List of modifiers for helmets (dexterity/intelligence)
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This is a list of modifiers compatible with helmets that require dexterity and intelligence to equip.
Standard modifiers
Group: BaseLocalDefences
- +# to Evasion Rating
+# to maximum Energy Shield Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Will-o-wisp's 1 +(5-9) to Evasion Rating
+(3-4) to maximum Energy ShieldNymph's 18 +(10-27) to Evasion Rating
+(5-12) to maximum Energy ShieldSylph's 30 +(28-48) to Evasion Rating
+(13-22) to maximum Energy ShieldCherub's 38 +(49-85) to Evasion Rating
+(23-28) to maximum Energy ShieldSpirit's 46 +(86-145) to Evasion Rating
+(29-48) to maximum Energy Shield
Group: BaseLocalDefencesAndLife
- +# to maximum Energy Shield
+# to maximum Mana Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Acolyte's 30 +(8-10) to maximum Energy Shield
+(11-15) to maximum ManaDeacon's 46 +(11-15) to maximum Energy Shield
+(16-19) to maximum ManaPriest's 62 +(16-25) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-22) to maximum Mana- +# to maximum Energy Shield
+# to maximum Life Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Monk's 30 +(8-10) to maximum Energy Shield
+(18-23) to maximum LifePrior's 46 +(11-15) to maximum Energy Shield
+(24-28) to maximum LifeAbbot's 62 +(16-25) to maximum Energy Shield
+(29-33) to maximum Life- +# to Evasion Rating
+# to maximum Life Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Flea's 30 +(14-20) to Evasion Rating
+(18-23) to maximum LifeFawn's 46 +(21-42) to Evasion Rating
+(24-28) to maximum LifeRam's 62 +(43-95) to Evasion Rating
+(29-33) to maximum Life
Group: AttackerTakesDamageNoRange
Group: IncreasedMana
- +# to maximum Mana
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Beryl 1 +(15-19) to maximum Mana Cobalt 11 +(20-24) to maximum Mana Azure 17 +(25-29) to maximum Mana Sapphire 23 +(30-34) to maximum Mana Cerulean 29 +(35-39) to maximum Mana Aqua 35 +(40-44) to maximum Mana Opalescent 42 +(45-49) to maximum Mana Gentian 51 +(50-54) to maximum Mana Chalybeous 60 +(55-59) to maximum Mana Mazarine 69 +(60-64) to maximum Mana Blue 75 +(65-68) to maximum Mana Zaffre 81 +(69-73) to maximum Mana
Group: IncreaseSpecificSocketedGemLevel
- +# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Taskmaster's 14 +1 to Level of all Minion Skill Gems Overseer's 75 +2 to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
Group: ItemFoundRarityIncreasePrefix
Group: DefencesPercentAndStunRecovery
- #% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Mosquito's 2 (6-13)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(6-7)% increased Stun and Block RecoveryMoth's 19 (14-20)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(8-9)% increased Stun and Block RecoveryButterfly's 30 (21-26)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(10-11)% increased Stun and Block RecoveryWasp's 44 (27-32)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(12-13)% increased Stun and Block RecoveryDragonfly's 60 (33-38)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(14-15)% increased Stun and Block RecoveryHummingbird's 78 (39-42)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(16-17)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Group: IncreasedLife
- +# to maximum Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Hale 1 +(3-9) to maximum Life Healthy 5 +(10-24) to maximum Life Sanguine 11 +(25-39) to maximum Life Stalwart 18 +(40-54) to maximum Life Stout 24 +(55-69) to maximum Life Robust 30 +(70-84) to maximum Life Rotund 36 +(85-99) to maximum Life Virile 44 +(100-114) to maximum Life Athlete's 54 +(115-129) to maximum Life Fecund 64 +(130-144) to maximum Life
Group: DefencesPercent
- #% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Shadowy 3 (15-26)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield Ethereal 19 (27-42)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield Unworldly 30 (43-55)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield Ephemeral 44 (56-67)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield Evanescent 60 (68-79)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield Unreal 72 (80-91)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield Illusory 84 (92-100)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
Group: LifeRegeneration
- Regenerate # Life per second
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Newt 1 Regenerate (1-2) Life per second of the Lizard 7 Regenerate (2.1-8) Life per second of the Flatworm 19 Regenerate (8.1-16) Life per second of the Starfish 31 Regenerate (16.1-24) Life per second of the Hydra 44 Regenerate (24.1-32) Life per second of the Troll 55 Regenerate (32.1-48) Life per second of Ryslatha 68 Regenerate (48.1-64) Life per second of the Phoenix 74 Regenerate (64.1-96) Life per second of Recuperation 78 Regenerate (96.1-128) Life per second
Group: ChaosResistance
- +#% to Chaos Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Lost 16 +(5-10)% to Chaos Resistance of Banishment 30 +(11-15)% to Chaos Resistance of Eviction 44 +(16-20)% to Chaos Resistance of Expulsion 56 +(21-25)% to Chaos Resistance of Exile 65 +(26-30)% to Chaos Resistance of Bameth 81 +(31-35)% to Chaos Resistance
Group: LightningResistance
- +#% to Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Cloud 1 +(6-11)% to Lightning Resistance of the Squall 13 +(12-17)% to Lightning Resistance of the Storm 25 +(18-23)% to Lightning Resistance of the Thunderhead 37 +(24-29)% to Lightning Resistance of the Tempest 49 +(30-35)% to Lightning Resistance of the Maelstrom 60 +(36-41)% to Lightning Resistance of the Lightning 72 +(42-45)% to Lightning Resistance of Ephij 84 +(46-48)% to Lightning Resistance
Group: ColdResistance
- +#% to Cold Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Inuit 1 +(6-11)% to Cold Resistance of the Seal 14 +(12-17)% to Cold Resistance of the Penguin 26 +(18-23)% to Cold Resistance of the Yeti 38 +(24-29)% to Cold Resistance of the Walrus 50 +(30-35)% to Cold Resistance of the Polar Bear 60 +(36-41)% to Cold Resistance of the Ice 72 +(42-45)% to Cold Resistance of Haast 84 +(46-48)% to Cold Resistance
Group: Intelligence
- +# to Intelligence
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Pupil 1 +(8-12) to Intelligence of the Student 11 +(13-17) to Intelligence of the Prodigy 22 +(18-22) to Intelligence of the Augur 33 +(23-27) to Intelligence of the Philosopher 44 +(28-32) to Intelligence of the Sage 55 +(33-37) to Intelligence of the Savant 66 +(38-42) to Intelligence of the Virtuoso 74 +(43-50) to Intelligence of the Genius 82 +(51-55) to Intelligence of the Polymath 85 +(56-60) to Intelligence
Group: LocalAttributeRequirements
- #% reduced Attribute Requirements
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Worthy 36 18% reduced Attribute Requirements of the Apt 60 32% reduced Attribute Requirements
Group: Dexterity
- +# to Dexterity
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Mongoose 1 +(8-12) to Dexterity of the Lynx 11 +(13-17) to Dexterity of the Fox 22 +(18-22) to Dexterity of the Falcon 33 +(23-27) to Dexterity of the Panther 44 +(28-32) to Dexterity of the Leopard 55 +(33-37) to Dexterity of the Jaguar 66 +(38-42) to Dexterity of the Phantom 74 +(43-50) to Dexterity of the Wind 82 +(51-55) to Dexterity
Group: StunRecovery
- #% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Thick Skin 1 (11-13)% increased Stun and Block Recovery of Stone Skin 17 (14-16)% increased Stun and Block Recovery of Iron Skin 28 (17-19)% increased Stun and Block Recovery of Steel Skin 42 (20-22)% increased Stun and Block Recovery of Adamantite Skin 56 (23-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery of Corundum Skin 79 (26-28)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Group: LightRadiusAndAccuracy
- #% increased Light Radius
#% increased Global Accuracy Rating Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shining 8 5% increased Light Radius
(9-11)% increased Global Accuracy Ratingof Light 15 10% increased Light Radius
(12-15)% increased Global Accuracy Ratingof Radiance 30 15% increased Light Radius
(16-20)% increased Global Accuracy Rating
Group: ItemFoundRarityIncrease
- #% increased Rarity of Items found
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Plunder 3 (6-10)% increased Rarity of Items found of Raiding 30 (11-14)% increased Rarity of Items found of Archaeology 53 (15-20)% increased Rarity of Items found of Excavation 75 (21-26)% increased Rarity of Items found
Group: ChanceToSuppressSpells
- +#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Rebuttal 46 +(5-6)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage of Snuffing 57 +(7-8)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage of Revoking 68 +(9-10)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage of Abjuration 76 +(11-12)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage of Nullification 85 +(13-14)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Group: IncreasedAccuracy
- +# to Accuracy Rating
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Steadiness 1 +(50-100) to Accuracy Rating of Precision 20 +(100-165) to Accuracy Rating of the Sniper 40 +(166-250) to Accuracy Rating of the Marksman 60 +(251-350) to Accuracy Rating of the Ranger 75 +(351-480) to Accuracy Rating of Lioneye 85 +(481-600) to Accuracy Rating
Group: EnergyShieldRegeneration
- #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Allaying 46 (24-26)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate of Diffusion 57 (27-29)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate of Dispersal 68 (30-32)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate of Buffering 76 (33-35)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate of Ardour 85 (36-38)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Group: FireResistance
- +#% to Fire Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Whelpling 1 +(6-11)% to Fire Resistance of the Salamander 12 +(12-17)% to Fire Resistance of the Drake 24 +(18-23)% to Fire Resistance of the Kiln 36 +(24-29)% to Fire Resistance of the Furnace 48 +(30-35)% to Fire Resistance of the Volcano 60 +(36-41)% to Fire Resistance of the Magma 72 +(42-45)% to Fire Resistance of Tzteosh 84 +(46-48)% to Fire Resistance
Shaper-influenced modifiers
Group: AreaOfEffect
- #% increased Area of Effect
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Area of Effect Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Shaper's 68 (7-9)% increased Area of Effect
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Increased Area of EffectThe Shaper's 75 (10-12)% increased Area of Effect
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Increased Area of EffectThe Shaper's 83 (13-15)% increased Area of Effect
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Increased Area of Effect
Group: SpellAddedLightningDamageUber
- Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Shaper's 68 Adds (2-5) to (58-61) Lightning Damage to Spells The Shaper's 75 Adds (2-6) to (73-77) Lightning Damage to Spells The Shaper's 84 Adds (2-7) to (88-93) Lightning Damage to Spells
Group: SpellAddedColdDamageUber
- Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Shaper's 68 Adds (14-18) to (27-32) Cold Damage to Spells The Shaper's 75 Adds (17-23) to (34-40) Cold Damage to Spells The Shaper's 83 Adds (21-28) to (41-48) Cold Damage to Spells
Group: PowerChargeOnKillChance
- #% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Shaper's 68 (4-6)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill The Shaper's 84 (7-10)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
Group: ManaRegeneration
- #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 (41-55)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate of Shaping 75 (56-70)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate - Regenerate # Mana per second
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 Regenerate (3-5) Mana per second of Shaping 80 Regenerate (6-8) Mana per second
Group: HelmetAilmentUber
- #% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hypothermia Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 (8-12)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Hypothermiaof Shaping 75 (13-16)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Hypothermiaof Shaping 80 (17-20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Hypothermia- #% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Innervate Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 (8-12)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Innervateof Shaping 75 (13-16)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Innervateof Shaping 80 (17-20)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Innervate
Group: MineSupported
- #% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blastchain Mine Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 (20-25)% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Blastchain Mineof Shaping 75 (26-30)% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blastchain Mineof Shaping 80 (31-35)% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 22 Blastchain Mine- #% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap And Mine Damage Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 (20-25)% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap And Mine Damageof Shaping 75 (26-30)% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Trap And Mine Damageof Shaping 80 (31-35)% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Trap And Mine Damage
Group: LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyElementalDamageTaken
- Nearby Enemies take 6% increased Elemental Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 85 Nearby Enemies take 6% increased Elemental Damage
Group: SocketedCriticalStrikeChance
- Socketed Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Shaping 68 Socketed Spells have +1% to Critical Strike Chance of Shaping 75 Socketed Spells have +2% to Critical Strike Chance of Shaping 84 Socketed Spells have +3% to Critical Strike Chance
Elder-influenced modifiers
Group: SpellAddedPhysicalDamage
- Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Physical Damage to Spells The Elder's 75 Adds (21-28) to (42-49) Physical Damage to Spells The Elder's 85 Adds (25-34) to (51-59) Physical Damage to Spells
Group: Supported
- Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Less Duration
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Less Duration
Group: SpellAddedChaosDamage
- Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 Adds (14-18) to (27-32) Chaos Damage to Spells The Elder's 75 Adds (17-23) to (34-40) Chaos Damage to Spells The Elder's 85 Adds (21-28) to (41-48) Chaos Damage to Spells
Group: MinionLife
- Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 Minions have (15-18)% increased maximum Life
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Minion LifeThe Elder's 75 Minions have (19-22)% increased maximum Life
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Minion LifeThe Elder's 80 Minions have (23-25)% increased maximum Life
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Life
Group: SpellAddedFireDamageUber
- Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 Adds (17-22) to (33-39) Fire Damage to Spells The Elder's 75 Adds (21-28) to (42-49) Fire Damage to Spells The Elder's 82 Adds (25-34) to (51-59) Fire Damage to Spells
Group: MaximumManaIncreasePercent
- #% increased maximum Mana
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 (9-11)% increased maximum Mana The Elder's 75 (12-15)% increased maximum Mana
Group: AreaDamage
- #% increased Area Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Concentrated Effect Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 (15-18)% increased Area Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Concentrated EffectThe Elder's 75 (19-22)% increased Area Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Concentrated EffectThe Elder's 82 (23-25)% increased Area Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Concentrated Effect
Group: MinionDamage
- Minions deal #% increased Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags The Elder's 68 Minions deal (15-18)% increased Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Minion DamageThe Elder's 75 Minions deal (19-22)% increased Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Minion DamageThe Elder's 83 Minions deal (23-25)% increased Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Damage
Group: LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyPhysicalDamageTaken
- Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Elder 85 Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage
Group: HelmetAilmentUber
- #% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Immolate Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Elder 68 (8-12)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Immolateof the Elder 75 (13-16)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Immolateof the Elder 80 (17-20)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Immolate- #% increased Burning Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Burning Damage Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Elder 68 (20-25)% increased Burning Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Burning Damageof the Elder 75 (26-30)% increased Burning Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Burning Damageof the Elder 82 (31-35)% increased Burning Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Burning Damage
Group: SpellBlockPercentage
- #% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Elder 68 (3-4)% Chance to Block Spell Damage of the Elder 80 (5-6)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Group: SocketedCriticalStrikeChance
- Socketed Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Chance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Elder 68 Socketed Attacks have +1% to Critical Strike Chance of the Elder 75 Socketed Attacks have +2% to Critical Strike Chance of the Elder 83 Socketed Attacks have +3% to Critical Strike Chance
Crusader-influenced modifiers
Group: PhysicalDamageTakenAsElement
- #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Crusader's 68 (4-6)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage Crusader's 83 (7-10)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Group: MaximumManaIncreasePercent
- #% increased maximum Mana
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Crusader's 68 (9-11)% increased maximum Mana Crusader's 80 (12-15)% increased maximum Mana
Group: SpellBlockPercentage
- #% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Crusade 68 (3-4)% Chance to Block Spell Damage of the Crusade 80 (5-6)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Group: ReducedFreezeDuration
- (51-60)% reduced Freeze Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Crusade 75 (51-60)% reduced Freeze Duration on you
Group: ReducedBurnDuration
- (51-60)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Crusade 75 (51-60)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
Group: MaximumLightningResistance
- +#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Crusade 75 +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance of the Crusade 85 +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Group: ShockEffect
- (60-51)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Crusade 75 (60-51)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
Group: LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyLightningDamageResistance
- Nearby Enemies have -9% to Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Crusade 85 Nearby Enemies have -9% to Lightning Resistance
Redeemer-influenced modifiers
Group: SpellsAdditionalUnleashSeal
- Skills supported by Unleash have +1 to maximum number of Seals
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Redeemer's 80 Skills supported by Unleash have +1 to maximum number of Seals
Group: PhysicalDamageTakenAsElement
- #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Redeemer's 68 (8-12)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage Redeemer's 83 (13-15)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Group: PowerChargeOnKillChance
- #% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Redeemer's 68 (4-6)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill Redeemer's 80 (7-10)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
Group: ManaRegeneration
- Regenerate # Mana per second
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Redemption 68 Regenerate (3-5) Mana per second of Redemption 75 Regenerate (6-8) Mana per second
Group: ReducedManaReservationsCost
- #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Redemption 68 (4-6)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills of Redemption 75 (7-10)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Group: LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyColdDamageResistance
- Nearby Enemies have -9% to Cold Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Redemption 85 Nearby Enemies have -9% to Cold Resistance
Group: ChanceToFreeze
- #% chance to Freeze
#% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Redemption 68 (6-8)% chance to Freeze
(8-12)% increased Freeze Duration on Enemiesof Redemption 75 (6-8)% chance to Freeze
(13-15)% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
Group: ChanceToIgnite
- #% chance to Ignite
#% increased Burning Damage Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Redemption 68 (6-8)% chance to Ignite
(15-17)% increased Burning Damageof Redemption 75 (6-8)% chance to Ignite
(18-20)% increased Burning Damage
Group: ChanceToShock
- #% chance to Shock
#% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Redemption 68 (6-8)% chance to Shock
(8-12)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailmentsof Redemption 75 (6-8)% chance to Shock
