Storm Brand

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Storm BrandStorm Brand of Indecision
Storm BrandLightning, Spell, AoE, Chaining, Duration, Brand
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-21) Mana
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%
Requires Level 12Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, firing beams which deal damage to nearby enemies and those around them. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.Deals (3-92) to (8-277) Lightning Damage
Activates every 0.5 seconds while Attached
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6.00 seconds
Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5.00 seconds
Sends beams to 3 Enemies, including the Branded Enemy
Deals (80-130)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Sends beams to +(0.05-1) Enemies
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Drop level: 12
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemStormBrand

Storm Brand is a spell which creates a brand on the ground. While attached, the brand sends beams of lightning damage to the attached target and enemies nearby it. This skill may chain.

Skill functions and interactions

Maximum Active Brands: All brands share a limit of three (3) active brand limit. This can be split between the two brand skills (2-1) or all of one type. Passive skills can increase the number of active brands that are allowed to be active at a time.

Maximum Brand Attachment: By default, you may only have one brand of any kind attached to a single target at any time. Taking the Keystone Runebinder allows you to place a second brand on a single target. Like the Active Brand limit these brands may either be split (1-1) or both the same type of brand.

Spell Echo: Storm Brand's initial cast can be accelerated and repeated by Spell Echo SupportSpell Echo SupportSpell, Support
Icon: k
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%
Requires Level 38Supports spell skills, making them repeat when cast. Cannot support Vaal skills, totem skills, channelling skills, triggered skills, instant skills, retaliation skills, blink skills, or skills with a reservation.Supported Skills deal 10% less Damage
Supported Skills Repeat an additional time
Supported Skills have (40-54)% more Cast Speed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
, but its more cast speed multiplier does not effect the activation speed; only increased or reduced cast speed modifiers do.

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelRequired IntelligenceMana
Damage MultiplierExp.Total Exp.
1123383 to 880%00
2153983 to 1083%1524915249
3194894 to 1385%4151756766
42356106 to 1888%81983138749
52764118 to 2391%147968286717
631731210 to 3093%250557537274
735811313 to 3996%405086942360
838881416 to 4798%4477181390078
941941519 to 56101%6153182005396
10441001522 to 67104%8346392840035
11471061626 to 79106%15707604410795
12501131731 to 94109%16339876044782
13531191737 to 111112%21510308195812
14561251844 to 131114%281218911008001
15591321952 to 155117%509936016107361
16621381961 to 182119%940073125508092
17641422067 to 202122%1527336640781458
18661462075 to 225125%2628658267068040
19681512183 to 250127%62890590129958630
20701552192 to 277130%212046017342004647
217215922103 to 308133%N/AN/A
2274N/A22114 to 341135%N/AN/A
2376N/A23126 to 378138%N/AN/A
2478N/A23140 to 419141%N/AN/A
2580N/A24155 to 464143%N/AN/A
2682N/A24171 to 513146%N/AN/A
2784N/A25189 to 567148%N/AN/A
2886N/A25209 to 627151%N/AN/A
2988N/A26231 to 693154%N/AN/A
3090N/A26255 to 766156%N/AN/A
3191N/A26268 to 804158%N/AN/A
3292N/A27282 to 845159%N/AN/A
3393N/A27296 to 888160%N/AN/A
3494N/A27311 to 933162%N/AN/A
3595N/A27327 to 980163%N/AN/A
3696N/A27343 to 1029164%N/AN/A
3797N/A28360 to 1081166%N/AN/A
3898N/A28378 to 1135167%N/AN/A
3999N/A28397 to 1192168%N/AN/A
40100N/A28417 to 1252169%N/AN/A

Item acquisition

Storm Brand can drop anywhere.


Storm Brand can be created from the following recipes:

13The CataclysmThe Cataclysm13Level 21 Spell Gem
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Random corrupted level 21 Spell gemA
6The FoxThe Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Random level 20 gemA
3Gemcutter's PromiseGemcutter's Promise3Gem
Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus, Imperial Gemcutter
Random gem with 20% qualityA
1Gemcutter's IncubatorGemcutter's IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Quality Gem item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random gem with 1–20% qualityA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Quest reward

This item is given as a quest reward for the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Siren's Cadence
Act 1

Vendor reward

This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Siren's Cadence
Act 1
A Fixture of Fate
Act 3
Fallen from Grace
Act 6
Lilly Roth

Related helmet enchantments

The following helmet enchantments affect Storm Brand.

Note that helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable since version 3.23.0 and can only be obtained in permanent leagues as already enchanted items from before this patch.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.LabyrinthStatsSpawn Weighting
Enchantment Storm Brand Damage 166Merciless LabyrinthStorm Brand deals 25% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Storm Brand Damage 275Eternal LabyrinthStorm Brand deals 40% increased Damagehelmet 100
Storm Brand Additional Chain Chance 166Merciless LabyrinthStorm Brand has a 12% chance to Chain an additional timehelmet 100
Storm Brand Additional Chain Chance 275Eternal LabyrinthStorm Brand has a 18% chance to Chain an additional timehelmet 100
Storm Brand Attached Target Lightning Penetration 166Merciless LabyrinthStorm Brand Damage Penetrates 8% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistancehelmet 100
Storm Brand Attached Target Lightning Penetration 275Eternal LabyrinthStorm Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistancehelmet 100

Alternate skill effects

Storm Brand has the following alternate skill effects:

Automaton Storm Brand EffectAutomaton Storm Brand EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Storm Brand becomes an Automaton Effect.Your Storm Brand becomes an Automaton Effect.
Celestial Brand EffectCelestial Brand EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Brand becomes a Celestial Effect.Your Brand becomes a Celestial Effect.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Quality now causes the skill to Send +0-1 beam to an Enemy, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
  • Now has a base critical strike chance of 6% (from 5.5%).
  • Now has an added Damage effectiveness of 30% (from 40%).
  • Now activates every 0.5 seconds while attached (from 0.6 seconds)
  • Now has a detached duration of 6 seconds (from 10).
  • Now has a cast time of 0.75 seconds (from 0.65 seconds).
  • Now activates every 0.6 seconds while attached (from 0.5 seconds).
  • Now has 10% smaller base radius of area of effect for dealing damage.
  • Multiple Storm Brands can no longer 'shotgun' enemies with their overlapping areas of effect.
  • Now deals 3 to 8 lightning damage at gem level 1 (from 2 to 7), up to 92 to 277 lightning damage at gem level 20 (from 75 to 225).
  • Now does 80% more damage to the branded enemy at gem level 1, up to 130% more damage at gem level 20 (from 50% more at all gem levels).
  • Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 21 (was 20).
  • Now deals 2 to 7 Lightning damage at gem level 1 (from 3 to 8) and 75 to 225 Lightning damage at gem level 20 (from 97 to 290).
  • Now has an added damage effectiveness of 30% (from 35%).
  • Storm Brand has been added to the game.


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