List of modifiers for Cobalt Jewel

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This is a list of modifiers compatible with Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket..

Standard modifiers

Group: LightningCastSpeed
(3-5)% increased Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Electromantic1(3-5)% increased Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • caster
  • speed
Group: FasterAilmentDamage
Damaging Ailments deal damage (4-6)% faster
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Decrepifying1Damaging Ailments deal damage (4-6)% faster
  • ailment
Group: PhysicalDamagePercent
(14-16)% increased Global Physical Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Sharpened1(14-16)% increased Global Physical Damage
  • physical_damage
  • damage
  • physical
Group: BeltFlaskDuration
(6-10)% increased Flask Effect Duration
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Prolonging1(6-10)% increased Flask Effect Duration
  • flask
Group: EnergyShieldPercent
(6-8)% increased maximum Energy Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Shimmering1(6-8)% increased maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Group: ColdDamagePercentage
(14-16)% increased Cold Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Chilling1(14-16)% increased Cold Damage
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • cold
Group: LightningCritMultiplier
+(15-18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Surging1+(15-18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • critical
Group: FireDamagePercentage
(14-16)% increased Fire Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Flaming1(14-16)% increased Fire Damage
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • fire
Group: MeleeTypeSpeed
(4-6)% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Harmonic1(4-6)% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
  • attack
  • speed
(3-5)% increased Cast Speed while holding a Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Warding1(3-5)% increased Cast Speed while holding a Shield
  • caster
  • speed
(3-5)% increased Cast Speed while Dual Wielding
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Resonant1(3-5)% increased Cast Speed while Dual Wielding
  • caster
  • speed
(3-5)% increased Cast Speed while wielding a Staff
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Wright's1(3-5)% increased Cast Speed while wielding a Staff
  • caster
  • speed
(4-6)% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Charging1(4-6)% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
  • attack
  • speed
Group: MaximumLifeIncreasePercent
(5-7)% increased maximum Life
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Vivid1(5-7)% increased maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Group: EnergyShieldRegeneration
(6-8)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Fevered1(6-8)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Group: SpecificWeaponDamage
(14-16)% increased Damage with Wands
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Cruel1(14-16)% increased Damage with Wands
  • damage
  • attack
Group: MinionLife
Minions have (8-12)% increased maximum Life
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Master's1Minions have (8-12)% increased maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
  • minion
Group: FireCritChance
(14-18)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Fire Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Incinerating1(14-18)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Fire Skills
  • elemental
  • fire
  • critical
Group: ChaosDamage
(9-13)% increased Chaos Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Chaotic1(9-13)% increased Chaos Damage
  • chaos_damage
  • damage
  • chaos
Group: DamageForm
Minions deal (14-16)% increased Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Leadership1Minions deal (14-16)% increased Damage
  • damage
  • minion
(14-16)% increased Trap Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Trapping1(14-16)% increased Trap Damage
  • damage
(14-16)% increased Mine Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Sabotage1(14-16)% increased Mine Damage
  • damage
Group: ColdCritChance
(14-18)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Cold Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Avalanching1(14-18)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Cold Skills
  • elemental
  • cold
  • critical
Group: FormBlock
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Parrying1+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
  • block
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Deflecting1+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
  • block
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage while holding a Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Shielding1+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage while holding a Shield
  • block
Group: FormSpellBlock
+1% Chance to Block Spell Damage while holding a Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Thwarting1+1% Chance to Block Spell Damage while holding a Shield
  • block
+1% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Halting1+1% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff
  • block
+1% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Dual Wielding
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Dissipating1+1% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Dual Wielding
  • block
Group: FireCastSpeed
(3-5)% increased Cast Speed with Fire Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Pyromantic1(3-5)% increased Cast Speed with Fire Skills
  • elemental
  • fire
  • caster
  • speed
Group: ColdCritMultiplier
+(15-18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Arctic1+(15-18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • cold
  • critical
Group: SpellTypeDamage
(14-16)% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Battlemage's1(14-16)% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield
  • caster_damage
  • damage
  • caster
(14-16)% increased Spell Damage while wielding a Staff
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Wizard's1(14-16)% increased Spell Damage while wielding a Staff
  • caster_damage
  • damage
  • caster
(14-16)% increased Spell Damage while Dual Wielding
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Sorcerer's1(14-16)% increased Spell Damage while Dual Wielding
  • caster_damage
  • damage
  • caster
Group: LightningCritChance
(14-18)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Lightning Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Thundering1(14-18)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Lightning Skills
