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Charan's Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 5-11
Critical Strike Chance: (8.50-9.50)%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
40% increased Global Accuracy RatingUses both hand slots
(70-90)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 2 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per Level
Gain Her Embrace for 3 seconds when you Ignite an Enemy
While in Her Embrace, take 0.5% of your total Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Fire Damage per second per Level
Has 6 Linked Sockets (Hidden)
"Your name is Demon Slayer? Really? Good name for rotgut, that."
She said: I prefer "The Goddess Of Swords". Much more dignified. And accurate.
"Demon Slayer The Cheap And Nasty it is then. Burns going down, burns coming up?"
She said: Every single time, Charan. And still...you'll bathe me, and you'll drink my love. Until you can't.
Drop restricted
The Twilight Strand (Act 1)
Vendor Offer
24x Alchemy Shard
3x Alteration Shard
Weapon DPS
Physical: 11.6
Phys+Chaos: 11.6
Total: 11.6
Item class: One-Handed Sword

Oni-Goroshi is a unique Charan's SwordCharan's SwordOne Handed Sword
Physical Damage: 5-11
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
40% increased Global Accuracy Rating


Uses both hand slots: Oni-Goroshi does not allow a shield or another one-handed weapon to be equipped in the off-hand slot. However, it does not count as a two-handed weapon.

Gain Her Embrace for 3 seconds when you Ignite an Enemy: Oni-Goroshi grants Her Embrace for three seconds when the character ignites an enemy, as long as Oni-Goroshi remains equipped. Unequipping Oni-Goroshi or switching to a different weapon will immediately remove Her Embrace. Her Embrace is a buff that grants the following effects:

While in Her Embrace, take 0.5% of your total Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Fire Damage per second per Level: Damage taken is based on the player character's combined maximum life and energy shield, multiplied by their level. For example, a level 90 character with 4500 life and 1500 energy shield will take 2700 fire damage per second by default. This damage is affected fire resistance, but does not count as an ignite. Even though this effect deals fire damage over time it is not considered a true burning effect, and therefore cannot be removed by effects that remove burning, such as flasks with the of Dousingof Dousing
Grants Immunity to Ignite for 4 seconds if used while Ignited
Removes all Burning when used

Item has 6 Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden): Oni-Goroshi has a hidden mod that grants six linked sockets, ignoring item level and the socket limit of one-handed items.


Oni-Goroshi can only be obtained as a drop from Hillock, or by turning in a set of 27 RebirthRebirth27Charan's SwordHe shattered Her smile
Scattered the fragments like ash
All she did was laugh
divination cards.

Oni-Goroshi is guaranteed to drop in a modified encounter with Hillock, where Hillock is stronger and the sword sticking in him is visually changed.

Because the Twilight Strand becomes inaccessible when the character enters Lioneye's Watch after killing Hillock, obtaining Oni-Goroshi from Hillock requires the following, somewhat "grindy" procedure:

  • With a new character, kill Hillock and optionally every other monster in the Twilight Strand.
  • Do not enter Lioneye's Watch but log out to the character selection screen, wait about 1 minute 30 seconds for the instance to reset (the Twilight Strand has a shorter reset period than other zones), and reenter the game with the same character. This puts the character back at the beginning of the Twilight Strand.
  • Continue killing the monsters and Hillock until he carries the sword. This can even last until your character is level 9.

To speed up this procedure, a batch of three or four new characters can be used in serial to farm Hillock in this manner (each Hillock kill takes about 30 seconds with +10% movement speed boots). Furthermore, using Scion will allow you to take movement speed nodes on the bottom right of the tree, hence allowing you to gain experience at a faster rate.

Note that it is not required to reach level 7 to enable Oni-Goroshi to drop anymore (since 3.2) : "We've both made it spawn a lot less often and also added a high degree of variance to it. It can spawn at lower levels than before"

Voice lines

While progressing through the game the sword will comment about key events happening to the character.