(13-15)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
Hunter-influenced modifiers
Group: SpellAddedPhysicalDamage
Group: SpellAddedChaosDamage
Group: SpellAddedFireDamageUber
Group: SpellAddedColdDamageUber
Group: PercentageIntelligence
- #% increased Intelligence
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Hunt 68 (6-8)% increased Intelligence of the Hunt 75 (9-10)% increased Intelligence
Group: SingleConflux
- You have Chilling Conflux for # seconds every # seconds
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Hunt 80 You have Chilling Conflux for 3 seconds every 8 seconds of the Hunt 80 You have Igniting Conflux for 3 seconds every 8 seconds of the Hunt 80 You have Shocking Conflux for 3 seconds every 8 seconds
Group: LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyChaosDamageResistance
- Nearby Enemies have -9% to Chaos Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Hunt 85 Nearby Enemies have -9% to Chaos Resistance
Warlord-influenced modifiers
Group: AreaOfEffect
Group: ElementalDamagePercent
Group: PhysicalDamageTakenAsElement
Group: IncreasedMaximumPowerCharges
- +1 to Maximum Power Charges
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Warlord's 75 +1 to Maximum Power Charges
Group: ManaRegeneration
- #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Conquest 68 (41-55)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate of the Conquest 75 (56-70)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Group: LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyFireDamageResistance
- Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Conquest 85 Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance
Group: MinionLife
- Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Conquest 68 Minions have (21-26)% increased maximum Life of the Conquest 70 Minions have (27-30)% increased maximum Life of the Conquest 75 Minions have (31-35)% increased maximum Life
Group: CriticalStrikeMultiplier
- +#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Conquest 68 +(11-13)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier of the Conquest 70 +(14-16)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier of the Conquest 75 +(17-20)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Group: GainAccuracyEqualToStrength
- Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Conquest 75 Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength
Veiled modifiers
Group: BaseLocalDefencesAndLife
- (24-28)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(19-22) to maximum Life Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 (24-28)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(19-22) to maximum Life
Group: MaximumMinionCount
- +1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to maximum number of Skeletons
Minions have (8-10)% increased maximum Life Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 +1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to maximum number of Skeletons
Minions have (8-10)% increased maximum Life
Group: SkillAreaOfEffectPercentAndAreaOfEffectGemLevel
- (8-10)% increased Area of Effect
+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 (8-10)% increased Area of Effect
+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
Group: PhysicalDamageReductionDuringFocus
- (13-15)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 (13-15)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused
Group: WarcryBuffEffect
- (20-25)% increased Warcry Buff Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Korell's 60 (20-25)% increased Warcry Buff Effect
Group: DodgeChanceDuringFocus
- (30-32)% increased Evasion Rating while Focused
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 (30-32)% increased Evasion Rating while Focused
Group: ProjectilePierceAndProjectileGemLevel
- Projectiles Pierce an additional Target
+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 Projectiles Pierce an additional Target
+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
Group: IncreasedMana
- +(55-60) to maximum Mana
Regenerate 33.3 Life per second Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 +(55-60) to maximum Mana
Regenerate 33.3 Life per second
Group: MeleeRangeAndMeleeGemLevel
- +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
+2 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
+2 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
Group: IncreasedLife
- +(55-60) to maximum Life
Regenerate 5.3 Mana per second Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags Chosen 60 +(55-60) to maximum Life
Regenerate 5.3 Mana per second
Group: LightningAndChaosDamageResistance
- +(16-20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(16-20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
Group: Intelligence
- +(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence - +(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
Group: TriggerSocketedSpellWhenYouFocus
- Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
Focus has (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
Focus has (5-8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Group: Dexterity
- +(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(31-35) to Dexterity and Intelligence - +(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
Group: Strength
- +(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(31-35) to Strength and Dexterity - +(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(31-35) to Strength and Intelligence
Group: AvoidElementalDamageChanceDuringSoulGainPrevention
- (10-12)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 (10-12)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention
Group: StatusAilmentsYouInflictDurationWhileFocused
- (36-40)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 (36-40)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused
Group: RareOrUniqueMonsterDroppedItemRarity
- (55-60)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of Janus 60 (55-60)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies
Group: FireAndChaosDamageResistance
- +(16-20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(16-20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
Group: MineLayingSpeed
- (14-16)% increased Mine Throwing Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 (14-16)% increased Mine Throwing Speed
Group: ColdAndChaosDamageResistance
- +(16-20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags of the Order 60 +(16-20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
Corruption implicit modifiers
Group: IncreaseSocketedProjectileGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedProjectileLevelCorrupted 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
Group: IncreaseSocketedColdGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Cold Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedColdGemLevelCorrupted 1 +2 to Level of Socketed Cold Gems
Group: IncreasedSocketedTrapOrMineGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedSocketedTrapOrMineGemLevel 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine Gems
Group: IncreaseSocketedLightningGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedLightningGemLevelCorrupted 1 +2 to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems
Group: IncreaseSocketedDurationGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Duration Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreaseSocketedDurationGemLevel 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Duration Gems
Group: LifeRegenerationRatePercentage
- Regenerate (1.6-2)% of Life per second
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LifeRegenerationRatePercentage 1 Regenerate (1.6-2)% of Life per second
Group: IncreasedMaximumPowerCharges
- +1 to Maximum Power Charges
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedMaximumPowerCharges 60 +1 to Maximum Power Charges
Group: FireDamageLifeLeech
- 0.5% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireDamageLifeLeechPermyriad 50 0.5% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life
Group: IncreaseSocketedCurseGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedCurseLevelCorrupted 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
Group: IncreaseSocketedFireGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedFireGemLevelCorrupted 1 +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems
Group: ColdDamageLifeLeech
- 0.5% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdDamageLifeLeechPermyriad 50 0.5% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life
Group: IncreaseSocketedAuraGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedAuraLevelCorrupted 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Group: MaximumEnergyShieldPercent
- (4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MaximumEnergyShieldPercent 1 (4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
Group: IncreaseSpecificSocketedGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalIncreaseSocketedMinionGemLevel 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
Group: ChillEffect
- (25-30)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChillEffect 40 (25-30)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Group: BurnDamage
- (30-40)% increased Burning Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags BurnDamage 40 (30-40)% increased Burning Damage
Group: SocketedGemsHaveReducedManaCost
- Socketed Skill Gems get a 90% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SocketedSkillsManaMultiplier 1 Socketed Skill Gems get a 90% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
Group: ShockEffect
- (25-30)% increased Effect of Shock
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ShockEffect 40 (25-30)% increased Effect of Shock
Group: LocalSocketedWarcryGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed Warcry Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LocalSocketedWarcryGemLevel 20 +2 to Level of Socketed Warcry Gems
Group: LightningDamageLifeLeech
- 0.5% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningDamageLifeLeechPermyriad 50 0.5% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life
Group: MaximumLifeIncreasePercent
- (4-6)% increased maximum Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MaximumLifeIncreasePercent 1 (4-6)% increased maximum Life
Group: ImmunityToBlind
- Cannot be Blinded
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ImmunityToBlind 1 Cannot be Blinded
Group: IncreasedSocketedAoEGemLevel
- +2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedSocketedAoEGemLevel 20 +2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
Eldritch implicit modifiers
Searing Exarch
Group: IncreasedCastSpeed
