List of modifiers for belts

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This is a list of modifiers compatible with belts.

Standard modifiers

Group: IncreasedWeaponElementalDamagePercent
#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Catalysing4(5-10)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • attack
Infusing15(11-20)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • attack
Empowering30(21-30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • attack
Unleashed60(31-36)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • attack
Overpowering81(37-42)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • attack
Devastating86(43-50)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
  • elemental_damage
  • damage
  • elemental
  • attack
Group: IncreasedPhysicalDamageReductionRating
+# to Armour
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Lacquered1+(3-10) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Studded18+(11-35) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Ribbed30+(36-60) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Fortified44+(61-138) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Plated57+(139-322) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Carapaced71+(323-400) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Encased83+(401-460) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Enveloped86+(461-540) to Armour
  • armour
  • defences
Group: IncreasedMana
+# to maximum Mana
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Beryl1+(15-19) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Cobalt11+(20-24) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Azure17+(25-29) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Sapphire23+(30-34) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Cerulean29+(35-39) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Aqua35+(40-44) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Opalescent42+(45-49) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Gentian51+(50-54) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Chalybeous60+(55-59) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Mazarine69+(60-64) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Blue75+(65-68) to maximum Mana
  • resource
  • mana
Group: IncreasedEnergyShield
+# to maximum Energy Shield
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Shining3+(1-3) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Glimmering11+(4-8) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Glittering17+(9-12) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Glowing23+(13-15) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Radiating29+(16-19) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Pulsing35+(20-22) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Seething42+(23-26) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Blazing50+(27-31) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Scintillating59+(32-37) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Incandescent68+(38-43) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Resplendent74+(44-47) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Dazzling80+(48-51) to maximum Energy Shield
  • energy_shield
  • defences
Group: IncreasedLife
+# to maximum Life
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Hale1+(3-9) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Healthy5+(10-19) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Sanguine11+(20-29) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Stalwart18+(30-39) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Stout24+(40-49) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Robust30+(50-59) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Rotund36+(60-69) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Virile44+(70-79) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Athlete's54+(80-89) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Fecund64+(90-99) to maximum Life
  • resource
  • life
Group: FlaskEffect
Flasks applied to you have #% increased Effect
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Distilling45Flasks applied to you have (4-6)% increased Effect
  • flask
Condensing65Flasks applied to you have (7-9)% increased Effect
  • flask
Magnifying85Flasks applied to you have (10-12)% increased Effect
  • flask
Group: AttackerTakesDamageNoRange
Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Thorny1Reflects (1-4) Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
  • physical_damage
  • damage
  • physical
Spiny10Reflects (5-10) Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
  • physical_damage
  • damage
  • physical
Group: BeltFlaskRecoveryRate
#% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Affecting5(5-10)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • mana
Stirring21(11-16)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • mana
Heartening35(17-22)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • mana
Exciting49(23-28)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • mana
Galvanizing63(29-34)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • mana
Inspiring77(35-40)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • mana
#% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
Restoring5(5-10)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • life
Recovering21(11-16)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • life
Renewing35(17-22)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • life
Refreshing49(23-28)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • life
Rejuvenating63(29-34)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • life
Regenerating77(35-40)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
  • flask
  • resource
  • life
Group: LifeRegeneration
Regenerate # Life per second
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of the Newt1Regenerate (1-2) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of the Lizard7Regenerate (2.1-8) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of the Flatworm19Regenerate (8.1-16) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of the Starfish31Regenerate (16.1-24) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of the Hydra44Regenerate (24.1-32) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of the Troll55Regenerate (32.1-48) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of Ryslatha68Regenerate (48.1-64) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of the Phoenix74Regenerate (64.1-96) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
of Recuperation78Regenerate (96.1-128) Life per second
  • flat_life_regen
  • resource
  • life
Group: FireResistance
+#% to Fire Resistance
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of the Whelpling1+(6-11)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of the Salamander12+(12-17)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of the Drake24+(18-23)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of the Kiln36+(24-29)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of the Furnace48+(30-35)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of the Volcano60+(36-41)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of the Magma72+(42-45)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
of Tzteosh84+(46-48)% to Fire Resistance
  • elemental
  • fire
  • resistance
Group: LightningResistance
+#% to Lightning Resistance
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of the Cloud1+(6-11)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of the Squall13+(12-17)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of the Storm25+(18-23)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of the Thunderhead37+(24-29)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of the Tempest49+(30-35)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of the Maelstrom60+(36-41)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of the Lightning72+(42-45)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
of Ephij84+(46-48)% to Lightning Resistance
  • elemental
  • lightning
  • resistance
Group: ColdResistance
+#% to Cold Resistance
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of the Inuit1+(6-11)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of the Seal14+(12-17)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of the Penguin26+(18-23)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of the Yeti38+(24-29)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of the Walrus50+(30-35)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of the Polar Bear60+(36-41)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of the Ice72+(42-45)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
of Haast84+(46-48)% to Cold Resistance
  • elemental
  • cold
  • resistance
Group: BeltFlaskCharges
(20-10)% reduced Flask Charges used
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of Sipping3(20-10)% reduced Flask Charges used
  • flask
#% increased Flask Charges gained
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of Refilling2(5-10)% increased Flask Charges gained
  • flask
of Restocking16(11-16)% increased Flask Charges gained
  • flask
of Replenishing32(17-22)% increased Flask Charges gained
  • flask
of Pouring48(23-28)% increased Flask Charges gained
  • flask
of Brimming70(29-34)% increased Flask Charges gained
  • flask
of Overflowing84(35-40)% increased Flask Charges gained
  • flask
Group: Strength
+# to Strength
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of the Brute1+(8-12) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Wrestler11+(13-17) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Bear22+(18-22) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Lion33+(23-27) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Gorilla44+(28-32) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Goliath55+(33-37) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Leviathan66+(38-42) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Titan74+(43-50) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Gods82+(51-55) to Strength
  • attribute
of the Godslayer85+(56-60) to Strength
  • attribute
Group: StunRecovery
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
of Thick Skin1(11-13)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
    of Stone Skin17(14-16)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
      of Iron Skin28(17-19)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
        of Steel Skin42(20-22)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
          of Adamantite Skin56(23-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
            of Corundum Skin79(26-28)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
              Group: StunDurationIncreasePercent
              #% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
              ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
              of Impact5(11-15)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
                of Dazing18(16-20)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
                  of Stunning30(21-25)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
                    of Slamming44(26-30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
                      of Staggering58(31-35)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
                        Group: StunThresholdReduction
                        #% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                        of the Pugilist5(5-7)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
                          of the Brawler20(8-9)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
                            of the Boxer30(10-11)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
                              of the Combatant44(12-13)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
                                of the Gladiator58(14-15)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
                                  Group: BeltFlaskDuration
                                  #% increased Flask Effect Duration
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Sipping8(4-9)% increased Flask Effect Duration
                                  • flask
                                  of Tasting34(10-15)% increased Flask Effect Duration
                                  • flask
                                  of Savouring50(16-21)% increased Flask Effect Duration
                                  • flask
                                  of Relishing66(22-27)% increased Flask Effect Duration
                                  • flask
                                  of Reveling82(28-33)% increased Flask Effect Duration
                                  • flask
                                  Group: ChaosResistance
                                  +#% to Chaos Resistance
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Lost16+(5-10)% to Chaos Resistance
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  of Banishment30+(11-15)% to Chaos Resistance
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  of Eviction44+(16-20)% to Chaos Resistance
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  of Expulsion56+(21-25)% to Chaos Resistance
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  of Exile65+(26-30)% to Chaos Resistance
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  of Bameth81+(31-35)% to Chaos Resistance
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance