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • critical
Group: MineLaySpeed
(6-8)% increased Mine Throwing Speed
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Arming1(6-8)% increased Mine Throwing Speed
  • speed
Group: ReducedManaReservationsCost
(2-3)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Cerebral1(2-3)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
  • resource
  • mana
Group: MaximumManaIncreasePercent
(8-10)% increased maximum Mana
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Enlightened1(8-10)% increased maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Group: SpecificWeaponSpeed
(6-8)% increased Attack Speed with Wands
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Jinxing1(6-8)% increased Attack Speed with Wands
  • attack
  • speed
Group: ManaRegeneration
(12-15)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Energetic1(12-15)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
  • resource
  • mana
Group: ColdCastSpeed
(3-5)% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Cryomantic1(3-5)% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills
  • elemental
  • cold
  • caster
  • speed
Group: IncreasedTotemLife
(8-12)% increased Totem Life
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Carved1(8-12)% increased Totem Life
  • resource
  • life
Group: LightningDamagePercentage
(14-16)% increased Lightning Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Humming1(14-16)% increased Lightning Damage
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • lightning
Group: FireCritMultiplier
+(15-18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Infernal1+(15-18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • fire
  • critical
Group: EnergyShieldDelay
(4-6)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Serene1(4-6)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Group: TotemDamage
(12-16)% increased Totem Damage
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Shaman's1(12-16)% increased Totem Damage
  • damage
Group: TrapThrowSpeed
(6-8)% increased Trap Throwing Speed
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Honed1(6-8)% increased Trap Throwing Speed
  • speed
Group: StunDurationIncreasePercent
(10-14)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of Stunning1(10-14)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
    Group: StunRecovery
    (25-35)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
    of Recovery1(25-35)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
      Group: ColdResistance
      +(12-15)% to Cold Resistance
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of the Beast1+(12-15)% to Cold Resistance
      • elemental
      • cold
      • resistance
      Group: CriticalStrikeMultiplier
      +(9-12)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Potency1+(9-12)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
      • damage
      • critical
      Group: ColdAndLightningResistance
      +(10-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Shelter1+(10-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
      • elemental
      • cold
      • lightning
      • resistance
      Group: ReducedPoisonDuration
      (35-30)% reduced Poison Duration on you
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Neutralisation1(35-30)% reduced Poison Duration on you
      • poison
      • chaos
      • ailment
      Group: ImpaleOnHit
      (5-7)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Impaling1(5-7)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
      • physical
      • attack
      Group: FormCritMultiplier
      +(12-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Unmaking1+(12-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
      • caster_damage
      • damage
      • caster
      • critical
      Group: AilmentChanceAndDuration
      (3-5)% chance to Poison on Hit
      (6-8)% increased Poison Duration
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Poisoning1(3-5)% chance to Poison on Hit
      (6-8)% increased Poison Duration
      • poison
      • chaos
      • ailment
      (3-5)% chance to Freeze
      (12-16)% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Freezing1(3-5)% chance to Freeze
      (12-16)% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
      • elemental
      • cold
      • ailment
      (3-5)% chance to Ignite
      (6-8)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Burning1(3-5)% chance to Ignite
      (6-8)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
      • elemental
      • fire
      • ailment
      Attacks have (3-5)% chance to cause Bleeding
      (12-16)% increased Bleeding Duration
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Bleeding1Attacks have (3-5)% chance to cause Bleeding
      (12-16)% increased Bleeding Duration
      • bleed
      • physical
      • attack
      • ailment
      (3-5)% chance to Shock
      (12-16)% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Shocking1(3-5)% chance to Shock
      (12-16)% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
      • elemental
      • lightning
      • ailment
      Group: DegenerationDamage
      (10-12)% increased Damage over Time
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Entropy1(10-12)% increased Damage over Time
      • damage
      Group: DamageTakenGainedAsLife
      (4-6)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Infusion1(4-6)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
      • resource
      • life
      Group: FireResistance
      +(12-15)% to Fire Resistance
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of the Dragon1+(12-15)% to Fire Resistance
      • elemental
      • fire
      • resistance
      Group: FormCritChance
      (10-14)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Annihilation1(10-14)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
      • caster
      • critical
      Group: ShockEffect
      (35-30)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of the Stormdweller1(35-30)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
      • elemental
      • lightning
      • ailment
      Group: Strength
      +(12-16) to Strength
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Strength1+(12-16) to Strength
      • attribute
      Group: StrengthIntelligence
      +(8-10) to Strength and Intelligence
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Spirit1+(8-10) to Strength and Intelligence
      • attribute
      Group: Dexterity
      +(12-16) to Dexterity
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Dexterity1+(12-16) to Dexterity
      • attribute
      Group: FireAndLightningResistance
