Guide:Best in slot base types

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This is a guide on the subject of choosing the best available base type with the player's preferred stats.

Last updated on August 11, 2024.

Below is a summary of the lists of helmets, body armour, gloves, boots, and shields showing just the base items with the highest defence stats, per type, per slot. This is organized into one BiS page to be easily visible on one screen while mapping or editing item filters and learning about what base types to look for, within your desired defensive stat(s).

This table includes base types that can drop from league mechanics such as Ritual (e.g., Penitent MaskPenitent MaskArmour: (185-212)
Evasion: (185-212)
Requires Level 75, 79 Str, 79 DexYou are Crushed
+4% to maximum Chaos Resistance
), Heist (e.g., Heat-attuned Tower ShieldHeat-attuned Tower ShieldChance to Block: 29%
Armour: (220-253)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 70, 159 StrScorch Enemies when you Block their Damage
), and Expedition (e.g., Runic SabatonsRunic SabatonsWard: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 Int). Sometimes (though not always), non-regular basetypes can have stats that exceed regular basetypes, and are best in slot even if the implicit modifiers are removed via corruption or Eldritch currency.

Table of Best-in-slot Base Types
Defence Type Helmet Body Armour Gloves Boots Shield
Armour Giantslayer HelmetGiantslayer HelmetArmour: (582-669)Requires Level 84, 224 Str
highest armour
Royal PlateRoyal PlateArmour: (1183-1360)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 84, 293 Str

highest armour
Leviathan GauntletsLeviathan GauntletsArmour: (359-413)Requires Level 84, 144 Str
highest armour
Leviathan GreavesLeviathan GreavesArmour: (359-413)Requires Level 84, 177 Str
highest armour
Colossal Tower ShieldColossal Tower ShieldChance to Block: 23%
Armour: (522-601)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 67, 159 Str+(10-20) to maximum Life

highest armour
Astral PlateAstral PlateArmour: (711-782)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 62, 180 Str+(8-12)% to all Elemental Resistances

+all res
Spiked GlovesSpiked GlovesArmour: (220-253)Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee Damage
+melee damage
Brimstone TreadsBrimstone TreadsArmour: (236-271)Requires Level 80, 124 Str50% increased Stun and Block Recovery
20% reduced Stun Threshold

+stun threshold
Ezomyte Tower ShieldEzomyte Tower ShieldChance to Block: 24%
Armour: (412-474)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 64, 159 Str+(30-40) to maximum Life

highest life
Thwarting GauntletsThwarting GauntletsArmour: (236-271)Requires Level 70, 101 Str+(5-6)% Chance to Block Attack Damage
You take 10% of Damage from Blocked Hits

+exerted attack damage
Evasion Rating Majestic PeltMajestic PeltEvasion: (582-669)Requires Level 84, 224 Dex
highest evasion
Syndicate's GarbSyndicate's GarbEvasion: (1205-1386)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 84, 293 Dex

highest evasion
Velour GlovesVelour GlovesEvasion: (359-413)Requires Level 84, 144 Dex
highest evasion
Velour BootsVelour BootsEvasion: (359-413)Requires Level 84, 177 Dex
highest evasion
Lacquered BucklerLacquered BucklerChance to Block: 24%
Evasion: (477-549)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 60, 154 Dex6% increased Movement Speed

highest evasion
Assassin's GarbAssassin's GarbEvasion: (737-811)Requires Level 68, 183 Dex3% increased Movement Speed
+move speed
Gripped GlovesGripped GlovesEvasion: (220-253)Requires Level 70, 95 Dex(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack Damage
+projectile damage
Stormrider BootsStormrider BootsEvasion: (236-271)Requires Level 80, 124 Dex25% less Accuracy Rating
1 to (5-6) Added Attack Lightning Damage per 200 Accuracy Rating

+lightning damage per accuracy
Vaal BucklerVaal BucklerChance to Block: 27%
Evasion: (330-379)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 63, 159 Dex3% increased Movement Speed

highest block
Trapsetter GlovesTrapsetter GlovesEvasion: (236-271)Requires Level 70, 101 DexTrap Skills have (20-25)% increased Skill Effect Duration
30% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate for throwing Traps

+trap gloves
Crusader BucklerCrusader BucklerChance to Block: 26%
Evasion: (385-442)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 66, 159 Dex9% increased Movement Speed

highest move speed
Energy Shield Lich's CircletLich's CircletEnergy Shield: (117-134)Requires Level 84, 224 Int
highest ES
Twilight RegaliaTwilight RegaliaEnergy Shield: (262-302)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 84, 293 Int

highest ES
Warlock GlovesWarlock GlovesEnergy Shield: (72-83)Requires Level 84, 144 Int
highest ES
Warlock BootsWarlock BootsEnergy Shield: (72-83)Requires Level 84, 177 Int
highest ES
Titanium Spirit ShieldTitanium Spirit ShieldChance to Block: 25%
Energy Shield: (67-77)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 159 Int

highest ES
Occultist's VestmentOccultist's VestmentEnergy Shield: (137-151)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 62, 180 Int(3-10)% increased Spell Damage

+spell damage
Nexus GlovesNexus GlovesEnergy Shield: (47-54)Requires Level 70, 101 Int(25-30)% chance when you pay a Skill's Cost to gain that much Mana
30% reduced maximum Mana

+refund mana cost
Dreamquest SlippersDreamquest SlippersEnergy Shield: (50-57)Requires Level 80, 124 Int10% reduced Movement Speed
(45-50)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills

+movement skill CDR
Fossilised Spirit ShieldFossilised Spirit ShieldChance to Block: 22%
Energy Shield: (49-55)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 59, 141 IntMinions deal (5-10)% increased Damage