- #% increased Cast Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedCastSpeed 75 8% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeed 75 9% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeed 75 10% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeed 75 11% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeed 75 12% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeed 75 13% increased Cast Speed - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Cast Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedCastSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 13% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 14% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Cast Speed - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Cast Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedCastSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 18% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 19% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Cast Speed IncreasedCastSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Cast Speed
Group: DamageTakenGainedAsLife
- #% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (7-8)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (9-10)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (11-12)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (13-14)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (15-16)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (17-18)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (25-26)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (27-28)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (15-16)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (17-18)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (19-20)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (25-26)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (27-28)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (15-16)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (17-18)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (19-20)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (25-26)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (27-28)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life - #% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (7-8)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (9-10)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (11-12)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (13-14)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (15-16)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life PhysicalDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (17-18)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (25-26)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (27-28)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life - #% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (7-8)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (9-10)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (11-12)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (13-14)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (15-16)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (17-18)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (15-16)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (17-18)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (19-20)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life FireDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life - #% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (7-8)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (9-10)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (11-12)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (13-14)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (15-16)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life LightningDamageTakenGainedAsLife 75 (17-18)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (15-16)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (17-18)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (19-20)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life ColdDamageTakenGainedAsLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
Group: MinionLife
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MinionLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (23-25)% increased maximum Life MinionLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (26-28)% increased maximum Life MinionLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (29-31)% increased maximum Life MinionLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (32-33)% increased maximum Life MinionLifeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (34-35)% increased maximum Life - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MinionLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (32-34)% increased maximum Life MinionLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (35-37)% increased maximum Life MinionLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (38-39)% increased maximum Life MinionLifePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (40-41)% increased maximum Life - Minions have #% increased maximum Life
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MinionLife 75 Minions have (14-16)% increased maximum Life MinionLife 75 Minions have (17-19)% increased maximum Life MinionLife 75 Minions have (20-22)% increased maximum Life MinionLife 75 Minions have (23-25)% increased maximum Life MinionLife 75 Minions have (26-27)% increased maximum Life MinionLife 75 Minions have (28-29)% increased maximum Life
Group: SpellAddedElementalDamage
- Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedLightningDamage 75 Adds (2-4) to (34-36) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamage 75 Adds (2-4) to (37-40) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamage 75 Adds (2-4) to (41-44) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamage 75 Adds (2-5) to (45-48) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamage 75 Adds (2-5) to (50-53) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamage 75 Adds (2-6) to (54-59) Lightning Damage to Spells - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedColdDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (13-16) to (25-30) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (14-18) to (28-32) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (15-20) to (30-36) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (17-21) to (34-39) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (18-24) to (37-43) Cold Damage to Spells - Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedFireDamage 75 Adds (10-13) to (20-23) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamage 75 Adds (10-14) to (21-25) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamage 75 Adds (11-15) to (24-27) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamage 75 Adds (13-16) to (26-30) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamage 75 Adds (14-18) to (29-33) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamage 75 Adds (15-20) to (32-36) Fire Damage to Spells - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedFireDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (14-18) to (29-33) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (15-20) to (32-36) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (17-22) to (34-40) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (19-24) to (38-43) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (20-27) to (41-48) Fire Damage to Spells - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedLightningDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (3-8) to (72-78) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (4-8) to (83-90) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (4-10) to (96-103) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (5-11) to (110-119) Lightning Damage to Spells - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedFireDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (20-27) to (41-48) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (23-31) to (47-55) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (27-35) to (54-63) Fire Damage to Spells SpellAddedFireDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (31-40) to (63-72) Fire Damage to Spells - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedLightningDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (2-5) to (50-53) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (2-6) to (54-59) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (3-6) to (60-64) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (3-7) to (66-70) Lightning Damage to Spells SpellAddedLightningDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (3-8) to (72-78) Lightning Damage to Spells - Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedColdDamage 75 Adds (9-11) to (17-20) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamage 75 Adds (10-12) to (19-22) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamage 75 Adds (10-14) to (21-24) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamage 75 Adds (11-15) to (23-27) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamage 75 Adds (13-16) to (25-30) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamage 75 Adds (14-18) to (28-32) Cold Damage to Spells - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedColdDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (18-24) to (37-43) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (21-27) to (42-50) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (24-32) to (48-57) Cold Damage to Spells SpellAddedColdDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (28-36) to (56-65) Cold Damage to Spells
Group: AllDamage
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Damage per Power Charge
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 7% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 7% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 8% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 8% increased Damage per Power Charge - #% increased Damage per Power Charge
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedDamagePerPowerCharge 75 4% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerCharge 75 4% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerCharge 75 5% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerCharge 75 5% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerCharge 75 6% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerCharge 75 6% increased Damage per Power Charge - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Damage per Power Charge
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 5% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 6% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 6% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 7% increased Damage per Power Charge IncreasedDamagePerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 7% increased Damage per Power Charge
Group: SpellAddedPhysicalDamage
- Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedPhysicalDamage 75 Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamage 75 Adds (8-11) to (17-20) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamage 75 Adds (9-12) to (19-22) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamage 75 Adds (10-13) to (21-24) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamage 75 Adds (11-15) to (23-26) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamage 75 Adds (13-16) to (25-29) Physical Damage to Spells - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedPhysicalDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (16-22) to (33-39) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (19-25) to (39-44) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (22-28) to (45-51) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (25-33) to (51-59) Physical Damage to Spells - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedPhysicalDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (11-15) to (23-26) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (13-16) to (25-29) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (13-18) to (28-32) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (15-19) to (31-35) Physical Damage to Spells SpellAddedPhysicalDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (16-22) to (33-39) Physical Damage to Spells
Group: AreaOfEffect
- #% increased Area of Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags AreaOfEffect 75 (7-8)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffect 75 (9-10)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffect 75 (11-12)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffect 75 (13-14)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffect 75 (15-16)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffect 75 (17-18)% increased Area of Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Area of Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags AreaOfEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (23-24)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (25-26)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (27-28)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% increased Area of Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Area of Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags AreaOfEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (15-16)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (17-18)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (19-20)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% increased Area of Effect AreaOfEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% increased Area of Effect
Group: SpellCriticalStrikeChanceIncrease
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellCriticalStrikeChanceUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (43-45)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChanceUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (49-51)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChanceUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (52-54)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChanceUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (55-57)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChanceUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (46-48)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance - #% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellCriticalStrikeChance 75 (28-30)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChance 75 (31-33)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChance 75 (34-36)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChance 75 (37-39)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChance 75 (40-42)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChance 75 (43-45)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellCriticalStrikeChancePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (58-60)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChancePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (61-63)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChancePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (64-66)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance SpellCriticalStrikeChancePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (67-69)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
Group: CurseEffectiveness
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Despair Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectDespairPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Despair Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Despair Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectDespairUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespairUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Despair Curse Effect - #% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectElementalWeakness 75 10% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeakness 75 11% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeakness 75 12% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeakness 75 13% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeakness 75 14% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeakness 75 15% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Punishment Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectPunishmentPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Punishment Curse Effect - #% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectTemporalChains 75 10% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChains 75 11% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChains 75 12% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChains 75 13% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChains 75 14% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChains 75 15% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Flammability Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectFlammabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Flammability Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Flammability Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectFlammabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Flammability Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectConductivityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Conductivity Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectElementalWeaknessPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect - #% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectEnfeeble 75 10% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeble 75 11% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeble 75 12% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeble 75 13% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeble 75 14% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeble 75 15% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Punishment Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectPunishmentUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishmentUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Punishment Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectEnfeebleUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeebleUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeebleUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeebleUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeebleUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectTemporalChainsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectVulnerabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect - #% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectConductivity 75 10% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivity 75 11% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivity 75 12% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivity 75 13% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivity 75 14% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivity 75 15% increased Conductivity Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectVulnerabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerabilityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect - #% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectVulnerability 75 10% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerability 75 11% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerability 75 12% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerability 75 13% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerability 75 14% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect CurseEffectVulnerability 75 15% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectFrostbiteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbiteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbiteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbiteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbiteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Frostbite Curse Effect - #% increased Despair Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectDespair 75 10% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespair 75 11% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespair 75 12% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespair 75 13% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespair 75 14% increased Despair Curse Effect CurseEffectDespair 75 15% increased Despair Curse Effect - #% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectFrostbite 75 10% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbite 75 11% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbite 75 12% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbite 75 13% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbite 75 14% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbite 75 15% increased Frostbite Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectFrostbitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Frostbite Curse Effect CurseEffectFrostbitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Frostbite Curse Effect - #% increased Punishment Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectPunishment 75 10% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishment 75 11% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishment 75 12% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishment 75 13% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishment 75 14% increased Punishment Curse Effect CurseEffectPunishment 75 15% increased Punishment Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectConductivityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Conductivity Curse Effect CurseEffectConductivityPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Conductivity Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectElementalWeaknessUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect CurseEffectElementalWeaknessUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectTemporalChainsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 18% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect CurseEffectTemporalChainsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 19% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect - #% increased Flammability Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectFlammability 75 10% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammability 75 11% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammability 75 12% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammability 75 13% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammability 75 14% increased Flammability Curse Effect CurseEffectFlammability 75 15% increased Flammability Curse Effect - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags CurseEffectEnfeeblePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeblePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeblePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 22% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect CurseEffectEnfeeblePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 23% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
