Ritual Vessel

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Ritual VesselStack Size: 10Stores the monsters slain for the first time from a completed Ritual Altar for future useRight-click this item then left-click a Ritual Altar to store the monsters from the completed Ritual in this item. Cannot be used on a Ritual in a map opened with a Blood-Filled Vessel.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 1
Can be obtained from sources of Ritual rewards, and by interrupting the King in the Mists' Ritual in the Viridian Wildwood.
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Currency Item
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Currency/CurrencyRitualStone

Ritual Vessel is a currency item. Despite being classified as currency, it can be placed in Fragment Stash Tab or Currency Stash Tab. In terms of tab affinity, it belongs to fragment.


Right-click this item then left-click a Ritual Altar to store the monsters from the completed Ritual in this item. it will create a Blood-filled VesselBlood-filled VesselCan be used in a personal Map Device alongside a Map to add the monsters stored from a previous Ritual Altar to a Ritual Altar in that Map..

Using a Ritual Vessel will only store mobs newly generated in the specific Ritual Altar; monsters carried over from previous Ritual Altars will not be stored. Cannot be used on Ritual Altars in maps opened using a Blood-filled VesselBlood-filled VesselCan be used in a personal Map Device alongside a Map to add the monsters stored from a previous Ritual Altar to a Ritual Altar in that Map., or Ritual Altars where a Blood-filled Vessel dropped from while the Sacrificial Due Atlas Passive Skill Tree notable is allocated.

Item acquisition

Ritual Vessel has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Combining 100 Ritual SplintersRitual SplinterStack Size: 100Combine 100 Splinters to create a Ritual Vessel..

Monster restrictions

This item can be acquired from the following monsters:


Ritual Vessel can be created from the following recipes:

100Ritual SplinterRitual SplinterStack Size: 100Combine 100 Splinters to create a Ritual Vessel.M

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.

ru:Ритуальный сосуд