act 2


I am Yeena, Keeper of the Spirit. Are you a kind exile, like Eramir? He is good to us… helps us. You will stay and help us too, yes?


Eramir was a wise man in Oriath. He is our wise man now. Hear him. You will learn much. If you do not hear, you will likely die.


Greust does what he thinks is right. And, in Greust’s dream, he is never wrong.


Silk knows more than others think. He watches, he learns. Look between the words and you will see the truth in Silk’s stories.


Helena is healing, I make sure of that. But you want to know if you can trust her? I see her spirit. It was born good and needs work to keep it that way. Much like yours.

Blood Apes

The forest children are ill. Once they drank from fruit, ate nuts and berries. Now they drink blood, eat brain and heart. This land is in a nightmare from which it cannot wake.


Viper eats monkey. Monkey eats viper. The forest is hurt, confused. It fights with itself. There is no peace for us in this war.


There is land that has forgotten the Spirit. Some man told the rocks and water a different dream. Now, the rocks and water think they are Man.

Maligaro's Spike

If Silk’s story of the mother of Eight-Legs is true, then you should go get the spear from her. The creatures near the Chamber of Sins have suffered from a twisting of their spirits. They are sick and angry. If this happens to the Eight-Legs, we will all suffer from their fever.


Lorrata is dead. It is not news to me. The forest screams its grief.

You need not carry the blame; this was Lorrata’s will. I do not question why she allowed you to end her days. I keep her in my dreams, where she might still help us.

Act 7


You arrive! The great Spirit spoke in my dreams, told me that darkness would again drown our lands. And you, exile, would walk before the flood.

But what is this? You are not alone. A shade a memory, older even than Spirit? Fear grips my throat, I shake, but the Spirit drapes a warming cloak upon my shoulders.

This ancient ghost that follows you, it has the trust of the Spirit, and if the Spirit trusts then I trust.

Behind the scenes

Yeena is voiced by Bodelle de Ronde, who also voices Lady Dialla and Shavronne.