Group: SpellAddedChaosDamage
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedChaosDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (10-14) to (21-25) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (11-15) to (24-27) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (13-16) to (26-30) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (14-18) to (29-33) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds (15-20) to (32-36) Chaos Damage to Spells - Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedChaosDamage 75 Adds (7-10) to (15-17) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamage 75 Adds (8-10) to (16-19) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamage 75 Adds (9-11) to (18-20) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamage 75 Adds (10-13) to (20-23) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamage 75 Adds (10-14) to (21-25) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamage 75 Adds (11-15) to (24-27) Chaos Damage to Spells - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellAddedChaosDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (15-20) to (32-36) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (18-23) to (36-41) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (20-27) to (41-48) Chaos Damage to Spells SpellAddedChaosDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds (23-31) to (47-55) Chaos Damage to Spells
Group: MaximumResistances
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, +#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, +3% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, +3% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, +4% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, +4% to maximum Lightning Resistance - +#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MaximumLightningResistanceImplicit 75 +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicit 75 +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicit 75 +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicit 75 +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicit 75 +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicit 75 +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, +#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, +3% to maximum Lightning Resistance MaximumLightningResistanceImplicitUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, +3% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Group: ManaCostReduction
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedAttackManaCostUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (28-27)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (30-29)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (32-31)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (34-33)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (36-35)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedAttackManaCostPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (36-35)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (38-37)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (40-39)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCostPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (42-41)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks - #% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedAttackManaCost 75 (20-19)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCost 75 (22-21)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCost 75 (24-23)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCost 75 (26-25)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCost 75 (28-27)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks ReducedAttackManaCost 75 (30-29)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
Group: MinionMovementSpeed
- Minions have #% increased Movement Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MinionRunSpeed 75 Minions have (11-12)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeed 75 Minions have (13-14)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeed 75 Minions have (15-16)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeed 75 Minions have (17-18)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeed 75 Minions have (19-20)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeed 75 Minions have (21-22)% increased Movement Speed
Group: MinionRunSpeed
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased Movement Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MinionRunSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (16-18)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (19-21)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (22-24)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (25-26)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have (27-28)% increased Movement Speed - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased Movement Speed
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags MinionRunSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (25-27)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (28-30)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (31-32)% increased Movement Speed MinionRunSpeedPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have (33-34)% increased Movement Speed
Eater of Worlds
Group: LightningResistancePenetration
- Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 4% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 4% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 5% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 5% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 6% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 6% Lightning Resistance - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 9% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 9% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags LightningResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 6% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 7% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 7% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 8% Lightning Resistance LightningResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 8% Lightning Resistance
Group: FireResistancePenetration
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 7% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 7% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 8% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 8% Fire Resistance - Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 5% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 5% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags FireResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 9% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 9% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance FireResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance
Group: ReducedSelfIgniteDuration
- #% reduced Ignite Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf 75 (33-35)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf 75 (36-38)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf 75 (39-41)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf 75 (42-44)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf 75 (45-47)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelf 75 (48-50)% reduced Ignite Duration on you - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Ignite Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (45-47)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (48-50)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (51-53)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (54-57)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (58-61)% reduced Ignite Duration on you - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Ignite Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (57-59)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (60-62)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (63-66)% reduced Ignite Duration on you ReducedIgniteDurationOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (67-70)% reduced Ignite Duration on you
Group: ReducedManaReservationsCost
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ManaReservationEfficiencyUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 11% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 13% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 14% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills - #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ManaReservationEfficiency 75 7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiency 75 8% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiency 75 9% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiency 75 10% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiency 75 11% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiency 75 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ManaReservationEfficiencyPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 16% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 17% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills ManaReservationEfficiencyPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 18% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Group: ColdResistancePenetration
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 9% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 9% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 10% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 10% Cold Resistance - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 6% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 7% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 7% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 8% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetrationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates 8% Cold Resistance - Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ColdResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 4% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 4% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 5% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 5% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 6% Cold Resistance ColdResistancePenetration 75 Damage Penetrates 6% Cold Resistance