                                  Shaper-influenced modifiers

                                  Group: GrantedSkill
                                  Grants Level 22 Intimidating Cry Skill
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Shaper's68Grants Level 22 Intimidating Cry Skill
                                  • skill
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Group: ElementalDamagePercent
                                  #% increased Elemental Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Shaper's68(11-15)% increased Elemental Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  The Shaper's75(16-20)% increased Elemental Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  The Shaper's80(21-25)% increased Elemental Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  Group: MaximumEnergyShieldFromBodyArmour
                                  #% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armour
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Shaper's75(21-25)% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  The Shaper's80(26-30)% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  Group: SpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                  (8-14)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping68(8-14)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • caster
                                  • speed
                                  Group: RemoveAilmentOnFlaskUse
                                  Remove Shock when you use a Flask
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping75Remove Shock when you use a Flask
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • lightning
                                  • ailment
                                  Remove Chill and Freeze when you use a Flask
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping75Remove Chill and Freeze when you use a Flask
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • cold
                                  • ailment
                                  Group: DamageDuringFlaskEffect
                                  #% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping68(20-25)% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • caster
                                  of Shaping75(26-30)% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • caster
                                  of Shaping80(31-35)% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • caster
                                  Group: MovementSpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                  (6-10)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping81(6-10)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • speed
                                  Group: EnergyShieldRecovery
                                  #% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping68(7-9)% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  of Shaping75(10-12)% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  Group: PhysicalAttackDamageTaken
                                  -# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping68-(35-25) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • physical
                                  • attack
                                  of Shaping75-(45-36) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • physical
                                  • attack
                                  Group: CooldownRecovery
                                  #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping75(10-15)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  of Shaping84(16-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Group: ManaRecoveryRate
                                  #% increased Mana Recovery rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Shaping68(7-9)% increased Mana Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • mana
                                  of Shaping75(10-12)% increased Mana Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • mana

