Captured Soul (Lunaris upgrade 2 of 3)

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Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of ShadowsAnd so it was, that Lunaris, in her compulsion to nurture and protect,
killed her son beneath the light of a waning moon. She stood silent, in
trial before her tribe, as her fiery sister fought in vain to defend her...
Cannot be traded or modifiedA captured Soul. Give to Sin or Right-click to unlock a secondary Pantheon Power. If the secondary Pantheon Power is already unlocked can be used to turn off the secondary Pantheon Power for this character.
Drop restricted
Drop level: 1
This item is obtained by activating a map device with a Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
Power is a curious thing.
It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
and yet it always breaks free.
Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
along with a Cold River MapCold River MapMap Level: 75
Map Tier: 8
Guild Character: ë
Ice forges a fickle path,
as those beneath its veil can attest.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
, and then killing the map boss. The captured soul item will be in whichever map device was used to open the map.
Item class: Captured Soul
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/PantheonSouls/PantheonSoulLunarisUpgrade2

Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of Shadows is a Pantheon soul. It can be given to Sin to upgrade the Soul of Lunaris Pantheon power.

Soul of Lunaris1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each
nearby Enemy, up to 8%
1% increased Movement Speed for each
nearby Enemy, up to 8%
Capture Sebbert, Crescent's Point in Moon Temple Map
10% chance to avoid Projectiles
Capture Khor, Sister of Shadows in Cold River Map
6% reduced Elemental Damage taken if you have been Hit Recently
Capture It That Fell in Underground River Map
Avoid Projectiles that have Chained

Item acquisition

Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of Shadows has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

This item is obtained by activating a map device with a Divine VesselDivine VesselUnique Boss deals 10% increased Damage
Unique Boss has 10% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss has 10% increased Life
Unique Boss has 20% increased Area of Effect
Power is a curious thing.
It can be contained, hidden, locked away,
and yet it always breaks free.
Can be used in a personal Map Device, allowing you to capture the Soul of the Map's Boss. The Vessel containing the captured Soul can be retrieved from the Map Device. You must be in the Map when the boss is defeated.
along with a Cold River MapCold River MapMap Level: 75
Map Tier: 8
Guild Character: ë
Ice forges a fickle path,
as those beneath its veil can attest.
Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
, and then killing the map boss. The captured soul item will be in whichever map device was used to open the map.

Version history

Version Changes
  • "Captured Soul of Captain Clayborne, The Accursed" renamed to "Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of Shadows"[1]
  • It is now possible to right-click on a Divine Vessel that has captured a soul to upgrade a Pantheon Power, though you can still turn them in to Sin if you prefer.
  • This objective has moved from Burtok, Conjurer of Bones to Corruptor Eedaiak (Forbidden Woods Map)
  • The 2nd target to upgrade Soul of Lunaris has changed from Herald of Thunder (Arcade MapArcade MapMap Level: 80
    Map Tier: 13
    Guild Character: +
    We create so that some part
    of us may remain after death.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    ) to Varhesh, Shimmering Aberration (Terrace MapTerrace MapMap Level: 82
    Map Tier: 15
    Guild Character: ð
    A garden on a stone pedestal.
    An incredible, and foolish, feat.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
  • Now grants 6% reduced Elemental Damage taken if you have been Hit Recently. due to the removal of dodge attack.
  • The objective has moved from The High Templar to Herald of Thunder[5]
  • The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed.
  • Introduced to the game.