Group: ChanceToFreeze
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% chance to Freeze
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToFreezePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 35% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 40% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 45% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 50% chance to Freeze - #% chance to Freeze
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToFreeze 75 5% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreeze 75 10% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreeze 75 15% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreeze 75 20% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreeze 75 25% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreeze 75 30% chance to Freeze - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% chance to Freeze
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToFreezeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 20% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 25% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 30% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 35% chance to Freeze ChanceToFreezeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 40% chance to Freeze
Group: PhysicalDamageTakenAsElement
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage - #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage - #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage - #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsLightningUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsColdUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 11% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUberPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 9% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsChaosUberUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage - #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUber 75 6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUber 75 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage PhysicalDamageTakenAsFireUber 75 8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Group: IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies
- #% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies 75 (14-16)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies 75 (17-19)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies 75 (20-22)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies 75 (23-25)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies 75 (26-27)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemies 75 (28-29)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-25)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (26-28)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (29-31)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (32-33)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (34-35)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (32-34)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (35-37)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (38-39)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments IncreasedAilmentEffectOnEnemiesPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (40-41)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
Group: AttackDamage
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Attack Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags AttackDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (44-46)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (47-49)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (50-51)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (52-53)% increased Attack Damage - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Attack Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags AttackDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (29-31)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (32-34)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (35-37)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (38-39)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (40-41)% increased Attack Damage - #% increased Attack Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags AttackDamage 75 (14-16)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamage 75 (17-19)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamage 75 (20-22)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamage 75 (23-25)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamage 75 (26-27)% increased Attack Damage AttackDamage 75 (28-29)% increased Attack Damage
Group: SpellDamage
- #% increased Spell Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellDamage 75 (14-16)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamage 75 (17-19)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamage 75 (20-22)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamage 75 (23-25)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamage 75 (26-27)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamage 75 (28-29)% increased Spell Damage - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (29-31)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (32-34)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (35-37)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (38-39)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamageUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (40-41)% increased Spell Damage - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Damage
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags SpellDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (44-46)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (47-49)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (50-51)% increased Spell Damage SpellDamagePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (52-53)% increased Spell Damage
Group: ShockEffect
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Effect of Shock on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedShockEffectOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (59-57)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (62-60)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (66-63)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (70-67)% reduced Effect of Shock on you - #% reduced Effect of Shock on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedShockEffectOnSelf 75 (35-33)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelf 75 (38-36)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelf 75 (41-39)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelf 75 (44-42)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelf 75 (47-45)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelf 75 (50-48)% reduced Effect of Shock on you - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Effect of Shock on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedShockEffectOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (47-45)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (50-48)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (53-51)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (57-54)% reduced Effect of Shock on you ReducedShockEffectOnSelfUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (61-58)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
Group: ChanceToIgnite
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% chance to Ignite
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToIgnitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 35% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 40% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 45% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnitePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 50% chance to Ignite - #% chance to Ignite
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToIgnite 75 5% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnite 75 10% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnite 75 15% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnite 75 20% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnite 75 25% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgnite 75 30% chance to Ignite - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% chance to Ignite
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToIgniteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 20% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgniteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 25% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgniteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 30% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgniteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 35% chance to Ignite ChanceToIgniteUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 40% chance to Ignite
Group: IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 6% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 6% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 6% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 7% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargeUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 7% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 7% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 7% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 8% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerChargePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 8% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge - #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge 75 5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge 75 5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge 75 5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge 75 5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge 75 6% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge IncreasedManaRegenerationPerPowerCharge 75 6% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
Group: IncreasedAilmentDuration
