Choir of the Damned

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Choir of the Damned
Ascendancy Notable Passive Skill
Grants Level 20 Pacify Skill

Choir of the Damned is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Warlock of the Mists that grants the Penance Mark skill.

Penance Mark is a mark curse that targets a single enemy, causing them to spawn multiple enemy phantasms when hit with a cooldown of # seconds. Spawned phantasms match the marked enemy's monster level, cast a physical projectile spell, and are immune to curses. As the phantasms are considered enemies, they can be used to proc on-hit and on-kill effects in situations with few or no additional enemies, such as pinnacle boss encounters.

Penance Mark shares the limit of 1 mark with other mark skills.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.