                                  Elder-influenced modifiers

                                  Group: FortifyOnMeleeStun
                                  Melee Hits which Stun have (8-12)% chance to Fortify
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Elder's68Melee Hits which Stun have (8-12)% chance to Fortify
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Group: ChanceWhenHitForArmourToBeDoubled
                                  #% chance to Defend with #% of Armour
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Elder's75(11-20)% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • armour
                                  The Elder's80(21-30)% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • armour
                                  Group: GrantedSkill
                                  Grants Level 22 Enduring Cry Skill
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Elder's68Grants Level 22 Enduring Cry Skill
                                  • skill
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Grants Level 22 Rallying Cry Skill
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Elder's68Grants Level 22 Rallying Cry Skill
                                  • skill
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Group: MaximumLifeIncreasePercent
                                  #% increased maximum Life
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Elder's68(4-7)% increased maximum Life
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • life
                                  The Elder's75(8-10)% increased maximum Life
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • life
                                  Group: PhysicalDamagePercent
                                  #% increased Global Physical Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  The Elder's68(16-20)% increased Global Physical Damage
                                  • physical_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • physical
                                  The Elder's75(21-25)% increased Global Physical Damage
                                  • physical_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • physical
                                  The Elder's80(26-30)% increased Global Physical Damage
                                  • physical_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • physical
                                  Group: AllResistances
                                  +#% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68+(13-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • resistance
                                  of the Elder75+(16-18)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • resistance
                                  Group: DamageDuringFlaskEffect
                                  #% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68(20-25)% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of the Elder75(26-30)% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of the Elder80(31-35)% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  #% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68(20-25)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of the Elder75(26-30)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of the Elder80(31-35)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  Group: SpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                  (8-14)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68(8-14)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • attack
                                  • speed
                                  Group: RemoveAilmentOnFlaskUse
                                  Remove Ignite and Burning when you use a Flask
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder75Remove Ignite and Burning when you use a Flask
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  • ailment
                                  Group: ChaosResistanceWhileUsingFlask
                                  +#% to Chaos Resistance during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68+(20-25)% to Chaos Resistance during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  of the Elder75+(26-30)% to Chaos Resistance during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  Group: PercentageAllAttributes
                                  #% increased Attributes
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68(6-9)% increased Attributes
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  of the Elder75(10-12)% increased Attributes
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  Group: LifeRecoveryRate
                                  #% increased Life Recovery rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Elder68(7-9)% increased Life Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • life
                                  of the Elder75(10-12)% increased Life Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • life

                                  Crusader-influenced modifiers

                                  Group: LightningDamagePercentagePrefix
                                  #% increased Lightning Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Crusader's68(16-20)% increased Lightning Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • lightning
                                  Crusader's75(21-25)% increased Lightning Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • lightning
                                  Crusader's80(26-30)% increased Lightning Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • lightning
                                  Group: EnergyShieldPercent
                                  #% increased maximum Energy Shield
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Crusader's68(7-9)% increased maximum Energy Shield
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  Crusader's78(10-12)% increased maximum Energy Shield
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  Crusader's82(13-15)% increased maximum Energy Shield
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  Group: CritChanceToShockedEnemies
                                  #% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Crusader's68(30-34)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • critical
                                  Crusader's75(35-39)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • critical
                                  Crusader's80(40-45)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • critical
                                  Group: FortifyOnMeleeStun
                                  Melee Hits which Stun have (8-12)% chance to Fortify
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Crusader's68Melee Hits which Stun have (8-12)% chance to Fortify
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Group: CooldownRecovery
                                  #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Crusade75(10-15)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  of the Crusade84(16-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  Group: EnergyShieldRecovery
                                  #% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Crusade68(7-9)% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  of the Crusade75(10-12)% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • energy_shield
                                  Group: DamageDuringFlaskEffect
                                  #% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Crusade68(20-25)% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • caster
                                  of the Crusade75(26-30)% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • caster
                                  of the Crusade80(31-35)% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • caster
                                  Group: RemoveAilmentOnFlaskUse
                                  Remove Shock when you use a Flask
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Crusade75Remove Shock when you use a Flask
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • lightning
                                  • ailment

