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The Exiled Duelist

c Quick to anger, even quicker to strike, the Duelist is a man of haughty character and deadly skill. He is brash and confident. Some might call him arrogant, but he backs up his taunts with a keen blade and a callous heart. The Duelist is a thrill-seeker, always sniffing out conflict and picking fights. This habit has gotten him in trouble countless times, but he's always survived with skill and guile. The Duelist is a master of close-quarters combat, dealing lethal damage with a wide array of weapons while escaping most harm. Women swoon at the sight of him, men tremble at the thought of him, and few that face him in battle live to tell the tale.

The Duelist is Path of Exile's Strength/Dexterity Hybrid class, making him unmatched at dealing and avoiding damage. He can effectively use a shield, but is equally comfortable slashing away with a powerful two-hander or fighting with weapons in both hands. His powerful arms can draw the strings of the heaviest and most lethal longbows. His highly honed reflexes give him a cat-like ability to dodge and parry incoming attacks, be they arrows or axe swings. The Duelist is a daunting foe, and his reputation as a ruthless killer is well deserved. The Duelist's starting stats are 23 STR, 23 DEX and 14 INT.

The armors associated with the Duelist's strength and dexterity are Helmets, Scale/Bridagines/Doublets/Lamellar, Scale Gauntlets, Scale Boots, and Round Shields.

Base stats

Stat Value
Intelligence 14
Dexterity 23
Strength 23
Life 62
Mana 47
Damage per second 4.3
Chance to hit 89%
Attacks per second* 1.2
Main hand total combined damage 2-6
Main hand physical damage 2-6
Main hand accuracy rating 46
Main hand critical strike damage multiplier* 150%
Endurance charges* 0/3
Physical damage reduction per endurance charge* 4%
Additional elemental reduction per endurance charge* 4%
Frenzy charges* 0/3
Attack speed increase per frenzy charge* 5%
Cast speed increase per frenzy charge* 5%
Power charges* 0/3
Critical strike chance increase per power charge* 50%
Evasion rating 59
Chance to evade* 32%
Fire resistance* 0%
Cold resistance* 0%
Lightning resistance* 0%
Chaos resistance* 0%
Mana regen per second 0.8

* Same for all classes Updated to beta 0.10.0g


See more Path of Exile Duelist builds at Exile Pro.

Text and Speech

The Duelist is voiced by New Zealand actor, Regan Sharp.

Intro speech

"He had it coming. Was I supposed to bear such insults with inaction, simply because of his high birth? That lord sang a different tune with six inches of steel in his guts. Now they call me a criminal for defending my honour. I'd do the same again to anyone who crossed me.

I care naught for riches, little for friendship. The duel is all I need. I may be an exile, but I will carve a road back to Oriath, one foe, one victory at a time. Ill fortune may have banished me to Wraeclast, but I will live to hear them scream my name in the great arenas again."

Character Dialogue

Upon Washing Up on Twilight Strand: "Even the dead rise to challenge me here."

Achieving Level 2: “It's nice not to be dead yet.”

Achieving Level 3: “It seems this new arena suits me!”

Achieving Level 5: "Couldn't ask for a better training ground than Wraeclast!"

Achieving Level 10: "My fans in Oriath would barely recognize me!"

Achieving Level 15: "I'm starting to think there's more to life than prize or perish."

Achieving Level 20: "I believe I can give the great Daresso a run for his money now!"

Having killed Brutus: "Skill beats size every time."

Having killed Merveil: "We stand at Death's door. Ladies first, fair Merveil."

Having killed Kraityn: "Looks like your mind was not as swift as your blades, Bridge rat."

Having killed Alira: "It's hard to cast a spell with a blade in your throat, eh? Witch?"

Having killed Oak: "Well fought Oak... Pity we only had the trees as audience."

Having killed Vaal Oversoul: "A duel like no other. I think I am starting to like this 'Wraeclast'."

Having killed General Gravicius: "Dying in battle...That is the only honourable thing you have done Gravicius!"

Having killed Piety: "Sorry beautiful, but someone had to put a stop to all this ugliness."

Having killed Dominus: "An unjust death driven by an unjust exile! I think we're even, High Templar."

On the Terraces: "Not the most pleasant of arenas, but it will have to do. For now."

On the Prison: "It's to be a cage fight then. I can live with that."

On the Ship Graveyard: "I almost feel sorry for these doomed sea dogs."

On the Chamber of Sins: "A place of soiled dreams; I'll have to train carefully here."

On the Crematorium: "I am in favour of a fair fight. I doubt I will get that here."

On Solaris: "It seems there's still glory in the old Empire yet!"

On Lunaris: "Piety's home away from home... Let's see if this sick witch is in."

Full inventory: "I believe in traveling light."

Using skills in town: "There'll be time for that soon enough."

Attempted to destroy a quest item: "I think that will come in handy at some point."

Out of mana: "My spirit is spent."

Not enough Intelligence: "Can't quite get my head around this one."

Not enough Dexterity: "Need to be a little more deft to use this."

Not enough Strength: "I'll need to build up some muscle for this one."

Unique NPC Dialogue

Nessa's Introduction:"Now there's a face I never expected to see exiled. The maidens of Oriath must lie wailing in their beds now that their mighty duelist has left them. Or is that why you're here? Did you disappoint your adoring fans somehow? I'm Nessa, and I suppose I should thank you for ridding us of Hillock, that putrid giant you felled out there. Back in Oriath, I disdained your kind. In Wraeclast, I don't have that luxury."

Bestel's Introduction: "A dashing duelist, drenched and deserted on the dreary strand. That's the first line in a poem I'm writing about you, exile. Easy, lad. You could lacerate a bloke with a look like that. The name's Bestel, captain of the good ship 'Merry Gull'. Alas, my Merry Gull is gone. My crew is gone. But my wits remain... after a fashion."

Hargan's Introduction: "Now you're a familiar face! A face that cost me a good deal of coin at arenas in Theopolis. Took you with a privileged boy with a death wish. I bet all I had against you. Turned out you were dandy with a blade as you were with your wardrobe. Well maybe you can help us, Duelist"