Replica Wings of Entropy Ezomyte AxeTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (139.2-156.6) to (209.6-235.8) Critical Strike Chance: 5.70% Attacks per Second: 1.35 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 62, 140 Str, 86 Dex(7-10)% Chance to BlockSpell Damage +(8-12)% Chance to BlockAttack Damage while Dual Wielding (60-80)% increased Physical Damage Counts as Dual Wielding +(8-10)% to Off Hand Critical Strike Chance (50-70)% more Main Hand attack speed"The remarkable imbalance of Prototype #848 leads to uncommon power or speed when striking."
Acquisition Drop restricted Replicas can be obtained from Curio Displays in the final reward rooms of any Grand Heist.Vendor Offer 8x Alchemy Shard 8x Alteration ShardWeapon DPS Physical: (235.4-264.9) Phys+Chaos: (235.4-264.9) Total: (235.4-264.9)Metadata Item class: Two-Handed Axe
Replica Wings of Entropy is a uniqueEzomyte AxeEzomyte AxeTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: 87-131 Critical Strike Chance: 5.70% Attacks per Second: 1.35 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 62, 140 Str, 86 Dex. It is the replica version of Wings of EntropyWings of Entropy Ezomyte AxeTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (139.2-156.6) to (209.6-235.8) Critical Strike Chance: 5.70% Attacks per Second: 1.35 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 62, 140 Str, 86 Dex(7-10)% Chance to BlockSpell Damage +(8-12)% Chance to BlockAttack Damage while Dual Wielding (60-80)% increased Physical Damage Adds (75-100) to (165-200) Fire Damage in Main Hand Adds (75-100) to (165-200) Chaos Damage in Off Hand Counts as Dual WieldingFire and Anarchy are the most reliable agents of change..
Counts as Dual Wielding: Using Wings of Entropy counts as dual wielding, and therefore it benefits from the more attack speed and additional block chance of dual wielding. It also benefits from any modifiers pertaining to either dual wielding or two-handed weapons, but not one-handed weapons. However, it cannot be used to perform skills that require a two-handed weapon, such as SweepSweepAttack, AoE, Melee Level: (1-20) Cost: (9-14) Mana Attack Speed: 70% of base Attack Damage: (289-664)% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: (289-664)% AoE Radius: 26Requires Level 12Swings a two handed melee weapon in a circle, knocking back monsters around the character.Knocks Enemies Back on Hit +(0-0.4) metres to radius
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0.02-0.4) metres to radiusPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.. Wings of Entropy also opens new possibilities for skill and support choices because it provides the potential for dual wielding with a six-linked weapon, an option not normally available since one-handed weapons can have at most three sockets.
Main hand and off hand: Since Wings of Entropy counts as dual-wielding, each of the main and off hand weapon damages can be modified separately. Allocating the Ambidexterity passive skill will modify each hand separately.
Item acquisition
Replica Wings of Entropy has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.
Replicas can be obtained from Curio Displays in the final reward rooms of any Grand Heist.
Replica Wings of Entropy can be created from the following recipes:
The Forward GazeThe Forward Gaze6Replica Item"When they realize our true intent, they will decry us, assault us, and try to crush what we have built. We must stand tall, Qotra, and make the future our own."
Random replica item
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.