Trigger Voice line
Drop from Hillock What? I'm free? You did this. Well, anything is better than being stuck in that. His mindless thirst fell far short of My desires, simple though they are. But now there's you. So vital. So defiant. So take Me. This dying world is but kindling, yet its un-quickened blood may boil once again. And I've waited so long for a real bath.
Kill a rare monster Drown in My flames!
Kill Kuduku A false god is no match for a real goddess.
Reach level 10 I was right. You wield Me adequately. Early days yet...
Encounter Piety in the Upper Prison Hmm. Quite the grand exit. Like the mirror she no doubt practices in front of, we shall be seeing her again.
Kill Brutus in the Upper Prison None are more owned by a prison than those who claim they just work there.
Kill Fairgraves (Act 1) That Allflame was as fleeting as a spark of lust. Mine is the fire that cannot be quenched.
Kill a rare monster or rogue exile That shall suffice.
Kill Merveil Love's true face? Someone felt she had the monopoly on what 'love' is. Someone was wrong.
Kill Kraityn All that flashy sword-swinging, when all you need is a magical fiery sword that says very clever things.
Encounter Piety in the Chamber of Sins Do you think she waits here for us to arrive just to say something snappy and then run away?
Kill Alira Sad little kitten, no wonder her followers kill themselves.
Kill Oak Now that is what you get for bringing a stick to a sword fight.
Reach level 20 Had enough of Me yet? Feel free to equip something else. I won't mind. Honest.
Activate the Dark Altar in the Vaal Ruins You just had to go and touch the big shiny ball, didn't you?
Kill the Vaal Oversoul This is why great civilisations fall into ruin, wasting their time building junk like that.
Deliver Tolman She didn't wait for us this time. We are too late. This little game of tag is over. I want to feel her burn.
Kill General Gravicius Get out of our way, underling. We've a witch to hunt. And burn. And burn.
Enter the Lunaris Temple level 2 (Act 3) Depraved? Demented? No. This is Vinia, desperate to prove she is Piety. A little girl playing dress up, using atrocity as a cheap prop.
Kill Piety (Act 3) Finally! Die in My fire, you bitch, just die! ...Wait, where's the body? She got away again?! Argh!
Kill Dominus Maybe he should have tried the touch of a goddess instead.
Enter the Aqueduct Hm. Not quite the bath I had in mind. The water looks clean... but water so often does.
Reach level 30 The last person to keep Me this long developed a serious case of pyrophobia. Or was it pyrophilia? One of those. Maybe both.
Kill a rare monster Everything burns.
Kill Voll Not the first emperor I have consigned to the pyre. This was beneath Me.
Kill Daresso King of Swords? Try Goddess of Swords, you lovelorn little whelp!
Kill Kaom Such red-hot rage! I suppose no one told him that red is the weakest of flames.
Enter the Belly of the Beast (Act 4) If it lives, it bleeds. If it bleeds, it has a heart. Let us find it and set it ablaze.
Kill Piety (Act 4) Dominus, now Malachai. No matter who or what, you are nothing but a man's tool, Vinia.
Enter The Harvest Piety seeks an alliance with us? Fine. An alliance with Me is just a stay of execution anyway.
Kill Shavronne (Act 4) Oh, so that's who made Brutus... It all makes sense now.
Kill Doedre (Act 4) Curse the flames all you want, Darktongue. You still burn in the end.
Kill Maligaro (Act 4) Art is overrated. You know what takes real skill? Cooking.
Piety is impaled by Malachai Stabbed right through the guts. Screaming. Impaled. Twitching. Now that is a proper way to die!
Kill Malachai When I said we'd set its heart ablaze, I didn't really mean... oh well, this suffices. Now, back to finding that bath.
Enter the Slave Pens And I am absolutely sure no one noticed that subtle entrance.
Kill Justiciar Casticus Lungs. Entrails. Hearts. And now eyes. What happened to just hacking people to bits and moving on, hmm?
Enter the Templar Courts They build a church. Off-hand ideas become laws. Faith is force-fed. The place of worship is now a place of judgment. I hate organised religion.
Kill Innocence So was that the true face of God, Exile? ...No. Just another vainglorious echo of the hollow 'I am'.
Enter the Torched Courts Apparently this is "What in damnation we have done". I'd say it's an improvement.
Kill Izaro (normal) This Goddess of Justice might be blind, but her followers certainly aren't mute. I thought he'd never shut up.
Kill Kitava (Act 5) And you were doing so well...
Enter Twilight Strand (Act 6) I don't like it here. The food is terrible and it smells like... I don't like it here.
Kill Tukohama Every pantheon has a God of War, and a Goddess of Love. Which do you think ends up on top?
Kill Brutus (Act 6) Oh, Shavs. Don't you know? After two become one, it's all downhill from there... You're welcome.
Kill Abberath Play with fire, you get the horns! ...Or something like that.
Summon the Black Crest For every man there is a flame that attracts him. Even the dead ones, apparently.
Reach level 50 Ah, how well we burn together! It has been an age since someone endured this much!
Kill the Brine King Roast goat and now boiled crab. Who knew gods could be so tasty?
Obtain Maligaro's Map And here I thought we'd only be entering one belly of a beast on this little journey of ours.
Enter Maligaro's Sanctum All the means to create his own paradise and he does this. What an angry young man he was.
Kill Maligaro (Act 7) Love is not changing others, Maligaro. It is changing yourself. All who have held Me learn that sooner or later,
Kill Greust Reunions with old friends are always pleasant... until they're not. And then they're very not.
Kill Gruthkul Poor old mother Ursa. I take no delight in what we have just done.
Enter the Temple of Decay Now there goes a girl who understands the usefulness of fire.
Kill Arakaali I'd be perfectly happy if we never saw another giant spider again. Eh, who am I kidding? This is Wraeclast.
Kill Ryslatha What injustice that such horror be so freakishly fertile, while others cradle arms and sing lullabies but to themselves.
Kill Doedre (Act 8) When I said I was craving a real bath, this is not what I had in mind.
Kill Tolman This is why we say 'I will love you until the day I die' ...
Enter the Lunaris Temple (Act 8) Amazing what removing a heretical whore can do to the sanctity of a place. This is sublime.
Enter the Bath House A literal bath house? Really? I'm not sure you understand how swords work.
Kill Solaris and Lunaris Sad thing about eclipses: they never last long. But oh, they're so beautiful in that one moment.
Enter the Blood Aqueducts Ugh, not even My touch could heat these leftovers. Do not even think about dipping Me in that tepid sludge.
Obtain the Storm Blade Huh. I thought it'd be bigger with a name like that.
Kill General Adus Lightning. Pfft. Little more than a primitive precursor to the beauty of an inferno.
Kill Kira Go where you are needed, Kira. It certainly is not here.
Kill Garukhan Such petty conflicts. Is this all the gods dreamt of in the Beast's embrace?
Enter the Belly of the Beast (Act 9) How sad, to see The Beast once again, so desiccated, so diminished... so flammable.
Encounter the Depraved Trinity Three underlings, three failures, three trite little traumas. I do love a trilogy... but this one has run its course.
Kill Reassembled Avarius I was half-expecting Kitava to rise from his corpse. This world's addiction to eternal recurrence is delightfully enticing.
Enter the Feeding Trough We must be getting close. Everything's so overwhelmingly red.
Reach the Epilogue It seems the best way to deal with insatiable hunger is to simply kill the hungry. Singularly Wraeclastian solution. But that was never the point. I asked for a bath and you gave Me rivers hot with the blood of a black-hearted legion, of dead empires, or resurgent gods. Oh, you more than suffice. Burn with me until it's unbearable... and then burn some more, my love.
Kill Shakari If there's one thing I loathe more than spiders, it's scorpions. They're like spiders with extra pointy bits and claws. They don't even taste good.
Reach level 70 You are a miracle, beloved.You are also a masochist and possibly an idiot. But you're my idiot.
Reach level 90 I swear, no one's held Me this long before. You deserve a unique reward. A secret... Sword can't really talk. You went mad the moment you picked Me up. Was any of this real? Don't ask me, I'm just a sword. But Truly, I am your sword. Forever.
Kill a rare monster or rogue exile Burn!
Kill a rare monster or rogue exile *laugh*
Read Arteri's Letter (Act 2) Oh, we killed Piety's lover? No, I think there's another word for whatever he was.
Read note in The Aqueduct I care not to dance in Dialla's tune... but evidence of Piety's influence? Now our interest is warranted.
Kill Utala (Act 5) Vengeance? Against us? He'd still be just another hopeless slave were it not for us. Ingrate.

