List of jewel suffix mods

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List of suffix modifiers that can spawn on Jewels. Modifiers from the same group can not spawn together.

NameGroupsStatsTagsSpawn Weighting
of DeadlinessAccuracyAndCrits(6-10)% increased Global Accuracy Rating
(6-10)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
attack, criticalnot_dex 0
default 150
of AdaptionAllAttributes+(6-8) to all Attributesattributedefault 300
of ResistanceAllResistances+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistanceselemental, resistancedefault 300
of BlastingAreaDamage(10-12)% increased Area Damagedamagedefault 500
of ZealAttackCastSpeed(2-4)% increased Attack and Cast Speedattack, caster, speeddefault 350
of BerserkingIncreasedAttackSpeed(3-5)% increased Attack Speedattack, speeddefault 500
of BleedingAilmentChanceAndDurationAttacks have (3-5)% chance to cause Bleeding
(12-16)% increased Bleeding Duration
bleed, physical, attack, ailmentnot_str 250
default 350
of HaemophiliaBleedingDamage(16-20)% increased Damage with Bleedingphysical_damage, bleed, damage, physical, attack, ailmentnot_str 250
default 500
of CombustingBurnDamage(16-20)% increased Burning Damageelemental_damage, damage, elemental, fire, ailmentdefault 500
of EnchantingIncreasedCastSpeed(2-4)% increased Cast Speedcaster, speednot_int 0
default 500
of OrderChaosResistance+(7-13)% to Chaos Resistancechaos, resistancedefault 100
of ShelterColdAndLightningResistance+(10-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistanceselemental, cold, lightning, resistancenot_str 450
default 250
of the BeastColdResistance+(12-15)% to Cold Resistanceelemental, cold, resistancenot_dex 300
default 500
of MenaceCriticalStrikeChanceIncrease(8-12)% increased Global Critical Strike Chancecriticaldefault 250
of PotencyCriticalStrikeMultiplier+(9-12)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplierdamage, criticaldefault 250
of WoundingDamageForm(8-10)% increased Damagedamagedefault 350
of EntropyDegenerationDamage(10-12)% increased Damage over Timedamagedefault 500
of CunningDexterityIntelligence+(8-10) to Dexterity and Intelligenceattributenot_str 450
default 250
of DexterityDexterity+(12-16) to Dexterityattributenot_dex 300
default 500
of the ApocalypseElementalCritChance(10-14)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skillselemental, criticaldefault 100
of the ElementsElementalCritMultiplier+(12-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skillselemental_damage, damage, elemental, criticaldefault 100
of FocusEnergyShieldGainPerTargetGain (2-3) Energy Shield per Enemy Hit with Attacksenergy_shield, defences, attacknot_int 0
default 500
of the HearthFireAndColdResistance+(10-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistanceselemental, fire, cold, resistancenot_int 450
default 250
of InsulationFireAndLightningResistance+(10-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistanceselemental, fire, lightning, resistancenot_dex 450
default 250
of the DragonFireResistance+(12-15)% to Fire Resistanceelemental, fire, resistancenot_str 300
default 500
of FreezingAilmentChanceAndDuration(3-5)% chance to Freeze
(12-16)% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
elemental, cold, ailmentnot_dex 250
default 350
of BurningAilmentChanceAndDuration(3-5)% chance to Ignite
(6-8)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
elemental, fire, ailmentnot_str 250
default 350
of IntelligenceIntelligence+(12-16) to Intelligenceattributenot_int 300
default 500
of AtrophyDamageOverTimeMultiplier+(6-8)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplierdot_multi, chaos_damage, damage, chaosnot_str 300
of GelidityDamageOverTimeMultiplier+(6-8)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplierdot_multi, elemental_damage, damage, elemental, coldnot_str 300
of ZealousnessDamageOverTimeMultiplier+(6-8)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplierdot_multi, elemental_damage, damage, elemental, firedefault 300
of ExsanguinatingDamageOverTimeMultiplier+(6-8)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplierdot_multi, physical_damage, damage, physicaldefault 300
