Receiving damage

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Hit & damage calculation order of effects

There are a number of steps involved in deciding whether an attack hits or not and how much damage is done:

1) Avoiding the hit:

2) Avoiding the damage:

3) Mitigating the damage:

4) Taking the damage:

  • Non-chaos damage is removed from Energy Shield until it's depleted
  • Any remaining damage (including all chaos) is removed from Life

Calculating Damage from gear and passives

The general principles of modifier stacking applies here: all additive mods described by increased and decreased/reduced are summed together, and all multiplicative mods described by more, less, and damage-effectiveness are multiplied together. The general formula is therefore:

  • Final damage = (base damage) * (100% from base + all additive mods that apply ) * ( all multiplicative mods )

Let's use an easy and complicated scenario. Here's a character build that you might encounter.

  • I'm a 2-handed sword templar. I will use a 50-100 physical damage sword to level-11 Cleave my enemies, with no support gems. I have:
    • +30% increased physical damage from passives
    • +20% increased physical damage from having 100 strength
    • and no other gear that boosts physical damage (the sword itself has mods, but these are all pre-calculated into the 50-100 range).
    • 70% damage effectiveness from Cleave itself.
    • +30% increased physical damage from level-11 Cleave.
  • We collect all the additives and multipliers together. This yields:
    • Max physical damage = 100 * ( 1.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.3 ) * (0.7) = 126.

  • Now, I want to use (all level-11) Infernal Blow (IB) + Added Fire Damage (AFD) + Melee Physical Damage with the same sword, using the same physical passives. I'll need to include my elemental damage mods now:
    • +50% increased elemental damage from weapons due to the Catalyse cluster.
    • +10% fire damage amulet.
    • 125% Damage effectiveness from IB itself.
    • 50% physical damage converted to fire damage.
    • +30% increased physical damage from lvl-11 IB.
    • added 30% fire damage from lvl-11 AFD.
    • 40% more damage from lvl-11 melee phys.
  • Damage conversion of IB and damage addition of AFD both work on the assumption that the fire damage originally started out as physical damage (this is important!). This means that they can benefit from your physical passives as well.
  • So we again collect the mods. I'll put the elemental portion in bold, and calculate the AFD separately:
    • Max physical damage of IB = 50 * ( 1.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.3 ) * ( 1.25 * 1.4 ) = 157.5
    • Max fire damage of IB = 50 * ( 1.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.5 + 0.1 ) * ( 1.25 * 1.4 ) = 210
    • Max Fire damage of AFD = 30 * ( 1.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.5 + 0.1 ) * ( 1.25 * 1.4 ) = 126
    • Total = 157.5 + 210 + 126 = 493.5
  • So we find that 30% added are fire damage is of the original 100% physical weapon damage, and not the 50% after IB conversion.

While you might think of calculating the physical damage first, converting it to fire, and then include the elemental additive mods... this leads to a much higher value and goes against the mod stacking philosophy. In general, you can look at a given component and ask: "has this damage ever been X?" If it has been physical because, e.g., you fired the poison arrow from a bow, then +% projectile counts, +% phys from bows count (, etc.) towards your added chaos damage as well as physical damage.