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It has been suggested that Vendor recipe system#Direct_Purchases_from_Vendors be merged into this article.

Proposed since April 16, 2023

A vendor is an NPC in any of the main towns across 10 Acts. They offer items with item level one higher than the players' current level, up to a cap. The player may also sell items to a vendor; the items the player gets in return is determined by vendor recipes.

Vendors are split into two primary categories: One that sells weapons, armour, and quality-related currency, and another that sells currency, flasks, jewelry, and gems. Each town will have these vendors.

Each time the character levels up, some new items are added to vendors' shops, while some old items are rotated out.


Act 1

In Lioneye's Watch:

Act 2

In the Forest Encampment:

  • Greust - Next to the entrance to the encampment.
  • Yeena - Inside the encampment, on the left side.

Act 3

In the Sarn Encampment:

  • Clarissa - Left to the notice board.
  • Hargan - Standing in a tent on the north side of the encampment.

In the Library:

Act 4

In Highgate:

Act 5

In Overseer's Tower:

Act 6

In Lioneye's Watch:

Act 7

In The Bridge Encampment:

  • Helena - Right next to the Stash.
  • Yeena - To the left of Helena.

Act 8

In the Sarn Encampment:

  • Clarissa - Left to the notice board.
  • Hargan - Standing in a tent on the north side of the encampment.

Act 9

In Highgate (Act 9):

Act 10

In Oriath Docks:


In Karui Shores:


Weapons and armour

Base item level Cost
Normal Magic
0 Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it.
1-6 Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Blacksmith's Whetstone" (weapon)
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Armourer's Scrap" (armour)
7-9 Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Blacksmith's Whetstone" (weapon)
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Armourer's Scrap" (armour)
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Blacksmith's Whetstone" (weapon)
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Armourer's Scrap" (armour)
10-14 Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation" Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation"
15-19 Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation" Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Augmentation"
20-42 Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation" Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Alteration"
43+ Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation" Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Alteration"

Other items

Type Cost
Normal Magic
Belt Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation"
Flask Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it.
Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. (Hallowed)
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation"
Ring Scroll of WisdomScroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Alteration"
Amulet Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Transmutation" Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Chance"

Item level caps

Items sold from vendors cannot have item levels above its area level.

Town Area level
Lioneye's Watch (Act 1) 13
The Forest Encampment 23
The Sarn Encampment (Act 3) 33
Highgate (Act 4) 40
Overseer's Tower 45
Lioneye's Watch (Act 6) 50
The Bridge Encampment 55
The Sarn Encampment (Act 8) 60
Highgate (Act 9) 67
Oriath Docks 69
Karui Shores 69
Oriath (Epilogue) 69

Version history

Version Changes
  • Items now persist in a Vendors' shops for multiple levels, so that you have a chance to buy them before they vanish. Each time you level up, the oldest items are removed and some new ones are added. You can also now rarely find Rare items at Vendors.
  • Difficulties have been removed. New areas and vendors have been introduced.
  • Fixed a rare server crash when buying items.
  • Shops have item rarities set properly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when buying items sometimes.
  • Repriced all items in shops to care more about scrolls and less about other currency items.
  • Moved wands to the misc vendors and balanced the number of rings/amulets/belts/flasks.
  • Added vendors that can sell you items (accepting Currency Items in return). Initially they will only sell you equipment (gems are being considered for the next update). The vendor inventories refresh each time you gain a level.