of FendingKnockback(4-6)% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hitdefault 250
of RejuvenationLifeGainPerTargetGain (2-3) Life per Enemy Hit with Attacksresource, life, attacknot_str 0
default 500
of GroundingLightningResistance+(12-15)% to Lightning Resistanceelemental, lightning, resistancenot_int 300
default 500
of AbsorptionManaGainPerTargetGain (1-2) Mana per Enemy Hit with Attacksresource, mana, attacknot_dex 0
default 500
of WeightFormCritChance(10-14)% increased Melee Critical Strike Chanceattack, criticalbow 0
wand 0
not_int 250
of DemolishingFormCritMultiplier+(12-15)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplierdamage, attack, criticalbow 0
wand 0
not_int 250
of CombatDamageForm(10-12)% increased Melee Damagedamage, attackbow 0
wand 0
not_int 500
of TrainingMinionAccuracyRating(22-26)% increased Minion Accuracy Ratingattack, minionnot_int 0
default 350
of ResilienceMinionElementalResistancesMinions have +(11-15)% to all Elemental Resistanceselemental, resistance, minionnot_int 0
default 350
of PrecisionIncreasedAccuracyPercent(10-14)% increased Global Accuracy Ratingattacknot_dex 0
default 500
of PoisoningAilmentChanceAndDuration(3-5)% chance to Poison on Hit
(6-8)% increased Poison Duration
poison, chaos, ailmentnot_dex 250
default 350
of VenomPoisonDamage(16-20)% increased Damage with Poisonchaos_damage, poison, damage, chaos, ailmentnot_dex 250
default 500
of ArcheryDamageForm(10-12)% increased Projectile Damagedamagenot_dex 400
default 500
of SoaringProjectileSpeed(6-8)% increased Projectile Speedspeednot_dex 300
default 500
of ShockingAilmentChanceAndDuration(3-5)% chance to Shock
(12-16)% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
elemental, lightning, ailmentnot_int 250
default 350
of AnnihilationFormCritChance(10-14)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chancecaster, criticalnot_int 0
default 250
of UnmakingFormCritMultiplier+(12-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damagecaster_damage, damage, caster, criticalnot_int 0
default 250
of MysticismDamageForm(10-12)% increased Spell Damagecaster_damage, damage, casternot_int 0
default 500
of AthleticsStrengthDexterity+(8-10) to Strength and Dexterityattributenot_int 450
default 250
of SpiritStrengthIntelligence+(8-10) to Strength and Intelligenceattributenot_dex 450
default 250
of StrengthStrength+(12-16) to Strengthattributenot_str 300
default 500
of StunningStunDurationIncreasePercent(10-14)% increased Stun Duration on Enemiesnot_str 200
default 400
of RecoveryStunRecovery(25-35)% increased Stun and Block Recoverynot_str 200
default 400
of RunesTotemElementalResistancesTotems gain +(6-10)% to all Elemental Resistanceselemental, resistancenot_str 250
default 350
of ImpalingImpaleOnHit(5-7)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacksphysical, attacknot_str 250
default 350
of HexwardingReducedCurseEffect(30-25)% reduced Effect of Curses on youcursedefault 250
of AcrimonyGlobalDamageOverTimeMultiplier+(4-6)% to Damage over Time Multiplierdot_multi, damagedefault 300
of InfusionDamageTakenGainedAsLife(4-6)% of Damage taken Recouped as Liferesource, lifenot_int 250
default 500
of the FlamerulerReducedSelfIgniteDuration(30-35)% reduced Ignite Duration on youelemental, fire, ailmentdefault 250
of the SnowbreatherChillEffectivenessOnSelf(35-30)% reduced Effect of Chill on youelemental, cold, ailmentdefault 250
of the StormdwellerShockEffect(35-30)% reduced Effect of Shock on youelemental, lightning, ailmentdefault 250
of NeutralisationReducedPoisonDuration(35-30)% reduced Poison Duration on youpoison, chaos, ailmentdefault 250
of StemmingReducedBleedDuration(35-30)% reduced Bleed Duration on youbleed, physical, ailmentdefault 250
of the PhoenixMaximumFireResist+(1-2)% to maximum Fire Resistanceelemental, fire, resistancenot_str 60
default 100
of the KrakenMaximumColdResist+(1-2)% to maximum Cold Resistanceelemental, cold, resistancenot_dex 60
default 100
of the LeviathanMaximumLightningResistance+(1-2)% to maximum Lightning Resistanceelemental, lightning, resistancenot_int 60
default 100