Captured Soul (Ryslatha upgrade)

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Captured Soul of Gorulis, Will-ThiefRyslatha was flushed with pride as she watched her mindless spawn
mature. Sharpening their mandibles, her children slithered from the hive,
eager to devour all the creatures that frequented the ancient woods.
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 1
This item is obtained by activating a map device with a Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
Power is a curious thing.
It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
and yet it always breaks free.
Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
along with a Infested Valley MapInfested Valley MapMap Level: 79
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: Œ
Should we feel disgusted at how the weak predate
the strong, or should we feel... admiration?
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
, and then killing the map boss. The captured soul item will be in whichever map device was used to open the map.
Item class: Captured Soul
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/PantheonSouls/PantheonSoulRyslathaUpgrade1

Captured Soul of Gorulis, Will-Thief is a Pantheon soul. It can be given to Sin to upgrade the Soul of Ryslatha Pantheon power.

Soul of RyslathaLife Flasks gain 3 Charges every 3 seconds if you haven't used a Life Flask Recently
60% increased Life Recovery from Flasks used when on Low Life
Capture Gorulis, Will-Thief in Infested Valley Map
Enemies you've Hit Recently have 50% reduced Life Regeneration rate

Item acquisition

Captured Soul of Gorulis, Will-Thief has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

This item is obtained by activating a map device with a Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
Power is a curious thing.
It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
and yet it always breaks free.
Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
along with a Infested Valley MapInfested Valley MapMap Level: 79
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: Œ
Should we feel disgusted at how the weak predate
the strong, or should we feel... admiration?
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
, and then killing the map boss. The captured soul item will be in whichever map device was used to open the map.

Version history

Version Changes
  • "Captured Soul of Murgeth Bogsong" renamed to "Captured Soul of Gorulis, Will-Thief"[1]
  • It is now possible to right-click on a Divine Vessel that has captured a soul to upgrade a Pantheon Power, though you can still turn them in to Sin if you prefer.
  • The target to upgrade Soul of Ryslatha has changed from Lycius, Midnight's Howl to Gorulis, Will-Thief, as Infested Valley has been rotated back to the atlas
  • Conservatory MapConservatory MapMap Level: 78
    Map Tier: 11
    Guild Character: 6
    Ornate, elaborate, ostentatious...
    and dripping with death.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    has been temporary removed from the Atlas
  • The target to upgrade Soul of Ryslatha has changed from The Forgotten Soldier (Conservatory MapConservatory MapMap Level: 78
    Map Tier: 11
    Guild Character: 6
    Ornate, elaborate, ostentatious...
    and dripping with death.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    ) to Lycius, Midnight's Howl (Lair MapLair MapMap Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    Guild Character: ,
    In darkness, the alpha rises. The companionship
    of beasts is fragile indeed.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Moved to The Forgotten Soldier (Conservatory MapConservatory MapMap Level: 78
    Map Tier: 11
    Guild Character: 6
    Ornate, elaborate, ostentatious...
    and dripping with death.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Introduced to the game.