                                  Redeemer-influenced modifiers

                                  Group: EvasionRatingPercent
                                  #% increased Evasion Rating
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Redeemer's68(7-9)% increased Evasion Rating
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • evasion
                                  Redeemer's78(10-12)% increased Evasion Rating
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • evasion
                                  Redeemer's82(13-15)% increased Evasion Rating
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • evasion
                                  Group: IncreasedDamageToChilledEnemies
                                  #% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Redeemer's68(26-30)% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Redeemer's75(31-35)% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Redeemer's80(36-40)% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Group: ColdDamagePercentagePrefix
                                  #% increased Cold Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Redeemer's68(16-20)% increased Cold Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • cold
                                  Redeemer's75(21-25)% increased Cold Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • cold
                                  Redeemer's80(26-30)% increased Cold Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • cold
                                  Group: SpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                  (8-14)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Redemption68(8-14)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • attack
                                  • speed
                                  Group: RemoveAilmentOnFlaskUse
                                  Remove Chill and Freeze when you use a Flask
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Redemption75Remove Chill and Freeze when you use a Flask
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • cold
                                  • ailment
                                  Group: DamageDuringFlaskEffect
                                  #% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Redemption68(20-25)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of Redemption75(26-30)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of Redemption80(31-35)% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  Group: ManaRecoveryRate
                                  #% increased Mana Recovery rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of Redemption68(7-9)% increased Mana Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • mana
                                  of Redemption75(10-12)% increased Mana Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • mana

                                  Hunter-influenced modifiers

                                  Group: MaximumLifeIncreasePercent
                                  #% increased maximum Life
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Hunter's68(3-6)% increased maximum Life
                                  • resource
                                  • life
                                  Hunter's84(7-10)% increased maximum Life
                                  • resource
                                  • life
                                  Group: FlaskChargeOnCrit
                                  Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Hunter's75Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
                                  • flask
                                  • critical
                                  Group: IncreasedChaosDamagePrefix
                                  #% increased Chaos Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Hunter's68(16-20)% increased Chaos Damage
                                  • chaos_damage
                                  • damage
                                  • chaos
                                  Hunter's75(21-25)% increased Chaos Damage
                                  • chaos_damage
                                  • damage
                                  • chaos
                                  Hunter's80(26-30)% increased Chaos Damage
                                  • chaos_damage
                                  • damage
                                  • chaos
                                  Group: ArmourPenetration
                                  Overwhelm #% Physical Damage Reduction
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Hunt68Overwhelm (8-11)% Physical Damage Reduction
                                  • physical_damage
                                  • damage
                                  • physical
                                  of the Hunt75Overwhelm (12-15)% Physical Damage Reduction
                                  • physical_damage
                                  • damage
                                  • physical
                                  Group: SpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                  (8-14)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Hunt68(8-14)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • caster
                                  • speed
                                  Group: MovementSpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                  (6-10)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Hunt81(6-10)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • speed
                                  Group: PhysicalAttackDamageTaken
                                  -# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Hunt68-(35-25) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
                                  • physical
                                  • attack
                                  of the Hunt75-(45-36) Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
                                  • physical
                                  • attack
                                  Group: PercentageAllAttributes
                                  #% increased Attributes
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Hunt68(6-9)% increased Attributes
                                  • attribute
                                  of the Hunt75(10-12)% increased Attributes
                                  • attribute

