Captured soul

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Captured soul is an item class that represents the soul of a powerful monster. Captured souls are used to unlock secondary bonuses for Pantheon powers. These items cannot be traded, modified, placed in the stash, or dropped on the ground.

Capturing souls

Captured souls are obtained by activating a map device with a Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
Power is a curious thing.
It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
and yet it always breaks free.
Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
along with a certain map, and then killing its boss. The captured soul item will be in whichever map device was used to open the map. Captured souls can be given to Sin to unlock a secondary bonus for the corresponding Pantheon power, or the item can be directly consumed without visiting Sin.

List of captured souls

Captured Soul of Captain Tanner LightfootCaptured Soul of Captain Tanner LightfootThe fish-wives of Tsoatha rejoiced loudly as
the Brine King descended into the great abyss,
making merry while his blasphemous offspring
slithered 'neath the icy waters...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Drek, Apex HunterCaptured Soul of Drek, Apex Hunter"Lock the gates and build the walls!" came the rallying cry,
"Let those of Ralakesh take care of those of Ralakesh!"
- The God Behind The Wall
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Erebix, Light's BaneCaptured Soul of Erebix, Light's BaneThe earth shakes, moon eclipses black.
Graveyards quake, crops turn to ash,
as the grieving mother weeps.
Oceans boil and wind ravages home.
We feel famine inside our bones,
as the grieving mother, Gruthkul weeps.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of GlaceCaptured Soul of GlaceSlumbering in the breach between worlds,
the Brine King dreamt of a day he would rise,
in triumph from the shivering depths and take
back the Kingdom he once so ruthlessly culled.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Gorulis, Will-ThiefCaptured Soul of Gorulis, Will-ThiefRyslatha was flushed with pride as she watched her mindless spawn
mature. Sharpening their mandibles, her children slithered from the hive,
eager to devour all the creatures that frequented the ancient woods.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Hybrid WidowCaptured Soul of Hybrid WidowWhen the cold was at its strongest, Arakaali came,
and like a farmer leading cattle to the slaughter,
she drove her victims into the outer darkness.
- "Legends of the Vaal" by Eramir, Scholar at Theopolis
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of It That FellCaptured Soul of It That FellBut Lunaris refused to admit any wrongdoing. She'd saved her child, had she not?
He was safe now, buried beneath the dirt. Conviction gnarled around her fragile mind,
and in her pride she rose to seat a deathless throne.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Jorus, Sky's EdgeCaptured Soul of Jorus, Sky's EdgeTo take from the sun is to invite her wrath, and we've more than warranted her curse.
The granaries were vacant, so we lessened our tribute to the sun thinking it would
save our children, but they will die now regardless.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of ShadowsCaptured Soul of Khor, Sister of ShadowsAnd so it was, that Lunaris, in her compulsion to nurture and protect,
killed her son beneath the light of a waning moon. She stood silent, in
trial before her tribe, as her fiery sister fought in vain to defend her...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Kitava, The DestroyerCaptured Soul of Kitava, The DestroyerThe mud is cracked and dry. The fields now burn beneath the blistering sun.
Even our children are dying in the streets! We've angered Solaris and so
we pay tribute to appease her fiery heart...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Maligaro the MutilatorCaptured Soul of Maligaro the MutilatorThere is a story held by the ancient Vaal, in which the
beautiful seductress Arakaali strode through towns, stealing
the hearts of men, and turning to ash their lovers' desires.
- "Legends of the Vaal" by Eramir, Scholar at Theopolis
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Mephod, the Earth ScorcherCaptured Soul of Mephod, the Earth ScorcherWhen the demon Goat plays his flute,
And cloven hooves clip-clop your path,
Pray the gods will hold you mute,
And bless the fire on your hearth.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Puruna, the ChallengerCaptured Soul of Puruna, the ChallengerThough his mind decayed with each passing wave,
the Brine King stood steadfast in his hatred,
and wore it like a shell, protecting himself
from his failure to sire a worthy heir.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Sebbert, Crescent's PointCaptured Soul of Sebbert, Crescent's PointOnce beneath a moonlit sky, Lunaris bathed her child in the ocean's tide.
Though the waters were frigid with icy death, the boy was sick and
couldn't be healthy until he was silent, clean and still...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Shadow of the VaalCaptured Soul of Shadow of the VaalRecords of Arakaali's violent reign suggest she kept her citizens
sedated with 'juices of lust' and venoms of the spider. Perhaps her
guise of seductress was in fact her way of farming those 'juices'.
- "Legends of the Vaal" by Eramir, Scholar at Theopolis
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Stalker of the Endless DunesCaptured Soul of Stalker of the Endless DunesGarukhan wished once more for the skies. If she were to die,
she wanted it to be up there in the clouds. This world had never
been her home. She required greater things. She required adventure.
But die she would, here in the dirt...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Tahsin, WarmakerCaptured Soul of Tahsin, WarmakerTukohama stood in the door, blocking the sunlight
from Hikatomanga and his family. The Father of War's
retribution was inevitable, for it is known - man
cannot cheat the gods without consequence...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Terror of the Infinite DriftsCaptured Soul of Terror of the Infinite Drifts"So it's true." Shakari thought, as she took her final breath.
"My father, Sin, wishes me dead. And he has sent his rabid dog to do it..."
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of The GorgonCaptured Soul of The GorgonWhen Solaris is angered, there must always be sacrifice. Our women
have taken to mourning, they drag themselves through ash and glass,
not wanting to give up our youth to the all-consuming flame.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Captured Soul of Varhesh, Shimmering AberrationCaptured Soul of Varhesh, Shimmering AberrationIn nature, there are many feelings exclusive only to man. But terror is not one.
Terror flourishes in our world, transcending all things. It is the bedrock on
which our great cosmos is formed. I am Yugul and I deign to understand this
mystery, to explore its depths and unlock its secrets...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.

Version history

Version Changes
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed.[1]
  • It is now possible to right-click on a Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
    Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
    Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
    Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
    Power is a curious thing.
    It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
    and yet it always breaks free.
    Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
    that has captured a soul to upgrade a Pantheon Power, though you can still turn them in to Sin if you prefer.
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed.[2]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed.[3]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed.[4]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed. [5]
  • Some of the Map Bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have changed as a result of these Atlas changes.[6]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed. [7]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed: [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Solaris
  1. Eater of Souls -> Vision of Justice in Orchard Map
  2. The Gorgon -> Erythrophagia in Phantasmagoria Map
  3. Kitava, The Destroyer -> no change
  • Lunaris
  1. Ancient Architect -> no change
  2. Shock and Horror -> no change
  3. The Hallowed Husk -> Ciergan, Shadow Alchemist in Foundry Map
  • Arakaali
  1. Queen of the Great Tangle -> no change
  2. Shavronne the Sickening -> Gisale, Thought Thief in Scriptorium Map
  3. Thraxia -> Excellis Aurafix in Residence Map
  • Brine King
  1. Glace -> Puruna, the Challenger in Atoll Map
  2. Champion of the Hollows -> Corruptor Eedaiak in Forbidden Woods Map
  3. Fragment of Winter -> Sumter the Twisted in Estuary Map


  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed.


  3. Community_Team (August 16, 2022). "Lake of Kalandra Item Filter Information". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved May 6, 2023.
  4. Community_Team (May 9, 2022). "Path of Exile: Sentinel Item Filter Information". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved May 16, 2022.
  5. Community_Team (February 2, 2022). "Siege of the Atlas Item Filter Information". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved May 6, 2023.