Master Toxicist

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Master Toxicist
Ascendancy Notable Passive Skill
Poisons you inflict during any Flask Effect have 20% chance to deal 100% more Damage
When you kill a Poisoned Enemy during any Flask Effect, nearby Enemies are Poisoned [1]

Master Toxicist is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Pathfinder. It grants a chance for poisons applied during any flask effect to deal more damage. It also causes you to inflict poison on enemies around enemies you kill during any flask effect.


When you kill a Poisoned Enemy during any Flask Effect, nearby Enemies are Poisoned: this modifier causes the player to poison enemies when killing poisoned enemies during a flask effect. It is a conditional variation of the modifier on Bino's Kitchen KnifeBino's Kitchen Knife
Slaughter Knife
Rune Dagger
Physical Damage: (150-165) to (296-321)
Critical Strike Chance: (8.82-9.45)%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.0 metres
Requires Level 65, 81 Dex, 117 Int30% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAdds (140-155) to (210-235) Physical Damage
(40-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(8-12)% to Chaos Resistance
On Killing a Poisoned Enemy, nearby Enemies are Poisoned
and nearby Allies Regenerate 200 Life per second
Calling it poison would imply
that it was even edible.
, and does not stack with it.

  • Poison inflicted by this effect is unaffected by your damage modifiers, and instead copies the DPS of the strongest poison debuff on the killed enemy.[1]
  • This poison has a base 2 second duration, affected by global poison duration modifiers, but not by duration from support gems or Poisons you inflict deal Damage % faster.[2]
  • Enemies are poisoned within a 1.5 meter radius of the killed enemy.[3] This does not scale with the player's area of effect.[4]
  • Because poison always credits the player with kills, this effect will work with kills by poison from proxies or minions.
  • This effect is inconsistently prevented by enemy-destroying effects. Typical explosions such as Profane Bloom or Crusader-influenced body armour will prevent it, though exploding due to Infernal Cry's debuff or non-explosive destruction by Pestilent StrikePestilent StrikeAttack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Chaos
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: 6 Mana
    Attack Damage: (125-160)% of base
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (125-160)%
    Requires Level 28Attacks with your weapon, inflicting a debuff on enemies hit by the strike. If a debuffed enemy dies while poisoned, Pestilent Strike inflicts a secondary chaos damage over time debuff on enemies around them, based on the poisons on the slain enemy. This damage is not affected by your damage modifiers. Requires a Claw or Dagger.Base duration is 1.00 seconds
    Base secondary duration is 1.00 seconds
    (20-113) to (30-169) Added Chaos Damage
    60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
    60% chance to Poison on Hit
    30% more Poison Duration
    Secondary Debuff deals 50% of the total remaining Expected Poison Damage of all Poisons on the dying Enemy per second as Chaos Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% more Poison Duration
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    or Doppelgänger GuiseDoppelgänger Guise
    Sadist Garb
    Evasion: (427-491)
    Energy Shield: (93-107)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 68, 103 Dex, 109 IntGrants Level 20 Unhinge Skill
    (40-60)% more Critical Strike Chance while Insane
    Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed while Insane
    (40-30)% less Physical and Chaos Damage Taken while Sane
    Regenerate 10% Life over one second when Hit while Sane
    Within each of us exists a being of pure malice,
    held back only by the lies we tell ourselves.
    will not.[5]
  • While often called "poison proliferation" by the community, it is not a proliferation mechanic.[6] Functionally, it acts closer to Berek's RespiteBerek's Respite
    Two-Stone Ring
    Requires Level 20+(12-16)% to Fire and Lightning ResistancesAdds (20-25) to (30-50) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
    (25-30)% increased Lightning Damage
    +(30-40) to maximum Mana
    When you Kill a Shocked Enemy, inflict an equivalent Shock on each nearby Enemy
    When you Kill an Ignited Enemy, inflict an equivalent Ignite on each nearby Enemy
    "With Flame licking at his heels
    Berek berated the clouds
    Until vengeful Storm spewed forth his rains
    And Berek held on tight
    As Fire screamed and steamed
    And fled."
    - Berek and the Untamed
    , though without carrying over the remaining duration.

Ruthless mode

Master Toxicist (Ruthless)
Ascendancy Notable Passive Skill
On Killing a Poisoned Enemy, nearby Enemies are Poisoned

Master Toxicist in Ruthless mode does not grant a chance for your poisons to deal more damage, and the ability to inflict poisons on nearby enemies on kill is unconditional instead of requiring a flask to be active.

Version history

Version Changes
  • [Ruthless-specific This patch note only applies to Ruthless mode and does not affect the main game mode.] No longer provides "When you kill a Poisoned Enemy during any Flask Effect, nearby Enemies are Poisoned" or "Poisons you inflict during any Flask Effect have 20% chance to deal 100% more Damage" in Ruthless. It now provides "On Killing a Poisoned Enemy, nearby Enemies are Poisoned."
  • Now has “Poisons you inflict during any Flask Effect have 20% chance to deal 100% more Damage” (previously 30%).
  • No longer requires Nature's Reprisal as a prerequisite.
  • No longer grants 10% more Chaos Damage with Attack Skills, no longer converts 10% of Physical Damage to Chaos Damage (both moved to Nature's Reprisal with numeric changes), no longer grants 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage and no longer causes you to lose Virulence 50% slower.
  • Now causes nearby enemies to be Poisoned when you kill a Poisoned Enemy during any Flask Effect (this mod was moved from Nature's Reprisal), and causes Poisons you inflict during any Flask Effect to have 30% chance to deal 100% more Damage (from 40%).
  • Added to the game.