      +(10-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Insulation1+(10-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
      • elemental
      • fire
      • lightning
      • resistance
      Group: TotemElementalResistances
      Totems gain +(6-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Runes1Totems gain +(6-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
      • elemental
      • resistance
      Group: MinionElementalResistances
      Minions have +(11-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Resilience1Minions have +(11-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
      • elemental
      • resistance
      • minion
      Group: DexterityIntelligence
      +(8-10) to Dexterity and Intelligence
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Cunning1+(8-10) to Dexterity and Intelligence
      • attribute
      Group: IncreasedCastSpeed
      (2-4)% increased Cast Speed
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Enchanting1(2-4)% increased Cast Speed
      • caster
      • speed
      Group: BleedingDamage
      (16-20)% increased Damage with Bleeding
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Haemophilia1(16-20)% increased Damage with Bleeding
      • physical_damage
      • bleed
      • damage
      • physical
      • attack
      • ailment
      Group: ChaosResistance
      +(7-13)% to Chaos Resistance
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Order1+(7-13)% to Chaos Resistance
      • chaos
      • resistance
      Group: CriticalStrikeChanceIncrease
      (8-12)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Menace1(8-12)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
      • critical
      Group: ReducedSelfIgniteDuration
      (30-35)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of the Flameruler1(30-35)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
      • elemental
      • fire
      • ailment
      Group: AttackCastSpeed
      (2-4)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Zeal1(2-4)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
      • attack
      • caster
      • speed
      Group: AllAttributes
      +(6-8) to all Attributes
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Adaption1+(6-8) to all Attributes
      • attribute
      Group: DamageForm
      (10-12)% increased Spell Damage
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Mysticism1(10-12)% increased Spell Damage
      • caster_damage
      • damage
      • caster
      (8-10)% increased Damage
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Wounding1(8-10)% increased Damage
      • damage
      (10-12)% increased Projectile Damage
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Archery1(10-12)% increased Projectile Damage
      • damage
      Group: ProjectileSpeed
      (6-8)% increased Projectile Speed
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Soaring1(6-8)% increased Projectile Speed
      • speed
      Group: ReducedBleedDuration
      (35-30)% reduced Bleed Duration on you
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Stemming1(35-30)% reduced Bleed Duration on you
      • bleed
      • physical
      • ailment
      Group: ElementalCritMultiplier
      +(12-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of the Elements1+(12-15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills
      • elemental_damage
      • damage
      • elemental
      • critical
      Group: ReducedCurseEffect
      (30-25)% reduced Effect of Curses on you
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Hexwarding1(30-25)% reduced Effect of Curses on you
      • curse
      Group: GlobalDamageOverTimeMultiplier
      +(4-6)% to Damage over Time Multiplier
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Acrimony1+(4-6)% to Damage over Time Multiplier
      • dot_multi
      • damage
      Group: Knockback
      (4-6)% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
      of Fending1(4-6)% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
        Group: MinionAccuracyRating
        (22-26)% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Training1(22-26)% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
        • attack
        • minion
        Group: IncreasedAttackSpeed
        (3-5)% increased Attack Speed
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Berserking1(3-5)% increased Attack Speed
        • attack
        • speed
        Group: DamageOverTimeMultiplier
        +(6-8)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Gelidity1+(6-8)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
        • dot_multi
        • elemental_damage
        • damage
        • elemental
        • cold
        +(6-8)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Exsanguinating1+(6-8)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
        • dot_multi
        • physical_damage
        • damage
        • physical
        +(6-8)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Zealousness1+(6-8)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
        • dot_multi
        • elemental_damage
        • damage
        • elemental
        • fire
        +(6-8)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Atrophy1+(6-8)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
        • dot_multi
        • chaos_damage
        • damage
        • chaos
        Group: LightningResistance
        +(12-15)% to Lightning Resistance
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Grounding1+(12-15)% to Lightning Resistance
        • elemental
        • lightning
        • resistance
        Group: EnergyShieldGainPerTarget
        Gain (2-3) Energy Shield per Enemy Hit with Attacks
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Focus1Gain (2-3) Energy Shield per Enemy Hit with Attacks
        • energy_shield
        • defences
        • attack
        Group: Intelligence
        +(12-16) to Intelligence
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Intelligence1+(12-16) to Intelligence
        • attribute
        Group: ElementalCritChance
        (10-14)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skills
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of the Apocalypse1(10-14)% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skills
        • elemental
        • critical
        Group: AllResistances
        +(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Resistance1+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
        • elemental
        • resistance
        Group: PoisonDamage
        (16-20)% increased Damage with Poison
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Venom1(16-20)% increased Damage with Poison
        • chaos_damage