                                  Warlord-influenced modifiers

                                  Group: IncreasedPhysicalDamageReductionRatingPercent
                                  #% increased Armour
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Warlord's68(7-9)% increased Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • armour
                                  Warlord's78(10-12)% increased Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • armour
                                  Warlord's82(13-15)% increased Armour
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • defences
                                  • armour
                                  Group: FireDamagePercentagePrefix
                                  #% increased Fire Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Warlord's68(16-20)% increased Fire Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  Warlord's75(21-25)% increased Fire Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  Warlord's80(26-30)% increased Fire Damage
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  Group: AllDamage
                                  #% increased Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Warlord's75(11-15)% increased Damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Warlord's80(16-20)% increased Damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Warlord's85(21-25)% increased Damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Group: AddedFireDamageToBurningEnemies
                                  # to # added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Warlord's68(22-27) to (41-46) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  Warlord's75(28-32) to (47-51) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  Warlord's80(33-39) to (52-55) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
                                  • elemental_damage
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  Group: RemoveAilmentOnFlaskUse
                                  Remove Ignite and Burning when you use a Flask
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Conquest75Remove Ignite and Burning when you use a Flask
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  • ailment
                                  Group: AllResistances
                                  +#% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Conquest68+(10-12)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • resistance
                                  of the Conquest70+(13-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • resistance
                                  of the Conquest75+(16-18)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • resistance
                                  Group: DamageDuringFlaskEffect
                                  #% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Conquest68(20-25)% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of the Conquest75(26-30)% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  of the Conquest80(31-35)% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect
                                  • flask
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • damage
                                  • attack
                                  Group: LifeRecoveryRate
                                  #% increased Life Recovery rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Conquest68(7-9)% increased Life Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • life
                                  of the Conquest75(10-12)% increased Life Recovery rate
                                  • resource
                                  • influence_mod
                                  • life

                                  Veiled modifiers

                                  Group: IncreasedEvasionRating
                                  +(365-400) to Armour and Evasion Rating
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(365-400) to Armour and Evasion Rating
                                  • armour
                                  • evasion
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  +(365-400) to Evasion Rating
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(365-400) to Evasion Rating
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  • energy_shield
                                  • evasion
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  Group: IncreasedEnergyShield
                                  +(365-400) to Armour
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(365-400) to Armour
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  • armour
                                  • energy_shield
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  +(365-400) to Evasion Rating
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(365-400) to Evasion Rating
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  • energy_shield
                                  • evasion
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  Group: IncreasedMana
                                  +(55-60) to maximum Mana
                                  Regenerate 33.3 Life per second
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(55-60) to maximum Mana
                                  Regenerate 33.3 Life per second
                                  • resource
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • life
                                  • mana
                                  Group: IncreasedLife
                                  +(55-60) to maximum Life
                                  Regenerate 5.3 Mana per second
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(55-60) to maximum Life
                                  Regenerate 5.3 Mana per second
                                  • resource
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • life
                                  • mana
                                  Group: FlaskEffect
                                  Flasks applied to you have (15-18)% increased Effect
                                  33% reduced Flask Charges gained
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60Flasks applied to you have (15-18)% increased Effect
                                  33% reduced Flask Charges gained
                                  • flask
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  Group: AllDamage
                                  (20-23)% increased Damage
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Leo's60(20-23)% increased Damage
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • damage
                                  Group: IncreasedPhysicalDamageReductionRating
                                  +(365-400) to Armour
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(365-400) to Armour
                                  +(31-35) to maximum Energy Shield
                                  • armour
                                  • energy_shield
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  +(365-400) to Armour and Evasion Rating
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  Chosen60+(365-400) to Armour and Evasion Rating
                                  • armour
                                  • evasion
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  Group: LightningAndChaosDamageResistance
                                  +(16-20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(16-20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • lightning
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  Group: LuckyCriticalsDuringFocus
                                  Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky while Focused
                                  Focus has (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky while Focused
                                  Focus has (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • critical
                                  Group: CooldownRecovery
                                  (13-16)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60(13-16)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  Group: Intelligence
                                  +(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  +(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  Group: Dexterity
                                  +(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  +(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  Group: EnergyShieldRegenerationRatePerMinuteIfRareOrUniqueEnemyNearby
                                  Regenerate 200 Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60Regenerate 200 Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
                                  • energy_shield
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • defences
                                  Group: TrapAndMineThrowSpeed
                                  (14-16)% increased Trap Throwing Speed
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60(14-16)% increased Trap Throwing Speed
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • speed
                                  Group: FireAndChaosDamageResistance
                                  +(16-20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(16-20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • fire
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance
                                  Group: Strength
                                  +(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  +(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • attribute
                                  Group: ColdAndChaosDamageResistance
                                  +(16-20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  of the Order60+(16-20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
                                  • unveiled_mod
                                  • elemental
                                  • cold
                                  • chaos
                                  • resistance

