Master Fletcher

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Master Fletcher
Notable Passive Skill
Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow [1]

Master Fletcher is a notable passive skill that grants an additional arrow.


Blight anointment to unlock the passive:

Oil #1Oil #2Oil #3Outcome
Sepia OilCrimson OilSilver OilMaster Fletcher
Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Master Fletcher Notable Passive Skill no longer provides 15% increased Attack Speed with Bows, 20% increased Accuracy Rating with Bows, or 20% increased Projectile Speed.
  • It now has "Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow".
  • The three small Passive Skills prior no longer each provide 10% increased Damage with Bows, 4% increased Attack Speed with Bows, or 10% increased Damage Over Time with Bow Skills. Instead, they now each provide 5% increased Attack Speed with Bows.
  • The entry small Passive Skill for the Master Fletcher cluster no longer provides 6% increased Accuracy Rating with Bows. It now provides 12% increased Damage with Bows (previously 10%), and 12% increased Damage Over Time with Bow Skills (previously 10%).
  • Now requires Sepia OilSepia OilStack Size: 10
    Oil Tier: 2
    Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
    x1, Crimson OilCrimson OilStack Size: 10
    Oil Tier: 9
    Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
    x1 and Silver OilSilver OilStack Size: 10
    Oil Tier: 12
    Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
    x1 to anoint,[1] previously used by Deadly Draw
  • No longer grants 20% increased Arrow Speed.
    • Instead, it now grants 20% increased Projectile Speed.
  • All the following changes are announced via Passive Skill Tree JSON
    • Now grants 15% increased Attack Speed with Bows (up from 12%).
    • No longer grants 20% increased Global Accuracy Rating.
      • Instead, it now grants 20% increased Accuracy Rating with Bows.
    • No longer grants 12% increased Damage with Bows.
    • No longer grants 12% increased Damage Over Time with Bow Skills.
  • Now able to be allocated via anointment: Sepia OilSepia OilStack Size: 10
    Oil Tier: 2
    Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
    x1, Verdant OilVerdant OilStack Size: 10
    Oil Tier: 4
    Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
    x1 and Crimson OilCrimson OilStack Size: 10
    Oil Tier: 9
    Can be combined with other Oils at Cassia to Enchant Rings or Amulets, or to modify Blighted Maps.
  • All the following changes are announced via Passive Skill Tree JSON
    • Now grants 12% increased Attack Speed with Bows.
    • Now grants 20% increased Arrow Speed.
    • Now grants 20% increased Global Accuracy Rating.
    • No longer grants 24% increased Physical Damage with Bows.
      • Instead, it now grants 12% increased Damage with Bows.
    • No longer grants 10% chance to Poison on Hit with Attacks.
      • Instead, it now grants 12% increased Damage Over Time with Bow Skills.
    • No longer grants 24% increased Damage with Ailments from Attack Skills while wielding a Bow.
  • Added Master Fletcher between the Duelist and Ranger. It grants chance to Poison on Hit with Attacks and increases to Bow damage.


  1. 3.21 passive skill tree JSON released by GGG in the github
  2. Natalia_GGG (September 6, 2019). "Anointing Enchantments Table in Path of Exile: Blight". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved August 2, 2023.