        • poison
        • damage
        • chaos
        • ailment
        Group: StrengthDexterity
        +(8-10) to Strength and Dexterity
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Athletics1+(8-10) to Strength and Dexterity
        • attribute
        Group: AreaDamage
        (10-12)% increased Area Damage
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Blasting1(10-12)% increased Area Damage
        • damage
        Group: FireAndColdResistance
        +(10-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of the Hearth1+(10-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
        • elemental
        • fire
        • cold
        • resistance
        Group: BurnDamage
        (16-20)% increased Burning Damage
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of Combusting1(16-20)% increased Burning Damage
        • elemental_damage
        • damage
        • elemental
        • fire
        • ailment
        Group: ChillEffectivenessOnSelf
        (35-30)% reduced Effect of Chill on you
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        of the Snowbreather1(35-30)% reduced Effect of Chill on you
        • elemental
        • cold
        • ailment

        Corruption implicit modifiers

        Group: LightningResistancePenetration
        Damage Penetrates 1% Lightning Resistance
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        LightningResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates 1% Lightning Resistance
        • elemental_damage
        • damage
        • elemental
        • lightning
        Group: IncreasedDamage
        (4-5)% increased Damage
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        IncreasedDamage1(4-5)% increased Damage
        • damage
        Group: CriticalStrikeChanceIncrease
        (8-10)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        CriticalStrikeChance1(8-10)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
        • critical
        Group: FireResistancePenetration
        Damage Penetrates 1% Fire Resistance
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        FireResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates 1% Fire Resistance
        • elemental_damage
        • damage
        • elemental
        • fire
        Group: ReducedSelfIgniteDuration
        (20-25)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf1(20-25)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
        • elemental
        • fire
        • ailment
        Group: ArmourPenetration
        Overwhelm 2% Physical Damage Reduction
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        ArmourPenetration1Overwhelm 2% Physical Damage Reduction
        • physical_damage
        • damage
        • physical
        Group: ReducedManaReservationsCost
        2% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills
        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
        ReservationEfficiencyForJewel12% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills
          Group: ColdResistancePenetration
          Damage Penetrates 1% Cold Resistance
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          ColdResistancePenetration1Damage Penetrates 1% Cold Resistance
          • elemental_damage
          • damage
          • elemental
          • cold
          Group: ReducedBleedDuration
          (25-20)% reduced Bleed Duration on you
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          ReducedBleedDuration1(25-20)% reduced Bleed Duration on you
          • bleed
          • physical
          • ailment
          Group: IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies
          (5-7)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies1(5-7)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
          • ailment
          Group: CorruptedBloodImmunity
          Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          CorruptedBloodImmunity33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
          • bleed
          • physical
          • ailment
          Group: ShockEffect
          (25-20)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          ReducedShockEffectOnSelf1(25-20)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
          • elemental
          • lightning
          • ailment
          Group: YouCannotBeHindered
          You cannot be Hindered
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          YouCannotBeHindered40You cannot be Hindered
          • blue_herring
          Group: AreaOfEffect
          (4-5)% increased Area of Effect
          ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
          AreaOfEffect1(4-5)% increased Area of Effect
            Group: ReducedPoisonDuration
            (25-20)% reduced Poison Duration on you
            ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
            ReducedPoisonDuration1(25-20)% reduced Poison Duration on you
            • poison
            • chaos
            • ailment
            Group: ElementalPenetration
            Damage Penetrates 1% Elemental Resistances
            ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
            ElementalPenetration1Damage Penetrates 1% Elemental Resistances
            • elemental_damage
            • damage
            • elemental
            Group: AvoidMaimChance
            You cannot be Maimed
            ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
            AvoidMaimChance40You cannot be Maimed
              Group: ChillEffectivenessOnSelf
              (25-20)% reduced Effect of Chill on you
              ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
              ChillEffectivenessOnSelf1(25-20)% reduced Effect of Chill on you
              • elemental
              • cold
              • ailment
              Group: MinionDamage
              Minions deal (4-5)% increased Damage
              ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
              MinionDamage1Minions deal (4-5)% increased Damage
              • damage
              • minion
              Group: ReducedCurseEffect
              (25-20)% reduced Effect of Curses on you
              ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
              CurseEffectOnYouJewel1(25-20)% reduced Effect of Curses on you
              • curse
              Group: PlayerCurseImmunity
              You cannot be Cursed with Silence
              ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
              ImmuneToSilence60You cannot be Cursed with Silence
              • caster
              • curse

              de:Liste der Kobaltblauen Juwel-Modifikatoren ru:Список свойств кобальтовых самоцветов