                                  Corruption implicit modifiers

                                  Group: IncreasedAuraEffectMalevolenceCorrupted
                                  Malevolence has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedAuraEffectMalevolenceCorrupted45Malevolence has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                  • aura
                                  Group: IncreasedAuraEffectWrathCorrupted
                                  Wrath has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedAuraEffectWrathCorrupted45Wrath has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                  • aura
                                  Group: AllResistancesCorrupted
                                  +(14-16)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  AllResistancesCorrupted1+(14-16)% to all Elemental Resistances
                                  • elemental
                                  • resistance
                                  Group: IncreasedAuraEffectPrideCorrupted
                                  Pride has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedAuraEffectPrideCorrupted45Pride has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                  • aura
                                  Group: IncreasedAttributesCorrupted
                                  (4-6)% increased Dexterity
                                  (4-6)% increased Strength
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedDexterityStrengthCorrupted1(4-6)% increased Dexterity
                                  (4-6)% increased Strength
                                  • attribute
                                  (4-6)% increased Strength
                                  (4-6)% increased Intelligence
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedStrengthIntelligenceCorrupted1(4-6)% increased Strength
                                  (4-6)% increased Intelligence
                                  • attribute
                                  (4-6)% increased Intelligence
                                  (4-6)% increased Dexterity
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedIntelligenceDexterityCorrupted1(4-6)% increased Intelligence
                                  (4-6)% increased Dexterity
                                  • attribute
                                  Group: IncreasedItemRarity
                                  (20-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
                                  ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                  IncreasedItemRarity60(20-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
                                    Group: AdditionalCriticalStrikeMultiplierUnderFlaskEffect
                                    +(20-25)% to Critical Strike Multiplier during any Flask Effect
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    AdditionalCriticalStrikeMultiplierUnderFlaskEffect60+(20-25)% to Critical Strike Multiplier during any Flask Effect
                                    • flask
                                    • damage
                                    • critical
                                    Group: EnergyShieldPercent
                                    (8-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    GlobalEnergyShieldPercent1(8-10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
                                    • energy_shield
                                    • defences
                                    Group: IncreasedCriticalStrikeUnderFlaskEffect
                                    (35-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance during any Flask Effect
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    IncreasedCriticalStrikeUnderFlaskEffect1(35-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance during any Flask Effect
                                    • flask
                                    • critical
                                    Group: IncreasedAuraEffectAngerCorrupted
                                    Anger has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    IncreasedAuraEffectAngerCorrupted45Anger has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                    • aura
                                    Group: IncreasedAuraEffectDisciplineCorrupted
                                    Discipline has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    IncreasedAuraEffectDisciplineCorrupted45Discipline has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                    • aura
                                    Group: MaximumLifeIncreasePercent
                                    (6-8)% increased maximum Life
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    MaximumLifeIncreasePercent1(6-8)% increased maximum Life
                                    • resource
                                    • life
                                    Group: AreaOfEffect
                                    (8-10)% increased Area of Effect
                                    ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                    AreaOfEffect1(8-10)% increased Area of Effect
                                      Group: SkillEffectDuration
                                      (12-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
                                      ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                      SkillEffectDuration1(12-15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
                                        Group: SpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                        (8-12)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        AttackSpeedDuringFlaskEffect60(8-12)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
                                        • flask
                                        • attack
                                        • speed
                                        (8-12)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        CastSpeedDuringFlaskEffect60(8-12)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect
                                        • flask
                                        • caster
                                        • speed
                                        Group: MovementSpeedDuringFlaskEffect
                                        (8-12)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        MovementSpeedDuringFlaskEffect60(8-12)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
                                        • flask
                                        • speed
                                        Group: IncreasedAuraEffectDeterminationCorrupted
                                        Determination has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        IncreasedAuraEffectDeterminationCorrupted45Determination has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        • aura
                                        Group: IncreasedAuraEffectGraceCorrupted
                                        Grace has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        IncreasedAuraEffectGraceCorrupted45Grace has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        • aura
                                        Group: IncreasedAuraEffectZealotryCorrupted
                                        Zealotry has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        IncreasedAuraEffectZealotryCorrupted45Zealotry has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        • aura
                                        Group: IncreasedAuraEffectHatredCorrupted
                                        Hatred has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        ModifierReq. lvl.StatsTags
                                        IncreasedAuraEffectHatredCorrupted45Hatred has (15-20)% increased Aura Effect
                                        • aura

                                        ru:Список свойств поясов de:Liste der Gürtel-Modifikatoren ru:Список свойств поясов