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedAilmentDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29-30)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (31-32)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (33-34)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (35-36)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies - #% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedAilmentDuration 75 (13-14)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDuration 75 (15-16)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDuration 75 (17-18)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDuration 75 (19-20)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDuration 75 (21-22)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDuration 75 (23-24)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags IncreasedAilmentDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21-22)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23-24)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (25-26)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (27-28)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies IncreasedAilmentDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (29-30)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
Group: ManaRegeneration
- #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ManaRegeneration 75 (19-21)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegeneration 75 (22-24)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegeneration 75 (25-27)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegeneration 75 (28-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegeneration 75 (31-33)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegeneration 75 (34-36)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ManaRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (49-51)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (52-54)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (55-57)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (58-60)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ManaRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (34-36)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (37-39)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (40-42)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (43-45)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate ManaRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (46-48)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Group: EnemyLifeRegenerationRate
- While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have #% reduced Life Regeneration rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnemyLifeRegenerationRatePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (91-89)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRatePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (94-92)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRatePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (97-95)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRatePinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (100-98)% reduced Life Regeneration rate - Enemies you've Hit Recently have #% reduced Life Regeneration rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnemyLifeRegenerationRate 75 Enemies you've Hit Recently have (67-65)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRate 75 Enemies you've Hit Recently have (70-68)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRate 75 Enemies you've Hit Recently have (73-71)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRate 75 Enemies you've Hit Recently have (76-74)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRate 75 Enemies you've Hit Recently have (79-77)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRate 75 Enemies you've Hit Recently have (82-80)% reduced Life Regeneration rate - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have #% reduced Life Regeneration rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnemyLifeRegenerationRateUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (79-77)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRateUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (82-80)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRateUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (85-83)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRateUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (88-86)% reduced Life Regeneration rate EnemyLifeRegenerationRateUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have (91-89)% reduced Life Regeneration rate
Group: ReducedFreezeDuration
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Freeze Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedFreezeDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (45-47)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (48-50)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (51-53)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (54-57)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (58-61)% reduced Freeze Duration on you - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Freeze Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedFreezeDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (57-59)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (60-62)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (63-66)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDurationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (67-70)% reduced Freeze Duration on you - #% reduced Freeze Duration on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ReducedFreezeDuration 75 (33-35)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDuration 75 (36-38)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDuration 75 (39-41)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDuration 75 (42-44)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDuration 75 (45-47)% reduced Freeze Duration on you ReducedFreezeDuration 75 (48-50)% reduced Freeze Duration on you
Group: IncreasedEnergyShield
- #% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnergyShieldFromGlovesBoots 75 (33-35)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBoots 75 (36-38)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBoots 75 (39-41)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBoots 75 (42-44)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBoots 75 (45-47)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBoots 75 (48-50)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots - While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (45-47)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (48-50)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (51-53)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (54-57)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (58-61)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (57-59)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (60-62)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (63-66)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots EnergyShieldFromGlovesBootsPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (67-70)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
Group: ChanceToShock
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% chance to Shock
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToShockUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 20% chance to Shock ChanceToShockUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 25% chance to Shock ChanceToShockUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 30% chance to Shock ChanceToShockUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 35% chance to Shock ChanceToShockUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 40% chance to Shock - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% chance to Shock
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToShockPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 35% chance to Shock ChanceToShockPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 40% chance to Shock ChanceToShockPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 45% chance to Shock ChanceToShockPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 50% chance to Shock - #% chance to Shock
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ChanceToShock 75 5% chance to Shock ChanceToShock 75 10% chance to Shock ChanceToShock 75 15% chance to Shock ChanceToShock 75 20% chance to Shock ChanceToShock 75 25% chance to Shock ChanceToShock 75 30% chance to Shock
Group: EnergyShieldRegeneration
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnergyShieldRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 26% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 27% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 28% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 29% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate - #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnergyShieldRegeneration 75 21% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegeneration 75 22% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegeneration 75 23% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegeneration 75 24% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegeneration 75 25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegeneration 75 26% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags EnergyShieldRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 29% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 30% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 31% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate EnergyShieldRegenerationPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 32% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Group: ArcaneSurgeEffect
- While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ArcaneSurgeEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (14-15)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (16-17)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (18-19)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (20-21)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectUniquePresence 75 While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (22-23)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you - While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ArcaneSurgeEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (22-23)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (24-25)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (26-27)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffectPinnaclePresence 75 While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (28-29)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you - #% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
Modifier Req. lvl. Stats Tags ArcaneSurgeEffect 75 (6-7)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffect 75 (8-9)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffect 75 (10-11)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffect 75 (12-13)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffect 75 (14-15)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you ArcaneSurgeEffect 75 (16-17)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you