Replica Fragile Bloom
Crimson JewelLimited to: 1Maximum 5 Fragile Regrowth
0.7% of Life Regenerated per second per Fragile Regrowth
Gain up to maximum Fragile Regrowth when Hit
Lose 1 Fragile Regrowth each second"Distribute Prototype #723 to the guards. Perhaps their survival rate will increase."Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Drop disabledVendor Offer
6x Alchemy ShardMetadata
Item class: Jewel
Replica Fragile Bloom is a unique Crimson JewelCrimson JewelPlace into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.. It is the replica version of Fragile BloomFragile Bloom
Crimson JewelLimited to: 1Maximum 10 Fragile Regrowth
0.7% of Life Regenerated per second per Fragile Regrowth
Lose all Fragile Regrowth when Hit
Gain 1 Fragile Regrowth each secondThe first green shoots of Spring are the most resilient,
and the most vulnerable.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket..
Item acquisition
Replica Fragile Bloom is drop disabled.
Version history
Prior to version 3.20.0, Replica Fragile Bloom could be obtained from the Curio Display in the final reward rooms of LaboratoryBlueprint: LaboratoryArea Level: (?-83)
Wings Revealed: (1-4)/(2-4)
Escape Routes Revealed: (2-8)/(4-8)
Reward Rooms Revealed: #/<random>
Requires <random Rogue skill> (Level (1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist. or Prohibited LibraryBlueprint: Prohibited LibraryArea Level: (?-83)
Wings Revealed: (1-4)/(2-4)
Escape Routes Revealed: (2-8)/(4-8)
Reward Rooms Revealed: #/<random>
Requires <random Rogue skill> (Level (1-5))Use Intelligence to Reveal additional Wings and Rooms by talking to certain NPCs in the Rogue Harbour. Give this Blueprint to Adiyah to embark on the Grand Heist. Grand Heists.
Version | Changes |
3.20.0 |
3.12.0 |