+minion damage
Fingerless Silk GlovesFingerless Silk GlovesEnergy Shield: (45-52)Requires Level 70, 95 Int(12-16)% increased Spell Damage
+spell damage
Harmonic Spirit ShieldHarmonic Spirit ShieldChance to Block: 23%
Energy Shield: (58-66)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 159 Int(10-15)% increased Spell Damage

+spell damage
Hybrid Armour &
Evasion Rating
Haunted BascinetHaunted BascinetArmour: (355-409)
Evasion: (355-409)
Requires Level 84, 132 Str, 132 Dex

highest armour and evasion
Conquest LamellarConquest LamellarArmour: (723-831)
Evasion: (723-831)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 84, 173 Str, 173 Dex

highest armour and evasion
Wyvernscale GauntletsWyvernscale GauntletsArmour: 205
Evasion: 205
Requires Level 84, 80 Str, 80 Dex

highest armour and evasion
Wyvernscale BootsWyvernscale BootsArmour: (205-236)
Evasion: (205-236)
Requires Level 84, 98 Str, 98 Dex

highest armour and evasion
Cardinal Round ShieldCardinal Round ShieldChance to Block: 26%
Armour: (209-240)
Evasion: (209-240)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 66, 85 Str, 85 Dex

highest armour and evasion
Penitent MaskPenitent MaskArmour: (185-212)
Evasion: (185-212)
Requires Level 75, 79 Str, 79 DexYou are Crushed
+4% to maximum Chaos Resistance

+max chaos res
Two-Toned BootsTwo-Toned BootsArmour: (126-145)
Evasion: (126-145)
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Dex+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances

+fire and cold res
Elegant Round ShieldElegant Round ShieldChance to Block: 25%
Armour: (148-170)
Evasion: (148-170)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 70, 85 Str, 85 Dex120% increased Block Recovery

+block recovery
Hybrid Armour &
Energy Shield
Divine CrownDivine CrownArmour: (355-409)
Energy Shield: (71-82)
Requires Level 84, 132 Str, 132 Int

highest armour and ES
Sacred ChainmailSacred ChainmailArmour: (723-831)
Energy Shield: (145-167)
Movement Speed: -5%
Requires Level 84, 173 Str, 173 Int

highest armour and ES
Paladin GlovesPaladin GlovesArmour: (205-236)
Energy Shield: (41-47)
Requires Level 84, 80 Str, 80 Int

highest armour and ES
Paladin BootsPaladin BootsArmour: (205-236)
Energy Shield: (41-47)
Requires Level 84, 98 Str, 98 Int

highest armour and ES
Archon Kite ShieldArchon Kite ShieldChance to Block: 22%
Armour: (156-179)
Energy Shield: (32-37)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 85 Str, 85 Int+12% to all Elemental Resistances

+all res
Bone HelmetBone HelmetArmour: (197-227)
Energy Shield: (40-46)
Requires Level 73, 76 Str, 76 IntMinions deal (15-20)% increased Damage

+minion damage
Apothecary's GlovesApothecary's GlovesArmour: (108-124)
Energy Shield: (29-33)
Requires Level 70, 46 Str, 59 Int(14-18)% increased Damage over Time

+damage over time
Two-Toned BootsTwo-Toned BootsArmour: (126-145)
Energy Shield: (26-30)
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances

+fire and lightning res
Champion Kite ShieldChampion Kite ShieldChance to Block: 26%
Armour: (215-247)
Energy Shield: (44-50)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 62, 85 Str, 85 Int

highest armour and energy shield
Hybrid Evasion Rating &
Energy Shield
Torturer's MaskTorturer's MaskEvasion: (355-409)
Energy Shield: (71-82)
Requires Level 84, 132 Dex, 132 Int

highest evasion and ES
Necrotic ArmourNecrotic ArmourEvasion: (723-831)
Energy Shield: (145-167)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 84, 173 Dex, 173 Int

highest evasion and ES
Phantom MittsPhantom MittsEvasion: (205-236)
Energy Shield: (41-47)
Requires Level 84, 80 Dex, 80 Int

highest evasion and ES
Phantom BootsPhantom BootsEvasion: (205-236)
Energy Shield: (41-47)
Requires Level 84, 98 Dex, 98 Int

highest evasion and ES
Supreme Spiked ShieldSupreme Spiked ShieldChance to Block: 24%
Evasion: (242-278)
Energy Shield: (49-57)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 70, 85 Dex, 85 Int+5% chance to Suppress Spell Damage

highest evasion and ES
highest spell suppression
Blizzard CrownBlizzard CrownEvasion: (185-212)
Energy Shield: (38-43)
Requires Level 75, 79 Dex, 79 IntAdds (75-85) to (115-128) Cold Damage
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value

+cold damage
Carnal ArmourCarnal ArmourEvasion: (353-388)
Energy Shield: (103-113)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 71, 88 Dex, 122 Int+(20-25) to maximum Mana

+max mana
Fugitive BootsFugitive BootsEvasion: (112-129)
Energy Shield: (32-37)
Requires Level 70, 56 Dex, 76 Int+(13-17)% to Chaos Resistance

+chaos res
Two-Toned BootsTwo-Toned BootsEvasion: (126-145)
Energy Shield: (26-30)
Requires Level 70, 62 Dex, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances

+cold and lightning res
Ward Runic CrownRunic CrownWard: (164-189)Requires Level 68, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int
highest ward
Runic GauntletsRunic GauntletsWard: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 38 Str, 38 Dex, 38 Int
highest ward
Runic SabatonsRunic SabatonsWard: (102-117)Requires Level 69, 46 Str, 46 Dex, 46 Int
highest ward