Supporter attribution

Oni-Goroshi was created by supporter CharanJaydemyr, currently known as 鬼殺し, as a replacement for The Goddess UnleashedThe Goddess Unleashed
Eternal Sword
One Handed Sword
Physical Damage: (44-47) to (101-134)
Critical Strike Chance: (7.20-8.30)%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 51, 104 Str, 122 Dex+475 to Accuracy RatingUses both hand slots
Has 6 Linked Sockets (Hidden)
Adds (3-6) to (33-66) Physical Damage
(44-66)% increased Critical Strike Chance
33% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Gain (66-99)% of Sword Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain Her Blessing for 3 seconds when you Ignite an Enemy
33% chance to Blind nearby Enemies when gaining Her Blessing
100% chance to Avoid being Ignited, Chilled or Frozen with Her Blessing
20% increased Attack and Movement Speed with Her Blessing
Uses goddess player audio (Hidden)
Level Requirement reduced by 15 (Hidden)
As a maiden I was bound; as a crone was I scorned
Promised power rarely found, delivered fury fairly thorned.
Not enough?...Fine. Now I am become both and another
To take your hand and cradle your talents, not smother
The consummate flames. So hush, dear, say not a word.
Bequeathed, betrayed...beloved. At last, I am the third.


Version history

Version Changes
  • Oni-Goroshi's drop chance has been adjusted. And by 'adjusted', we mean lowered. A lot.
  • Introduced to the game. (undocumented)


  1. The_Scourge (December 21, 2017). "My final unique, Oni-Goroshi, which just went in. Sample screenshot from testing.". Path of Exile Reddit. Retrieved December 21, 2017.